Code Generation - fileFrédéric Haziza Department of Computer Systems Uppsala University...

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Transcript of Code Generation - fileFrédéric Haziza Department of Computer Systems Uppsala University...

Code Generation

Frédéric Haziza <>

Department of Computer Systems

Uppsala University

Spring 2008

Operating SystemsProcess Management

Memory Management

Storage Management

CompilersCompiling process &Lexical analysis


Semantic &Code generation





Machineindepen-dant codegeneration

Optimizationof machine






Optimizationof machine



Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations


1 Intermediate code

2 Machine code

3 Optimizations

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Good IR

easy to translate from AST

easy to translate to assembly/machine code

easy to optimize

easy to retarget

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Well-known examples

1 Three-address code

2 P-code (for Pascal)

3 Bytecode (for Java)

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations


Stack-based intermediate code, for Pascal.

Instruction format: F P Q

F is a function

P, Q may be absent

P used to specify a static block level

Q: offset within a frame or immediate operand (ie constant)

Compile-time address are (static level, offset)

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations


Instructions with no parameter operate on the stack’s top• AND, DIF, NGI, FLT, FLO, INN

One or two-address instruction to load/store a value on thetop of the stack


Jump instructions:• UJP L7: unconditional jump• FJP L8: jump to L8 if top of the stack is false


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if (expression) statement1 else statement2

Code to put the value of expression on top of the stack


Code to implement statement1UJP L2


Code to implement statement2L2

while (expression) statement


Code to put the value of expression on top of the stack


Code to implement statement



Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Java Run-Time system

Execution engine (executes bytecode instructions)

Memory manager (manages heap in which all objects and arrays are stored)

Error and Exception manager (used to catch runtime failures in a planned and

systematic manner)

Threads interface (handles concurrency)

Class Loader (loads, links and initializes classes)

Security manager deals with attempts to run ’hostile’ programs

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Principal types of bytecode instructions

Stack manipulation

Performing arithmetic

Handling objects and arrays

Control flow

Method invocation

Handling exceptions and concurrency

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Manipulating the stack

Instructions Meanings

iconst_4 load the integer constant 4 on to the stack

iload_4 load the value of local variable number 4 on to the stack

pop discard top value of the stack

dup duplicate top item on the stack

swap interchange top two values of the stack

istore_4 store the value on top of the stack in the local variable number 4

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Arithmetic and Array

Instructions Meanings

iadd add the two integers on the top of the stack

fadd add the two floats on the top of the stack

fmul multiply the two floats on the top of the stack

Instructions Meanings

iaload puts the value of an array element on top of the stack,

assuming the array reference and the index of the array are already on the stack

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Conditional and unconditional Branches

Instructions Meanings

ifeq L1 jump to L1 if the integer value on top of the stack is zero

if_icmpne L1 jump to L1 if two integer values on top of the stack are not equal

goto L1 jump to L1

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if (expression) statement1 else statement2

Bytecode to put the value of expression on top of the stack

ifeq L1

Bytecode to implement statement1goto L2


Bytecode to implement statement2L2

while (expression) statement


Bytecode to put the value of expression on top of the stack

ifeq L2

Bytecode to implement statement

goto L1


Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations


CISC complex instruction set computer

* Wide range of addressing mode* Small number of registers (<16)* Many special purpose registers* 2-address instructions A + B → A* Variable length instructions* Instructions with side-effect

* Different exec time for instr

RISC reduced instruction set computer

* Simple addressing mode (withregisters)* Many registers (>32)* All registers are ’general purpose’* 3-address instructions r3 = r1 + r2

* Fixed length instructions (32 bits)* No side-effect, one result per instr

* Similar exec time for instr

Instruction selectionRegister allocation

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations


t1 = a + bt2 = c + dt3 = t1 ∗ t2

Must keep t1 and t2 until t3 is evaluated

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Example – 2

a ∗ b + c ∗ d + e ∗ f

t1 = a ∗ bt2 = c ∗ dt3 = t1 + t2t4 = e ∗ ft5 = t3 + t4

Temporaries Register

t1 1t2 2t3 3t4 1t5 2

Do we really need distinct registers?

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

1) n = 02) sum2 = 03) sum3 = 04) t1 = n < 10 : L1

5) t2 = not t16) if t2 goto L2

7) n = n + 18) m = n ∗ n9) sum2 = sum2 + m10) t3 = m ∗ n11) sum3 = sum3 + t312) goto L1

13) L2

n = 0;sum2 = 0;sum3 = 0;while (n<10){n = n+1;m = n*n;sum2 = sum2 + m;sum3 = sum3 + m*n;


Variable Live Registern 1..12 1sum2 2..12 2sum3 3..12 3t1 4..5 4m 8..10 4t2 5..6 4t3 10..11 4

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Liveness analysis

Equations of the form:

1 inn = usen ∪ (outn\defn)

2 outn =⋃

s∈succ(n) ins


usen: set of all variables whose values are used in statement noutn: set of all variables that are live on leaving statement ndefn: set of all variables that are defined in statement n

inn: set of all variables that are live on reaching statement n

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Typical local optimizations

Constant folding

Strength reduction

Elimination of unnecessary instructions

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Intermediate code Machine code Optimizations

Typical global optimizations

Analysis of control and data flow:

Dead code elimination

Common subexpression elimination

Loop optimizations

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