(coauthors) through a research project.a4kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/english-12-13.pdfThe...

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Transcript of (coauthors) through a research project.a4kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/english-12-13.pdfThe...

The doodle book “Future City” is taken a reader (coauthors) through a research project. We are going to look together at how people in dif-ferent civilizations, historical periods, cultures were organizing themselves in the cities. Mostly we are interested to find out how do this people deal with strangers, migrants, people who had different habits or religious beliefs then the lo-cal population. I also collected some ideas from artists and think-ers about the ways how the city may be organized to become better. The reader (co-author) will find a plenty of the free space to be able to comment on the historical facts, as well as on the thoughts of other people and to propose his (or her) own way to live in the future city and to share it with people who are so different from each other.

Sumeria, The CiTy Of ur

City was arranged as a large fortress, with the center in the form of a royal palace and a religious complex. it was a bank at the same time, where merchants can get loans and where interest would be counted, an analogue of modern Wall Street.

Write here the name of your cityI think that the ancient Ur itself resembles a prison and everyone in it was kind of prisoners or prison warders. Draw a map of the

city prison.

The main punishment in the city -- slavery. It comes with an unpaid debts.How would you organize the punishment system in your city?

1. Ziggurat is the temple complex of the town it is also the main bank ,

2. king’s palace . 3. One mOre palaCe 4. here everybody else is living 5. inCredibly

prOTeCTed WallS 6. GaTeS WiTh GuardS. 7. Garden Where CiTizenS and The GueSTS Of The CiTy

Can be amazed by The pOWer Of The KinG

Ur was founded 5,000 years ago. In the heyday, many people inhabited it. The city was very rich and was practicing slavery human sacrif ice.

Sam’al 1200 bC


The regulate contemporary punishments isolation, forced work, long times in prisons was not practicing back then. The court would rule to reimburse the lost. it was a price list for injuries and even price for the death. The only crime would

be the attack on temple’s or king’s property, that is punished by death immediately

What is the name of your city?

Only strongest and the richest citizens were protected in Sam’al

Write down which crimes would consider to be essential in your city and what kind of punishment will be charged for it?

ancient cities often looks like military bases or prisons: around the

city was a wall to arrange protection from enemies. palace, temple

andwarehouses were in the middle

flyinG CiTieS

Humans always wanted to push the boards. What could be better than living in the sky? Maybe we can see f lying cities in our lifetime?

flying city reminds me the ancient Greek police, where citizens are interdependence on each other.

The main punishment was to send guilty person (criminal) away.-- in this type of city everybody has to be involved.

Write here the name of your city

We live to relate to each other, to be with each other. It is good to separate production from the living areas.

What would consider to be a crime in this place and how would you think it should be punished?

accoaccording to g. krutikov, the future cities consist of two parts: vertical

part would be the living area, which looks like sails floating in the air. the

horiZontal part is separated. it is spread on the service of the earth.

rOman TOWn by pliny

The Roman Empire controlled it territories through a network of military settlements connected by roads.

К римскому гражданину не могли быть применены пытки и телесные наказания, а также смертная казнь в случае государственной измены.

Этот закон не распространялся на военнослужащих в период несения действительной службы (20 лет).

What is the name of your city?

It is a city of men, city of soldiers.

Write the fundamental rights for men in your city. What can they do and what they can not?

roman military settlements became the model for europian cities. they were rigidly geometric. these city-camps

inhabited by men were regulated under discipline and strict hierarchy.

TOWn Of happineSS by una

10 years old Una drew the plan of the city, in which play is the main occupation for the citizens.

When people are playing they are learning from each other and communicating with each other.

What is the name of your city?

Looks like in the Town of Happiness only kids can live. What if there will be a town like this for the adults?

Write here the list of things to do, that will make citizens of your town happy.

There are lOTS Of aparTmenTS in The CenTer Of The CiTy and SOme COmfOrTable rOOmS in The bOrderS Of The CiTy. every OTher SpaCe iS filled WiTh play rOOmS. The CiTy haS a SpeCial rOOm fOr ClaiminG, fOr jumpinG, fOr playinG CheSS and SO On.

Citizens are working only out of necessity , but they play a lotand with pleasure.

TOWn in The OCean

Shimizu Corporation has developed a project of the city in the ocean.It is a self-sustainable city, in which food, energy, and everything necessary for life

could be produced inside.

perhaps in such a city there would be no criminals? residents are too connected to each other. The obvious penalty should be an exile.

What is the name of your city?

self sustainable city

Name offenses for which it could be possible to expel a citizen from your city:

municipal systems have to take care of everything: 1. energy production. 2. disposal of waste. 3. power residents. 4. monitoring temperatures. 5. The stability of the system. What else?

arCOSanTi eCO TOWn

Architect Paolo Soleri had built in the Arizona desert an ecological self sustained city in the 1970s.

designed for 7,000 residents, the city is similar to a single house: residential areas smoothly transformed into the shops and public places. in the city, there is no

transport: compact well-organized territory allows you to walk to any place. The only possible panishment - expulsion from the community.

What is the name of your city?

City-Family, where all the inhabitants are interdependent from each other.

1. The main entrance and dining room 2. Space for the art shows 3. Concert area 5. living areas 6. Workspace 7. Agricultural fields 8 Recreational area 8. Windmills

Residents of Arkasanti say that they are not affected by the crisis. They always have their jobs, food and friends. The city produces its own energy and raises its own food.

How possible conflicts would be resolved in your town? Who makes the decisions, the judge, or all the people together?

GhOST TOWn maChu piCChu

In Peru, at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level found “Lost City of the Incas”, built in 1440 - 100 years before the Spanish conquest of the empire.

The ruler of the inca built a city as residency-sanctuary. more than 200 buildings built of closely fitted to each other flagstone. modern stone processing specialists

can not explain how it was done.

What is the name of your city?

Город-Семья, в котором все жители помогают друг другу.

Придумай город, жители которого обладают сверх-способностями: становятся невидимыми или не нуждаются в еде.

1. Cemetary 2. Gates to the City 3. Terrasse with living area 4. The central square 5. another entrance to the city 6. Basketball field. 7. Palace of the Rules 8. Industrial zone. 9. Temple 10. Sacred Stone

After the invasion of the Spaniards in 1532, all inhabitants of the city mysteriously disap-peared. The invaders did not find people and did not destroy the city.

Нью-йорК. МаНхеттеН.«Нью-йорк - город контрастов» - это расхожая фраза. Когда-то она

означала, что у каждого бедняка есть шанс стать богатым. Сегодня уже мало кто в это верит.

если вы богаты, то будете жить с доме с видом на Центральный парк, а если бедны, то в многоэтажном доме для бедных, в квартире с низкими полотками, во дворе, где нет деревьев, но может быть очень опасно возвращаться домой.

В СШа самое большое количество заключенных в мире. Большинство заключенных - цветные. Большинство преступлений связаны с наркотиками.

What is the name of your city?

Город контрастов.

Напиши по одному главному правилу. Для богатых и для бедных.

1. Дома 2. ГороДСКИе Ворота 3. терраСЫ С ЖИЛЫМИ ДоМаМИ 4. Посреди города разместился огромный Центральный Парк. Это самая дорогая часть города - Центральная. Внизу небольшой богемный район, где живут художники и финансовый центр, где работают богатые граждане. Верхний город населен бедняками, преступниками и рэпперами.

Нью-Йорк стал международным центром после Второй Мировой Войны, когда США стали международным финансовым центром. Перемещение из одной части города в другую - может быть как наказанием, так и наградой.

ВеНеЦИя.Поселение на островах, где прятались беженцы из городов, разоренных

варварами, превратилось в один из богатейших городов европы.Венеция единственный в европе город, где граждане всегда были равны

своему правителю и не было вассальных отношений.

В Венеции всегда был избранный народом правитель - додж. Никогда не было рабства, а знаменитый Венецианский карнавал на несколько месяцев стирал

все социальные различия. Гражданам разрешалась ходить в масках куда угодно - на работу, на прогулку. Во время карнавала было не ясно, кто богат, а

кто беден, кто красив, а кто урод, кто молод, а кто стар.

What is the name of your city?

Город равных

Основные правила в городе равных.

Говорят, что Венеция скоро исчезнет под водой, но она всегда была “Городом на воде”. Это место было слишком сложно захватить, поэтому оно пережило столько атак. Позже венецианцы построили первый в мире военной промышленный комплекс - наладив промышленный (под заказ) выпуск военных кораблей.