Close devt gap

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Close devt gap

How can the DEVELOPMENT gap be


Strategies – National Level

National Development

Clean water and sanitation

Improving education

Population control

Job creation

How do these national level strategies relate to Singapore’s attempt to achieve optimum population?

How have these national level strategies helped Singapore close the development gap with other countries?

Effectiveness of National Strategies

National Strategies

Effective, how? Ineffective, why?

Clean water & sanitation

Improving Education

Population Control

Job creation

Strategies to narrow gap

Many voiced concern about the wide disparities and gap

Arising from this is aid given in the form of money, goods, food, technology or volunteers and experts

Aim is to enable LDCs to improve their economies and earn more money and to improve their people’s quality of life

Useful Internet Links on Aid

Good introduction to types of aid -

Excellent example to illustrate tied aid –

For Against

Emergency aid in times of disaster saves lives. Aid can increase the dependency of LEDCs on donor countries. Sometimes aid is not a gift, but a loan, and poor countries may struggle to repay.

Aid helps rebuild livelihoods and housing after a disaster. Aid may not reach the people who need it most. Corruption may lead to local politicians using aid for their own means or for political gain.

Provision of medical training, medicines and equipment can improve health and standards of living.

Aid can be used to put political or economic pressure on the receiving country. The country may end up owing a donor country or organisation a favour.

Aid for agriculture can help increase food production and so improve the quality and quantity of food available.

Sometimes projects do not benefit smaller farmers and projects are often large scale.

Encouraging aid industrial development can create jobs and improve transport infrastructure.

Infrastructure projects may end up benefiting employers more than employees.

Aid can support countries in developing their natural resources and power supplies.

It may be a condition of the investment that the projects are run by foreign companies or that a proportion of the resources or profits will be sent abroad.

Projects that develop clean water and sanitation can lead to improved health and living standards.

Some development projects may lead to food and water costing more.


Emergency aid in times of disaster saves lives.

Aid helps rebuild livelihoods and housing after a disaster.

Provision of medical training, medicines and equipment can improve health and standards of living.

Aid for agriculture can help increase food production and so improve the quality and quantity of food available.

Encouraging aid industrial development can create jobs and improve transport infrastructure.

Aid can support countries in developing their natural resources and power supplies.

Projects that develop clean water and sanitation can lead to improved health and living standards.

Against Aid can increase the dependency of LEDCs on donor countries. Sometimes aid is not a gift, but a loan, and poor countries may struggle to repay. Aid may not reach the people who need it most. Corruption may lead to local politicians using aid for their own means or for political gain.

Aid can be used to put political or economic pressure on the receiving country. The country may end up owing a donor country or organisation a favour.

Sometimes projects do not benefit smaller farmers and projects are often large scale.

Infrastructure projects may end up benefiting employers more than employees.

It may be a condition of the investment that the projects are run by foreign companies or that a proportion of the resources or profits will be sent abroad.

Some development projects may lead to food and water costing more.

Evaluate the effectiveness of international aid in helping to close the development gap between countries. [10]

International Aid, in form of:





Monetary loans

Humanitarian aid eg food, water, blankets etc

Technological transfer, expertise, volunteers


Strategies - International Level

International Cooperation

International organisations

World Bank

Asian Development Bank

International agreements

UNMDG, (UNMGD) – Report on UNMDG


Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.

Are these strategies successful in eliminating poverty?

• A positive economic growth refers to a state where there are more economic activities.

• More activities imply more resource consumption and pollution.

• Economic growth is vital for quality of life, but NOT sustainable if resources are used too fast.

• Economy may eventually collapse.