Codes and conventions

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Codes and conventions




DEVON LIFE• The large white font used for the

masthead isn’t age specific and helps the magazine maintain a formal edge.

• The image used is of a beautiful view representative of the subject location for the magazine.

• The barcode is situated in the bottom corner of the page in order to keep a large proportion of the centre image unblocked.

• The advertisement is simplistic and avoids complex text. The picture is of the product on a white backdrop which forces the reader to focus primarily on the product as opposed to the background.

• The brand featured in the magazine is a globally recognised label. This may be representative of the demographic

• This contents page is extremely image based. This both visually stimulating and informative of the issue’s content.

• Simple and consistent colour scheme (black font, white background) ensures the formality of the brand is carried through.

• Only one quarter of the page has been set aside for advertisements and promotional posters.

CORNWALL LIFE• Bold white font establishes a formal

impression and doesn’t overwhelm the page.

• Attractive imagery – scenery shot would appeal to the local demographic as it boasts a landscape near to their own interests.

• Advertising bands are located at the top and bottom of the page to help entice the potential buyer

• Pink boxes draw the audiences view toward the top most advertisements.

• The double paged advert is for a business that is local and therefore relevant and accessible to the ideal reader, this is potentially an attractive feature.

• Relatively text heavy, this could be extremely informative, or it could possibly deter readers as it takes away from the visual stimulation produced by the products images.

• Cornwall life has opted for an extremely image centred contents page. This is both attractive and informative of the inside content. Imagery is used to illustrate the different features present in this particular issue.

• Only a third of the page is dedicated to the content listing. The font used on the front cover is continued throughout the issue.

YORKSHIRE LIFE• The use of Land Rover

advertisement may be locally relevant. Yorkshire is relatively rural and therefore would have a larger market for off road vehicles. Furthermore, the image used for the advert isn’t too dissimilar to the image of Yorkshire used on the front cover, basic alignment. Is visually attractive.

• Simplistic and not text heavy. Eye catching and smart.

• Yorkshire life has used a very beautiful image of a harbour for this issues front cover. A consistent white font tone is used which prevents the tackiness often created by vast splashes of different colour.

• Strapline/sell line situated in a brightly coloured circle to be brand assertive, ‘The Counties NO1 Quality Magazine’.

• Simple columns used to keep the pages layout formal and tidy.

• One third of the page is used for unrelated local advertisement.

• The page features an attractive coupon for a discounted price on the next addition. This will help to entice potential buyers. Several images have been introduced to help break apart the text heavy page.

KENT LIFE• Kent life has employed a dark red font to

inject a regal theme into the front cover of the magazine. This would correspond with the image selected for this particular issue.

• In addition to this, the magazines opening page is boasting an interview with a well known comedienne and celebrity. This will help pull in potential buyers who may be fans of the featured celebrity.

• Lippmann points out that stereotypes are often used to represent a broad area. In this case, Kent is being shown by an upper class establishment

• Once again simplicity is employed to boast an individual product to its full potential. This helps the reader to focus primarily on the item as opposed to a distracting back drop that isn’t in fact relevant.

• There is very little in the way of dense paragraphs and blocks of textual information. Instead there is only a product names and contact information ie. Website, location.

• A colour scheme, pink, has been used consistently on the page keeping the visual properties simple and neat.

• The pictures used tempt the potential reader by using interesting themes or as previously mentioned, a celebrity feature.

• Each and every feature/ page description is relatively detailed and explanatory.

SURREY LIFE• Surrey life magazine has taken an

unusual approach for a regional magazine. It features a celebrity (Sir Michael Caine), as the main feature for its cover. Words such as exclusive aid the pull factor by ensuring the reader that the famous individual has spoken directly to their local magazine and clearly has some interest in their region.

• Formal font with tidy white colour scheme

• Surrey life magazine has opted for a home ware based advertisement on their opening page. The designer value is perhaps relevant to the notoriously wealthy area.

• The ad uses a single dominant picture with little text ensuring that is attractive and not dull to the viewer. Only the brand and strapline are featured in the bottom corner of the page.

• Surrey life has an extremely text heavy contents page. Although this is informative, it isn’t particularly attractive to someone browsing through.

• The images used will however attract people to certain sections of the magazine. For example those interested in Sir Michael Caine’s input in this months issue can quickly find the page number.