Clear Sighted Transparency - Transparent Optical Networks

Post on 08-May-2015

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Today's networks mirror their electric telegraph and telephone forebears with working practices, building/facility locations dictated by a copper past. Many of the latest optical networks still utilise old planning and design rules, but Transparent Optical Networks offer new opportunities to break the legacy with direct links between countries, islands, cities, towns and villages. They also offer future proof solutions devoid of 'bandwidth blocking' electronics, and very often, do not require optical amplification. The attendant energy demands and reliability risks associated with electronic transmission and switching are also displaced by 'optical only signals' of a hybrid (analogue-digital) form. The operational opportunities and economic gains of TONs combined with non-linear optics cannot be overstressed as they eclipse anything and everything that has gone before.

Transcript of Clear Sighted Transparency - Transparent Optical Networks

Clear SightedTransparency

Peter Cochrane

COCHRANE a s s o c i a t e s

Thursday, 5 July 12

Some things are inherently complex... ...and some things are made complex by us!

Thursday, 5 July 12

Networks of all kinds naturally exhibit complexity ...of interaction, behaviours and outcomes!

Thursday, 5 July 12

Networks of all kinds naturally exhibit complexity ...of interaction, behaviours and outcomes!

Interconnection of yeast proteins

Thursday, 5 July 12

Complexity rapidly leads to non-linearity... ...with emergent behaviours...and we have

no real idea what is going to happen!

Thursday, 5 July 12

Thursday, 5 July 12

We have no generalised math framework for dealing with non-linearity...and it may be

fundamentally beyond our capacity!

Thursday, 5 July 12

Our systems and networks will increasingly surprise us if we

continue on the current trajectory !

Thursday, 5 July 12

Although we fully understand layered complexity does not solve the problem, we mostly continue to build more layers in the hope that it might...

Thursday, 5 July 12

Axiom: We are building a global nightmare of over-complex systems at a computing, networking, fixed,

mobile, machine and human level !

Thursday, 5 July 12

Economic and trading markets are prime examples of uncontrolled and misunderstood complexity!

Thursday, 5 July 12

This is not ‘rocket science’, but it is complexity compounded by greed.......

Thursday, 5 July 12

Digital Failures

•Always abrupt•Mostly avoidable•Often caused by people•Unanticipated mechanisms•Increasingly life threatening•Dominantly very expensive•Reputationally damaging/fatal

Thursday, 5 July 12

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Thursday, 5 July 12

Strange attractors that bring down networks today... .....and tomorrow...

Thursday, 5 July 12

Strange attractors that bring down networks today... .....and tomorrow...

Thursday, 5 July 12

Strange attractors that bring down networks today... ..and tomorrow...

Thursday, 5 July 12


solutions like MPLS,

FTTC, +++are a result

of unthinking short termism

Thursday, 5 July 12

Confusion is rife, complexity growing, and a wireless future can’t do it all...

.. everyone of these needs a transparent optical fibre connection

Thursday, 5 July 12

If we started from a clean sheet:- 180km between repeaters not 40km- 30k people instead of 160k- 60 switches not 7000- Gbit/s not Mbit/s

Thursday, 5 July 12

Fibre rich networks instead of fibre sparse - no TPON, GPON, BPON, XPON...- PONS made sense when fibre was 30p/m- But now it is 1p/m they are irrelevant and far too complex- They are also bandwidth limiting- A ‘dog’ to manage- And reduce reliability

Thursday, 5 July 12

By the same token say goodbye to blown fibre...

Thursday, 5 July 12

WDMA instead of TDMA...

...amplification instead of regeneration...

Thursday, 5 July 12

IP over WDM...Ethernet...

Thursday, 5 July 12

Remove coding to reduce latency, lower cost, improve reliability and improve performance...

- Compressing signals to save bandwidth is old thinking- Bandwidth is cheap and near infinite- Coding is expensive

Thursday, 5 July 12

We have to leave this legacy behind...Thursday, 5 July 12

We need to push complexity to the periphery and keep the network ‘essentially simple’...

Thursday, 5 July 12

If we do not, this world will not be realised in the way we would like!

Thursday, 5 July 12

We can only......what the future holds...

Thursday, 5 July 12

But we do know it will be mobile and it will eat bandwidth, lots of bandwidth...

A transition of < 70 years

Thursday, 5 July 12

IP over WDM...Ethernet...

The expectation is anything and everything, anytime, anywhere, any format...instantaneously!

Thursday, 5 July 12

And this has to be be reliable and resilient, it will also be relatively dumb !

Thursday, 5 July 12


Thursday, 5 July 12