ClickBank Money Factory - Training With...

Post on 21-Mar-2018

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Transcript of ClickBank Money Factory - Training With...

ClickBank Money Factory

Welcome to ClickBank Money Factory . I am ABhadra, Here i will show you the process of making money

from clickbank without any investment . stay with me and look over my tutorial . Step by Step i will show you what you have to do for making money from


Step 1 :

If you have no ClickBank Account then you have to

Create a Clickbank Account .

And it’s quite easy .

Fill up All the blank step by step...

Step 2 :

After creating your account you have to go the ClickBank Marketplace.

I suggest you to go with a business and e-marketing or make money online niche products,because they

convert really well.

Then you have to choose a good product which GRAVITY and Con. Rate are so high. Click the

“PROMOTE” and grab the link .

Step 3 :

You have to go to and You will shorten this link so that it will look a little decent okay so this

is this will be your cap rate link okay.

Step 4 :

Now i will tell you the free traffic source by which you

will promote your Affiliate link . what is classified ads ?

Classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers, online and other periodicals which may be sold or distributed free of charge. Classified advertisements are much cheaper

than larger display advertisements used by

businesses, although display advertising is more widespread.

I will show you how to distribute free ads to a classified ads site and it is is one of the most famous classified site on the planet okay and it gets decent amount of traffic you can see in last 30

days they have because they got more than 4 million it's near about 5 million people visiting their site ok Later on i will provide you more Classified ads sites

name . You have to sign up Salespider Classified Ads site .

After sign up here ..

open the product's sales page just get an idea ok now whenever you are creating an ad you make sure look at their sales page to get an idea - what about what

you can write here right so we can see on title , Description etc whatever needed. Now i will show you a sample post

You have to choose a eye attracted ‘TITLE’ from the

product sales letter.

You have to highlight the main focus points of the

description and you have to insert the product affiliate link that you shorted by tinyurl .

Fill up your location .

Then you have to select a category according to your product.

In the optional website address you may use the affiliate link .

This picture is the final stage of a post .

To Check your post you can visit top display position

for its category .

This free traffic generation is great source of traffic . A lot of people everyday visit such type of classified site for making money online. So it will be a great source

of income everyday .

You may paid ads here also if you wish .

Best Free Classifieds Websites: 1. Craigslist 2. OLX 3. Kijiji 4. Clickooz 5. Locanto Free Classifieds 6. Americanlisted 7. 8. 9.

Thank You . Wish Your Success,

Best of Luck .