Clinic Management Best Practices

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Clinic Management Best Practices

Transcript of Clinic Management Best Practices

March 2014 Webinar

Clinic Management Best Practices

Heidi Jannenga PT, MPT, ATC/L

WebPT COO and Co-Founder

Mike Manheimer

WebPT Marketing Director

How to Turn Your No-Shows into Yes-Shows

1.  Set a policy.

2.  Identify trends.

3.  Schedule better.

4.  Send reminders.

5.  Cut repeat offenders loose.

What to Look for in a Front Office Staff

1.  Biller at Heart

2.  Pro Collector

3.  Juggler

4.  Hip to Your Software

5.  Anti-Clock Puncher

6.  Know They’re Worth It

Choosing the Right Location and Specialty


•  Research:

o  What type of physical therapy work do I enjoy doing?

o  What is the market potential for my specific area of interest?

o  What type of patients do I enjoy working with?

o  What experience do I have that can help me achieve success in

my chosen niche?

o  Are there other physical therapists who have built a successful

practice in this niche?

You have to decide what’s more important: your specialty or where you treat.

Choosing the Right Location and Specialty


•  Research: o  Are you in a direct access state?

o  What are the tax implications and fees for small businesses in your state, city, and county?

o  How many people live or work in the community? What are the demographics of the community? How many people do you estimate will seek your services?

o  How many referral providers work in the area? How many of them routinely prescribe physical therapy?

o  How many other physical therapy providers are there in the community? Is the area already saturated or can you identify a gap in services that you can fill?

o  How do you become a preferred provider for payers in your area? Will it be difficult?

Choosing the Right Location and Specialty


•  Shopping real estate:

o  Is the location easily accessible by foot, car, or public transportation? Will signage be visible from nearby streets?

o  If your patient population is mostly baby boomers, how accessible are the building and its restrooms? How far is the parking lot from your office?

o  If you’re the first PT moving into your building, is your landlord willing to include an exclusive use clause in your lease so no competitors will crowd you out?

o  If you plan to offer after-hours services, like gym memberships or Pilates, are those time frames acceptable within the terms of the lease?

o  How much space do you really need?

Tips for Purchasing Therapy Equipment

1.  Shop online.

2.  Get creative.

3.  Do more with less.

4.  Consider renting or leasing.

How the Affordable Care Act is Impacting Physical Therapists

•  More people than ever are eligible to receive covered

therapy services.

•  Many therapists are seeing more patients per day.

•  Rehab therapists are seeing declining reimbursements.

•  It’s more expensive for clinic owners to provide health

coverage to employees.

•  There are clear—or at least clearer—skies ahead.

How to Train Your Staff on New Technology

1.  Choose wisely.

2.  Tailor your curriculum.

3.  Be a cheerleader.

4.  Applaud success.

The Great Medically Necessary Discussion

The term “medically necessary”:

•  Originated as a standard of payment in the 1960s.

•  Was initially based on physician judgment.

•  Is now defined by the health plans.

According to the APTA: “Physical therapy is considered medically

necessary as determined by the licensed physical therapist based on the

results of a physical therapy evaluation and when provided for the purpose

of preventing, minimizing, or eliminating impairments, activity limitations,

or participation restrictions…[and] if the type, amount, and duration of

services outlined in the plan of care increase the likelihood of meeting one

or more of these stated goals: to improve function, minimize loss of

function, or decrease risk of injury and disease.”

How to Use ABNs Therapy Cap = Total amount Medicare will reimburse annually for each beneficiary’s

rehabilitation treatment.

•  In 2014, that amount is:

o  $1,920 for occupational therapy

o  $1,920 for physical therapy and speech-language pathology combined

•  When a patient reaches the cap:

o  You can treat above the cap if it’s “medically necessary”

o  You can issue an ABN and treat on a cash-basis only if continued

therapy not “medically necessary”

Creating a Social Media Policy for Your Practice

•  Why your practice needs a social media policy

•  What are the rules of engagement for your social media manager, your employees, and your community

•  How to encourage and enable a social workplace

The Social Media ROI Quandary A study from Business Insider found that tracking traditional return on investment

(ROI) on social media is dropping, but social media marketing budgets are

ballooning. What gives?

Metric sources: •  Analytics •  Feedback •  Dialogue

Metrics: •  Reach •  Engagement •  Sentiment

Clinic Management Best Practices

Special Offer New Members Sign up with WebPT by April 30 and receive $100 off the initial sign-up cost.

Referral Program Refer a colleague and receive a free month of WebPT service.

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