Client-side Web Performance Optimization [paper]

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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An overview about how the speed of websites can be improved with often simple optimizations on the client-side.

Transcript of Client-side Web Performance Optimization [paper]

Client-side Performance Optimizations

Lecture: Ultra-large-scale Sites, Prof. Walter Kriha

Student: Jakob Schröter

January 2011 | WS 2010/2011

Computer Science and Media

Stuttgart Media University, Germany

This paper aims to show the importance of web performance and to sensibilize web developers

to care about the end-users experience. Further it provides an overview of basic optimization

techniques on the client-side with real-world examples to show how powerful these often

simple optimizations are.

Ultra-large-scale Sites Client-Side Performance Optimizations

Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 2


1 Why performance matters ........................................................................................................ 3

2 The client-side ........................................................................................................................... 5

3 Analyze and measure ................................................................................................................ 7

4 Basic optimization techniques ................................................................................................ 11

4.1 HTTP requests are expensive ........................................................................................... 11

4.2 Intelligent browser caching ............................................................................................. 11

4.3 Shrink request size .......................................................................................................... 13

4.4 Image optimizations........................................................................................................ 15

4.5 Loading resources & page rendering .............................................................................. 17

4.6 Domain sharding / CDN .................................................................................................20

4.7 JS & CSS performance ......................................................................................................20

5 Automation ............................................................................................................................. 21

6 Conclusion and a look into the future ................................................................................... 22

References ....................................................................................................................................... 24

Ultra-large-scale Sites Client-Side Performance Optimizations

Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 3

1 Why performance matters What counts to the success of a website is that the website users are satisfied and that they

enjoy browsing through the site. Of course this has mostly to do with the quality of the

content and the usefulness of the service. But also the user experience is an important factor

for successful web projects – which includes fast response times.

During a study Amazon slowed down their website by 100 ms with a result of a 1% drop in

sales. Yahoo made similar experiments with 400 ms, resulting 5-9% drop in requests. Also

Google increased the number of results per page from 10 to 30 which added 500 ms to the

response time. After this change they measured a 20% drop in search requests. Further they

realized that it takes a few days until they reach their old number of requests again. Shopzilla

saved about 5 seconds of their total page loading time with performance optimizations,

resulting in 25% increase in requests, 7-12% increase in revenue and 50% reduction in


Amazon +100 ms 1% drop in sales

Yahoo +400 ms 5-9% drop in requests

Google +500 ms 20% drop in requests

Bing +2000 ms 4.3% drop in revenue/user [1]

Shopzilla -5000 ms 25 % increase in requests 7-12% increase in revenue 50% reduction in hardware [2]

Mozilla -2200 ms 15.4% increase in downloads [3]

These numbers show that even minimal differences in the response time can have significant

effects on the business. [4]

When having a look at the 3 response-time limits by usability guru Jakob Nielson this can be

confirmed: The users sense an interruption in what there are doing by response times higher

than 0.1 seconds. The response time should be less than 1 second to allow a good navigation

and let the users feel that they are in control. 10 seconds would be an unacceptable response

time. The user experience would be interrupted at a disturbing high rate and the user would

probably leave the site. By the way, these response-time limits haven’t change since 40 years.


But it’s not all about time - the user-experience matters

To provide good user-experience it’s worthwhile to manage that the user doesn’t notice that

he’s actually waiting for the loading of a page. Even if there is no possibility to avoid the

loading time of e.g. a huge background image there are plenty of ways to enhance the user-

experience since the human sense of time is relative. For example the background image can

be loaded as the last resource, so the website in general is already usable before the image is

loaded. Same works for JavaScript-enhanced elements: Tests on Facebook showed that it’s best

to avoid white screens and immediately show content even if the functionality behind it isn’t

loaded yet [6]. This doesn’t change anything on the total page loading time, but the perceived

loading time will decrease since the user can already read the content and maybe jump to

Ultra-large-scale Sites Client-Side Performance Optimizations

Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 4

another page via the navigation even if the current page isn’t completely loaded yet. The user

feels a faster response time. It also helps to show a notification like a progress bar if the action

takes a few seconds. So the user knows that the computer is still working and isn’t crashed. Or

why not just give the user something to do while he’s waiting? For example, let him already

add tags to the pictures he’s currently uploading.

So keep in mind that in the end the perceived page loading time is important.

By the way, Google announced in April 2010 that from now on the page speed will be a factor

for ranking websites in the search results [7].

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Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 5

2 The client-side A few years ago, when talking about website performance it was only about optimizing the

server-side and reducing the generation-time of the HTML-output. But nowadays the server-

side seems not to be the main problem: some guys from Yahoo found out that on an average

only 10-20% of the loading time is spent on the server-side; 80-90% is spent at the client-side,

that means in the users browser [8] [9].

Waterfall chart of generated with

The example waterfall chart above shows that just the loading of resources on the client-side

needs way more time than generating the main HTML page on the server. So performance is

not only the job of the guys working on the backend – it’s also an important topic for frontend




Average loading time of a website



Server Client

Ultra-large-scale Sites Client-Side Performance Optimizations

Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 6

When working for the web one usually assumes that the client is thin. Nowadays this is only

partially true for modern web applications. They use a lot of JavaScript and CSS to create a rich

user interface. That means more and more logic lies on the client and the server is sometimes

only used for persistently saving the data. There doesn’t have to be an obligatory HTTP request

for each user interaction anymore.

The browser

Browsers developed to pretty complex applications. Requesting the first URL, following

redirections, receiving and parsing the main HTML site and after the loading of additional

resources like CSS, JavaScript and images the browser renders the content. This means

rendering text in the defined CSS styles, rendering images, calculating the flow and so on.

With the introduction of CSS3, the Canvas element and SVG browsers are not only simply

drawing black text on a white screen anymore – they come with support for rich graphic effects

like drop shadows, transformations like rotations and animations. So there’s more and more

computing power needed to display a website. Also browsers are now able to play video and

audio files by themselves. And the execution of JavaScript needs time too. With every release

the browser manufacturers are working hard on their browsers performance, trying to beat the

competitors with compiling JavaScript engines, Hardware-accelerated rendering, …

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Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 7

3 Analyze and measure Considering 80-90% of the loading time is spent on the client-side it makes sense to have a

look on how the performance can get tuned here. But before implementing some

optimizations it’s important to analyze the bottlenecks and set up test cases to measure the

performance before and after the optimizations. Not long ago browsers behaved like a black

box – a web developer couldn’t easily see what was going on after the users hits the enter

button in the address bar. Today there are plenty of great tools available, just to name a few:

Firebug1 runs as a browser plugin for Firefox and gives beside many handy debug tools for

frontend developers the ability to track for example all network requests or to profile

JavaScript function calls.


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Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 8

Yahoo YSlow2 is a plugin for Firebug which can test a website for many basic optimizations.

It’s a great tool for the beginning. The tests are based on the best practices3 from the Yahoo

Exceptional Performance team.

Google Page Speed4 is also a plugin for Firebug, also based on performance rules. It also

includes minifying of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files.




Ultra-large-scale Sites Client-Side Performance Optimizations

Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 9

Google Chrome Speed Tracer5 is an extension for Google Chrome and offers a deep insight

what the browser is doing. Starting from the loading of resources, executing JavaScript, CSS

selector matching, paint processes to garbage collection.

Also commercial tools are available, e.g. HTTPWatch6 and dynaTrace7.

As explained in chapter 1 it’s not only the loading time that matters. So only measuring the

loading time or e.g. the time until the browsers onload-event is fired isn’t enough [10]. More

important is the time it takes until the page is usable – that means when the important content

and the navigation is visible to the user.

The speed limiter function in OWASP WebScarab8 can emulate a slow internet connection to

see e.g. how all the images get loaded one after each other. In some cases it really helps to get a

live impression on how the site is being loaded and in which order the content will be shown

to the user.





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Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 10

It’s also recommended to do remote testing from clients around the globe. For example

WebPagetest 9 and Zoompf 10 are offering great tools which combine tools like Google

PageSpeed. WebPagetest also allows the definition of a DOM element (which contains

important content, e.g. the DIV of the main content) and track the time until the element is

available in the DOM. Also “slow-motion” videos can be generated to get an insight look on

the rendering process of the site.

Further it’s possible to track the page load times of real visitors. This can be done for example

with the event tracking feature of Google Analytics11 or the Episodes12 framework.

As often it’s hard to get real precise test results since many external factors interfere with the

measured numbers. This includes server load, network latency, the workload of the client

machine, differences between browsers and so on. Therefore the tests should always be run

multiple times.





Ultra-large-scale Sites Client-Side Performance Optimizations

Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 11

4 Basic optimization techniques Many of the now described techniques are actually not new; some people were already

discussing them a few years ago. But unfortunately still many developers and top websites

don’t profit from them.

4.1 HTTP requests are expensive

Every HTTP request requires time and uses a request slot, even if the transferred data has only

a few bytes. Nowadays the transfer speed is not the biggest problem, once a connection is

established the transfer runs fast, even on mobile networks. Latency is the major challenge to

deal with.

Keep in mind that every redirect causes a new request and according to tests of Steve Souders

most of the modern browsers don’t cache redirects. So these additional requests are also

slowing down a website [11].

Avoid HTTP requests when possible

Because every request comes always with latency it’s important to reduce the amount of

requests wherever it’s possible. Many requests can be saved by the smart combination of

resource files. For example all JavaScript files which are loaded on every page, e.g. base.js,

dragndrop.js and animation.js can be combined in one single file (this can be automated, see

chapter 5). If there is a huge JavaScript file for only a few specific pages (e.g. uploader.js) then

it should be kept separate, because the code is not needed on the other pages. The same

should be done with CSS files.

When some more requests are made during the user uses the website, e.g. an form field offers

a nice autosuggest function which calls the backend for JSON responses it sometimes make

sense to deliver more results as the user may need in first step, but which he may will need

later on.

Further the number of requests can be dropped considerably by combining images using CSS

slices as described further on in chapter 4.4.

4.2 Intelligent browser caching

The HTTP protocol specifies great possibilities for caching files on the client and many of them

are widely supported by modern browsers. This really isn’t something new, but it often seems

they got forgotten in developers’ minds. It’s not uncommon that developers or server

administrators just set all HTTP headers to “no-cache” to disable the browser cache so they

don’t have any troubles with cached but outdated content. But if the right HTTP headers will

get sent to the browser, client-side caching can boost the performance of a website, like on the


Ultra-large-scale Sites Client-Side Performance Optimizations

Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 12

Not modified header and the ETag

Webservers can be configured to send an ETag13 (entity tag) header in file responses. This

ETag can e.g. be a Md5 hash of the file, so after modifying the file the ETag will be different. If

the browser saved a file with an ETag in its cache, it will add the ETag to the next request for

the same file. Now the server checks, if the ETag is still valid (the file hasn’t changed). If it’s

valid the server only sends a HTTP/1.x 304 Not Modified response, without sending the

whole file content again. The browser will use the cached file instead. If the file has changed,

the server sends the whole file as usual. With this technique a lot of traffic can be saved, but

there’s still a HTTP to be made.


The Expires header14 tells the browser the exact date and time when a file will expire. Until

this date the browser doesn’t make any new requests for this file. So this is perfect for static

files where it’s known that they won’t change during the time specified in the Expires


If the project has e.g. a weekly release cycle every Wednesday it’s possible to set the static files

to expire on this date. But mostly it’s a safer way to use cache busters as described in the

following chapter.

Cache busters

After the release of a new version of the website it’s very important that all users are getting

the latest version of the resource files, like CSS and JS. Wrong configured caching can become

a huge problem, imagine what happens when the users are getting the latest HTML page but

are still using an outdated CSS and JavaScript file…

13 14

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Cache busters force the browser to reload the file. This is done by appending e.g. a version-

number so the browser thinks it’s a complete different file. Mod_rewrite15 can be used for that

so on the server-side it can still be the same filename. This can look for example like this:

/scripts/uploader-158846.js -> /scripts/uploader.js

or directory-based


When possible, cache busters as a get parameter (uploader.js?158846) should be avoided

since some proxies are configured to don’t cache files with get parameters [12].

Using Expire headers together with cache busters should be preferred instead of using


But unfortunately web developers still can’t rely on caching as much as it would be desirable.

According to Yahoo!'s Exceptional Performance Team, 40% to 60% of Yahoo!'s users have an

empty cache experience and about 20% of all page views are done with an empty cache. This

surprising fact outlines the importance of keeping websites as lightweight as possible as

described in the following chapter. [13]

4.3 Shrink request size

Transferring bytes always consumes time; therefore the amount of data being transferred from

the server to the client and vice versa should be as small as possible. Just one example: Google

Maps increased their number of map requests by 30% after shrinking their total file size by

30% [14]. To archive a minimal file size it helps to use light data formats like JSON instead of

XML. Further great savings can be gained by minifying and compressing files:


CSS and JavaScript files usually contain describing variable names, comments, whitespaces and

line breaks to be easy readable by humans. But the browser doesn’t need all these information.

By removing these characters the file size can be shrinked drastically.

There are a handful tools available like YUI Compressor16 and Dojo ShrinkSafe17 for minifying

JS and CSS files. Even HTML files can be minified.

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All modern browsers support compressed content18. This means all plain text content like

HTML, CSS, JS, JSON, XML etc. can be compressed on the server-side and the browser will

decompress the content right away before using it. Of course binary files like images, PDF and

SWF shouldn’t be compressed again since they are already compressed.

The compression can easily be enabled in the configuration of most webservers (e.g. by

enabling mod_deflate in Apache). There’s no need to change anything of the sites code,

everything is done by the webserver. Dynamic content will be compressed on-the-fly while

static content will automatically be served as a cached compressed version.

By the way, the additional computing power needed to compress and decompress the data

generally doesn’t cause any problems.

The following table demonstrates as an example what amount of data can be saved by

minifying and compressing HTML, CSS and JS files on [15]:

Original Minified Compressed Minified + compressed

HTML 101 KB 97 KB 17 KB 16 KB

CSS 90 KB 68 KB 19 KB 14 KB

JS 243 KB 195 KB 73 KB 63 KB

Sum 434 KB 360 KB 109 KB 93 KB

So by minifying and compressing HTML, CSS and JS files their transferred file size can be

reduced by 341 KB – that means 79%!

Unfortunately by October 2010, still 47% of the top 1000 websites weren’t using compression,

although it’s very easy to enable and has amazing potential to speed up websites! [16] For

example the #9 top site of Germany19, could save a lot of traffic if they would minify

and compress their content. Just to provide a roundabout number: on every visit with an

empty cache 436 KB of traffic could be saved. Projected on their 380.000.000 page impressions

per month20 and considering the fact from the previous chapter that 20% of all page

impressions are done with an empty cache this would sum up in a saving of about 32 TB per



The community-driven website offers great compares about different browsers and versions. 19

according to 20,1518,249387,00.html

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4.4 Image optimizations

Use the right image format & dimensions

First, by choosing the optimal image format the file size can be reduced drastically while even

providing better image quality. In general the JPG format should be used for images with a

high number of colors. PNG is best for rendered texts e.g. headlines (which better should be a

plain text anyway) and of course for images with alpha transparency. Background images

usually can be saved with a high compression rate.

It’s not uncommon that images are delivered in a higher resolution as they are displayed in the

browser. So they are downscaled via the browser, which consumes needless network

bandwidth and rendering time of the browser. Whenever possible, the width and height

attributes of <img> tags should be filled [17].

CSS Sprites

Like JS and CSS files also image files can be combined to save an enormous amount of

requests. Therefore a huge image will be made up of the single images. This image will be

defined as the background image of HTML elements and with the CSS background-position

the image will get positioned so that only one single image is visible. [18] When combining

images with similar colors the best compression rate can be achieved.

Google for example combined 53 images into one file. Take a look at the CSS listing to see how

the selection of a single image out of the huge sprite is done:

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Remove meta data

Further with the removal of useless meta information like EXIF data quite a sum of bytes can

be saved. Dependent on the use case some meta information like copyright hints may be

important but in general these meta data are not needed for images on a webpage. [19]

Yahoo provides with Smush.it21 a great service for automatically optimizing images without

quality loss. Also Google PageSpeed includes image optimizations like removing meta data:

For example 124 KB or 67% of the total image size could be saved by removing meta data on, without any loss in image quality.


a.button {

width: 13px;

height: 13px;

background: url(sprite.png) no-repeat;

background-position: -19px -193px;


a.button:hover {

background-position: -35px -193px;


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Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 17

4.5 Loading resources & page rendering

The general aim should be to show the most important content first and as fast as possible. For

example this could be the main article and the page navigation. The order of loading the site

resources like JavaScript, CSS and images files has a wide influence on the rendering process in

the browser. The network waterfall charts of e.g. Firebug can give helpful insights on how the

browser loads the resources on the site.

Correct order of HTTP requests

A best practice is to put the CSS file (hopefully all files are combined into one) as the very first

resource in the <head> tag. This helps to avoid strange content jumping while loading your

page. Otherwise it can happen that the browser displays your content for example with the

default font and later on has to redraw it with the font defined – which is not only confusing

for the user (the so called “Flash of unstyled content”), it also consumes needless computing

power and slows down the website rendering.

Non-blocking JavaScript

The browser waits until all JavaScript files defined in the <head> section are loaded before it

begins to render the page. Also <script> elements in the <body> section are blocking the

browser from rendering all following HTML elements until the JavaScript file is loaded and

executed. Further all other resource downloads are paused while loading JavaScript files since

the loaded script could modify the DOM again; luckily new browsers are trying to fix this. But

not only the loading of JavaScript blocks the page rendering, also all rendering of the page

content is paused and new resource downloads are blocked while executing JavaScript [10].

It’s well-known that this behavior isn’t optimal, so the HTML5 specification offer async and

defer attributes22 for <script> elements to define when the script should be loaded and

executed. The async attribute tells the browser to load the script asynchronous and execute it

as soon as it’s loaded. That means the scripts will be executed in the order they got loaded, not

in the order of the <script> elements. Also the DOM may not be complete when executing

this script. With the defer attribute the script will be loaded after all other site resources

were loaded and executed when the DOM is ready. The order of execution will be kept.

Unfortunately these attributes are not well supported by the major browsers yet.

Nevertheless common JavaScript libraries provide utilities for asynchronous JavaScript and CSS

loading, e.g. YUI3 Get23. And with a few hacks the loading and also the parsing and execution

of JavaScript can be controlled separately. It’s worth to take a look at the JavaScript module

ControlJS24 from Steve Souders which allows this, even though it’s not yet recommended to use

this tool in an production environment. [20]

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The following figure shows how JavaScript files block the browser from fetching other resource

files like images and block the page rendering. The green line indicates when the rendering

process starts.

Waterfall chart without ControlJS (IE8) [20]

The next figure shows the same page using ControlJS. The user will see the page right after the

HTML has been loaded and doesn’t have to wait about 4 seconds until all JavaScript files where

loaded. Also the images will get loaded first and parallel to the JavaScript files.

Waterfall chart with ControlJS (IE8) [20]

In general an eye should be kept on which files really need to be loaded to display the first

state of the website and the principle of progressive enhancement should be followed. That

means allowing the browser to render the plain HTML page as fast as possible and enhance it

with JavaScript after the page was rendered.

Frontend single points of failure

Just think about the following case: An external JavaScript file e.g. from an advertisement

company is loaded in the <head> section of a site. What happens to the site when the external

server is down? The whole site won’t show up until the browser decides to timeout the request!

That’s a single point of failure. [21] So it’s not only from the performance point of view wise to

load resources in a non-blocking way. This especially applies for external resources so 3rd

parties don’t slow down the own site.

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Intelligent pre/lazy-loading

It’s possible to preload resources which will be used later on. For example it can help to

preload huge JavaScript files while the user enters his login data on the login page. After he has

logged in all needed JavaScript files are already in the browsers cache and can be used

immediately. But of course it’s important to start the preloading after the current page has

been rendered so e.g. the login page is already usable before the preloading starts.

Also lazy-loading is possible for content which is first of all not visible for the user. A common

use case is images which are currently not visible and only will get visible after the user scrolls

down. YouTube for example lazy loads the thumbnails of the suggested clips only when the

user scrolls down. Many JavaScript libraries like YUI provide easy functions25 to implement this

behavior. Also lazy-loading of other resources can result in a huge performance boost.

Progressive rendering

An interesting, but depending of the application architecture sometimes difficult to implement

technique is to send the generated HTML code as early as possible to the client, even if it isn’t

completely generated. For example, in PHP this can be done with the flush() method as

shown in the example below. Browsers can already parse the first code lines and e.g. start

loading CSS and JavaScript files during the rest of the document is being generated on the

server. [22] [19]



<title>the page</title>

<link href="my.css" />

<script src="my.js"></script>


<?php flush(); ?>


<div>site navigation</div>

<div>main content</div>

<?php flush(); ?>

<div>some user comments</div>

<div>some ads</div>




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Jakob Schröter | Stuttgart Media University, Germany 20

4.6 Domain sharding / CDN

Browsers only allow a specific number (2-6) of parallel HTTP connections to the same host

name. If all resource files are hosted under the same host name it will take a while until the

files are loaded since there are only e.g. 2 download slots available. To improve concurrency it

makes sense to split up the resources on e.g. 2 additional (sub-)domains.

Also a lightweight webserver26 can be used for delivering static files like JavaScript, CSS and

images. They have faster response times and can unload the main application servers. Further

the domain should be cookie-free, so the browser doesn’t send a cookie with every request for

static files. This saves traffic and computing power.

In addition content delivery networks with servers around the globe provide better response

times since they will choose the nearest server based in the location of the user.

4.7 JS & CSS performance More and more websites are extensively using JavaScript – especially web 2.0 sites. Some of

them put the whole creation of the DOM in the hand of JavaScript. From this it follows that

the performance of JavaScript is getting more importance. All browser manufacturers are

working hard to optimize their engines and speed up the JavaScript execution. But also web

developers can do a lot to optimize their code. If a website is heavily using JavaScript, it’s

worth to follow JavaScript best practices. [23]

The same applies for CSS – it might sound a bit beside the point, but for example some CSS

selectors have considerable better performance than others. The most misunderstood fact is

that browsers are interpreting CSS selectors from right to left and not like many people would

guess from left to right. One example:

#myElement li a {color: red;}

Actually this selector seems to be very efficient, getting the element with the id myElement,

search for children of the type <li> and then applying the font color to all children from the

type <a>. Instead the browser iterates over all <a> tags on the entire page, checks if they may

are a child of a <li> element in multiple levels and then checks if they are also a child of the

element with the id myElement. [19] From performance point of view the rule above would be

faster when e.g. using only one class selector and apply this class name to all <a> elements:

.myElement-li-a {color: red;}

Steve Souders created a test suit27 to compare the performance of (own) CSS selectors.

Further the new CSS3 shadow and transform effects should be used with care; in some

circumstances they can extremely slow down a website.


e.g. or 27

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5 Automation It’s important that performance optimizations don’t break the development process.

Struggling with minified JavaScript and CSS files in the development environment is no fun at

all. And manually minifying and combining them before every release is a time-taking and also

error-prone job. Therefore the aim should be to integrate as much as possible into the

deployment process. This has also advantages when working on a huge project with dozens of

people since it’s hard to convince every developer to follow the optimization rules.

Optimizations like minifying and combining CSS and JavaScript files can be done

automatically during the deployment process (e.g. via Ant) so there is still a nice modular file

structure in the development environment.

In addition some companies such as Strangeloop28 or Blaze29 offer commercial out-of-the-box

optimizations tools. The trend goes to transformation-based performance optimization. This

means these tools will automatically modify the HTML output and optimize resources without

the need of far-reaching changes on the application. It’s a challenge e.g. for sites relying heavily

on JavaScript, Ajax and third party content. But for more simple HTML sites and particularly

smaller (e.g. private) sites this approach can be useful. Also Google recently released their

open-source Apache module mod_pagespeed30 which does performance optimizations like

compressing, minifying, image optimization, combining of JS and CSS files and so on

automatically on-the-fly. The idea sounds very promising; the module even chooses the

optimal optimizations depending on the users’ browser. It’s worth giving it a try. But some

tests from Aaron Peters showed that the module can even slow down a website since it

consumes computing power on the server [24].

Further automated performance tests could be set up to ensure e.g. a new feature doesn’t slow

down the website dramatically. For example the tool ShowSlow31 allows the tracking of YSlow,

Page Speed and dynaTrace rankings over time.

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6 Conclusion and a look into the future Not only the end-user profits from snappy websites – often the servers and the networks get

unloaded and bandwidth is saved. So also from an economical and ecological point of view

performance optimizations are worthwhile. Like mentioned in chapter 1, Shopzilla reduced

their hardware by 50% after performance optimizations [2]. So with performance

optimizations a lot of money can be saved and also earned when e.g. beating competitors’ site

speed and getting more satisfied customers. Fred Wilson, a New York based tech investor said

in March 2010 that he sees speed as the most important feature of an web application [25].

It’s just the beginning

Comparable to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) a new industry specialized on performance

optimizations has grown: Web Performance Optimization (WPO) [26]. The establishment of

the W3C Web Performance Working Group32 shows that there is effort to standardizing

performance metrics in browsers, e.g. with the Navigation Timing33 specification.

Also just think about performance on mobile devices. Mobile client-side web performance is

already a big topic and will get as important as desktop web performance [27]. While there is a

bunch of well working tools like Firebug available for measuring desktop performance, there is

still a lack of good tools for mobile browsers. And since browsers supporting rich graphic

effects like drop-shadows the client-side performance will get more attention in the future. For

example all major browser manufactures are already working on hardware-accelerated website


Further interesting research is done like the Diffable34 project by Google which aims to provide

an tool that only downloads the deltas between cached static files and the updated ones. So

when e.g. a new version of Google Maps is released, the browser only needs to download a diff-

file with maybe 20 KB instead of the full JavaScript file with 300 KB. [28] To further reduce the

number of HTTP connections the idea of Resource Packages came up. All resource files can be

packed into one single ZIP file which is referenced in the documents <head> section. So the

transfer can be done by one single data stream. Good news are, that single files can be

progressively accessed while the (huge) ZIP file is still loading and the loading order can be

defined. The idea sounds really promising and could replace CSS sprites which are often

difficult to maintain. [29] Also in the future local storages could be used to cache application

data and have a better control over cached files on the client-side.

But beside all benefits, website performance may not be the highest priority optimization for

every website. There is no one-click solution yet to perfectly boost the performance of any

random website. Also the performance best practices are always in a change, so the best

optimization rule for browser X may hurt performance in browser Y, or even in a newer

version of browser X. Going into the details of website performance is a very complex, time-

taking and somehow endless task when digging into micro-optimizations. On the other side

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hardware is getting faster and browsers are continuously improving the performance, without

the need to change anything on the own website. So for smaller sites the ROI may not be

worthwhile. Depending on e.g. the CMS or shop system which the website is based on it might

be tricky to implement even simple optimizations.

Nevertheless every web developer should have a basic knowledge about performance

optimizations and also small sites should at least adopt the basic optimizations like enabling

compression. They are very easy to adopt and have a huge benefit. With basic knowledge and

little attention to performance enormous bottlenecks can be avoided right from the launch of a


For further reading and latest news it’s worth to take a look at the blog35 of client-side

performance guru Steve Souders.


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[1] Eric Schurman and Jake Brutlag. (2009, June) Performance Related Changes and their

User Impact. [Online].


[2] Steve Souders. (2009, July) O'Reilly Radar: Velocity and the Bottom Line. [Online].

[3] Blake Cutler. (2010, March) Blog of Metrix: Firefox & Page Load Speed. [Online].

[4] Website Optimization, LLC. (2008, May) The Psychology of Web Performance. [Online].

[5] Jakob Nielsen. (2010, June) Website Response Times. [Online].

[6] Zizhuang Yang. (2009, August) Facebook: Every Millisecond Counts. [Online].

[7] Amit Singhal and Matt Cutts. (2010, April) Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Using

site speed in web search ranking. [Online].


[8] Tenni Theurer. (2006, November) Yahoo! User Interface Blog: Performance Research, Part

1: What the 80/20 Rule Tells Us about Reducing HTTP Requests. [Online].

[9] Steve Souders, High performance web sites: essential knowledge for frontend engineers,

O'Reilly, Ed., 2007.

[10] Steve Souders. (2010, September) High Performance Web Sites blog. [Online].

[11] Steve Souders. (2010, July) High Performance Web Sites blog: Redirect caching deep dive.


[12] Steve Souders. (2008, August) High Performance Web Sites blog: Revving Filenames: don’t

use querystring. [Online].


[13] Tenni Theurer. (2007, January) Yahoo! User Interface Blog: Performance Research, Part 2:

Browser Cache Usage – Exposed! [Online].

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[14] Stephen Shankland. (2008, May) CNET News: We're all guinea pigs in Google's search

experiment. [Online].

[15] Jakob Schröter. (2010, January) Client-side Performance Optimizations. [Online].

[16] Joshua Bixby. (2010, October) Almost half of the top 1000 retail sites don’t follow two easy

performance best practices. Does yours? [Online].


[17] Website Optimization, LLC. (2004, September) Size Images with Width and Height

Attributes. [Online].

[18] Sven Lennartz. (2009, April) Smashing Magazine: The Mystery Of CSS Sprites:

Techniques, Tools And Tutorials. [Online].


[19] Steve Souders, Even Faster Web Sites, O'Reilly, Ed., 2009.

[20] Steve Souders. (2010, December) High Performance Web Sites blog: ControlJS part 1: async

loading. [Online].

[21] Steve Souders. (2010, June) High Performance Web Sites blog: Frontend SPOF. [Online].

[22] Stoyan Stefanov. (2009, December) Progressive rendering via multiple flushes. [Online].

[23] Nicholas C. Zakas, High Performance JavaScript.: O'Reilly, 2010.

[24] Aaron Peters. (2010, December) Performance Calendar: Mod_Pagespeed Performance

Review. [Online].


[25] Keir Whitaker. (2010, March) Think Vitamin: Fred Wilson’s 10 Golden Principles of

Successful Web Apps. [Online].


[26] Steve Souders. (2010, December) Performance Calendar: 2010 State of Performance.


[27] Joshua Bixby. (2011, January) RCR Wireless News: Reader Forum: 2011 Web performance

predictions for the mobile industry. [Online].

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[28] Steve Souders. (2010, July) Diffable: only download the deltas. [Online].

[29] Alexander Limi. (2009, November) Making browsers faster: Resource Packages. [Online].

[30] Stoyan Stefanov. (2010, November) Progressive Downloads and Rendering. [Online].