Cogniva's C3 Software Full Features

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Cogniva's C3 Software Full Features

Ph. +1 (819) 776-2666Fax. +1 (819) 771-7209


283 Alexandre-Taché, Suite F-3050Ganeau, Canada

The C3 Soware Suite is an innovave, unified tool for organizing enterprise informaon and ensuring strict regulatory complianceacross mulple plaorms and repositories.

C3 allows you to manage all of your IM tasks and leverage your valued informaon assets right from your desktop with a revoluonary add-on that integrates seamlessly with Microso Suite and/or any Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS) such as SharePoint, Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS) such as SharePoint, Open Text Content Server and more than 40 different plaorms.

A Refined Methodology

What is the C3 Soware Suite?

As a leading provider of enterprise content management soluons, Cogniva delivers products and services that help organizaons to beer describe, organize and manage corporate informaon and knowledge.

The C3 Soware suite can be used with your current Enterprise Informaon Architecture or opmized with the C3 Methodology. A proven and cost-effecvemethodology for analyzing and structuring your organizaonal content & informaonby providing a single,comprehensive and coherent model.

Our approach allows you to manage your informaon while respecng compliance rules, records retenon & disposion policies. The resulng compliance rules, records retenon & disposion policies. The resulng Muldimensional Informaon Architecture covers the enre IM lifecycle, ulizing our informaon “cradle to grave” processes.

Organizaonal Benefits

1. Organizes Enterprise Informaon

2. Tool Independent

3. Improves Compliance & Records Management

4. Improves Search & Discovery

5. Intelligent Migraon

Ph. +1 (819) 776-2666Fax. +1 (819) 771-7209


283 Alexandre-TachéGaneau, Canada

Plaorm Agnosc Informaon Architecture

The C3 Classifier helps beer describe the semanc content and business context of informaon assets as per a coherent Informaon Architecture with an interface that seamlessly integrates with a range of content-creaon plaorms

Intelligent Metadata TaggingIntelligent Metadata Tagging

Makes the life of end-users easier by enhancing automaon of the metadata tagging process through a patented semanc engine. An added level of automaon is added by incorporang an auto-classificaon component built on the C3 data model.

Integrated Mul-lingual ThesaurusIntegrated Mul-lingual Thesaurus

The C3 integrated thesaurus not only provides the capability of tagging informaon in mulple languages but it also allows users to operate with familiar vocabulary while ensuring documents are sll tagged with official corporate terms.

Easy Taxonomy Management

The C3 Designer features a simple taxonomy builder The C3 Designer features a simple taxonomy builder that helps informaon managers easily create, manage and modify facets and facet-hierarchies, as well as terms in the Mullingual Thesaurus. Taxonomies can be imported and exported to various formats.

Semanc Relaonships

With C3, metadata is interconnected through sets of user-defined semanc relaonships, providing your user-defined semanc relaonships, providing your organizaon with a more efficient informaon architecture that beer “understands” its content.

Decentralized Collaborave Governance

C3 fosters collaborave governance by providing both informaon managers and end-users with tools to edit taxonomies, create new semanc relaonships and build on their thesauri and knowledge maps.

Governance DashboardGovernance Dashboard

Users can send suggeson for new terms, thesaurus entries or new metadata fields to the OPI responsible of a secon of the C3 meta model. The OPI can accept or reject suggeson through a Governance dashboard. Changes will immediately be reflected on all systems connected to connected to C3.

C3 Meta Model Synchronised with Organizaonal Changes

The governance features of C3 ensure that its core informaon architecture is synchronized with organizaonal changes. The C3 model will evolve with the organizaon avoiding costly frequent redesigns.costly frequent redesigns.


C3 Soware Suite Full Feature List Descripon

Ph. +1 (819) 776-2666Fax. +1 (819) 771-7209


283 Alexandre-TachéGaneau, Canada

Smart Roung

Content can be automacally “pushed” to different locaons specified through pre-established rules. Locaons can be in different systems (i.e: SharePoint, Shared Drives, Open Text Content Server, etc…).

Email Integraon

Allows users to classify emails from within MS Outlook Allows users to classify emails from within MS Outlook and send emails and aachments to a specific locaon in the appropriate Content Repository.

Desktop Classifier

Allows users to select sets of files through Windows Explorer, classify them using C3 and automacally route them to a specific locaon in the appropriate Content Repository.Content Repository.

Faceted Search

The Faceted Search Engine enhances an organizaon’s search-and-retrieval capacity by enabling thesaurusenabled searches from different perspecves over mulple plaorms

Knowledge Search

The C3 Classifier allows users to create a dynamic The C3 Classifier allows users to create a dynamic and easily-searchable “knowledge map” by connecngindividuals to topics and business contexts they are knowledgeable about, which improves organizaonal clarity

Compliance Rules Engine

C3 automacally applies pre-established compliance rules with internal and external regulatory standards to content as it is created, ensuring compliance while freeing end-users from this me-consuming task. Compliance rules can be of various natures (i.e.: lifecycle management, security, public (i.e.: lifecycle management, security, public access, FOI/ATIP).

Transparent Records Management

Makes lifecycle and records management transparent to end-users

Legal Citaons Management

Supports the management of citaons to legislaon, policy or decisions that jusfy the retenon and policy or decisions that jusfy the retenon and disposion compliance rules specified in the C3 modules. The Citaon module is plaorm agnosc.

Legacy File-Plan Mapping

The File-Plan Service improves your SharePoint experience by accurately mapping your exisng file plan with your informaon architecture, integrang your file-sharing and IM tools into a integrang your file-sharing and IM tools into a single, efficient and maintainable enty.