Classic marque april 2014 web

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Transcript of Classic marque april 2014 web

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Classic Marque

April 2014

The Monthly Magazine of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

SS Register Celebrates 40 Years 1974—2014

2 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Club Services

Technical Officer

Geoff Mockford (08) 8362 5997 / 0438 768 770 Regalia David Bicknell 0411 066 225 Librarian Tom & Marj Brindle (08) 8387 0051 Log Books Kathy Taylor 0403371364

Inspectors—Historic Registration North Don Evans (08) 8251 1575 Central Evan Spartalis (08) 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford (08) 8223 1997 South Onslow Billinghurst (08)8325 1971

Club Representatives Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs (ACJC) Rick Luff 0411 426 913 Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs (FHMC) Bob Lynch (08) 838 11705 Marque Sports Car Association (MSCA) Barry Kitts (08) 8391 1759 All British Day Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111

Management Committee

President Di Adamson Mobile: 0407 862 758 Vice President Julian Lugg Mobile: 0417 882 930

Treasurer Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Secretary Kathy Taylor Mobile: 0403371364 (Please call after 6.00pm week-days or anytime on weekends) Editor Classic Marque Philip Prior Phone: (08) 8276 6136 Mobile: 0402 670 654 Membership Secretary Daphne Charman Phone: (08) 8248 4111 Mobile: 0404 999 200 Events Coordinator Bill Browne Phone: (08) 8355-1214 Mobile: 0429 169 798 Web Editor Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Club Web Site Club Postal Address PO Box 30, Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000

Register Secretaries

XK, MK 7,8,9 Robin Ide Mobile: 0428 816 678 SS & Daimler Malcolm Adamson Phone: (08) 82783002 MK 1, 2, S, 420 Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 XJ, 420G, MKX Bob Charman Phone: (08) 8248 4111 E-Type. F Type and Grand Tourer Alan Baker Mobile: 0429 097 729 Multi-Valve Ron Palmer Mobile: 0418 855 597

Classic Marque

Classic Marque is the official maga-zine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia.

The magazine is produced calendar monthly with the exception of Janu-ary.

The Deadline for all copy is the last Tuesday of each month.

The Editor reserves the right to ac-cept, reject or modify content submit-ted for publication.

The opinions/views expressed in pub-lished articles are wholly those of the respective authors, and are not nec-essarily those of Jaguar, the Editor, the Club, or the Members.

Advertisers and sponsors who place advertisements in the magazine do so because they value their associa-tion with the JDCSA. Placement of these advertisements should not nec-essarily be taken to mean the club endorses the services offered.

Cover Story This year marks the 40th anniversary of the SS Register. This register was the first official register of the fledging Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia . The register was formed in April 1974 and has continued consistently ever since with a variety of meetings and outings including the annual boarder runs.

Club Torque

3 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Club Torque

I can’t remember where I heard the comment, but it was a group of guys in the club discussing Historic Registration. Someone made a comment along the following lines.

“ I do not understand how Hot Rods can qualify for historic registration, when even the slightest

alteration to an otherwise qualifying Jaguar will result in disqualifying it from eligibility for historic registration.”

My mind has been contemplating this ever since and I have wondered about the motivation of the department in the changes that were made recently to concessional (Historic) registration in SA.

In my opinion we had the best and most sensible regula-tions in the country before they were changed. So much so that Victoria saw fit to mimic them.

Our NSW friends in the historic car movement are restricted to driving their vehicles to and from a club event. So I sup-pose we have something to be happy about with our more liberal rules.

I should say that the new requirement in SA for annual stat-utory declarations by the owner is a reasonable change and puts the responsibility back on the owner where it should be. Even the new three yearly inspection requirement can be understood and is reasonable in seeking to ensure compli-ance. However in my opinion the whole system is over regu-lated.

The removal of the rolling 30 year qualifying period is unrea-sonable and nonsensical. I have heard the argument put that the authorities are concerned about a myriad of early 1980’s commodores and Fords etc. qualifying for historic registration with the subsequent loss of revenue. This argu-ment is absurd. If a 1980’s Commodore conforms to the rules as a classic (ie over thirty years old under the old rules) and is driven a maximum of 90 days per year as re-quired, surely it is a good thing for the old car movement.

These cars could not be historically registered under the old rules unless the owners were prepared to be limited to 90 days usage. So many of them will now be destined for the scrap yard or the proverbial “Barn”. I suspect the authorities have shot themselves in the foot with this one. Many of these cars will just not be registered at all. I doubt the rule makes any difference to revenue raised.

If the motivation for the change is revenue, why not raise the fee slightly. If I paid $200 per year for my Historic Registra-tion with the retention of the rolling 30 year qualification peri-od, I would not consider that unreasonable. Equally provid-ing a 45 days of use per year option at $100 per year would be a good change. (as per Victorian scheme).

Or is it simply that they want old cars off the road?

I wonder if the authorities ever asked themselves what the old car movement is worth to the states economy? Consider the thousands of classic and vintage cars in SA and the money that is spent every year in restoring, repairing and enjoying them.

Having said all of the above I believe the system is typically over regulated. It has always been my understanding that



concessional registration is based on the ‘user pay’ princi-ple, such as seasonal registration. Because certain vehicles are only on our roads for a small portion of the year they attract some concessions in registration costs.

This is a sound principle and surely should be the base for Historic Registration Concessions. Under this principle the Hot Rod movement have a legitimate claim to a concession on registration costs.

But how did we get to the illogical mess we are in now? With a different set of rules for different types of vehicles and with rules relating to originality that bear little or no rela-tionship to the basic principle of limited use and the ‘user pays’ principle.

Why not simply allow any vehicle over 30 years old that is on the road for less than ninety days qualify for the Historic Registration concession? Initial inspections, log books and car club membership should still apply to assist with compli-ance.

Just think of the red tape and administrative costs that would be saved by all concerned.

Common sense says, establish some consistent and sensi-ble rules, cut the red tape, encourage the old car movement and the clubs that give so much to our community and state.

Well that’s what I think, what do you think? Send a short letter to the editor.

Philip Prior Editor

4 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Club Torque

Jaguar Drivers Club, SA Inc Minutes of the General Meeting held on Tuesday, 4 March,

2014 at the Police Club Opening: President, Di Adamson welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 7.45pm.

Apologies: Evan Spartalis, Bill and Heather Jones, Bill and Sue Prior, Don and Margaret Evans, Carla Smith, Dane Wilden, Malcolm Adamson, Robin and Roseanne Bullock, Tony Human, Martin O’Dea, Tim White, Peter Tay-lor and Rob and Vicki Loffler.

Visitor: Di introduced and welcomed visitor, Gary Rushdon who is the new owner of a 2007 S-type.

Previous Minutes: Minutes of the general meeting held on Tuesday 4 February had been previously circulated and were accepted as an accurate record of that meeting.

President’s Report: Di reports that:

All British Day went well with 99 Jaguars registered for the event.

In 2014 the Club will again sponsor Dane Wilden and Jeff in the Shitbox Rally.

The venue allocated to the JDCSA for the McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic Festival is the Lazy Ballerina.

The Adelaide Motor Sport Festival will be on the 12th and

13th April. Information will be available later in the meeting.

Vice-President’s Report: Julian Lugg advised that a committee has been formed to organise Jag Day on 26 Oc-tober 2014. Membership is; Convenor, Philip Prior, Bob Charman, Malcolm Adamson, Ron Palmer, Steve Arthur, Julian Lugg and Doug Tilley. Other nominations are wel-come. The committee will meet on Monday 24 March and will endeavour to find a venue south of the city for a change. Members of the committee welcome comments and suggestions for 2014 Jag Day.

Julian reminded members to send the correct papers for club endorsement of historic registrations which are due before the end of June 2014. You need to send the original of the registration certificate and the statutory declaration with the log book.

Before June 2015 all cars need to have had an ‘authenticity’ inspection in the last 3 years. Register secre-taries as well as other club inspectors can conduct the ‘3 year inspections’. Don’t leave it until the last minute.

Secretary’s Report: Kathy Taylor reported that she has

received the usual magazines from other clubs, one new application for membership, entry forms for the McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic Festival.

Treasurer: Di reported on behalf of Tim White that the Club is on track to achieve a balanced budget by the end of June.

Editor: Philip Prior is seeking an apprentice to train in the editorial craft.

MCSA: Barry Kitts advised that the season starts on 23 March and JDCSA is rostered to provide 6 flag marshals on 20 July. Register secretaries should pass on nominations to Barry.

Membership Officer: Daphne Charman reported that February had been a quiet month for membership applica-tions and that renewals would go out at the end of March.

Regalia: Fire extinguishers are available for $15 and 30 XJ Register badges are on order.

Library: Tom Brindal had the usual magazines, books and DVDs but will not be at the April meeting so borrowers will have an extra month.

Other Business: Jeff Wilden thanked the Club for the donation to the Cancer Council through the Shitbox Rally. He told us about a night at Globe Derby on 29 March, and Team Swede Speed stubby holders for $6. He asked for ideas on how to get the car to Perth.

Ron Palmer advised that 3 cars planned to go from SA to the National Rally in Victoria at Easter time. Ron will also take part in the post rally tour.

Guest Speaker: Di introduced guest speaker, Tim Possingham who gave a comprehensive presentation on the 2014 Adelaide Motor Festival which is an initiative of the Sporting Car Club of SA.

‘Formula 1 Returns to Adelaide’ is the theme of the festival which is a celebration of motoring history and will run over two days on 12 and 13 April. There will be a hillclimb to Windy Point on the 12

th followed by sprints at Victoria Park

on the 13th.

Many exotic cars of history and of note will com-pete and other interesting cars will be on display. Much more information is available on the website.

Di thanked Tim for his presentation.

Closure: Di reminded members that Club Patron Ian Webber will speak at the April general meeting. Di thanked the XK 789 Register for preparation of the supper and re-cording of the minutes and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.

Another busy month is ahead of us. I am looking forward to seeing many Jaguars in the McLaren Vale Classic and Vin-tage on 6

th April. Our destination will be Lazy Ballerina

Winery. No need to pack the table and chairs as they will be supplying them. This year the organisers are theming each venue and following the English theme, lunch will be Sausages and Mash $10 and Apple Pie $5. Wine will also be available for sale. We will have to cross our fingers for some good weather as will the Joccers for their run this weekend.

The following week is the inaugural Adelaide Motorsport Festival. This event involves a Hill Climb to Windy Point on the Saturday and a display and Sprints at Victoria Park Racecourse. Many members have already registered their

PRESIDENT’S REPORT Jaguars for the display so let’s get out there and be seen. For more information and registration visit the website, Some of the vehi-cles that will be there on the day are a 1988 TVR Tuscan Challenge Car, 1968 Gilbert Indy Car, 1934 MG K3, 1969 Lola T142/21. The event is described as a virtual “museum-in-motion”- A 2 day festival that draws upon SA's rich motor-sport history, including 1930s - 1990s Grand Prix Formula 1 Cars.

I hope you can join us for the April Meeting as our Patron, Ian Webber AO will be our guest speaker. I believe it to be a most informative, entertaining talk.

Don’t forget the fundraiser “Night at the Trots” for Shitbox Rally on the 29

th March.

See you at the General Meeting.

Di Adamson

5 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

80 King William St Kent Town SA 5067 ph: (08)

Geoff Mockford—JDCSA Technical Of-

A History Lesson—Jaguar’s War Effort at Castle Bromwich

With the centenary of the start of the Great War being com-memorated this year, it seems appropriate also to cast one’s mind back to the Second World War. Jaguar Cars Ltd. played its role like most of the Midlands manufacturing in-dustry, producing an increased number of motorcycle side-cars for military use and also fabricating many parts for the aircraft and munitions industries.

One of the main aircraft production sites was on the edge of Birmingham, in a specially commissioned factory near West Bromwich, close to the large Fort Dunlop rubber factory complex. By a quirk of history, this later became the Castle Bromwich plant, where all the current Jaguar cars are now produced!

The Jaguar association goes back to 1966 when it merged with BMC to form British Motor Holdings. BMC already owned Fisher and Ludlow, a sheet metal company that took over the Castle Bromwich factory after the war. From 1966 to 1980, the plant produced the bodies for many cars in the British Leyland stable, including all the Jaguars, but Jaguar Cars finally took over control of the site in July 1980. Initially, the plant continued producing just finished painted body shells, but a trim and final assembly line was installed for the new S-TYPE launched in 1998 – the first time complete cars were to come out of the plant!

However, turning back to the war years, the Castle Brom-wich factory has a fascinating history. It was built as a result of the government Expansion Plan in the 1930s which rec-ognised the need to increase military aircraft production, which had declined dramatically in the post World War One years. The site was chosen because of its proximity to RAF West Bromwich and work started in July 1938. The factory was built at an incredible speed and was virtually complete by the time war broke out in September 1939 – at which point it already had a workforce over 6,000 strong.

The plants built under this scheme were referred to as ‘shadow factories’ because they were designed to mass produce aircraft that were already being made by estab-lished aeronautical companies. In the case of Castle Brom-wich, this was Vickers Armstrong who owned Supermarine, makers of the famous Spitfire aircraft. The first Castle Bromwich built Spitfire was handed over to the Air Ministry for testing in June 1940.

Production continued apace, through several iterations of design. In July 1941, the 1000

th Spitfire came off the line,

fulfilling the initial order that had been placed by the Air Min-istry in April 1939 – not bad going! 1941 also saw the first orders being placed for the much larger Avro Lancaster bomber which was produced at Castle Bromwich alongside

the Spitfire from 1943 to 1945. By the end of the war, the plant had produced a total of 11,780 Spitfires and 305 Lan-casters – an incredible feat.

To remind visitors to Castle Bromwich of the origins and history of the plant, a booklet was produced a few years ago by Jaguar Heritage titled “Spitfires to Jaguars”. This has been very popular and is given out to everyone who comes on a Factory Tour. The booklet was written by Francois Prins, one of Jaguar Heritage’s Archive Volunteers and a well-known Jaguar historian, and is illustrated with an amaz-ing collection of archive images showing the aircraft being produced. The booklet has recently been revised and up-dated with new images to bring it right up to the present day.

A more dramatic, physical tribute to the Castle Bromwich plant’s history was established in 2000 with the installation of a large sculpture on the appropriately named Spitfire Is-land – a roundabout on the Chester Road next to the plant. Titled ‘Sentinel’, this 16m high sculpture is by Tim Tolkien, great-nephew of J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of The Lord of the Rings), who grew up in Birmingham. It was unveiled in November 2000 by Alex Henshaw – the former test pilot who air-tested more than 2,000 Spitfires during the war years.

This article is an extract from JAGUAR HERITAGE NEWS – FEBRUARY 2014 REPORT and is used with permission.—Ed

6 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


It was a beautiful Sunday morning with 17 Jaguars meeting at the Marion hotel car park. We were about to head off to the holiday home of David and Margaret Bicknell in Clayton.

Direction sheets were handed out to everyone with easy to follow instructions that would find your way to Clayton through the Adelaide Hills.

All went well until the starting gun was fired. Evan Spar-talis was at the head of the pack and was doing fine until we reached the first round-a-bout. Evan went straight through, but the rest of us, all turned left. That was the last we saw of Evan for a long time.

A short time later several cars stopped at Echunga for morning tea. Within minutes cars came from all differ-ent directions. One even came from the footy oval. In all, 9 cars eventually stopped for a cuppa, but with no sign of Evan.

After a pleasant stay we all decided to head towards Clayton once more. 10 minutes later we were down to three cars. 6 had disappeared again. I was starting to think there was some kind of Bermuda Triangle effect.

So the three of us continued in a southerly direction. At one stage I turned on my sat nav only to find we were in the middle of a paddock with no roads to be found. I was sure it was only a matter of time before we were beamed up and never to be found again.

However, luck was on our side when a little girl walking her dog told us that Clayton was that way. We followed her direction and found our destination a short time lat-er.

David, Margaret and her sister Alison, had the Jaguar flags flying, the tables set and the B.B.Q. at the ready.

It was about this time that we received a text message from Evan stating he was just leaving Tailem Bend.

In all, about 40 people finished up at David’s. He even had a quiz about things we had seen on the way, but as we came from 17 different directions, we had many dif-ferent answers.

In the end it was a wonderful day and many thanks must go to the Bicknell’s for organising the event and opening up his lovely river front home.

To finish the day off, Andrea Spartalis was asking any-one for a lift home as she had to be home early to feed the dog.

Bob Charman

7 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

It was a beautiful Sunday morning with 17 Jaguars meeting at the Marion hotel car park. We were about to head off to the holiday home of David and Margaret

Direction sheets were handed out to everyone with easy to follow instructions that would find your way to

All went well until the starting gun was fired. Evan Spar-talis was at the head of the pack and was doing fine

bout. Evan went straight through, but the rest of us, all turned left. That

A short time later several cars stopped at Echunga for morning tea. Within minutes cars came from all differ-ent directions. One even came from the footy oval. In all, 9 cars eventually stopped for a cuppa, but with no

After a pleasant stay we all decided to head towards Clayton once more. 10 minutes later we were down to three cars. 6 had disappeared again. I was starting to

So the three of us continued in a southerly direction. At one stage I turned on my sat nav only to find we were in the middle of a paddock with no roads to be found. I was sure it was only a matter of time before we were

However, luck was on our side when a little girl walking her dog told us that Clayton was that way. We followed her direction and found our destination a short time lat-

David, Margaret and her sister Alison, had the Jaguar

It was about this time that we received a text message

s. He even had a quiz about things we had seen on the way, but as we came from 17 different directions, we had many dif-

In the end it was a wonderful day and many thanks s for organising the event and

To finish the day off, Andrea Spartalis was asking any-one for a lift home as she had to be home early to feed



Inspection requirements for Historic Registra-tions have changed as most will be well aware.

It is now the owners responsibility to have their historically registered vehicle inspected every three years in addition to the signing of a Statutory Declaration annually.

This means that by June 2015 you do need to have your vehicle inspected by one of the club’s authorised inspectors.

The inspector will sign your log book to indicate that you have complied with this requirement.

This is a very simple inspection and can be done at regular club outings by arrangement with one of our authorised inspectors. Each Register has appointed inspectors and a list is supplied below for your con-venience.


Evan Spartalis Geoff Mockford

Don Evans Onslow Billinghurst

Noel Orford Bob Charman

Peter Holland Malcolm Adamson

Ron Palmer Robin Ide

Allan Baker Roger Adamson

Richard Shipway Tim White

8 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Heritage Certificate Production Record Trace Service

The service is available for: • Swallow bodied cars • SS Cars 1931 – 1936

• SS Jaguar cars 1935 – 1940

• Jaguar cars from 1945 onwards

• Daimler cars from circa 1959 onwards

(there is also limited information available for some earlier Daimler cars, from circa 1953 onwards)

The cost of a Heritage Certificate for your car is £45.00. includes VAT and postage.

9 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

This is the long-awaited Jaguar small saloon car, confirmed to be called XE. We’ve spied Jaguar

testing elements of the car in hacked-about XF test mules, but that’s all over now.

This is the actual car, and CAR is first to clap eyes on it. Jaguar is testing the XE on British roads –

and these are the first pictures.

Jaguar XE – the styling

It’s clear the XE is no shrunken XF. The compact front over-hang and chopped backside give the baby Jag an agile, dy-namic look in profile. The slim LED headlights and grille are low-set for a snouty feline face, but the bonnet actually rises quite high – blame pedestrian impact legislation for that fea-ture.

Jaguar has disguised the car’s roofline with a fake rear sec-tion to make its new baby look boxier than it really is. Don’t be fooled by the Skoda Superb rear pillar, however. A closer look at that steeply raked rear screen reveals the true nature of that seductive roofline, tailing off to a pert bootlid with a small upturned lip at its edge.

Taillights wrap around into the sides of the car, as per the XF saloon and F-type sports car. The bold ‘shelf’ down the car’s flanks hides a more subtle styling line that fires down the side of the car from a front wing vent, again following F-type cues.

Jaguar News

First spy shots of the baby Jaguar—Jaguar XE (2014) By Ollie Kew and Phil McNamara—Spy shots 25 February 2014 11:00

So it should be a looker, the baby Jag?

Indeed – it’s based on the same ‘iQ Al’ aluminium platform as Jaguar’s forthcoming 4x4, previewed by the C-X17 SUV concept shown at the 2013 Frankfurt motor show (pictured, right). The well-received design will donate many cues to the X760, including the muscular bonnet, squared-off grille, and big alloys – an Ian Callum classic formula.

Jaguar says it hasn’t pursued a BMW 4-series Gran Coupe/Audi A5 Sportback template for the XE – a true four-door ‘coupe’ could arrive later instead, along with a drop-top XE cabriolet.

What else do we know about the Jaguar X760?

The range will stretch from a four-cylinder turbo diesel good for 99g/km to a supercharged 550bhp V8 ‘R’ model that’s capable of 186mph. Using aluminium rather than steel for the body saves Jaguar around 100kg, allowing the British-built engines from Jaguar’s new £500m Wolverhampton facility to offer optimum frugality and performance.

The entry-level car is purported to cost less than £30,000 – a BMW 320d saloon makes the cut at £28,410.

And no, it won’t be called X-type: the badge of the folly from last decade conjures up too many negative connotations. With Jaguar looking to build on its 19 per cent sales rise in 2013, which saw it sell 425,000 cars, a fresh start with a new name is needed.

With a sumptuous XJ-inspired cabin, refreshing styling and massive investment in chassis and powertrain tech, the new baby Jag will enter the small sports saloon party with a bang in late 2014. Over to you, Jaguar…

10 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Do you enjoy being creative?

Do have at least a basic knowledge of Microsoft Programs?

Are you looking for a way to give something back to the club?

Would you be willing to learn more about Desktop Publishing?



I am eager to find someone else in the club who will work with me as an

assistant in producing this monthly Classic Marque magazine.

Clearly there will be occasions during the year when I am not available to

produce the magazine and I do not intend to be Editor forever.

Philip Prior 0402 670 654



The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this April magazine:

Allan & Lyn Aughey 1965 Jaguar E-Type 4.2L Coupe

Gary & Julie Rushton 2007 Jaguar 3L V6 S-Type

The following applications listed in the February Clas-sic Marque magazine have been accepted:

Antony Simpson 1963 Jaguar E-Type 3.8L Roadster

Ashley Cranfield 1971 Jaguar E-Type 5.3L Coupe

Roland & Elisabeth Donders 1990 Daimler XJ40

We hope you will take advantage of the benefits avail-able, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these new members welcome at meetings and func-tions.

Daphne Charman

Membership Secretary.

Club Notices

11 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia



Feb XJ, MK10 & 420G Register

Mar XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register

Apr E-Type F-Type & Grand Tourer Register

May SS & Daimler Register

Jun Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register

Jul Multivalve Register

Aug XJ, MK10 &420G Register

Sep XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register

Oct E-Type F-Type & Grand Tourer Register

Nov SS & Daimler Register

Dec Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register

Duty Register is required to arrive at 7pm and en-sure the room is ready for 7.30pm

Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide

supper, please contact the President or Secretary so other arrangements can be made.



The General Meeting of the JDCSA is held on the first Tuesday of each month.

Register Meetings are held as follows:

Mk 1,2 & 420 & S Type (Compact) - Second Tuesday of every even calendar month

E-Type F-Type & Grand Tourer - Third Thursday of each month

Multivalve - Fourth Tuesday of each odd calendar month.

SS & Daimler - Last Wednesday of each month

XJ, Mk 10 & 420G - Second Wednesday of each month

XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 - Third Wednesday of each month

For specific information call Register Secretaries from the Club Directory (page 1)

Club Notices

12 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

SS and Pushrod Engined Register Minutes of Meeting Held at the home of Bob & Mar-

garet Kretschmer Wed 26th February 2014.

The Minutes of 27th November 2013 were accepted as

being a true record of the meeting.

PRESENT: Ross Rasmus, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobs, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, Jack Richardson.

APOLOGIES: Bruce Fletcher, Don Evans, Ross Gogler, Bill Everett, Bob Hill-Ling.

In the absence of President Bruce Fletcher Malcolm Ad-amson vas elected acting Chairman

1. SA/VIC BORDER RUN November 1st


2014. No. 40

1, Following visits to potential accommodation places at Victor Harbor by Secretary Bob & discussions by Bruce with the Victorians it has been decided to base the Run at Lox-ton

30 rooms have been reserved at the Loxton Hotel in the Motel section for off-street parking.


Bob to issue a Notice of Intent to members to secure the Accommodation

Bob to arrange a suitable programme that does not dupli-cate the 2005 Run

Ideas include-

No busses, short vehicle runs

Standard Programme format

Static vehicle display

Banrock Station at Kingston-on-Murray / Overland Corner for lunch

Renmark Rose Garden ( the Festival ends 5 days earlier)

Houseboat cruise lunch

Dinnners at the Hotel

Reasonable free time

Malcolm to check with JDC Committee if we can use one of the Club bank accounts again to handle money.

Keep Bill Brown informed.


- 7th


Draft Programme as Guests of the Port Lincoln Auto Club & to help celebrate 40 years of the JDCSA SS Register

Friday 4th. Catch 1.30pm ferry at Wallaroo for Lucky

Bay, and drive to Port Lincoln

Book in to your own reserved cabin at the Pt. Lincoln Tour-ist Park at Kirton Pt.

Combined Clubs BBQ by LAC at the Camp kitchen

Saturday 5th. Own breakfast

Inspect Ross Gogler’s workshop & vehicles plus morning refreshments

Free time to explore Port Lincoln & surround

Dinner at Del Giorno’s on the front street

Sunday 6th.

Combined Clubs vehicle display at the City front street car park followed by drive to

Coffin Bay for lunch at the Coffin Bay Hotel

Dinner to be arranged

Monday 7th. Drive to Lucky Bay to catch either 10.30am or

4.00pm ferry back to Wallaroo.

Entrants: John & Judy Caskey Daimler

Don & Margaret Evans Mk 2

Bruce & Ann Fletcher Mk 1V

Bob & Rosemary Hill-Ling Mk V

Marg & Bob Kretschmer SS Jaguar

Peter & Anne Mott Mk 1V dhc

Ross Rasmus Mk V

Jack & Jean Richardson Mk V

Note, Ross & Betty Gogler reside at Pt. Lincoln & who are also members of the host Club.


ANNIVERSARY (April 1974)

Our Newsletter Editor Philip Prior has asked for copy of pro-posed special feature for the April issue by Tues 25 March.

Items could include:

Copy of the first set of Minutes Bruce

List of Border Runs Bob,

Comment about Tri- State Runs starting at Parkes 2004

‘40 Years of Register’ Bruce. Already draft ed + 2 photographs

Original members still with the Register with Membership Nos. Bruce, Malcolm & Des

Trip to WA / Trip to NT -

Restoring an SS 1 Ross

Characters to remember / Where are they now?

Books-Terry McGrath & John Clucas “The Forerunners of Jaguar in Australia & SE Asia”

Allan Crouch “S.S.1 & 11 Cars”

Allan Crouch “SS & Jaguar Cars 1936-1951”

Times of change Start of JCCC

Where are we now?

Where do we go from here?

Selling our old cars over-seas


1. The Queensland Classic Jaguar Enthusiasts Club advis-es that long term President Fred Richardson has retired af-ter 12 yrs at the helm.

The current Newsletter includes an article about the last Austin Swallow 7 ever built which is now in Victoria.

2. Ross Rasmus tabled a flyer entitled ‘Celebration of the Motor Car’ being ‘A New World Class Motoring Event for Adelaide’ to be held at Carrick Hill Sunday April 27

th. Vehi-

cles are pre-selected by invitation only. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Adelaide with charitable beneficiaries.

3. Bob K has distributed signed copies of Allan Crouch’s new book “SS & Jaguar Cars 1936-1951” to Register mem-bers, ( Bill Everett still to collect), copy to Club library.

How about this? The fronts-piece features Don Evans’ 1948 3 ½ l Mk1V dhc sold a few years ago to Germany showing German Registration plates but with our SS Register badg-

Register Minutes

13 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

es still in place. The car appears again on p109.

Bob K’s car also has 5 photographs included in the book.

4. All British Day: The following members participated- Bruce Fletcher (2 vehicles), Jack Richardson, Malcolm Ad-amson (2), Bob Hill-Ling (4), Don Evans, Bill Everett and Ross Rasmus.

5. Don Evans has sold his 2 ½ L Mk1V sedan.

6. The McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic 2014 is on again 5th- 6th April. Entries are still open.

7. The British Classic Tour Sunday May 4th hosted by the

HMVC of Victor Harbor- entries close 16 April.

8. Des Brown advised that David Hewetson’s early 1949 Mk1V 3 ½ L has been recently sold to Scotland. (ex Terry Rayner, ex Moonta!)

5. JDCSA: See also CM. ( Malcolm Adamson )

1. Malcolm is the Jaguar Day delegate for the SS Register on the Committee. The date is to be advised & will probably be at a different site.

2. 90 years of Swallow 2013 has passed with out any spe-cial celebration.

3. The Multi-valve Register will be hosting a special function on Tuesday 27 May.

4. Reminder that vehicles on Historic Registration must have a 3-year inspection by end June 2015.


1 Ross Rasmus reported that the JDC web site describes vehicles post-1936 although his SS 1 is a 1934 model. Mal-colm will advise the Website Officer.

2. Des Brown mentioned that the recent issue No.166 of Australian Jaguar magazine includes a list of Mk1V parts for sale at very high prices, eg: one P100 headlight in good condition @ $180.

3. Workshop inspection - members checked Bob’s SS en-gine still warm from ‘bench’ testing.

Has anybody else carried out a complete engine test-run out of the vehicle? .


Last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm

March Don Evans

April Ross Rasmus

May John Lewis

June Bob Lynch

July Bruce Fletcher

August Bob Hill-Ling

Sept. Jack Richardson

Oct. Brenton Hobbs

Nov. Des Brown

Meeting closed at 8.45 pm. Supper: Thankyou Marg.

Minute Distribution:

Email; Bruce Fletcher, Philip Prior, Ross Rasmus, John Lewis, Ross Gogler, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Jack Richardson, Des Brown, Bob Hill-Ling, Bob Lynch, Bob Kretschmer, David Adamson, Bill Everett, Bill Brown.

Post; Don Evans

R.J. Kretschmer (SS Register Secretary)

Minutes of the XJ, MK10 &420G Register meeting held at Shannon’s, South Rd, Clarence Gardens

on 12th March 2014.

Present: John & Claire Evans (standing in for Bob & Daph) Ray & Barbara Offe, David Bicknell, Graham Moore, Merv Tucker, Steve Attard, Louis Marafioti, Noel & Carmel Trew, Darryl , Fay & Seth Leyton, Phil Prior, Martin O’Dea, Marg & Geoff Thomas, Warren Bullock, George Calvert, Ian Rowley, Dennis Paech, Beryl & Walter Bullock, Vince Kab-baz, Ben Adler , Steve Arthur and Borys Potiuch.

Apologies: Bob & Daphne Charman, George & Red Hughes, Peter & Ros Holland and Evan & Andrea Spartalis.

We welcomed Vince who has been a longstanding member but has been unable to attend meetings. He owns a 1973 Series 1, 4.2ltr. The last of the Series 1’s.

General Business

Bridges and Fords Run to Clayton, 2nd

of March. Everyone thanked David Bicknell for organizing a terrific day. Approx 40 members attended. In spite of detailed directions, not one car followed the correct route. A collective rare talent indeed!

Swede Speed - A night at the Trots. Saturday March 29th to

support Dane & Geoff Wilden in their entry for the 2014 “Shit Box Rally” Details of Club sponsorship and the event were given.

Amid many derogatory comments leading from discussion of the “Shit Box Rally” Claire Evans introduced the marque for the night – Volvo. Her trusty steed being parked at the front door. She produced many positive press cuttings from the recent Clipsal and amidst many comments managed to persuade herself that Volvos are indeed a superior Car.

Mc Laren Vale Vintage & Classic - Dinner Sat 5th and Main

Street Parade Sun 6th of April. Club will be at Lazy Balleri-

na Winery this year. Catering available. Bob to email if we are to meet to travel in convoy to Mc Laren Vale.

Adelaide Motor Sport Festival - Saturday 12th

April Hill Climb to Windy Point, Spectator Area at the top. Sunday 13

th April, Sprints and display etc. at Victoria park. Details

were given.

National Rally Melbourne - April 18th to 21st. No XJ mem-bers attending.

British Classics Tour to Victor Harbor – Sunday May 4th

. Entry extended to 23

rd of April. Sec to enquire into booking

the Hotel Victor for lunch.

Multivalve run to Adelaide Hills, Sunday May 25th. Open to

all members. Details were given.

May Register Meeting - Chris Howard from the Common-wealth Bank will talk to us about credit and debit cards.

Night at the Opera, Friday 16th of May. Madame Butterfly,

Cabaret style BYO drinks and nibbles etc. Quote tables 2,3 & 4 when booking. Grace Bawden advised that she would be performing on the Friday and not the Saturday as origi-nally planned. Bob had suggested “Black Tie”. With what was the question.

Annual JDCSA Dinner – Marg Thomas reported it will be held at The Glenelg Golf Club on Saturday July 26

th. Details

to follow and tickets will be available from Marg or Daph. Please add it to your diary.

MSCA marshalling on July 27th. Our club is responsible for

Register Minutes

14 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

providing several marshalls at this meeting. It is the day af-ter the Dinner and our club does not have members racing at present. We however still need to supply marshalls. To be discussed further.

Our New XJ Badges are available at general meetings from David, or Bob at our register meetings. $30.00 each. Ray Offe queried the relevance of the wording “celebrating 40 years”, Phil clarified.

Swan Hill Run – Phil Prior gave a detailed report of a run proposed for the weekend of 15

th – 17

th of August. It will be

open to all members.

Jag Day – Phil Prior advised that as yet a date and venue haven’t been settled. Discussion followed and it was the con-sensus of the members present that a competition involving judging of vehicles not be held. It was felt that a social day was preferable.

XJ Xmas Dinner – Payments were taken. Tickets must be paid for before the night. Very few spots left.

Car Talk

Claire & John Evans – Ran well on trip to Clayton.

David Bicknell - NTR

Graham Moore – NTR

Merv Tucker – Still breathing after last month’s little adven-ture, has had the petrol leak repaired.

Steve Attard – Jag is having a rest and the Toyota is “fantastic”

Louis Marafioti – minor radiator hose leak repaired.

Noel and Carmel Trew – two runs, all going well.

Darryl & Fay Leyton – Great run to Clayton, “Great Pav”, Stopped at Hope Valley (?) on way home to resuscitate Mar-tin who was following. (No wonder he needed help if Hope Valley was on their way home).

Phil Prior – S1 going well. Rear hub seal to be replaced. S Type has some air filter issues

Martin O’Dea - NTR. Enjoyed the run to Clayton, used more petrol on way home, (followed Darryl) Darryl’s “Track speed” was “above his driving limits”.

Geoff & Marg Thomas – NTR. Some doubt on directions to Clayton though. Ended up in Strathalbyn for Coffee.

Ray & Barbara Offe – Car went well on run to Clayton.

Warren Bullock – NTR. Navigated for trip to Clayton. Was in John Evans group and attempted another version of the “scenic route”.

George Calvert – Gave a dissertation on the merits of many “things” Basically he is letting his 420G roof rust for another three years before respraying and has changed a sparkplug for another one he had in his shed. Pearls of wisdom were also included at no extra cost. His exhaust driven heater is working well.

Ian Rowley – Car went well on run to Clayton.

Dennis Paech – Cleaned the electric window switches, now working. Queried the use of lead additive in fuel line to im-prove performance. Using 91 Octane, general discussion followed and Ray Offe offered sound advice on the use of a 98 Octane fuel.

Walter & Beryl Bullock – Running Beautifully.

Vince Kabbaz – Still running on Wild Cat tyres.

Ben Adler – Car running really well.

Register Minutes

Boris Potiuch – Waiting for a LH Fuel tank, may need RH as well. Not dirty fuel problems as reported last meeting. Had the tanks lined some years ago instead of replacing them and the compound used has turned to “Gunk”. Timely warn-ing for other members. Steve Arthur advised that the new tank may need to be modified at the neck to fit.

Steve Arthur – S 11, lots of little things. Best advice you need a good alternator and a new battery.

George Calvert posed the Question – How far from your driveway can you drive without filling in your log book. Ray Offe advised that log books should always be filled in as technically you are driving an unregistered vehicle. Better to be safe than sorry.

There being no further business, Claire closed the meeting and all adjourned for supper.

Next Meeting: Wed 9th

of April 2014, at Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm.

Minutes of the E-Type F-Type and Grand Tourer Register Meeting held at Rick and Louise’s

Property 7.30pm on 20th March 2014


Rick & Louise Luff, Roger Adamson, Frank and Judy Van-dermeyden, Chris & Trixy Lake, Dan Jeffries, Mark & Gerry Bloustien, Peter & Kathy Taylor, Ian Pringle, Paul & Gabby Kuhlmann, Mark and Heidi Goodwin, Simon, Alan Bartram, Dan Jeffries, Ian Pringle, Vinni & Wendy Pisconi.

Apology: Allan Baker

Rick and Louise welcomed everyone into their substantial property at Crafers. Recent additions include expansion of the Garaging from 3 cars to 8 in a very sympathetic way to the property. Rick outlined some of the features of his 2 XJS v12’s and his current project being a ‘head job’ on his 1994 Land Cruiser.

Discussion was had around upcoming events Adelaide Mo-torsport Event to be held on the 13 April at Victoria Park. Members are encouraged to register their cars for the static display as if we get 20 or more they will provide passenger entry free. The entry cost is $35 per car and more info can be found on or on facebook


Discussed the McLaren Vale Classic and Vintage Event on the 6

th April. Jaguar have been allocated to Lazy Ballerina

Winery as part of the events new rotation event

Requested ideas for some future runs

Meeting closed at 9:30pm

Next Meeting: This will be back at alan Baker ’s shed 58 Repton Road Somerton Park at 7.30 pm on 17

th April. Fur-

ther details will be Emailed out shortly.

15 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Minutes of the Multivalve Register Meeting held at Schubert Estate Sunday 23 March 2014


Judy Smithers, John & Wendy Stanley, Tom & Marg Brindle, Tricia Clarke, Tony Human, Bill & Barb Mayman.


30 Members including new members Gary & Julie Rushton, Roland & Elly Donders

The morning overcast, the temperature cool, 15 pristine Jaguars enjoyed a 65km run through the Adelaide Hills to the working winery of our Members Steve & Cecilia Schu-bert, situated at Marananga in the beautiful Barossa Valley.

On arrival, formalities out of the way our Hosts offered Schubert Estate Wines and various pre lunch nibbles in the court yard. This set the scene for a barbecue lunch in a barrel lined room.

The lunch was supplied and cooked by our hosts, accom-panied with Salads and Desserts brought by our mem-bers.

Ron brought members up-to date with club happenings.

Steve gave an informative talk on their Winery which I am sure all members absorbed with their Reds.

The day was what this Club is all about.

The People, the Jaguars, the Friendships.

It was truly a most successful day, and we thank our Hosts Steve & Cecilia very much.

Register Minutes

Dates to remember;

Sunday May 25th

. Morning run in Adelaide Hills – Choco-late & Cheese tastings then Lunch at Johnstons Winery, Oakbank. RSVP by 15

th April to Arcadia.

Multivalve Register Meeting; Tuesday May 27th

, at Soli-taire Jaguar, Belair Road ,Hawthorn

7pm for 7,30pm start .

RSVP to Ron 0418 855597 or Email.

Tuesday July 22nd

Multivalve Meeting is at the Home of Ray & Judy Smithers.

Multivalve Secretary

Ron Palmer 0418855597

16 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


This segment in Classic Marque is where the Editor will from time to time select a car that is for sale and present the details for Classic Marque readers. The selection is purely subjective and will reflect the Editor’s personal tastes. The selection of the car presented in no way should be taken as a commendation of value nor as an endorsement of the ac-curacy of the sellers comments and description of the car. Readers should make up their own minds on the condition and value of the car.


The first SS1 was built by the Swallow Sidecar Company in Coventry, England. It was offered at the 1931 London Motor Show and was produced between 1932 and 1936. In 1933 the company became SS Cars Ltd and in 1945 Jaguar Car Ltd.

The SS1 used 6 cylinder side valve, 2054cc or 2552cc en-gine from Standard Motor Company,1932 until 1934. The unit was enlarged to 2143 or 2663 cc for the 1934 to 1936 models. The chassis was also made by Standard and changed to underslung suspension in 1933.

The 1934 model chassis was modified to give a wider track and better rear footwells.1934 SS1, four light saloon, 2 ½ litre, 20 hp, was one of Williams Lyons best designs.

The cars were remarkable for their styling, low cost, and admired whenever driven.

One of 846 built in 1934 (one of 510 with 20hp motor and one of 28 surviving, according to Allan Crouch's book "S.S.1 & S.S.2 Cars.

Was sold in 1934 by a Bavarian SS Car Agent, therefore has a kilometre speedometer. The car stayed in England , imported to Australia in the late 30's and remained in South Australia ever since.

A very rare car, that can be used in modern day traffic and will appreciate in value.

Excellent condition.

Seller Details

Ross 08 8356 7041 (Club Member)


All Classified ads in Classic Marque automatically ex-pire after 3 Editions. To renew your ad for a further 3 months please contact the editor. If your car sells or you wish to withdraw your ad please notify the editor

by email.

1977 Jaguar - XJ12 Series II As new red paint with black vinyl roof, Tan interior close to new condition. Body in excellent condition. New radiator, rebuilt rear end including brakes and discs, tail shaft and transmission mountings. All hoses, belts, transmission filter and fluid replaced, new bat-tery. A very reliable All service books and records are in-

Jaguar Classifieds

17 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Daimler Sovereign

"It is with some misgiving that I have decided, after 40 years of ownership, to sell my beautiful black Daimler Sovereign. It is in excellent condition and has travelled only 130,000 miles. The motor was fully rebuilt at 90,000 miles. It comes with all books and tool kit. Your inspection is invited, but be aware that my willingness to sell depends on how close your offer is to $15,250.

Onslow Billinghurst 83251971 or 0418251971"

2008 Jaguar XF Sedan One Owner from new with low kms (19,939), 2.7 Twin Turbo Diesel V6 Motor with 6 speed sports Automatic, 18 inch alloy wheels with Pirelli tyres. Full Service History from Solitaire Motors and Sover-eign Motors. Optional extras include; Sunroof, Parking Sensors and Camera, Remote Keyless Start, Metallic Paint, Bowers and Wilkins Premium Sound System.

$55,000 Hermann Mobile 0418 844 310

1986 Daimler Double Six Series 3 Saloon. Reluctantly my pride and joy is for sale. The vehicle would best be described as immaculate. Signal Red, Genuine 172,892 Klms, Electric Sunroof , Cruise Control, Meta Sys-tem M8700 Vehicle Security Immobiliser incorporating Cen-tral Locking and Keyless Entry, High-Power Full Face CD Receiver with MP3 Decoder and Remote, Rust Stopper Electronic Computerised Corrosion Control Module, Full Leather Re Trim. Full Sovereign Auto service history.

$10,000.00 Brenton Tamm 08 8333 1590 mobile

Jaguar Classifieds

1964 Jaguar Mark 2

A 3.8 Automatic that has been completely restored, body and engine.

$27,000 or best offer Ted Brice—08 8398 4806

18 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

SUNDAY MAY 4th 2014

Avoid disappointment—Register NOW!

Tuesday April 1, 7:45pm.

Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police

Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide

Special Speaker: Ian Webber AO (Club Patron)

Saturday 5 & Sunday 6

McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic

Tuesday April 8, 7:30pm.

Compact Register Meeting

Contact Tim White

Wednesday April 9, 7:30 pm

Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Con-tact Bob Charman 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

Tuesday April 15, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Mari-

on Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Wednesday April 16,

XK, Mk 7,8 & 9 Register Meeting

Contact Robin Ide 0428 816 678

Thursday April 17,

E Type, F Type, Grand Tourer Register Meeting

Contact Alan Baker

Wednesday April 30,

SS, Daimler Register Meeting

Contact Malcolm Adamson

Tuesday May, 6, 7:45pm.

Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police

Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide

Wednesday May 14, 7:30 pm

Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Con-tact Bob Charman 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

Thursday May 15,

E Type, F Type, Grand Tourer Register Meeting

Contact Alan Baker

Friday May 16, 7.00—11.00pm

XJ Register Madam Butterfly viewing $39pp refer Bob

Charman 8248 4111

Tuesday May 20, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Marion

Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Wednesday May 21,

XK, Mk 7,8 & 9 Register Meeting

Contact Robin Ide 0428 816 678

Chocolate, Cheese, Wine. Sunday May 25

Multivalve Run to Adelaide Hills, Meet at Burnside Village top level car park

off Cator St at 9.45am. Lunch at Johnson Oakbank Cellar door , Assorted platters available with drinks .

Contact Arcadia on 8431 5829 or 0421 185 165

Tuesday May 27,

Multivalve Register Meeting

Contact Ron Palmer

Wednesday May 28,

SS, Daimler Register Meeting

Club Calendar



Annual Dinner and Presentation Night

The dinner this year will be held on Saturday July 26, 6.30pm (drinks)

at the

Glenelg Golf Club James Melrose Drive, Novar Gardens

Cost of tickets $60.00 ea The ticket price includes, pre dinner drinks, wine on the table, a three course meal and door prizes.

Please come and join us and help

celebrate 40 years of the SS Register

Tickets will be available shortly from Marg Thomas or Daphne Charman

8374-3228 82484111

19 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Register Minutes (cont)

Uphill with 3 legs?

A lawyer and a senior citizen are sitting next to each other on a long flight.

The lawyer is thinking that seniors are so dumb that he could get one over on them easily.

So, the lawyer asks if the senior would like to play a fun game.

The senior is tired and just wants to take a nap, so he polite-ly declines and tries to catch a few winks.

The lawyer persists, saying that the game is a lot of fun...."I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5.00. Then you ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500.00," he says. This catches the senior's attention and, to keep the lawyer quiet, he agrees to play the game.

The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance

from the Earth to the Moon?"

The senior doesn't say a word, but reaches into his pocket, pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer.

Now, it's the senior's turn. He asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?" The lawyer uses his laptop to search all references he can find on the Net.

He sends E-mails to all the smart friends he knows; all to

no avail. After an hour of searching, he finally gives up..

He wakes the senior and hands him $500.00. The senior pockets the $500.00 and goes right back to sleep.

The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes the senior up and asks, "Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?"

The senior reaches into his pocket, hands the lawyer $5.00, and goes back to sleep

Don't mess with seniors!

A Jumpy Driver

A passenger taps a taxi drivers on his shoulder. The driver jumps with shock, swerves near-ly hitting a bus and stops inches from a shop window.

"Wow!, your jumpy aren't yer, I only tapped your shoulder" says the passenger.

"Sorry," says the cabby, "It's my first day. I've been driving a Hearse for 20 years."

Stop, or Slow Down One night Rodney was driving home along a road he knew well. When he reached the Stop sign he slowed down but did not actual-ly come to a halt, whereupon a police officer pulled Rodney's car over. 'What difference does it make' said Rodney, 'slow down or stop'. 'I will give you a demonstration' said the officer and starting beating Rodney with his truncheon.' Now would you like me to slow down - or stop?

Minutes of the XK 7 8 9 Register Meeting at the Lofflers’, McLaren Flat, Sunday 16 March, 2014.

Members met at McLaren Vale for a short run to Prospect Hill where Rob and Vicki Loffler had organised a visit to the Prospect Hill museum. We got off to a good start by sitting down to morning tea of delicious freshly-baked scones with home-made jam and cream. Some of us bought fresh pro-duce too. The excellent museum, which included a machin-ery shed, occupied members until late in the morning. We then drove to the Lofflers’ place where we had lunch. After main course a short Register meeting was held.


Peter and Ros Holland, John Dunning, John and Lindsey Williams, Robin and Deidre Ide, Rob and Vicki Loffler, Peter and Judy Goodale, Julian Lugg, visitor, Stephie Lane, Peg and Rod Davis, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Richard and Carla Smith, Graeme and Fiona Schultz and Jason, Megan, Annabel and William Loffler. Apologies were re-ceived from: Doug and Sue Harrison, Steve Savage, Roger and Di Adamson, Jacques and Sally Metzer, Ossie and Rayeena Petrucco, Bill Baker and Moira Lugg.

Previous Minutes:

Minutes of the Wednesday, 5 February, 2014 register

meeting had been previously circulated and it was agreed provided an accurate record.

Club Business:

Robin reminded members that they have just over a year to ensure that ‘three yearly’ inspections are done as now re-quired as a condition of the historic registration system.

It is OK to bring your own food to the venue allocated to the Club for the McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic Festival.

Peter Holland reminded members that Club Patron, Ian Webber, will talk at the April General Meeting. The presen-tation will interest all members.

Register Business:

The programme of Register meetings and events for the 2014 calendar year has now been circulated to register members and will also be sent to the Club’s Events Coordi-nator and CM Editor. Robin asked that thanks be passed on to Moira for her assistance in presenting that information.

Wendy confirmed arrangements for the Point Turton run in May.

Vicki and Rob outlined a proposed wine tasting day as part of the Border Run in October. Members supported the pro-posal.

Closure: Robin thanked Vicki and Rob for their hospital-ity and for organising the day’s run and visit to Prospect Hill.

The Cats Giggle

20 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

MEMBER’S PRIDE Stories of cars owned and loved by our members

The first Jaguar I owned was a 1947 Mk IV 1 ½ lite pur-chased in 1966 in fairly poor condition. When it arrived home there were heated discussions about a divorce

If any more cars turned up at home.

I frequently went for a run on Sunday mornings for an hour or so in order to keep the car going. On several occasions I went via Eden Hills and the home of Ian Forrester. In 1972 Ian mentioned the proposal to form a Jaguar Car Club and asked I would be interested in becoming a member. In 1973 the Jaguar Drivers’ Club was established and I think received great accolades from a good number of Jaguar owners and enthusiasts. The Mk IV is now owned by my daughter and son-in-law, Maryanne and Brenton Hobbs.

About this time, I exchanged my every day car for a 1964 ‘S’ Type Jaguar which I still own after travelling 190,000 miles in it and it being off the road for twenty years. A great car.

In 1974 the SS Register was formed and this was wonder-ful experience as all members owned push rod cars or were interested in them. After membership waning and gaining interest, the Register is still active with almost fifteen mem-bers of which a dozen are still very active.

In 1977 I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time and was able to buy a 1948 3 ½ litre Drop Hear Coupe in good condition. This vehicle is really my pride and joy and was fully restored by Bruce Fletcher for my daughter’s wed-ding to Brenton Hobbs twenty five years ago. The drop

head coupe has been on most of the border runs since 1977.

I have since acquired a few other vehicles, not all Jagu-ars. The most unusual is probably a 1946 Morgan three wheeler powered by an in-board Ford Prefect side valve engine. I call this my toy.

Malcolm Adamson.

21 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

SS Register Celebrates 40 Years

At the first event run by the JDCSA, a show of cars at Belair National Park, Brian Rowse met Murray Lindner and myself. Brian had met Ian Mullens from the Victori-an Club who suggested we look at forming a Register

with the view of exchange of parts and ideas.

With approval sought from the JDCA Committee to start pro-ceedings the first Register meeting was held on 18th April 1974. At this stage it was SS and MK IV`s only. Brian was elected secretary but then moved to Queensland in August. Des Brown and myself are the only members left from that meeting. Malcolm Adamson joined in June 1974 and volun-teered to be secretary from August 1974 to September 1979. At the October meeting MKV owners joined the Regis-ter.

As a result of the Victorian Register a border run was organ-ised by Keith Bell to be held at Swan Hill August 1975. The first of many such runs up to 1980 when they faded out for a few years. The South Australians kept the runs going to places like James Town, Renmark and Victor Harbour etc. The Border Run took off again in 1991 when Keith Bell once again organised a run to Swan Hill.

The Border Run now includes meeting with all State clubs (except WA) every third year. Last year it was held by the Queensland Club with 47 cars attending the weekend in Dubbo.

The first hosting of the JDCSA by the Register was a wine

and cheese tasting at the Tanunda Oval where 60 members attended.

As parts for our cards are not readily available the contact with the people attending these runs is important. We can exchange reproduced parts, for instance Head Caskets from Queensland, Cam Followers from Victoria, Water Pumps from South Australia as well as Water Rails produced here. Information about what parts can be adapted from other cars, i.e. Ferguson Tractor Main Bearings or Chev 350 Mains. Some hoses can also be used.

Over the 40 years many friendships have been formed both here and interstate which all started by me when Murray Lindner bought a MK4 which I helped him restore. That’s when I bought my first Jaguar, also a MKIV, so we could work out what went where on Murray’s load of bits.

Ten Jaguars later (and yes still married to Ann!) I am still happily into Jaguars. Wouldn’t have missed it for quids.



Broken Hill 2008—Malcolm Adamson’s Mk IV DHC

SS Register Border Run to Swan Hill 1975

22 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Minutes of the First SS Register Meeting

23 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

24 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia