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Transcript of CODE OF ETHICS1.ppt

  • 8/20/2019 CODE OF ETHICS1.ppt


    Professional Code of Ethics


    January 2011

  • 8/20/2019 CODE OF ETHICS1.ppt




    Engineering Institutions - Code of

    Ethics IESL - Code of Ethics

    Professional Conduct

    Disciplinary Procedures


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    The discipline dealing with what is good and badThe discipline dealing with what is good and badand with !oral duty and obligationand with !oral duty and obligation

    The principles of conduct go"erning an indi"idualThe principles of conduct go"erning an indi"idual

    or group #professionals$or group #professionals$

    The "alue structure that guides the actions of aThe "alue structure that guides the actions of a

    person whether indi"idual or corporate inperson whether indi"idual or corporate inhis%her%their dealings with any other person orhis%her%their dealings with any other person orwith society in general&with society in general&


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    Professional Practice


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    +hy ha"e a Code of Ethics,+hy ha"e a Code of Ethics,

    to define accepted%acceptable beha"ioursto define accepted%acceptable beha"iours

    to pro!ote high standards of practiceto pro!ote high standards of practice

    to pro"ide a bench!ar. for !e!bers toto pro"ide a bench!ar. for !e!bers touse for self e"aluationuse for self e"aluation

    to establish a fra!ewor. for professionalto establish a fra!ewor. for professional

    beha"iour and responsibilitiesbeha"iour and responsibilities as a "ehicle for occupational identityas a "ehicle for occupational identity

    as a !ar. of occupational !aturity&as a !ar. of occupational !aturity&


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    So!e Engineering Codes of

    Ethics % Conduct

    European 0ederation of 1ational

    Engineering ssociations 30E1I4

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics

    Engineers 3IEEE4

     !erican Society of Ci"il Engineers



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    0E1I Code of Conduct0E1I Code of Conduct

    Ethical Principle The decisions and actions of engineers ha"e a large

    impact on the enironment and on society! Theengineering profession thus has an obligation to ensure

    that it wor.s in the pu"lic interest and with regard forhealth# safety and sustaina"ility&

    $rame%or& Statement 1ational associations of engineers and 0E1I with

    regard to E67I1( registrants ha"e codes of conductwhich ha"e !uch in co!!on and which ha"e the intentof i!ple!enting the abo"e ethical principle& s a result ofthis con"ergence the European engineering professionas a whole can !a.e a uni"ersal state!ent regardingthe conduct of professional engineers&


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    0E1I Code of Conduct0E1I Code of Conduct

    Individual engineers have a personal obligation to act with integrity, in the

     public interest , and to exercise all reasonable skill and care in carrying outtheir work.

    In so doing engineers:

    Shall maintain their relevant competences at the necessary level and only 

    undertake tasks for which they are competent 

    Shall not misrepresent their educational qualifications or professional titles Shall provide impartial analysis and judgement to employer or clients, avoid 

    conflicts of interest, and observe proper duties of confidentiality  Shall carry out their tasks so as to prevent avoidable danger to health and 

    safety, and prevent avoidable adverse impact on the environment  Shall accept appropriate responsibility for their work and that carried out 

    under their supervision Shall respect the personal rights of people with whom they work and the

    legal and cultural values of the societies in which they carry outassignments

    Shall be prepared to contribute to public debate on matters of technical 

    understanding in fields in which they are competent to comment 


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    0E1I Code of Conduct0E1I Code of Conduct

    Codes of Conduct

    The pan-European state!ent on engineering ethics andconduct presented abo"e is best i!ple!ented throughthe codes issued by national engineering associations&

    These codes can and in general already do incorporatethe listed ob:ecti"es in a for! which reflects national

    circu!stances and allow additional ob:ecti"es to beadded as re;uired by national practice&

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     +e the !e!bers of the IEEE in recognition of the i!portance of+e the !e!bers of the IEEE in recognition of the i!portance of ourourtechnologies in affecting the 'uality of lifetechnologies in affecting the 'uality of life throughout the world and inthroughout the world and inaccepting aaccepting a personal o"ligationpersonal o"ligation to our profession its !e!bers and theto our profession its !e!bers and thecommunities %e serecommunities %e sere do hereby co!!it oursel"es to the highest ethical and do hereby co!!it oursel"es to the highest ethical andprofessional conduct and agree=professional conduct and agree=

    to accept responsibility in ! decisions consistent with the safety health andto accept responsibility in ! decisions consistent with the safety health andwelfare of the public and to disclose pro!ptly factors that !ight endanger thewelfare of the public and to disclose pro!ptly factors that !ight endanger the

    public or the en"iron!entpublic or the en"iron!ent

    to a"oid real or percei"ed conflicts of interest whene"er possible and to discloseto a"oid real or percei"ed conflicts of interest whene"er possible and to disclosethe! to affected parties when they do e>istthe! to affected parties when they do e>ist

    to be honest and realistic in stating clai!s or esti!ates based on a"ailable datato be honest and realistic in stating clai!s or esti!ates based on a"ailable data

    to re:ect bribery in all its for!sto re:ect bribery in all its for!s

    to i!pro"e the understanding of technology its appropriate application andto i!pro"e the understanding of technology its appropriate application andpotential conse;uencespotential conse;uences

    IEEE Code of EthicsIEEE Code of Ethics


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    IEEE Code of EthicsIEEE Code of Ethics to !aintain and i!pro"e our technical co!petence and to underta.eto !aintain and i!pro"e our technical co!petence and to underta.e

    technological tas.s for others only if ;ualified by training ortechnological tas.s for others only if ;ualified by training or

    e>perience or after full disclosure of pertinent li!itationse>perience or after full disclosure of pertinent li!itations

    to see. accept and offer honest criticis! of technical wor. toto see. accept and offer honest criticis! of technical wor. toac.nowledge and correct errors and to credit properly theac.nowledge and correct errors and to credit properly thecontributions of otherscontributions of others

    to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race religionto treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race religiongender disability age or national origingender disability age or national origin

    to a"oid in:uring others their property reputation or e!ploy!ent byto a"oid in:uring others their property reputation or e!ploy!ent byfalse or !alicious actionfalse or !alicious action

    to assist colleagues and co-wor.ers in their professionalto assist colleagues and co-wor.ers in their professionalde"elop!ent and to support the! in following this code of ethics&de"elop!ent and to support the! in following this code of ethics&


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     !erican Society of Ci"il Engineers !erican Society of Ci"il Engineers

    $undamental Principles$undamental Principles

    Engineers uphold and ad"ance the integrity honour andEngineers uphold and ad"ance the integrity honour anddignity of the engineering profession by=dignity of the engineering profession by=

    using their .nowledge and s.ill for the enhance!ent ofusing their .nowledge and s.ill for the enhance!ent ofhu!an welfarehu!an welfare

    being honest and i!partial and ser"ing with fidelity thebeing honest and i!partial and ser"ing with fidelity thepublic their e!ployers and clientspublic their e!ployers and clients

    stri"ing to increase the co!petence and prestige of thestri"ing to increase the co!petence and prestige of theengineering profession andengineering profession and

    supporting the professional and technical societies ofsupporting the professional and technical societies oftheir disciplines&their disciplines&


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     !erican Society of Ci"il Engineers !erican Society of Ci"il Engineers

    0unda!ental Canons0unda!ental Canons Engineers shall hold para!ount the safety health and welfare ofEngineers shall hold para!ount the safety health and welfare of

    the public in the perfor!ance of their professional duties&the public in the perfor!ance of their professional duties& Engineers shall perfor! ser"ices only in areas of theirEngineers shall perfor! ser"ices only in areas of their


    Engineers shall issue public state!ents only in a sub:ecti"e andEngineers shall issue public state!ents only in a sub:ecti"e andtruthful !anner&truthful !anner& Engineers shall act in professional !atters for each e!ployer orEngineers shall act in professional !atters for each e!ployer or

    client as faithful agents or trustees and shall a"oid conflicts ofclient as faithful agents or trustees and shall a"oid conflicts ofinterest&interest&

    Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the !erit ofEngineers shall build their professional reputation on the !erit of

    their ser"ices and shall not co!pete unfairly with others&their ser"ices and shall not co!pete unfairly with others& Engineers shall act in such a !anner as to uphold and enhanceEngineers shall act in such a !anner as to uphold and enhancethe honor integrity and dignity of the engineering profession&the honor integrity and dignity of the engineering profession&

    Engineers shall continue their professional de"elop!entEngineers shall continue their professional de"elop!entthroughout their careers and shall pro"ide opportunities for thethroughout their careers and shall pro"ide opportunities for theprofessional de"elop!ent of those engineers under theirprofessional de"elop!ent of those engineers under their

    super"ision&super"ision& ?'?'

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    ?&?& Engineers shall hold para!ount the safetyEngineers shall hold para!ount the safety

    health and welfare of the public and properhealth and welfare of the public and properutiliBation of funds in the perfor!ance of theirutiliBation of funds in the perfor!ance of theirprofessional duties& It shall ta.e precedenceprofessional duties& It shall ta.e precedenceo"er their responsibility to the profession too"er their responsibility to the profession tosectional or pri"ate interests e!ployers or tosectional or pri"ate interests e!ployers or toother engineers&other engineers& 30E1I SCE IEEE430E1I SCE IEEE4

    2&2& Engineers shall always act in such a !anner asEngineers shall always act in such a !anner asto uphold and enhance the honour integrity andto uphold and enhance the honour integrity anddignity of the profession while safe-guardingdignity of the profession while safe-guardingpublic interest at all ti!es&public interest at all ti!es& 3SCE43SCE4

    '&'& Engineers shall build their reputation on !eritEngineers shall build their reputation on !eritand shall not co!pete unfairly&and shall not co!pete unfairly& 3SCE 43SCE 4


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    IESL CADE A0 ETHICSIESL CADE A0 ETHICS #contd&$#contd&$*& Engineers shall perfor! professional ser"ices only in*& Engineers shall perfor! professional ser"ices only in

    the areas of their co!petence&the areas of their co!petence& && 30E1I SCE30E1I SCEIEEE4IEEE4

    /&/& Engineers shall apply their s.ills and .nowledge in theEngineers shall apply their s.ills and .nowledge in the

    interest of their e!ployer or client for who! they shallinterest of their e!ployer or client for who! they shallact in professional !atters as faithful agents oract in professional !atters as faithful agents ortrustees so far as they do not conflict with the othertrustees so far as they do not conflict with the otherre;uire!ents listed here and the general public interest&re;uire!ents listed here and the general public interest&

      30E1I SCE430E1I SCE4

    5&5& Engineers shall gi"e e"idence e>press opinions orEngineers shall gi"e e"idence e>press opinions or!a.e state!ents in an ob:ecti"e and truthful !anner&!a.e state!ents in an ob:ecti"e and truthful !anner&

      30E1I IEEE430E1I IEEE4?/?/

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    8& Engineers shall continue their professional8& Engineers shall continue their professionalde"elop!ent throughout their careers and shallde"elop!ent throughout their careers and shallacti"ely assist and encourage engineers under theiracti"ely assist and encourage engineers under theirdirection to ad"ance their .nowledge anddirection to ad"ance their .nowledge and

    e>perience& &e>perience& & 30E1I SCE IEEE430E1I SCE IEEE4

    9&9& Engineers shall be co!!itted to the need forEngineers shall be co!!itted to the need forsustainable !anage!ent of the planets resourcessustainable !anage!ent of the planets resourcesand see. to !ini!iBe ad"erse en"iron!entaland see. to !ini!iBe ad"erse en"iron!entali!pacts of their engineering wor.s or applications ofi!pacts of their engineering wor.s or applications of

    technology so as to protect both present and futuretechnology so as to protect both present and futuregenerationgenerations &s & 30E1I SCE IEEE430E1I SCE IEEE4


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    Clause ?Clause ?Engineers shall hold paramount the safety# health and %elfare ofEngineers shall hold paramount the safety# health and %elfare ofthe pu"lic and proper utili(ation of the funds and other resourcesthe pu"lic and proper utili(ation of the funds and other resourcesin the performance of their professional duties! It shall ta&ein the performance of their professional duties! It shall ta&eprecedence oer their responsi"ility to the profession# sectionalprecedence oer their responsi"ility to the profession# sectionalpriate interests# employers or to other engineers!priate interests# employers or to other engineers! )THE PE*PLE+)THE PE*PLE+

     s the first re;uire!ent places the interests of the co!!unity abo"e all others s the first re;uire!ent places the interests of the co!!unity abo"e all others EngineersEngineers

    shall be ob:ecti"e and truthful in professional reports state!ents or testi!ony&shall be ob:ecti"e and truthful in professional reports state!ents or testi!ony&They shall include all rele"ant and pertinent infor!ation in such reportsThey shall include all rele"ant and pertinent infor!ation in such reportsstate!ents or testi!ony&state!ents or testi!ony& ,T-.TH/,T-.TH/

    shall endea"our at all ti!es to !aintain engineering ser"ices essential to publicshall endea"our at all ti!es to !aintain engineering ser"ices essential to publicwelfare&welfare& ,SE-ICE T* THE P.LIC/,SE-ICE T* THE P.LIC/

    shall wor. in confor!ity with recognised engineering standards so as not toshall wor. in confor!ity with recognised engineering standards so as not to :eopardise the public welfare health or safety& :eopardise the public welfare health or safety& ,ST34-4S/,ST34-4S/

    shall not participate in assign!ents that would create conflict of interestshall not participate in assign!ents that would create conflict of interest

    between theirbetween their engineers!engineers! clients %e!ployers and the publicclients %e!ployers and the public and shall advise theand shall advise theclient of their engineers! concerns.client of their engineers! concerns. ,C*3$LICT *$ I3TE-EST/,C*3$LICT *$ I3TE-EST/


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    Clause ?Clause ? #contd&$#contd&$ shall in the e"ent of their :udge!ent being o"er-ruled in !atters pertaining to welfareshall in the e"ent of their :udge!ent being o"er-ruled in !atters pertaining to welfare

    health or safety of the co!!unity infor! their #engineers$ clients or e!ployers of thehealth or safety of the co!!unity infor! their #engineers$ clients or e!ployers of the

    possible conse;uences and bring to their #clients$ notice their #Engineers$ obligations aspossible conse;uences and bring to their #clients$ notice their #Engineers$ obligations asprofessionals to infor! the rele"ant authorityprofessionals to infor! the rele"ant authority ,C*3ICTI*3/,C*3ICTI*3/

    shall contribute to public discussion on engineering !atters in their areas of co!petence ifshall contribute to public discussion on engineering !atters in their areas of co!petence ifthey consider that by so doing they can constructi"ely ad"ance the well-being of thethey consider that by so doing they can constructi"ely ad"ance the well-being of theco!!unityco!!unity !,4ISE/!,4ISE/

    ha"ing .nowledge of any alleged "iolation of this Code shall co-operate with the properha"ing .nowledge of any alleged "iolation of this Code shall co-operate with the properauthorities in furnishing such infor!ation or assistance as !ay be re;uiredauthorities in furnishing such infor!ation or assistance as !ay be re;uired !,5HISTLE!,5HISTLEL*5I36/L*5I36/

    shall not .nowingly participate in any act which will result in waste or !isappropriation ofshall not .nowingly participate in any act which will result in waste or !isappropriation ofpublic funds&public funds& ,4ISH*3EST7/,4ISH*3EST7/

    Shall acti"ely contribute to the well being of society and when in"ol"ed in any engineeringShall acti"ely contribute to the well being of society and when in"ol"ed in any engineeringpro:ect or application of technology shall where appropriate recogniBe the need to identifypro:ect or application of technology shall where appropriate recogniBe the need to identifyinfor! and consult affected parties to help resol"e proble!s in"ol"ed&infor! and consult affected parties to help resol"e proble!s in"ol"ed& ,4IL*6.E+,4IL*6.E+


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    Clause 2Clause 2

      Engineers shall al%ays act in such a manner as to uphold and enhanceEngineers shall al%ays act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance

    the honour# integrity and dignity of the professional %hilethe honour# integrity and dignity of the professional %hilesafeguarding pu"lic interest at all timessafeguarding pu"lic interest at all times! )H*3*.- *$ THE! )H*3*.- *$ THEP-*$ESSI*3+P-*$ESSI*3+

      This re;uires that the profession should endea"our by its beha"iour to !eritThis re;uires that the profession should endea"our by its beha"iour to !eritthe highest estee! of the co!!unity& It follows therefore that engineers-the highest estee! of the co!!unity& It follows therefore that engineers-

    shall not in"ol"e the!sel"es with any business or professional practiceshall not in"ol"e the!sel"es with any business or professional practicewhich they .now to be fraudulent or dishonest in nature&which they .now to be fraudulent or dishonest in nature& ,4ISH*3EST7/,4ISH*3EST7/

    shall not use association with other persons corporations or partnerships toshall not use association with other persons corporations or partnerships to

    conceal unethical acts&conceal unethical acts& ,SS*CITI*3S/,SS*CITI*3S/

    shall not continue in partnership with or act in professional !atters with anyshall not continue in partnership with or act in professional !atters with anyengineer who has been re!o"ed fro! !e!bership of this Institutionengineer who has been re!o"ed fro! !e!bership of this Institutionbecause of i!proper conduct&because of i!proper conduct& ,I3TE6-IT7/,I3TE6-IT7/


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    Clause 'Clause '  Engineers shall "uild their reputation on merit and shall not competeEngineers shall "uild their reputation on merit and shall not compete

    unfairlyunfairly! )*53 CHIEE8E3TS+! )*53 CHIEE8E3TS+

      This re;uire!ent is to ensure that engineers shall not see. to gain aThis re;uire!ent is to ensure that engineers shall not see. to gain abenefit by i!proper !eans& It follows that engineers-benefit by i!proper !eans& It follows that engineers-

    shall neither pay nor offer directly or indirectly induce!entsshall neither pay nor offer directly or indirectly induce!entsincluding political contributions&including political contributions& ,-IE-7/,-IE-7/

    shall pro!ote the principle of engage!ent of engineersshall pro!ote the principle of engage!ent of engineersupon the basis of !erit& They shall uphold the principle ofupon the basis of !erit& They shall uphold the principle ofade;uate and appropriate re!uneration for professionalade;uate and appropriate re!uneration for professionalengineering staff and shall gi"en due consideration to ter!sengineering staff and shall gi"en due consideration to ter!s

    of engage!ent which ha"e the appro"al of theof engage!ent which ha"e the appro"al of theProfessionals appropriate association&Professionals appropriate association& ,8E-IT/,8E-IT/

    shall not atte!pt to supplant another engineer e!ployed orshall not atte!pt to supplant another engineer e!ployed orconsulting who has been appointed&consulting who has been appointed& ,9.34E- C.TTI36:/,9.34E- C.TTI36:/2?2?

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    Clause 'Clause ' #contd&$#contd&$

    shall neither falsify nor !isrepresent their own or their associatesshall neither falsify nor !isrepresent their own or their associates;ualifications e>perience and prior responsibilities&;ualifications e>perience and prior responsibilities&


    shall not !aliciously do anything to in:ure directly or indirectlyshall not !aliciously do anything to in:ure directly or indirectlythe reputation prospects or business of others&the reputation prospects or business of others& ,8LICI*.S TL;/,8LICI*.S TL;/

    shall not use the ad"antage of a pri"ileged position to co!peteshall not use the ad"antage of a pri"ileged position to co!peteunfairly with other engineers&unfairly with other engineers& ,C*33ECTI*3S/,C*33ECTI*3S/

    shall e>ercise due restraint in e>plaining their own wor. and shallshall e>ercise due restraint in e>plaining their own wor. and shallrefrain fro! unfair criticis! of the wor. of other engineers&refrain fro! unfair criticis! of the wor. of other engineers&,8*4EST7/,8*4EST7/

    shall gi"e proper credit for professional wor. to those to who!shall gi"e proper credit for professional wor. to those to who!credit is due and ac.nowledge the contribution of subordinatescredit is due and ac.nowledge the contribution of subordinatesand others&and others&

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    Clause *Clause *

      Engineers shall perform professional serices only in the areasEngineers shall perform professional serices only in the areas

    of their competenceof their competence! )SPECILI=TI*3S+! )SPECILI=TI*3S+

      To this end engineers-To this end engineers-

    shall underta.e assign!ents only when ;ualified by education andshall underta.e assign!ents only when ;ualified by education and

    e>perience in the specific technical fields in"ol"ed& If an assign!ente>perience in the specific technical fields in"ol"ed& If an assign!entre;uires ;ualifications and e>perience outside their fields ofre;uires ;ualifications and e>perience outside their fields ofco!petence they shall engage co!petent professionals withco!petence they shall engage co!petent professionals withnecessary ;ualifications and e>perience and .eep the e!ployersnecessary ;ualifications and e>perience and .eep the e!ployersand clients infor!ed of such arrange!ents&and clients infor!ed of such arrange!ents& ,C*8PETE3CE/,C*8PETE3CE/

    shall not affi> their signature to any plans or docu!ents dealing withshall not affi> their signature to any plans or docu!ents dealing withsub:ect !atter in which they lac. co!petence or to any plan orsub:ect !atter in which they lac. co!petence or to any plan ordocu!ent not prepared under their direction or control&docu!ent not prepared under their direction or control& ,H*3EST7/,H*3EST7/


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    Clause /Clause /  Engineers shall apply their s&ills and &no%ledge in the interest of theirEngineers shall apply their s&ills and &no%ledge in the interest of their

    employer or client for %hom they shall act# in professional matters# asemployer or client for %hom they shall act# in professional matters# as

    faithful agents or trustees# so far as they do not conflict %ith the otherfaithful agents or trustees# so far as they do not conflict %ith the otherre'uirements listed here and the general pu"lic interest! )re'uirements listed here and the general pu"lic interest! )L*7LT7+L*7LT7+

      It follows that engineers-It follows that engineers-

    shall at all ti!es a"oid all .nown or potential conflicts of interest& Theyshall at all ti!es a"oid all .nown or potential conflicts of interest& Theyshould .eep their e!ployers or clients fully infor!ed on all !attersshould .eep their e!ployers or clients fully infor!ed on all !attersincluding financial interests which could lead to such a conflict and in noincluding financial interests which could lead to such a conflict and in no

    circu!stances should they participate in any decision which could in"ol"ecircu!stances should they participate in any decision which could in"ol"ethe! in conflict of interest&the! in conflict of interest& ,L*7LT7/,L*7LT7/

    shall when acting as ad!inistrators of a contract be i!partial as betweenshall when acting as ad!inistrators of a contract be i!partial as betweenthe parties in the interpretation of the contract& This re;uire!ent ofthe parties in the interpretation of the contract& This re;uire!ent ofi!partially shall not di!inish the duty of engineers to apply their s.ill andi!partially shall not di!inish the duty of engineers to apply their s.ill and

    .nowledge in the interests of their e!ployers or clients&.nowledge in the interests of their e!ployers or clients& ,3E.T-LIT7/,3E.T-LIT7/

    shall not accept co!pensation financial or otherwise fro! !ore than oneshall not accept co!pensation financial or otherwise fro! !ore than oneparty for ser"ices on the sa!e pro:ect unless the circu!stances are fullyparty for ser"ices on the sa!e pro:ect unless the circu!stances are fullydisclosed and agreed to by all interested parties&disclosed and agreed to by all interested parties& ,6-T.IT7/,6-T.IT7/


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    Clause /Clause / #contd&$#contd&$ shall neither solicit nor accept financial or other "aluable considerationshall neither solicit nor accept financial or other "aluable consideration

    including free engineering designs fro! !aterial or e;uip!ent suppliers forincluding free engineering designs fro! !aterial or e;uip!ent suppliers for

    specifying their products #e>cept such designs obtained with the .nowledgespecifying their products #e>cept such designs obtained with the .nowledgeand consent of the e!ployer or client$&and consent of the e!ployer or client$& ,I3TE6-IT7/,I3TE6-IT7/

    shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities directly or indirectly fro! contractorsshall neither solicit nor accept gratuities directly or indirectly fro! contractorsor their agents or other parties dealing with their clients or e!ployers inor their agents or other parties dealing with their clients or e!ployers inconnection with wor. for which they are responsible&connection with wor. for which they are responsible& ,-IE-7/,-IE-7/

    shall ad"ise their clients or e!ployers when as a result of their studies theyshall ad"ise their clients or e!ployers when as a result of their studies theybelie"e that a pro:ect will not be "iable&belie"e that a pro:ect will not be "iable& cept where public interesttheir e!ploy!ent without e>press per!ission #e>cept where public interestand safety are in"ol"ed$&and safety are in"ol"ed$& ,C*3$I4E3TILIT7/,C*3$I4E3TILIT7/

    shall not co!plete sign or seal plans an%or specifications that are not of ashall not co!plete sign or seal plans an%or specifications that are not of adesign safe to the public health and welfare and in confor!ity with accepteddesign safe to the public health and welfare and in confor!ity with acceptedengineering standards& If the client or e!ployer insists on suchengineering standards& If the client or e!ployer insists on suchunprofessional conduct they shall notify the proper authorities and withdrawunprofessional conduct they shall notify the proper authorities and withdrawfro! further ser"ice on the pro:ect&fro! further ser"ice on the pro:ect& ,I3TE6-IT7/,I3TE6-IT7/


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    Clause 5Clause 5

      Engineers shall gie eidence# e>press opinions orEngineers shall gie eidence# e>press opinions or

    ma&e statements in an o"?ectie and truthfulma&e statements in an o"?ectie and truthfulmanner!manner! )TH-.TH$.L+)TH-.TH$.L+

      It follows that-It follows that-

    engineers professional reports state!ents or testi!onyengineers professional reports state!ents or testi!onybefore any tribunal shall be ob:ecti"e and such opinionsbefore any tribunal shall be ob:ecti"e and such opinionsshall be e>pressed only on the basis of ade;uateshall be e>pressed only on the basis of ade;uate.nowledge and technical co!petence in the area but.nowledge and technical co!petence in the area butthis does not preclude a considered :udge!ent basedthis does not preclude a considered :udge!ent basedintuiti"ely on e>perience and wide rele"ant .nowledge&intuiti"ely on e>perience and wide rele"ant .nowledge&

    ,P-ECISE# ;3*5LE46LE/,P-ECISE# ;3*5LE46LE/

    engineers shall re"eal the e>istence of any interestengineers shall re"eal the e>istence of any interestpecuniarypecuniary or otherwise that could be ta.en to effect theiror otherwise that could be ta.en to effect their

     :udge!ent in a technical !atter about which they are :udge!ent in a technical !atter about which they are! a state!ent or gi"ing e"idence&! a state!ent or gi"ing e"idence& ,H*3EST7/,H*3EST7/


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    Clause 8Clause 8

      Engineers shall continue their professionalEngineers shall continue their professionaldeelopment throughout their careers and shalldeelopment throughout their careers and shallactiely assist and encourage engineers under theiractiely assist and encourage engineers under theirdirection to adance their &no%ledge and e>perience!direction to adance their &no%ledge and e>perience!)CP4+)CP4+


    The re;uire!ent here is that engineers shall stri"e to widen theirThe re;uire!ent here is that engineers shall stri"e to widen their.nowledge and i!pro"e their s.ill in order to achie"e a continuing.nowledge and i!pro"e their s.ill in order to achie"e a continuingi!pro"e!ent of the profession& It follows therefore that engineers-i!pro"e!ent of the profession& It follows therefore that engineers-

    shall encourage their professional e!ployees and subordinates toshall encourage their professional e!ployees and subordinates tofurther their educationfurther their education ,LI$E@L*36 LE-3I36/,LI$E@L*36 LE-3I36/

    shall ta.e a positi"e interest in and encourage their fellow engineersshall ta.e a positi"e interest in and encourage their fellow engineersacti"ely to support the Institution and other professional engineeringacti"ely to support the Institution and other professional engineeringbodies which further the general interest of the profession&bodies which further the general interest of the profession&)I3*LE8E3T/)I3*LE8E3T/


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    Clause 9Clause 9  Engineers shall "e committed to the need for sustaina"leEngineers shall "e committed to the need for sustaina"le

    management of the planetAs resources and see& to minimi(e adersemanagement of the planetAs resources and see& to minimi(e aderse

    enironmental impacts of their engineering %or&s or applications ofenironmental impacts of their engineering %or&s or applications oftechnology so as to protect "oth present and future generationstechnology so as to protect "oth present and future generations !!)S.STI3ILIT7+)S.STI3ILIT7+

      To this end engineers To this end engineers

    shall carefully e"aluate ad"erse en"iron!ental i!pacts and incorporate practicalshall carefully e"aluate ad"erse en"iron!ental i!pacts and incorporate practicalre!edial !easures to !ini!iBe the!&re!edial !easures to !ini!iBe the!& ,E3I-*38E3TL P-*TECTI*3/,E3I-*38E3TL P-*TECTI*3/

    shall consider theoretical legislati"e regulatory and policy aspects ofshall consider theoretical legislati"e regulatory and policy aspects ofen"iron!ental protection and sustainable !anage!ent of the a"ailableen"iron!ental protection and sustainable !anage!ent of the a"ailableresources&resources& ,E3I-*38E3TL P-*TECTI*3,E3I-*38E3TL P-*TECTI*3

    shall critically analyBe how the proposed pro:ect or the application of technologyshall critically analyBe how the proposed pro:ect or the application of technologyrelates to sustainability considerations&relates to sustainability considerations& ,E3I-*38E3TL P-*TECTI*3,E3I-*38E3TL P-*TECTI*3

    shall identify and assess options for !aterial reco"ery and disposal&shall identify and assess options for !aterial reco"ery and disposal& ,8I3I8I=EB,8I3I8I=EB-E.SE *$ 5STE S$E 4ISP*SL/-E.SE *$ 5STE S$E 4ISP*SL/

    shall analyBe opportunities for resource and energy conser"ation and designshall analyBe opportunities for resource and energy conser"ation and designappropriately opti!iBed syste!s&appropriately opti!iBed syste!s& ,C*3SE-TI*3/,C*3SE-TI*3/


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    C*3CL.SI*3 The IESL Code of Ethics e>pects the Engineer to =

    ?& Pri!arily be concerned about People2&  6phold the Honour of the Profession'& To de"elop their reputation through their own


    *& Practice only in their areas of Speciali(ation

    /& )e Loyal to their e!ployers

    5& )e Truthful in reporting

    8& )e in"ol"ed in Lifelong Learning

    9& Ensure that they practice EnironmentalSustaina"ility


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    P-*$ESSI*3L C*34.CTP-*$ESSI*3L C*34.CT

    IESL BY-LAW 26 to 29IESL BY-LAW 26 to 29

    Every Corporate Member whose name appears on theEvery Corporate Member whose name appears on theRegister of Chartered Engineers is entitled to describeRegister of Chartered Engineers is entitled to describehimself as a Chartered Engineerhimself as a Chartered Engineer

    Use the following abbreviations, namely CEng, FIE!riUse the following abbreviations, namely CEng, FIE!ri"an#a$, or CEng, MIE!ri "an#a$%"an#a$, or CEng, MIE!ri "an#a$%

    & Corporate Member in partnership with a person who& Corporate Member in partnership with a person whois not a Corporate Member of the Instit'tion shall notis not a Corporate Member of the Instit'tion shall not

    'se after the title of s'ch Firm the designation'se after the title of s'ch Firm the designation (Chartered Engineers% (Chartered Engineers%

    )o person who has ceased to be on the Roll shall)o person who has ceased to be on the Roll shallma#e 'se of any designation implying connection withma#e 'se of any designation implying connection with

    the Instit'tion%the Instit'tion%3*3*

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    P-*$ESSI*3L C*34.CTP-*$ESSI*3L C*34.CT

    &ll members are re+'ired to order their cond'ct so as to&ll members are re+'ired to order their cond'ct so as to

    'phold the dignity, standing and rep'tation of the'phold the dignity, standing and rep'tation of theInstit'tion%Instit'tion%

    itho't pre-'dice to the generality of the last precedingitho't pre-'dice to the generality of the last preceding.y/law the Co'ncil may for the p'rpose of ens'ring the.y/law the Co'ncil may for the p'rpose of ens'ring thef'lfilment of this re+'irement, ma#e, amend and rescindf'lfilment of this re+'irement, ma#e, amend and rescind

    R'les to be observed by members with regard to theirR'les to be observed by members with regard to theircond'ct in any respect which may be relevant to theircond'ct in any respect which may be relevant to theirposition or intended position as members of the Instit'tionposition or intended position as members of the Instit'tionand may p'blish directions or prono'ncements as toand may p'blish directions or prono'ncements as tospecific cond'ct which is to be regarded as proper or asspecific cond'ct which is to be regarded as proper or asimproper%improper%

    In p'rs'ance of the ob-ectives of the above mentionedIn p'rs'ance of the ob-ectives of the above mentionedcla'se the R'les of cond'ct to be observed by the memberscla'se the R'les of cond'ct to be observed by the membersof the Instit'tion shall be those listed in theof the Instit'tion shall be those listed in the Code ofCode ofEthicsEthics given as &ppendi I with the .y/laws of thegiven as &ppendi I with the .y/laws of theInstit'tion% 1hese R'les of cond'ct shall be binding on allInstit'tion% 1hese R'les of cond'ct shall be binding on allmembers of the Instit'tion%members of the Instit'tion% 3232

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    Any member against whom an allegation ofAny member against whom an allegation ofmisconduct is made in writing by an individual ormisconduct is made in writing by an individual or by an institution, shall be informed in writing by the by an institution, shall be informed in writing by thePresident of the IESL of the allegation and shall bePresident of the IESL of the allegation and shall begiven an opportunity to vindicate himself of thegiven an opportunity to vindicate himself of the

    charges (ide !y Law 33"#charges (ide !y Law 33"#

    $he President shall in consultation with the$he President shall in consultation with thePresident % Elect will decide on whether thePresident % Elect will decide on whether the

    member has vindicated himself#member has vindicated himself#

    If the member is unable to vindicate himself, hisIf the member is unable to vindicate himself, hiscase shall be referred to a &isciplinary 'ommitteecase shall be referred to a &isciplinary 'ommittee

    to investigate and report to the 'ouncil#to investigate and report to the 'ouncil# 33

    Disciplinary Panel andDisciplinary Panel and

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    Disciplinary Panel andDisciplinary Panel and

    Disciplinary CommitteeDisciplinary Committee

    $he 'ouncil at$he 'ouncil at its first meeting for each session, willits first meeting for each session, willnominate si) *ellows to constitute a &isciplinarynominate si) *ellows to constitute a &isciplinary

    Panel from whom a &isciplinary 'ommittee (idePanel from whom a &isciplinary 'ommittee (ide

    !y Law 3+" will be selected to hear any disciplinary!y Law 3+" will be selected to hear any disciplinary

    inuiry concerning the member#inuiry concerning the member#

    A &isciplinary 'ommittee will be nominated by theA &isciplinary 'ommittee will be nominated by the


    $he 'ouncil will determine the $erms of -eference$he 'ouncil will determine the $erms of -eference

    of such &isciplinary 'ommittee and will alsoof such &isciplinary 'ommittee and will also

    nominate a 'hairperson#nominate a 'hairperson# 3.3.


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    $he member shall be notified in writing by the E)ecutive Secretary$he member shall be notified in writing by the E)ecutive Secretary  // that charges have been formulated for determination by thethat charges have been formulated for determination by the

    &isciplinary 'ommittee0&isciplinary 'ommittee0 the names of the members of the &isciplinary 'ommittee0the names of the members of the &isciplinary 'ommittee0 that he is reuired to respond to the charges in writing to thethat he is reuired to respond to the charges in writing to the

    'hairman of the &isciplinary 'ommittee within fourteen days from'hairman of the &isciplinary 'ommittee within fourteen days from

    the date of such notification0the date of such notification0 that he is reuired to appear in person before the &isciplinarythat he is reuired to appear in person before the &isciplinary

    'ommittee at the time fi)ed for the hearing of the charges0'ommittee at the time fi)ed for the hearing of the charges0

    the schedule of evidence including the list of witnesses to be presentedthe schedule of evidence including the list of witnesses to be presented

    to the &isciplinary 'ommittee in support of the charges0to the &isciplinary 'ommittee in support of the charges0

    the date, place and time fi)ed for commencement of the inuiry and thethe date, place and time fi)ed for commencement of the inuiry and thehearing of the charges by the &isciplinary 'ommittee#hearing of the charges by the &isciplinary 'ommittee#


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    DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURESDISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES $he member may ob2ect against any member of the &isciplinary$he member may ob2ect against any member of the &isciplinary

    'ommittee on the grounds of pre2udice# -easons for such'ommittee on the grounds of pre2udice# -easons for such

    ob2ection needs to be clearly stated# b2ections to be consideredob2ection needs to be clearly stated# b2ections to be considered by a committee comprising the President, the President % Elect by a committee comprising the President, the President % Electand a ice President#and a ice President#

    $he E)ecutive Secretary shall present the case against the member$he E)ecutive Secretary shall present the case against the memberat the first meeting of the &isciplinary 'ommittee#at the first meeting of the &isciplinary 'ommittee#

    $he &isciplinary 'ommittee shall permit the member to be$he &isciplinary 'ommittee shall permit the member to berepresented at the disciplinary inuiry by a 'orporate 4ember ofrepresented at the disciplinary inuiry by a 'orporate 4ember ofthe Institution or he may decide to conduct his own defense#the Institution or he may decide to conduct his own defense#

    $he &isciplinary 'ommittee shall endeavour to complete the$he &isciplinary 'ommittee shall endeavour to complete theinuiry within one month#inuiry within one month#

    If the member is absents without a valid reason, the inuiry shallIf the member is absents without a valid reason, the inuiry shall be ad2ourned and he5she shall be warned in writing by the be ad2ourned and he5she shall be warned in writing by the

    E)ecutive Secretary that proceedings will be held e)%parte#E)ecutive Secretary that proceedings will be held e)%parte# 3636

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    n the documentary evidence provided if then the documentary evidence provided if the  &isciplinary&isciplinary

    'ommittee considers it is not necessary to conduct an inuiry'ommittee considers it is not necessary to conduct an inuiryit may so decide#it may so decide#

    If a detailed inuiry is decided upon, the followingIf a detailed inuiry is decided upon, the following

    considerations as set out in 'lause +7 of the IESL &isciplinaryconsiderations as set out in 'lause +7 of the IESL &isciplinaryProcedure will applyProcedure will apply

    $he &isciplinary 'ommittee at any stage of the inuiry may see8$he &isciplinary 'ommittee at any stage of the inuiry may see8

    legal advice if thought necessary with the approval of the President5legal advice if thought necessary with the approval of the President5'ouncil#'ouncil#

    $he decision of the &isciplinary 'ommittee on any matter of$he decision of the &isciplinary 'ommittee on any matter of procedures or any ob2ection raised on procedural grounds shall procedures or any ob2ection raised on procedural grounds shall

     be final# be final# 3939

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    $he decision and any recommendations of the &isciplinary$he decision and any recommendations of the &isciplinary

    'ommittee made at the conclusion of the inuiry shall be'ommittee made at the conclusion of the inuiry shall besubmitted to the President of the Institution within threesubmitted to the President of the Institution within threewee8s thereafter# $he President shall submit the decisionwee8s thereafter# $he President shall submit the decisionand recommendation of the &isciplinary 'ommittee to theand recommendation of the &isciplinary 'ommittee to the'ouncil for action#'ouncil for action#

    $he 'ouncil may by resolution e)pel or suspend for any$he 'ouncil may by resolution e)pel or suspend for any period from membership, reprimand or admonish any period from membership, reprimand or admonish anymember found guilty of improper conduct# $he 'ouncilmember found guilty of improper conduct# $he 'ouncilmay direct that such member shall ma8e a contributionmay direct that such member shall ma8e a contribution

    towards the e)penses of the hearing before the &isciplinarytowards the e)penses of the hearing before the &isciplinary'ommittee#'ommittee#

    A member shall not be e)pelled e)cept by a ma2orityA member shall not be e)pelled e)cept by a ma2oritydecision ta8en at a meeting of the 'ouncil at which at leastdecision ta8en at a meeting of the 'ouncil at which at least

    two thirds of the membership of the 'ouncil is present#two thirds of the membership of the 'ouncil is present# 3:3:

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    $he order of the 'ouncil on the recommendation of$he order of the 'ouncil on the recommendation ofthe &isciplinary 'ommittee shall be notified to thethe &isciplinary 'ommittee shall be notified to themember by the E)ecutive Secretary#member by the E)ecutive Secretary#

    $he member can appeal in writing within one month$he member can appeal in writing within one monthof the date of receipt of such notificationof the date of receipt of such notification

    $he 'ouncil may refer such appeal to the$he 'ouncil may refer such appeal to the&isciplinary 'ommittee for their observations# $he&isciplinary 'ommittee for their observations# $hedecision of the 'ouncil shall be final and shall bedecision of the 'ouncil shall be final and shall beconveyed to the member by the E)ecutive Secretary#conveyed to the member by the E)ecutive Secretary#


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