civil aviation rules-

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Transcript of civil aviation rules-

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    n) ispatch reliability as per applicability

    o) All of the above

    "#. $ar% the correct sentence

    p) rivate operators sho&ld '&rnish I(S! rate to RA!*S&b+RA! ever, - months

    ) rivate operators sho&ld '&rnish data regarding dispatch reliabilit, ever, /


    r) Sched&led operators sho&ld '&rnish data regarding emergenc, landings toRA!*S&b RA! ever, month

    s) 0on+sched&led operators 1 training aircra't operators 2o&ld '&rnish in'ormation

    regarding dispatch reliabilit, ever, - months to RA!*S&b RA!

    1'. Any adverse trend in maintenance standard of an operator will result in

    t) %AW3 suggesting additional preventive maintenance

    u) %AW3 suggesting varying the frequency of e8isting preventive maintenancev) Incorporation of modifications on mandatory basis

    w) All of the above

    14. The aim of safety oversight airworthiness programme is to

    x) Prevent operators from maintaining the airworthiness standards at a level above the

    level required by regulations

    y) Detect the strengths in the engineering activities of the operators

    ) To ta!e corrective actions in time before they become a potential safety haard

    aa) "ll the above1. ar; the correct sentence

    bb) All public tpt. aircrafts shall be maintained by approved organi=ationscc) All wor; done by an approved organi=ation will be regulated by an approved >C

    dd) %AW3&7ub %AW3 carry out surveillance chec;s to ensure that the laid down

    standards are enforced

    ee) All true

    1+. Which statutory document is used by !CA to ensure airworthiness and safety oversight

    ff) >uality control manual

    gg) Aircraft maintenance manual

    hh) Civil aviation requirementsii) All of the above

    1/. %ule???????????? %equires that an operator shall have access to an adequate to organi=ation for

    maintenance of aircrafta) %ule 1'' 0 b) %ule 1'*

    c) %ule 1*, d) %ule 1 A

    1@. ar; the correct statement

    22) %ule 1*, stipulates that all operators shall have access to an adequate organi=ation

    for maintenance of aircraft;;) %ule 1 A specifies the condition for obtaining air operator permit

    ll) %ule 1'' 0 specifies the conditions for approval of an organi=ation

    mm) All above

    1. %ule??????? requires that all aircrafts to be operated in India needs to be registered

    nn) %ule b) %ule *,

    c) %ule +1 d) %ule +"

    ",. %ule ', of aircraft rules 1'/ deals with

    oo) #ype certificate b) %egistrationc) Issue of CA% d) Airworthiness

    "1. #he nationality ( regn. mar;ing shall be painted on the Indian regd aircraft this is enforced bypp) %ule +" b) %ule 1'* c) %ule '/ d) %ule *@

    "". %ule * of aircraft rules 1'/ deals with

    qq) #ype certificate b) %egistration

    c) Issue of CA% d) Airworthiness

    "'. Airworthiness regulatory authority of 7A

    rr) CAA b) !CA

    c) BAA d) AA

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    '+. %ule +1 of aircraft rule 1'/ deals with

    a) Bees for AE licence b) aintenance standards and certification

    c) Dicensing of AEs d) All above

    '/. %ule * of aircraft rules 1'/ deals with

    bbbb) aintenance standards and certificationcccc) 6ersons authori=ed to certify

    dddd) Dicensing of AEseeee) Blight manual

    '@. ar; the incorrect sentence

    ffff)Any foreign AE employed should pass an oral chec; with !CA

    gggg) An AE employed from other airlines should pass an oral chec; with !CA

    before certifying A&C

    hhhh) Any foreign AE employed should get security clearance from home ministry( e8ternal affairs ministry through his embassy

    iiii) Boreign AE employed should ;now Indian rules and regulations$ CA%s and

    quality control manual

    #/. %f "(+ has not performed the wor! in careful and competent manner or has signed for wor! for

    which he is not licensed

    0000) e will be warned by *(

    !!!!) is license will be suspended,cancelled,endorsed

    llll) e will be warned by D2*" and the wor! he has done will be chec!ed by anotherlicensed "(+ and certified

    mmmm) &one of the above*,. Cancellation&suspension&endorsement of license&authori=ation&approval is dealt in

    a) %ule +, b) %ule +1 c) %ule d) %ule +*

    *1. ar; the wrong sentence

    nnnn) >C department shall maintain mandatory modification list up to date

    oooo) A master copy of approved maintenance schedule special inspection schedules

    shall be ;ept in >C department

    pppp) All manuals shall be ;ept up to date by the >C department

    qqqq) 5one4'. (ar! the correct sentence

    rrrr) 3perator shall ma!e arrangement with others approved organiations for

    replay of *$ssss) 5or read out of 5D$,D5D$ operator should have own facilities or ma!e

    arrangements with other approved organiations which shall be acceptable to


    tttt) The oversight of airworthiness functions is the responsibility of D2*" only

    uuuu) "ll of the above4#. 5or serious lapses in airworthiness maintenance program and in airworthiness performance

    monitoring program the punitive action will be initiated by

    vvvv) *( b) $"63

    wwww) D"6 -s) d) 3fficer in charge $"63,sub7$"63

    **. Which of the following is airworthiness performance data

    8888) %outine maintenance

    yyyy) 7cheduled inspection

    ====) 7ervice bulletinsaaaaa) 6ilot report compiled A#A codewise

    *. Engine performance monitoring and components life control is the function ofbbbbb) >C department b) Blight safety department

    c) %AW3 d) 0oth A ( 0

    *+. Whenever a new inspection items or routine functional chec; of any component is introduced

    ccccc) It should be included in the training programs

    ddddd) Included in relevant maintenance schedule

    eeeee) It should be additionally carried out as per 70

    fffff) As in A so that it can be carried out at required periodicity

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    */. 0efore establishing a new night halt station the following is manadatory

    ggggg) #he operator shall inspect the facilities there and give a certificates to that effect

    to %AW3

    hhhhh) %AW3 shall inspect and satisfy with regard to facilities

    iiiii)As in A by >C22222)5one

    *@. %eview of implementation of AW regulations ( over sight program shall be carried out by;;;;;) %AW3 b) !CA F>s

    c) ointly with operators and A3 d) % in >C department

    *. ispatch reliability is the percentage ratio between

    lllll)5o. of services delayed for more than 1 minutes on accent of engineering defects

    per 1,, lbs

    mmmmm) 5o. of services which were delayed for more than 1 minutes onaccount of engineering defects per no. of scheduled services during the period

    nnnnn) 5o. of services which were dispatched on time per 1,,, hrs

    ooooo) 5o. of services which were dispatched time per no. of scheduled service during

    the period

    ,. 7afety oversight program is a requirement as contained in

    a) ICA3 anne8es 1, b) ICA3 anne8 +

    c) ICA3 anne8 1+ d) 5one

    1. #he maintenance planning document is issued byppppp) !CA F>s b) %AW3 where operator is

    locatedc) BAA&AA d) 5one of these

    ". In house audit of an organi=ation can be carried outG

    a) @, days prior to e8piry of the validity of approval

    b) * days prior to e8piry of the validity of approval

    c) , days prior to e8piry of the validity of approval

    d) +1 days prior to e8piry of the validity of approval

    '. aintenance planning document is issued byG

    a) !CA b) BAA c) AA d) 5one*. Employment of foreign AE by Indian operator is sub2ect to

    a) 7ecurity clearance through !CA

    b) 3ral chec; by !CAc) -1) and -") are correct

    d) 5one

    +1. #he frequency$ scope and contents of periodical inspections may be altered

    a) In a manner as approved by anufacturer

    b) 7hall not be alteredc) As in -b) e8cept in a manner as approved by !CA

    d) With the approval of %AW3

    +". #he following is responsible to report all defects encountered during the flight

    a)>C b) anufacturer c) %AW3

    d) 3wner & 3perator

    +'. 6romulgation and implementation of CA% isG

    a) #o meet the obligation of contracting state

    b) #o Farmoni=e requirements with other regulating authorities li;e BAA$ AA (CAA

    c) #o specify the detailed requirements for compliance and effective monitoringd) All the above

    +*. ate of issue along the date of affectivity of CA% part is available in

    a)Birst page of CA% 6art b) #he revision notice

    c)All pages of CA% 6art d) All the above

    +. Insitu & 0ench test of aircraft & aircraft component with out having to dismantle them completely


    a) Fard time maintenance

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    b) Condition monitoring

    c) 3n condition aintenance

    d) All the above

    ++ Adequacy and observance of standards by various operators& organi=ations are reflected inG

    a) efects and incidents resulting in emergency loadingb) Accidents encountered during operation of aircraft

    c) 0oth the above d) 5one of the above+/. The following information will give the parameters called dispatch reliability

    a) &o. of hours flown during the period under review

    b) &o. of service cancelled,delayed 7 more than 18 min. because of engg. defects

    c) &o. of services planned and no. of services cancelled , delayed for more than 18

    min. because of engg. Defects.

    d) a and b above+@. #he parameters called dispatch reliability is furnished to %AW3

    a)Every onth b) Every ' onths c) Every 7i8 onths

    d) Every 7i8 onths by schedule operator

    +. #he following are the recommendations to chec; negative trends of an operatorG

    a) Investigation of defects

    b) Additional preventive maintenance

    c) Harying the frequency of maintenance and & or varying the process of

    maintenanced) As in -0) ( -C) and also modifications and review of qualifications$ e8perience

    of certifying personnel/,. ar; the inC


    c) #he CA% is issued under the provision of Aircraft act 1'' A of 1'*

    d) #he Airworthiness oversight and safety regulation are applicable to schedule

    operator/1. 5o person shall operate any air transport service in India without

    a) Adequate maintenance support

    b) 3btaining necessary permitc) 7atisfying !CA that his maintenance support organi=ation are to a satisfactory


    d) All the above

    /". Eligibility for issue of Indian C of A

    a) 7hall confirm to type designb) 7hall be in a condition for safe operation

    c) 0oth -A) and -0) are correct

    d) 5one

    /'. 3perator can base his maintenance programme onG

    a)anufacturer 6 b) !CAs .6.

    c) anufacturers .6. or any !CA approved programme

    d) Any maintenance programme suitable for maintenance and safe operation

    /*. Investigation of delay$ defect and engineering incident is the function ofa) !CAs Airworthiness directorate

    b) >C organi=ationc) !CA Fead >uarters

    d) anufacturer

    /. Who is responsible for compliance of 70s and modifications4

    a) 3perator b) %AW3 c) anufacturer

    d) %egulating authority of anufacturer

    /+. Which of the following is not part of airworthiness performance monitoring system4

    a)ay to day monitoring b) Emergency responding

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    c)%eliability analysis d) Dong terms monitoring

    //. AE Dicenses are issued in various categories as per

    a) %ule +1&1'/ b) %ule 1*, of 1'/ c) %ule 1''0 of 1'/

    d) %ule * of 1'/

    /@. 7ecurity clearance for foreign AE 7hall be obtained byGa)!CA b) 3peratorc) 3perator through !A

    d) #hrough individual AE/. Boreign AE will not be authori=ed to certify the aircraft unlessG

    a) 6ass oral chec; by >C

    b) 6ass oral chec; conducted in terms of AIC 1/ of 1*

    c) 7ecurity clearance is obtained through !CA

    d) 0 and C are correct

    @,. Airworthiness advisory circulars are issued bya) anufacturers b) %AW3 c) >C d)


    1@. ar; the correct statement in respect of a civil aircraft

    a) Aircraft owned by state government and operated within the vicinity of departing

    aerodrome need not possess the valid C of A

    b) 5eed not hold valid C of A provided aircraft is operated without any passenger or pay


    c) 5eed not hold valid C of A provided the aircraft is test flown with in the vicinity ofdeparting aerodrome

    d) 0oth A and 0 answers are correct1. In case owner of the aircraft has leased the aircraft to an operator

    a) 0oth owner and the operator are responsible to maintain the aircraft with current and

    valid C of A before it is flown

    b) It is the responsibility of the operator to maintain the aircraft in current and valid C of A

    before it is flown

    c) As in -0) unless a general &specific permission to the contrary has been obtained from


    d) 5one of the above is correct",. Aircraft is considered airworthy provided

    a) 6eriodic inspections as approved by the appropriately licensed AE are carried out

    b) All periodic inspections including repairs & modifications as approved by anagingirector of Airlines

    c) As in -0) but approved by !CA

    d) Buselage repairs as approved by structural engineer of airlines are carried out

    "1. Issue of CA% is as detailed below

    a) Issued by !CAb) Issued by !CA with the permission Civil Aviation inistry

    c) Issued by !CA under provision of %ule 1''A of the aircraft %ule 1'*

    d) Issued by the !CA but under %ule 1''A of aircraft %ule 1'/

    "". Emergency landing means

    a) 3ver weight a heavy landing by over shooting the runway

    b) Aircraft bogging down after under shooting the runway during landing phase

    c) Emergency escape slides are deployed during landing phase

    d) It is an un

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    a) In flight shut down rate -IB7 &1,,, Frs)

    b) Engineering delays of 1 minutes duration

    c) Aircraft grounding time in a month

    d) All above are correct

    ". 6rivate operators should submit information related to accidents&emergency landings etc. to!CA at periods mentioned belowG

    a) At every 1@, days b) at every + monthsc) At every one month is acceptable

    d) 0oth A and 0 are correct

    "+. 35 C35I#I35J maintenance concepts is accomplished by

    a) Hisual inspections or bench test & in situ etc .

    b) 7ub2ecting the component by overhauling at fi8ed intervals

    c) %eversing condition monitoringd) 5o such concept e8ists in aviation industry

    "/. CA%s are issued for information guidance and compliance under the provision of

    a) %ule 1'' A of aircraft %ules

    b) 7ection A of aircraft Act$ 1'*

    c) Aimed to implement the standards and recommended practices laid down in the ICA3

    anne8es 1$ + and @

    d) All above correct

    "@. #o quality for type certificate of aircrafta) 7hould confirm to %ule * of aircraft rules 1'/

    b) Comply with CA% section " series B part II and manufactured in India shall be typecertificated by parliament

    c) Aircraft imported from Australia should be type certificate by Australia acceptable to


    d) All the above are correct

    ". ar; the correct statement

    a) If AE oins another operator$ he should familiari=e with >C manual ( differences in


    b) As in -a) and he should pass specific aircraft written paper conducted by !CAc) As in -a) and should pass an oral chec; by !CA

    d) 3perator should obtain security clearance for the Indian AE migrated from previous

    operator 3% as in A and C',. When any foreign AE employed

    a) AE should be given familiari=ation course on operators hanger

    b) AE should be cleared from required security through !CA

    c) AE should pass written test conducted by >C anager in association local !CA

    d) All above are wrong1. To maintain the aircraft in airworthy condition responsibility rests on

    a) The owner of the aircraft b) D2*" approved *(

    c) +ngineering (anager d) *hief +ngineer

    ". #o maintain aircraft in airworthy condition sub2ect it to

    a) 6eriodical inspections as approved by !CA

    b) %eplace lifed components at intervals approved by !CA

    c) Carryout repair & modifications as required by !CA

    d) All above under approved maintenance programme'. 6rocedure for issue of CA% revision etc.

    a) 7eries KAJ 6art

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    . 3n condition maintenance

    a) Hisual inspection b) 6hysical measurement

    c) As AJ(J0J insitu &0ench Chec;

    d) ismantle the components completely before critical stage

    +. *ondition (onitoringa) 9tudy of ard time maintenance b) 9tudy of on condition maintenance

    c) 9tudy of failure and malfunctions d) "ll above/. All operators should submit the following information

    a) 5umber of emergency landing during the period under review and number of hours

    flown on each type of aircraft per 1,,, hrs.

    b) 5otifiable accidents and total number of hours flown on each type of aircraft in the fleet &

    1,,, hrs.

    c) #otal number of in flight shut down and total number of hours flown for each engine inthe fleet & 1,,, hours during review period

    d) As above ( mechanical delays of more than 1 minutes due to maint. action.

    @. #he IB7 rate$ emergency landing&1,,, hrs etc. to be submitted to !CA

    a) 6rivate operators ' months$ scheduled operators si8 months$ and non schedule operators

    every month

    b) 7chedule operators ' months$ 6rivate operators si8 months$ non

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    a) Aircraft delays$ premature removal rates$ engine shut down rates$ short term escalation$

    deferred maintenance$ repeat pilot report

    b) napproved maintenance practices

    c) In adequate training of maintenance personal$ and also ignorance

    d) All Correct1. Airworthiness performance monitoring systems function

    a) Emergency responding li;e IB7$ engine failures$ depressuri=ationb) ay to day monitoring scheduled operators shall conduct daily meetings

    c) Dong term monitoring include appropriate means of reporting and accounting operational

    and airworthiness data at specified intervals

    d) All correct

    1+. 3perator employing foreign AEs

    a) 7ecurity clearance through !CA before scheduled for wor;b) Bamiliari=ation about Indian rules and regulations

    c) AE has to pass an oral chec; by !CA 0oard in accordance with act 1/ of *

    d) As above$ the AE qualified there by is only authori=ed to certify the aircraft

    1/. %evo;e of licenses & approvals

    a) %ule +1 of '/ b) / of '/ c) , of '/ d) 1, of '/

    1@. Implementation of airworthiness over sight programme

    a) 7eries AJ 6art

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    +. ED is normally applicable to

    a) 6arent base

    b) All transit stations ( main stations only

    c) All transit$ terminal ( parent base only

    d) All transit$ terminal and main stations only/. ED can be invo;ed at parent base

    a) 6rovided defect encountered an hour or so before the departure of that flightb) As at a) and %A3 should be informed in writing with in "* hours

    c) 6rovided defect encountered an hour or so before the departure of first flight of the


    d) As at c) and %A3 should be informed in writing within "* hours .

    @. 7elect the wrong statement

    a) ED defects shall be rectified at first available opportunityb) In any case ED defects shall be rectified$ once aircraft returns to the

    main base

    c) ED defects can be carried forward for indefinite periods provided

    they are covered in ED also

    d) All above are correct

    . #he preamble of ED will indicate

    a) ethod of informing pilots about defect

    b) 6rocedure of release of aircrafts with defects as per EDc) When and where the defects covered in ED will be rectified

    d) All above and define the main bases ( transit station .1,. #he responsibility of amending ED is with

    a) >C b) %A3 where the operator is based

    c) Accounatable anager d) anufacturer of aircraft

    11. Aircraft rules / 0 specifies that all radian registered aircrafts shall carry on board

    a) Birst Aid ;it and 6hysicians ;it

    b) Coc;pit chec; list ( emergency chec; list

    c) p dated CA%

    d) Blight manual1". A list containing items of inspection&action to be performed by the flight crew$ in the

    order as listed$ and in the circumstances as indicated$ for ensuring safe operation of air

    craft is calleda) Coc;pit chec; list

    b) Emergency chec; list

    c) Blight inspection schedule

    d) Blight manual

    1'. Emergency chec; list is a lista) Containing action to be performed by flight crew in the order

    listed$ and in the circumstances as indicated$ for ensuring safe operation of aircraft.

    b) As at a) but whenever emergent situations develop in flight on failure of

    aircraft systems&components.

    c) As at b) requires e8tra alertness on the part of flight crew

    d) Chec; list to be followed whenever the aircraft wants to ta;e off in emergency.

    Challenge and response method while using the CCD needs ?? crewembers

    a) 3ne only b) #wo or morec) #hree only d) 5one

    1*. Coc;pit chec; list&emergency chec; list is given by the aircraft manufacturers in their

    a) Blight anual

    b) 3perations anual

    c) Crew operating anual

    d) All above

    1. ar; the correct sentence

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    a) Alterations to chec; list can be carried out by the operator on his

    3wn depending on his e8perience

    b) 3perators can prepare the CCD and ECD based on their e8perience

    c) #he chec; list will list the function of each flight crew member against each item of

    the listd) 5one of the above.

    1+. Items not included in EDa) Wings$ complete engines

    b) 3ne engine failure

    c) !alley equipment

    d) All above

    1/. CA% section ". series 0$ part II is issued vide -6reparation of CCD ( ECD)

    a) Aircraft rule /0 b) Aircraft rule 1''Ac) Aircraft rule , d) Aircraft rule 1

    1@. Alteration to chec; list on the basis of operators own e8perience must be carried only

    after obtaining the concurrence of

    a) !CA b) %AW3

    c) anufacturer d) %AA

    1. %ectification of a minor defect may be deferredG

    a) If it is included in ED

    b) Included in ED and pilot in charge is satisfied with regard to safe operationc) As in -b) at any transit & #erminal 7tation

    d) Bor al Blights

    1. ED shall be prepared by the operator

    a) 7cheduled$ 5on scheduled operator

    b) 7cheduled$ 5on

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    @. #he following shall e8ercise necessary control so that no aircraft is dispatched with multiple items


    a) %AW3 b) 6art KC c) >C d) !CA

    . AE shall ta;e maintenance actions while releasing aircraft for flight after invo;ing ED as perG

    a) 6reamble b) ispatch eviation guide c) 6rocedural anuald) All the above

    1,. ED is applicable toGa) #ransit station b) #erminal base c) ain base

    d) All the above e8cept parent base

    11. #he following shall be reported to %AW3

    a) %elease of aircraft at parent base with defect occurred one hour before the first flight

    of the day

    b) All the defects carried forward c) All deferred maintenance

    d) All deferred maintenance at transit base

    1". ED is approved byG

    a) anufacturer b) %AW3 c) !CA d) 5one

    1'. ED is approved byG

    a) !CA b) %AW3 c) anufactures d) >C

    1*. 7cheduled operator is required to determine strengthening of servicing facilities at transit base

    after analy=ingGa) %eliability data submitted to %AW3

    b) Internal safety audit reportc) ispatch reliability

    d) onthly record of carried forward defects

    1. Aircraft rule which requires carriage of CCD ( ECD onboardG

    a) /&1'/ b) /&1'* c) /0&1'/ d) 5one

    1+. CCD ( ECD for each type of aircraft is prepared byG

    a) 3peratorb) anufacturer c) >C d) 5one

    1/. CCD ( ECD is generally provided byG

    a) %egulating authority of country of manufactureb) 0y the manufacturer

    c) As in -A)$ operator shall use it under intimation to %AW3

    d) As in -0)$ operator shall use it under intimation to %AW31@. eviation& amendment to CCD&ECD provided by the manufacturer shall be approved byG

    a) %AW3 b) !CA F> c) >C d)Blt crew

    . Approval to ED is given by

    a) %AW3 where the aircraft is mainly based

    b) >C anager along with authori=ed pilotc) %epresentations from engineering operations and cabin crew

    d) !CA -F>s)

    1. ED shall be prepared by

    a) ED shall be prepared for all aircrafts where the aircraft manufacturer issued ED

    b) 3ther operators operational e8perience for similar type of aircraft

    c) nder the provision of %ule 1''A

    d) All correct

    ",. Items not included in EDa) Wings$ flight controls$ complete engines$ landing gears etc. correct functioning of which

    is absolutely necessary for any flightb) !alley equipment$ entertainment system$ passengers convenience equipment

    c) Blight control$ one engine failure with galley equipment aircraft can fly under ED

    d) 0oth A and 0 correct

    "1. ED is applicable

    a) #ransit station b) #erminal 7tation c) ain station d)All correct

    "". Aircraft permitted to fly under ED mar; correct and appropriate answer

    a) efect encountered an hour before first flight of the day

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    b) 7uch cases shall be reported %AW3 with in "* hours.

    c) ED is not intended to fly for an indefinite period

    d) All correct

    "'. ED is to be rectified and signed

    a) Within "* hours of occurrenceb) Wherever the maintenance facilities available

    c) Within *@ hours elapsed timed) Within /" hours of elapsed time

    "*. Coc;pit ( emergency chec; list is prepared

    a) %ule /0 of '/ b) %ule /A of '/ c) %ule /A of '* d) %ule /A of '@

    ". Coc;

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    d) As at a ( b

    ,/. %estoration of an aeronautical product to an airworthy condition to ensure the compliance to

    design standards after it has been damaged or sub2ected to wear is

    a) odification b) aintenancec) %epair d) efects

    ,@. A person$ organi=ation or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in aircraft operation and

    operates his fleet as per a published schedule is

    a) 3perator b) 7cheduled operator

    c) 5on

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    c) Action ta;en to prevent recurrence defect

    d) All above

    1+. #he purpose of investigation of defect is to

    a) 6unish the person who caused the defectb) Avoid the recurrence of defects

    c) Avoid duplicated penal action against offenderd) All above

    1@. Which of the following fleet performance data is given by scheduled operators in their monthly

    report to %AW3

    a) In flight shut down rateb) elays of 1 minutes or more including cancelled flights

    c) 6remature removal rate of all components

    d) All of the above

    1. Bleet performance and engineering statistics report will be forwarded to %AW3 by non

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    d) All above are true .

    "/. #he % will gather information from

    a) Circulars issued by !CA

    b) 7ervice bulletins issued by manufacturersc) 6ilot reports .

    d) All of the above

    "@. Aircraft system reliability will be measured by

    a) nscheduled removals & 1,,, hours

    b) 6ilot reported defects on the system & 1,,, hours

    c) Alert value

    d) 5one.

    ". If a system of aircraft of any is above alert value an alert noticeJ will be issued by

    a) %AW3 where operator is bared

    b) % in >C department

    c) 7ubC and Accountable anager by %

    b) !CA by 1,thof each month

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    c) %AW3 by "th of each month

    d) #he display will be displayed in % only.

    '/. #he reliability display should cover

    a) 5on

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    *@. Analytical study of in flight instrument reading of engine parameters -E!#&E6%A7&51&5") is

    intended to

    a) Evaluate alert values

    b) etect in service deteriorationc) Establish aerodynamic cleanliness

    d) etermine reliability inde8

    *. %ecorded data such as fuel flow Hs #A7 in care of 2et engine public tpt aircraft shall be evaluated


    a) Alert values suggested by operator

    b) Alert values approved by !CA

    c) Alert values every monthd) All are correct.

    ,. Condition e8isting in an aircraft arising because of damage precluding the particular item

    performing their intended function isG

    a) inor defect b) efect c) a2or efect

    e) 5one

    1. All delays to scheduled service of 1 minutes duration or more on account of aircraft

    defect shall be reported to

    a) >C b) !CA c) %AW3d) 5ot required to be reported

    @. Bleet performance and E7% of a scheduled operator shall be forwarded toa) 3ne copy each to %AW3&!CA

    b) As in -1) every month

    c) %AW3 every month

    d) !CA every month

    . %ecords$ associated with defects and rectification shall be preserved for a period ofG

    a) 3ne year

    b) ay be required for consultation at the time of renewal of C of A

    c) a ( b are correct d) As decided by !CA11. In 7ervice deterioration of engine or airframe performance are early indicated byN

    a) Inspection finding

    b) Intelligently monitoring of in flight instrument readingc) onthly information submitted to %AW3

    d) efects reported by Blight crew

    1". aintenance reliability control programme of scheduled operator is required to be approved by

    a) !CA b) %AW3 c) anufacturer d) >C

    1'. %emedial measures to restore normal established trends within acceptable limits of performanceare developed by

    a) !CA b) %AW3 c) >C d) %

    1*. Alert 5otice is issued byG

    a) % b) !CA c) %AW3 d) >C

    1. Alert values will be formed by scheduled operator$ which will be numerically equal to

    a) ean value b) ean value plus two standard deviations

    c) ean values plus one standard deviation

    d) As recommended by manufactures1+. Whenever scheduled operator is over alert$ a report is submittedG

    a) In duplicate$ to %AW3 within /" hoursb) In duplicate to !CA with in /" hours

    c) In duplicate to !CA

    d) In duplicate to %AW3 who in turn relay one copy of report to !CA within /" hours

    1/. #o determine performance of airframeG

    a) %elationship between fuel flow and #A7 shall be established

    b) %elationship between 51 and 5" shall be established

    c) %ecorded value of #A7 shall be compared to its alert value

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    d) 5one

    1@. What are the defects reported to %AW3

    a) efects causing mechanical delay of 1 min or more

    b) a2or defect or defect requiring ma2or repair of all operators

    c) efect whether ma2or and minor on a public transport a&cd) A and 0

    1. Bollowing defects are included for computing reliability indicesa) All ma2or defects

    b) All defects including repetitive ones

    c) As in -a) for public transport a&c and as in -b) for other

    d) All are correct

    ",. Bleet performance$ engineering statistics are prepared

    a) 0y all operators every mothb) Every month by scheduled operators

    c) Every three months by scheduled operators

    d) 5one

    "". ns"*. When deterioration is observed in engine

    a) %AW3 as; for such curative action as considered necessaryb) %AW3 may as; for removal of engine

    c) %AW3 may as; for test flight e8cept schedule operator

    d) As in -A) or may even require replacement of deteriorated engine

    ". aintenance reliability control programme is useful inG

    a) In detecting problem area e8isting on a&c engine or accessories

    b) As in -A) which will help in planning preventive action in time

    c) Amend its e8isting system of maintenance if required in consultation with %AW3

    d) All are correct"+. Corrective maintenance as a result of pilot reported defect isG

    a) 7cheduled maintenance b) nuarterly

    c) 7chedule&5on schedule operators & monthly

    d) 5one

    ',. %eliability display should summari=e e8perience of

    a) 3ne year b) #wo years c) " to ' years d) 5one of these

    1. efect may be defined asGa) Condition which preclude the item from its intended function

    b) Condition arising due to any cause which would preclude it from its intended functionc) Condition arising due to any cause other than damage which would result in precluding it

    from intended function and also reduce the service life

    d) 5one of the above

    ",. #as; & Wor; carried out to ensure continued airworthiness of aircraft4

    a) 7ervicing b) Inspection c) 3verhaul d)


  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    "1. %estoration of a component to its Airworthiness condition to ensure compliance of design

    specification isG

    a) %ectification b) %epair c) a2or repair

    d) A ( 0 are correct

    "". A person$ organi=ation or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in aircraft operationGa) Approved 3rgani=ation b) 3perator c) 7cheduled operator d) 5one of the above

    "'. 3rgani=ation approved by !CA to carry out maintenance of aircraft and aircraft components isGa) A3 b) AC

    b) 7enior #ech. 3fficer approved by >C

    c) 7enior #ech. 6erson approved by !CA

    '*. Investigation of every ma2or defect shall be completed with in

    a) Bour months b) ', days c) #hree months d) 7i8 months

    '. Binal investigation report shall be submitted toG

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    a) %AW3&uplicate b) !CA & uplicate c) %AW3 &


    d) !CA

    '+. isciplinary action against erring person subsequent to investigation of defect shall be ta;en in

    consultation witha) >C b) %AW3 c) !CA d) 5one

    '/. Corrective actions on final investigation report shall be intimated toGa) %AW3 b) !CA c) %AW3 and !CA F> -AW)

    d) anufacturer

    '@. Investigation results of all defects shall be analy=ed once inG

    a) 7i8 months b) 1 days c) Bour months d) #hree months

    '. Corrective action against wea;ness detected after analy=ing investigation results shall be initiated

    under intimation toGa) !CA b) anufacturer c) >C d) %AW3

    *1. #he following AAC deal with fleet performance and Engineering statistics

    a) AAC @&",,1 b) AAC &",,' c) AAC &",,, d) 5one

    *". Aerial wor; operator shall prepare fleet performance and engineering statistics once inG

    a) Every onth b) #hree onths c) #wo onths

    d) 5one

    *'. Components associated with ma2or defect shall be preserved for

    a) #wo wee;s from the intimation of defectsb) 3ne year from intimation of defect

    c) #hree months from intimation of defectd) 5one of the above

    **. In

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    ". #he relationship between fuel flow and #A7 will determine

    a) 6erformance of Air Brame

    b) 6erformance of 6ower 6lant

    c) eterioration of Engine

    d) All the above'. aintenance control reliability programme is applicable toG

    a) All operator b) all transport aircraft operator c) All scheduled airline d) 5one

    *. Colleting information from various sources to determine reliability trends of system&components&

    structure of scheduled airlines is the responsibilities of

    a) %AW3 b) AW irectorate c) %

    d) 3perator

    . Which one is the primary source of information for reliability control4a) n

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    c) 3nly AJ is correct d) 0oth A ( 0 correct

    '. Instruments indication from an aircraft will give

    a) 7ystem functions

    b) 6roper rectification of defects observed by the crew and reported by crew

    c) Effective monitoring of aircraft performanced) All correct

    '+. %eading of instruments should be madea) Each sector under stabili=ed cruise condition

    b) In case of emergency conditions of flight

    c) Blight sector of short duration$ if unable to obtain the stabili=ed condition recording of

    parameter reading is omitted unless unusual parameter observed during climb and decent

    d) All correct

    ultiple Choice type questionsG

    1. 7eries L part I deals with

    a) #03 revision programme

    b) %eliability programme of engines

    c) Aircraft maintenance programme ( their approval

    d) 5one of there.

    ". ar; the correct statement

    a) CA% series LC deals with CCD$ ECD$ ED ( CDb) CA% series L0 deals with defect reporting

    c) CA% series L deals with aircraft maintenance programmes

    d) All correct

    '. #he measure of reliability for aero engine is

    a) In flight shut down rate b) 6ower -more power more reliable)

    c) 0oth a ( b d) 5one

    *. Critical in

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    a) %AW3 will monitor operators corrective programme closely.

    b) %AW3 will ;eep the !CA informed of progress ( effectiveness of corrective


    c) 0oth the operator and the %AW3 will face the responsibility of situation.

    d) All above

    1,. If the corrective programmes fail to improve the engine reliabilitya) !CA will revo;e the approval of operator

    b) Burther analysis of the causes will be made ( %AW3 will ta;e appropriate actions

    c) !CA will advise the operator to overhaul all the engines in the fleet

    d) All the above

    11. Aircraft rule?? authori=es !CA to specify standard of maintenance of aircraft ( aircraftcomponent

    a) %ule +,-") b) %ule +, c) %ule 1A d) %ule 1''0

    1". If an item sustains damage and the remaining structure withstands reasonable load without

    structural failure$ then it is called

    a) 7ignificant structural item b) 77I

    c) amage #olerant d) on condition maintenance

    1'. Approval of the maintenance programme of an operator is done by

    a) >C of the operator b) %AW3c) !CA F>s d) anufacturer of the aircraft

    1*. What will be the main guiding factor in preparing maintenance programme

    a) !CA instructions

    b) 3perators e8perience

    c) anufacturers recommendation

    d) 3ther operators e8perience with similar type of aircraft

    1. Which of the following parameter is used as an input for monitoring maintenance process

    a) 6ilots report

    b) Engine IB7c) echanical delay ( cancellation of services

    d) All above

    1+. 77I are

    a) 7pecial 7ervicing Instructionsb) 7ignificant 7tructural Items

    c) 7pecial 7tructural Inspection

    d) 7upplemental significant instruction

    1/. When chec;ing aircraft for corrosion which of the following area requires greater attention

    a) Avionics bay b) Davatory galley

    c) 6ropeller leading edge d) 5o such special area

    1@. 77I meansa) 7pecial 7ervicing Inspection ocument

    b) 7pecial 7tructural Inspection ocumentc) 7upplemental 7tructural Inspection ocument

    d) 7ignificant 7tructural Inspection ocument

    1. What are inputs for assessing the condition of engine operation

    aQ Engine oil analysis programme bQ 3il consumption

    cQ Engine instrument monitoring by crew dQ All above

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    ",. Fidden function means

    a) #he component functions hidden from the view of pilot

    b) #he component comes on automatically

    c) #he component is on whenever the system is used$ but there is no indication to pilot

    when that ceases to problemd) 5one of the above

    "1. What is the input for calculating alert values

    aQ 6ilot reports bQ Component unscheduled removals

    cQ Component confirmed failure dQ All above

    "". Alert value is established as

    a) ean value plus standard deviationb) ean value plus two or three standard deviation

    c) ean value

    d) ean value plus three or four standard deviations

    "'. What do you mean by #034

    aQ #ime 0etween 3verhaul bQ #erm 0etween 3verhaul

    cQ #enure 0efore 3verhaul dQ 5one of there

    "*. a8imum deviation from the normal operating range$ but with in allowable operating range$is called

    a) Acceptance limit b) Alert valuec) %eference unit d) Inde8 value

    ". #he reciprocating engines can be operated up to their #03 prescribed by the manufacturer

    straight away sub2ect to

    a) Carrying out all in service inspection as may be specified by !CA

    b) Calendar period limits are not e8ceeded

    c) Alert levels are not e8ceeded

    d) 0oth a ( b"+. Which of the following parameter shall be maintained continuously by the operator in respect

    of each piston engine operated by him

    a) anifold pressureb) Cylinder Fead #emperature

    c) Condition of spar; plug electrodes

    d) All above

    "/. ar; the incorrect sentence regarding on condition maintenance of piston engines.a) 6iston engine parameters must be recorded under stabili=ed conditions during periodical

    ground run ups.

    b) 3il pressure and oil temperature must be recorded in respect of piston engines during

    periodical run ups.

    c) Batigue lives of engine parts shall be mentioned by the overhauling agency in engine log


    d) Alert values are acceptance limits

    "@. ????anual of the operator will spell out the corrective actions to be ta;en when alert values

    are crosseda) aintenance 7ystem anual b) >C anual

    c) >uality Assurance anual d) Engineering 3rgani=ation anual

    ". Engine overhaul records in respect of piston engines shall be preserved by overhauling

    agency for at least

    a) #en years b) 3ne year c) #wo years d) 5one

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    ',. If operators do not maintain the periodical monitoring records of piston engines as required by


    a) Fis approval will be cancelled

    b) #he affected engine may be with drawn from service immediately

    c) #he operator will be warned ( will be as;ed to record in futured) 5o action will be ta;en

    '1. #he average fuel and oil consumption of light aircraft engines will be recorded after every

    a) 6ost overhaul test of engine

    b) 6artial&top overhaul&repair of engine followed by a test run or test flight

    c) 6eriods as per approved schedule or at every " hours$ whichever higher

    d) All above

    '". CA% 7eries part HI deals with

    a) aintenance of fuel ( oil uplift of light aircraft engines

    b) #03 revision programme

    c) Bi8ing of routine maintenance periods ( component #03s

    d) 3n condition maintenance of piston engines

    ''. Incorporation of latest modification on the component means

    a) Figher reliability b) Dower reliabilityc) 5o much difference d) none

    '*. Which of the following factors will be ;ept in view$ when determining the proven service lifeof an aircraft or component

    aQ Areas of operation bQ Engine operating powers

    cQ anufacturers recommendations dQ All above

    '. Application for fi8ation of initial periods for routine maintenance schedules ( component

    #03s is given to

    aQ %AW3&7ub7

    cQ >C for scheduled operators dQ 5one of these

    '+. Initial periods in respect of routine maintenance or #03 of component of Indian Airlines shall

    be approved bya) %AW3 b) !CA F>7 c) >C d) 7ub

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    *,. 3perators may prepare a life development programme for routine maintenance or #03 of

    component and it will be

    aQ 7ubmitted to %AW3&7ubs

    cQ Approved by 7ub

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    *. Dife records of engine parts having stipulated fatigue lives are recorded in

    a) Engine log boo;s

    b) Engine log boo; by overhauling agency

    c) Engine log boo; by the operator d) Engine log boo; by the manufacturer

    ,. %ecording of engine parameters for on condition maintenance shall be

    a) nder stabili=ed cruise condition

    b) nder stabili=ed conditions

    c) uring periodical ground run

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    c) As in -0) with out structural failure

    d) As in -C) when the damage is detected

    '. onitoring of operators maintenance process is based onG

    a) anufacturers recommendation b) !CA approved programme

    c) 7tatistical analysis of various performance parametersd) All the above

    *. Bactors$ which would help to assess the condition of components maintenance behaviora) echanical delays & cancellation of flights

    b) n

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    b) Engine in flight shut down$ removal of engine for overhaul or repair

    c) A&c mechanical delay and cancellation of service assessed A#A system wise

    d) All correct

    **. %eliability alert level

    a) Is for establishing performance standard levelb) Initially two or three years of operation depending on fleet si=e ( utili=ation

    c) #o be continuously updated on e8perience gained and corrective action ta;end) All correct

    *. 7tructural inspection programme includes

    a) Wing tan;s$ lavatory$ galley$ bilge areas

    b) Insecticide spray requires much greater attention.

    c) 3nly AJ is correct d) 0oth A and 0

    *+$ Condition of engine is available froma) 6remature removal rate and engine instruments monitoring by crew

    b) echanical parameters li;e engine oil analysis$ oil consumption etc

    c) 0oth a) ( b)

    d) 5one correct

    *@. E8ample of unhidden function

    a) AntiC b) 5odal 3fficer

    c) Accountable anager d) Chief >C

    *. Aircraft !oods meana) 6aints for use in civil aircraft

    b) opes for use in civil aircraftc) Buels lubricants ( special petroleum product intended for use in civil aircraft

    d) All above and of an approved specification

    . Certificate of approval is issued by

    a) >C in case of scheduled operator

    b) Chief engineer in case of unscheduled operator

    c) 5odal 3fficer in case of private of aerial category aircraft operators

    d) !CA in case of all organi=ations

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    +. A management system for programming and coordinating the on going efforts in an organi=ation

    in accordance with requirements of !CA is

    a) >uality assurance

    b) 6rogramme management

    c) >uality controld) 7cope of approval

    /. An independent body with an overall authority for the supervision of quality standards$ enablingthe standards set by the system of quality control to be enforced is ;nown as

    a) >uality assurance

    b) irectorate of Airworthiness

    c) >uality control

    d) 5one of these

    @. A document dispatched along with aircraft components certifying that the component has beenobtained from an approved source after overhaul&repair&manufacture is ;nown as

    a) Certificate of aintenance

    b) %elease note

    c) %e2ection note

    d) Certificate of approval

    . ar; the in correct sentence$ if any.

    a) An organi=ation will be initially granted part approval and given ' months time to meet

    the deficiencies for final grant of approvalb) !ranting approval will be dependent on request of applicant and his capability&capacity to

    perform wor; as required by !CAc) 7cope of approval for routine maintenance of aircraft shall not be less than 1,,hrs

    inspection schedule

    d) 5o incorrect statement

    1,. 3rgani=ations located within India will apply for initial issue of approval in

    a) CA 1@" b) CA 1@" C

    c) CA 1@" 0 d) CA 1@" A

    11. Indian organi=ations shall apply to ???????? for initial issue of approval

    a) !CA Fqs b) %AW3&sub %AW3 c) irector of Air safely d) 5one of these

    1". Boreign organi=ations will submit the application for initial approval to

    a) !CA F>s b) %AW3&sub %AW3 c) irector of Air 7afety d) inistry of E8ternal Affairs

    1'. Approval of foreign organi=ation will be affected by

    a) %AW3 b) 7ub %AW3

    c) !CA Fqs d) inistry of E8ternal Affairs

    1*. Approval of Indian organi=ation will be done bya) Controller of Airworthiness

    b) 3fficer incharge sub %AW3

    c) AW of %AW3

    d) AW at !CA Fqs

    1. Borm CA 1@" C is used for

    a) Approval of Indian organi=ation

    b) %enewal of approval of foreign organi=ation

    c) %enewal of approval of Indian organi=ationd) Approval of foreign organi=ation

    1+. ar; the incorrect statement$ if any.a) In case Indian 3perators desire to carry out maintenance activities including daily

    inspection of their fleet out side India$ !CA Fqs will grant such approval

    b) Bor issue of approval a statement signed by accountable manager is mandatory

    c) CA 1@" is used for renewal of approval of foreign organi=ations

    d) All above statements are correct

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    1/. 7cope of approval of an organi=ation will depend on

    a) >ualification of >C ( y >C

    b) Capacity of the organi=ation and availability of equipment

    c) 0oth A ( 0

    d) 5one1@. #he nodal officer shall be reporting to

    a) #he >C b) Fead of organi=ation c) Accountable manager d) !CA

    1. #he function of nodal officer is to

    a) Ensure that all personnel are appropriately trained and qualified to accomplish the wor;

    b) Ensure that appropriate instructions are developed$ maintained$ documented and followed

    for compliance$ with requirements

    c) 6rovide required spare parts and components from approved sources with appropriatedocuments before use on aircraft owned by his organi=ation

    d) All of the above

    ",. ndergoing refresher course covering upCb) Approved by the 7ub %AW3

    c) Approved by !CA Fqs

    d) 5one of these

    "/. #he periodicity of inspection schedules shall be e8pressed not only in terms of lapsed flying hours

    but also in terms of lapsed calendar period to

    a) Ensure that all required inspections are performed

    b) Ensure continued airworthiness of aircraft in the event of low utili=ation

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    c) 7o that !CA can monitor the maintenance activities of the operator$ with out the

    ;nowledge of operator

    d) All the above

    "@. ar; the correct statement$ if any.

    a) #he inspection schedule of organi=ation approved in cat L will be approved by >C itis has more than ' years e8perience

    b) Inspection schedule of cat LE organi=ation will be approved by !CA Fqsc) 3nce approved$ no item can be removed from inspection schedules of cat LA


    d) All correct statements

    ". A list containing the current life of every ma2or component shall be included in the

    a) C37D b) >C manual

    c) ED d) aintenance system manual',. Bor an operator who carried out his first in house audit in une$ the ne8t audit shall be carried out


    a) 5e8t year uly b) 5ovember

    c) 7eptember d) 3ne audit is sufficient is a year

    '1. In the event of an organi=ation wishing to increase the scope of its e8isting approval the approval

    will be granted by

    a) 7ub %AW3

    b) >C for scheduled operators having more than ' years e8periencec) %AW3

    d) !CA Fqs'". ar; the incorrect statement$ if any.

    a) #he maintenance schedules lower than 1,, hrs at a sub base with in the country shall not

    require fresh approval

    b) #he maintenance facilities of a sub base of an approved organi=ation shall be approved

    by local airworthiness office where the sub base is located

    c) #he maintenance activities at a sub base shall be monitored by local airworthiness office

    where the sub base is located

    d) 5o incorrect statement''. Who will ensure that the wor; done at sub contractors facility meets the manufacturers&!CA


    a) >C b) Accountable manager c) 5odal officer

    d) Docal airworthiness office where operator is based

    '*. ar; the incorrect statement$ it any.

    a) Indian organi=ations shall apply to %AW3 for renewal of approval along with internal

    audit report ( a statement from Accountable managerb) Boreign organi=ations shall apply to %AW3 for renewal of approval along with internal

    audit report ( a statement from Accountable manager

    c) Inspection schedules of 1,, hrs and above at a sub base shall be approved by local

    airworthiness office

    d) All correct statements

    '. All the approved organi=ations shall retain a copy of all inspection records for

    a) 3ne year b) #wo wee;s

    c) #en years d) 5one of these'+. Whenever an organi=ation to whom approval is granted$ changes its name

    a) #he certificate of approval is not validb) #he name in the certificate of approval is struc; off$ new organi=ations name is entered

    and officer incharge %AW3 will counter sign it

    c) #he certificate of approval once issued is valid till '1stecember of the year. #he change

    of name will not affect the certificate of approval

    d) 0 ( C

    '/. ar; the correct sentence. If any

    a) #he third copy of release not will be sent to %AW3

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    b) #he fourth copy of re2ection note will be sent to %AW3

    c) When a new certificate of approval is issued$ previously issued certificate is to be

    returned to the %AW3

    d) All correct statements

    '@. Which of the following changes in A3 must be notified to the !CA at the earliesta) Change of Accountable anager

    b) Change of >Cc) Change of location of maintenance facilities

    d) All of the above

    '. #he >C manual Holume I$ 7ection II$ Chapter ' contains

    a) odifications b) ocumentations

    c) Computer maintenance

    d) aintenance programme

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    *. Airworthy ( 7erviceable material$ awaiting evidence of having been received from approved

    sources are called

    a) 0onded stores b) 7erviceable stores

    c) 0ul; stores d) 5one of these

    ,. %elease notes$ will be preserved by stores organi=ation for atleast a) #en years b) Bive years

    c) #wo years d) 3ne year1. ????????? 7pecifies that applicants who have passed a course from !CA approved institute will

    be granted one year rela8ation in total aeronautical e8perience for grant of AE license

    a) %ule +, b) %ule +1

    c) %ule +" d) %ule +'

    ". A training school shall apply for issue of approval in form

    a) CA ",,1 b) CA %ev c) CA 1@" d) 5one of these

    '. #he section III of quality control manual of approved training school contains

    a) #raining of certifying staff ( technicians

    b) istribution of >C manual

    c) %ecords

    d) 5one of the above is applicable to trg school

    *. #he instructors in a training school shall be approved by

    a) Chief instructorb) Docal airworthiness office where school is situated

    c) %AW3d) 5one of the above

    . #he question and answer papers of each semester shall be preserved for a period of

    a) Bive years b) Bour years

    c) #hree years d) #wo years

    +. Which of the following information is not part of training manual4

    a) 5ames ( e8perience of all regular instructors

    b) 5ame ( address of all students semester wise

    c) etails of practical trg to be impartedd) All above are part of training manual

    /. Any station other than the main base which is equipped to underta;e lay over chec;s and

    rectification of minor defects isa) 6arent base b) #ransit station

    c) 5ight halt station d) Dine station

    @. Which of the following manuals shall be available for reference at the night halt station4

    a) aintenance manual

    b) >uality control manualc) CA%

    d) All the above

    . #he transit&line stations shall have

    a) #rouble shorting charts

    b) 7et of schedules including special inspection schedule

    c) 0oth A ( 0

    d) #ransit&line stations need not to have any documents. 3nly qualified AE&authori=ed

    person with adequately s;illed staff is required+,. ar; the correct statement$ if any.

    a) #he cat L organi=ations shall preserve their records for five yearsb) Cat L! organi=ations shall preserve their records for five years

    c) Cat LB organi=ations shall preserve their records for five years

    d) All correct statements

    +1. 7ecurity clearance of foreign AE students should be obtained by

    a) !CA Fqs b) %AW3&7ub %AW3

    c) >C d) 5one of these

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    */. 7eparate approval in category BJ is not required for organi=ation approved in any of the


    a) A$C. (E b) A$0$ (E c) A$0$C$ ( E d) A$0 ( C

    *@. anager who has authority for ensuring that all the tas;s of the approved organi=ation can be

    financed and carried out to the standard required by !CAa) >C anager b) Accountable anager

    c) Binance anager d) %AW3*. A document issued to an organi=ation approved by !CA and defining the scope of approval


    a) 7cope of approval b) #erms of approval

    c) Certificate of approval d) 5one

    ,. ocument accompanying the sale of aircraft component certifying that they were obtained from

    approval sourcea) Certificate of approval b) %elease 5ote

    c) %e2ection 5ote d) Certificate of anufacture

    1. #he scope of approval for routine maintenance shall not be less than

    a) aily inspection

    b) +,, Frs inspection outside India

    c) aily inspection for Indian organi=ation

    d) 1,, Frs inspection with in India

    ". 53AD 3BBICE% is the requirement of the following operator & ownerGa) Who maintain their fleet of aero planes under approved programme

    b) Who have contracted maintenance of their aircraft to an a A3c) It is applicable to state government a&c only

    d) It is applicable to private aircraft only

    '. Certifying staff issuing certificate of maintenance shall have

    a) 7i8 months of actual a&c maintenance e8perience

    b) 7i8 months of actual a&c maintenance e8perience in the preceding 1" months

    c) 7i8 months of actual a&c maintenance e8perience in the preceding 1 months

    d) 7i8 months of actual a&c maintenance e8perience in preceding "* months

    *. >uality control manual of Indian Airlines will be approved byGa) %AW3 b) !CA F> c) >C

    d) %AW3&7ub %AW3

    . aintenance systems manual of Cat CJ organi=ation shall be approved byGa) !CA b) !CA in case of Indian Air lines

    c) %AW3 in consultation with !CA F>

    d) 5one

    +. Hertical blac; line along the left hand margin of the te8t of the manuals is to identifyG

    a) Identifying revisions and amendmentsb) Identifying important points

    c) Identifying items of inspection as per 6

    d) 5one

    /. 7pecial inspection chec;s li;e hard landing etc. shall be included in

    a) >C manual b) aintenance scheduler

    c) 7pecial inspection schedule

    d) 5one

    @. Inspection schedule of scheduled operator will be approved byGa) >C b) %AW3 c) !CA

    d) >C in case of operator with ' years e8perience$ others by %AW3. Investigation of defects shall be completedN

    a) Within * months b) Within ' months

    c) Within + onths d) Within 1 days

    1. Certificate issued to signify that the design of a type of aircraft complies with applicable design


    a) E8port C of A b) #ype Certificate c) Certificate of compliance d) 5one

    ". #he approval of the approval personnelJ in Cat LA organi=ation will be granted byG

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    a) %AW3 b) !CA c) >C if delegated by %AW3 d) a ( c correct

    '. Completed items in any category AJ organi=ation shall be identified byG

    a) Affi8ing part serial number

    b) As in -a) or any other mar;ings as per approved specification drawing

    c) As in -b) and inspection stamps of final inspection shall also be affi8edd) As in -c) where these are not practicable$ a tag or label shall be fi8ed.

    *. ar; correct statementsa) Certification records of completed wor; during manufacture shall be retained for five


    b) anufacturer shall have obtained approval under Cat SB and comply with all


    c) CatC anual$ 7 ( E3) upC anual

    d) As in C and the same may be included in 7

    +. After an aircraft component & item of equipment has been manufactured

    a) >C will issue certificate of manufacture

    b) >C or an authori=ed person will issue certificate of manufacturec) >C or an approved person will issue certificate of manufacture

    d) -b) ( -c) are inC manual

    d) E3 ( 7

    1,. #est specimen submitted by the firm for approval of cat 0 organi=ation should have beena) 6rocessed in any !CA approved organi=ation

    b) 6rocessed in applicants wor;shop

    c) As in -b) under the supervision of !CA representative

    d) As in -b) under the supervision of %AW3 representative

    11 #est specimen required to be submitted for approval of cadmium plating

    a) #welve specimen @J:"J:1+ 7wg b) #welve specimen 'J:'&*J:1+ 7wg

    c) #hree specimen @J:"J:1+ 7wg d) 5one

    1". #he firm approved under Category 0J will issue thea) Certificate of aintenanceb) Certificate of compliance

    c) Certificate of inspection d) #est report ( %elease 5ote1'. #he inspectors of CatC

    1*. Aircraft &Aircraft components released by Cat

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    1. Certificate of maintenance by a Category CJ organi=ation shall be signed byG

    a) >C b) Approved signatory c) AE

    d) AE&Approved&Authori=ed person

    1+. Birm as;ing for approval of Category J shall prepare and submit the following manuals

    a) E3 b) E3(>C c) >C ( 7d) >C ( 7

    1/. #est report issued by approved organi=ation shall be signed bya) Approved signatories b) >C c) Authori=ed 6erson

    d) Dicensed Engineer

    1. 0ul; storage & 0ul; mobile equipment used by Category E organi=ation shall be approved by

    a) !CA b) %AW3 c) Docal Airworthiness 3ffice

    d) Chief e8plosive inspection

    ",. #est laboratories of Category EJ firm will be approved bya) %AW3 b) >C c) !CA d) 5one of the above

    "1. Bormat of release note and sale vouchers of Category EJ organi=ation shall be approved byG

    a) >C b) %AW3 c) !CA d) 5one of the above

    "". %elease note and sale vouchers issued by Category EJ organi=ation shall be preserved for

    a) years b) 1, years c) " years d) 1 year

    "'. %elease note signatory is

    a) A person approved by >C to 7ign %elease 5ote

    b) A person approved by %AW3 to 7ign %elease 5otec) A person approved by the organi=ation to 7ign %elease 5ote

    d) A person approved by !CA to issue %elease 5ote"*. 7tores where materials received from approved source with proper evidence are stoc;edG

    a) 0onded stores b) >uarantine c) Approved stores

    d) Category BJ organi=ation

    ". A certificate issued under approval granted by !CA certifying that the materials & aircraft

    components have been received from approved source and they are airworthyG

    a) %elease 5ote b) Certificate of maintenance

    c) #ype certification documents d) 5one of the above

    "+. A&c components drawn from bonded store but having been re2ected after inspection are returnedalong with

    a) %elease 5ote b) %e2ection 5ote c) Dog Card&Dog 0oo;

    d) Inspection %eport"/. istribution of re2ection note is such that

    a) #hird copy is for record b) Birst copy is to supplier

    c) 7econd copy is to %AW3 d) Birst copy is to %AW3

    "@. ar; the person responsible to ensure that goods released to customers from catC b)Accountable anager c)%elease note signatory

    d) >C ( %elease note signatory

    ". In

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    d) All the above are correct

    '". Chief instructor of Category !J organi=ation is approved by

    a) !CA b) %AW3 c) Docal AW 3ffice

    d) E8amined for approval by a board chairman of which will be an officer not below the

    ran; of controller of Airworthiness''. Instructors to teach various sub2ects in !CA approved institute are approved byG

    a) %AW3 b)!CA c)>C d)Chief Instructor '*. 3verall %atio of whole time instructors to students shall be

    a) About 1G', b) 5ot less than 1G', c) 5ot more than 1G', d) About 1G"

    '. 7ecurity clearance of foreign students is the responsibilities of

    a) !CA b) %AW3 c) in of Civil Aviation d) Chief


    '+. 5o. of students in a batch of AE students shall bea) 5ot more than ', b) 5ot less than 1 c) 5ot less than 1,

    d) 5ot more than ', ( 5ot less than 1,

    '/. #otal period of training in case of AE institute

    a) " T years b) ' T years c) ' years d) 5one

    '@. %ecords of e8amination conducted in !CA approved institute is required to be preserve forG

    a) 7i8 months b) #wo years c) 3ne year d)Bive years

    '. Internal audit for renewal of Cat

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    1/. Which one of the following is responsible to ensure regular receipt of specific aircraft literature$

    amendments etc$ and ma;ing them available to A34

    a) >C b) Accountable anager c) 5odal 3fficer d) !CA&%AW3

    1@. Certifying staff involved in maintenance of aircraft shall undergo refresher course once in

    a) 1" months b) "* months c) 'years d) As desired by!CA

    1. Internal audit by >A team shall be carried outGa) 3nce in every year b) #wice in every year

    a) ', days before renewal of organi=ation

    b) +, days before renewal of organi=ation

    ",. Fow many copies of manuals are required to be submitted for approval of a firm4

    a) #wo b) #hree c) Bour d) 3ne

    "1. Any condition classified as ma2or defect observed during maintenance or operation shall bereported to

    a) !CA b) anufacturer c) !CA and manufacturer d) 5one

    "". #he following shall be reported to !CA& %AW3G

    a) a2or defect b) Any condition classified as ma2or defect

    c) echanical delay d) All the above

    "'. Investigation of ma2or defect shall be completed with inG

    a) Bour months b) #hree months c) As early as possible

    d) 5one of the above is correct@,. #he form and manner of certificate issued by A3&A3 shall be approved byG

    a) !CA F>s b) %AW3c) !CA F>s or %AW3 at the time of approval d) >C&Chief >C

    ,1. !rant of approval to organi=ations engaged in ACA7 modifications is governed by

    a) %ule 1''A of '/ b) %ule 1''0 of '* c) %ule 1'' C of '/ d) %ule 1'' 0 of '/

    ". An organi=ation located out side India approval granted by !CA under

    a) CA%(AAC * of 1@ b) CA% ( ACCC of 1@

    c)CA%( AAC + of / d) CA% (AAC @ of 1@

    '. Certificate of maintenance is

    a) A certificate issued in respect of aircraft$ aircraft component & item equipmentb) Issued by appropriately licensed AE or approved person or authori=ed person

    c) Issued after carrying out servicing$ modifications$ repairs and inspection etc.

    d) All as above$ certifying that wor; has been performed in accordance with theairworthiness requirements stipulated by !CA

    *. %elease note

    a) A document accompanying the sale of aircraft components spares$ materials goods

    b) Certifying the same were be obtained from an approved source

    c) After manufacture & repair&overhaul all relevant airworthiness requirements of the !CAare satisfied

    d) All correct

    . Bor issue of approval to an organi=ation??? required

    a) CA 1@" A b) Bees

    c) 7tatement of Accountable anager d) All of the above

    +. %e2ection 5ote means

    a) A document issued by an approved organi=ation

    b) Bor the purpose of advising details of the re2ection of certified aircraft goods$ which failto meet the applicable requirements

    c) 3nly A is correct d) 0oth A and 0 correct/. #he scope of approval for routine maintenance of aircraft shall

    a) 5ot less than , hrs. b) 5ot less than 1,, hrs.

    c) 5ot less than ",, Fr d) All the above

    @. 7torage and handling procedure for electro static devices are detailed in

    a) AAC of ",," b) AAC + of ",,, c) AAC @ of ",," d) AAAC " of ",,*

    . Diterature required for aircraft maintenance as per scope of approval

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  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    "". #ype certificate means

    a) A certificate issued or validated by !CA

    b) 7ignify that the design type of aircraft$ aircraft component or item of equipment is

    acceptable to !CA

    c) #hat the design complies with the applicable design standard as specified or approvedd) All correct

    "'. All records of inspection and certifications of completed wor; in an approved manufacturer li;eFAD shall be retained

    a) years b) ' years c) years from the date of manufacture

    d) * years

    Series H

    1. ue to which of the following factors in most of the aircraft fuel system a certain quantity of fuel

    is not available for use

    a) Docation of tan; b) Docation of 6ump out letsb) Docation of tan; and out lets

    d) As in -C) and also routing of pipelines$ Docation of 6umps

    ". >uantity

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    a) Weight of fuel b) 6art of useful load c) 6art of empty


    d) All are correct

    . Calibration of fuel gauges is to be followed every timea) A fuel gauge is installed

    b) Inspect for certification of airworthinessc) uring the nearest ma2or chec;

    d) Initially as in -a) and subsequently as per -b) ( -c)

    1,. Carriage of calibrated dip stic;s are required to be carried to ma;e sure correct quantity of fuel is

    carried in case of

    a) All Dight Aircraft b) All helicopter c) Incase of -a) and -b) whose fuel quantity gauges are not reliable

    d) As in -a) and -b)

    11. Which aircraft rule specifies procedure of fuelling aircraft

    a) "&1'/ b) "A&1'/ c) "0&1'/ d) "A&1'*

    1". Buelling =one

    a) Area e8tending + meters from refueling aircraftb) Area e8tending + ft from refueling aircraft

    c) Area e8linding 1, ft from refueling aircraftd) 5one of the above

    1'. #he fuelling of aircraft shall be carried out byG

    a) A trained technician b) AE

    c) nder the supervision of Airworthiness 3fficer

    d) 5one

    1*. 6recautions and fuelling instructions are provided bya) anufacturers b) !CA c) Buelling company

    d) Aircraft 3perator

    1. ar; in

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    b) #hrough conductive tyres

    c) Apron earthing point

    d) All are correct

    1. ar; the correct statementa) %efueling of a&c may be started immediately after landing & ta8ying

    b) Aerodrome fire service shall be called for refuelingc) %efueling operation shall be stopped when turbo

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    "@. 6lacarding of unusable fuel quantity is not mandatoryG

    a) When unusable fuel is less than V of total fuel capacity

    b) When fuel quantity gauge is calibrated to read only unusable fuel

    c) nusable fuel is mentioned in the flight manual

    d) All are correct

    '/. >uantity of unusable fuel or weight of the unusable fuel is included inGa) Weight of the fuel b) Weight of the empty a&c

    c) 5ot included in the EW of a&c d) 5one

    '@ Buelling =one e8tends toG

    a) 1 m from the fuelling point

    b) + m from the fuel tan; ventc) + m radically from fuel equip$ fuelling point and a&c fuel tan; vent

    d) 0 and C

    '. anger of static electricity discharge during refueling is prevented byG

    a) 6roviding fire e8tinguishers

    b) Avoiding refueling during electrical storm

    c) 6roviding proper bonding and earthing of a&c and refueling equipment

    d) All are correct

    *,. Bueling operations shall be stopped whenever 2et efflu8 of turbo propeller engine is with ina) ', m from the refueling point & refueling equip & vent point

    b) As in -a) with in 1 m

    c) As in -a) with in *' m

    d) 5one

    *1. In case of refueling fuel mi8ture4

    a) %educed ration should be applied

    b) Anti

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    a) %efuelling can be carried out inside the building constructed for direct loading and


    b) %efuelling is always done in open place

    c) 5o refueling within ', m in radar operations

    d) %efuelling shall be carried out on a level surface as far as possible1. ue to which of the following factors in most of the aircraft fuel system a certain quantity of fuel

    is not available for usea) Docation of tan; b) Docation of 6ump out lets

    c)) Docation of tan; out lets

    d) As in -c) and also routing of pipelines$ Docation of 6umps

    ". >uantity

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    1*. 6recautions and fuelling instructions are provided by

    a) anufacturers b) !CA c) Buelling company

    d) Aircraft 3perator

    1. ar; in

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    d) 1, square meter

    "+. In case of spillage during fueling

    e) Buel must not be washed into drains

    f) Hehicles shall not be started with in 1 m of spillage

    g) Buelling shall not be commenced till ', min after cleaning the spilled fuelh) ovement of persons and vehicles shall be avoided with ', m from the spillage

    "/. In case of storage of fuel in bul; storage tan;se) #an;s for storing AH!A7 shall be internally epicoated

    f) Bloating suction shall be inspected once a wea;

    g) #an; bottom sample of AH!A ( A#B shall be tested for microbiological growth once in

    two years

    h) All are correct

    RA6I7 A09HI A7IATI!0 ACA9E$:


  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    c) is permitted vide rule 1' of Aircraft rules 1'/

    d) All above are correct

    @. ar; the correct statement

    a) When a new type of aircraft is registered !CA will advise the manufacturer.

    b) When a new type of aircraft is registered in India !CA will advise the state of manufacture

    that it has entered such aircraft on its registers.

    c) #he temporary certificate of registration is valid for ,1 month from date of issue.

    d) All are correct

    . What is the validity of registration of an aircraft4

    a) #ill the e8piry of lease period for leased aircraft b) till the aircraft is destroyed or

    withdrawn permanently c) Bor aircraft owned by Indian Airlines and Air India registration is

    not required d) as at a) ( b)

    1,. %egistration of an aircraft is cancelled by !CA if

    a) %egistration was done by furnishing false information b) #he lease period is e8pired forleased aircraft c) as at a) ( b) d) #he C of % is lost by the operator

    11. When a person purchases an aircraft already registered in India

    a) Fe can fly it right away without any delay b) Fe should fly it only after getting C of %

    transferred to his name c) Fe will carry out a ma2or servicing on the aircraft and then fly it

    d) All of the above

    1". ar; the correct sentence regarding the Bees.

    a) #he fees for regn. of aircraft of #3W above 1,,, ;g. is %s ",,&< b) #3W below 1,,,

    ;g. is %s. ",,&< c) Bor duplicate certificate of regn. is %s. ",,&< d) Bor temporary

    certificate of regn. is %s. 1,,&C of

    approved firms with specific approval for such delegations$ underintimation to %A3

    d) 5one of there.

    '. All aircraft registered in India shall have aircraft log boo; is mandated in

    a) %ule / b) %ule +/

    c) %ule */ d) %ule //

    *,. #he flight report boo;ech log shall have

    a) #ime of arrival and place of arrival

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    b) 7ignature of pilot in command

    c) Fours of flight

    d) All above with date of flight

    *1. #he log boo;s in respect of newly manufactured aircraft will be issued bya) #he manufacturer or owner&operator

    b) !CA during first C of A chec;c) #he %A3

    d) 5one.

    *". #he first section of Engine log boo; shall contain

    a) #est flight records

    b) a2or repairsc) odification records

    d) 3verhauls done

    *'. #he second section of propeller log boo; will contain

    a) Fours flown date wise

    b) #est flights

    c) 3verhaul records

    d) inor repairs

    **. #he third section of %adio apparatus log boo; will havea) odification status

    b) a2or repair records

    c) Blight release inspection records

    d) %eplacement records.

    *. #he contents of 2ourney log boo; in case of scheduled operators will be

    approved by

    a) >C b) Accountable anager c) %A3 d) English 0oo; 7tores$ 5ew elhi.

    *+. #he entries in the log boo;s shall be completed with ina) "* hours of completion of wor;

    b) *@ hours of completion of wor;

    c) "* wor;ing hours of the %A3

    d) " wor;ing days of %A3

    */. When an engine is removed from the aircraft

    a) Entry should be made in Aircraft log boo;

    b) Entry should be made in ourney log boo;

    c) Entry should be made in Engine log boo;

    d) 0oth a and c are correct

    *@. When a component$ not having an individual log boo;$ is removed

    a) Entry should be made in Aircraft log boo;b) Entry should be made in 2ourney log boo;

    c) Entry should be made in Blight log boo;d) A new log boo; is to be made and removal entry should be entered a

    such boo;.

    *. ar; the correct sentence

    a) Aircraft log boo;s shall be preserved till if aircraft is permanently with

    drawn from use

  • 8/12/2019 civil aviation rules-


    b) In case an aircraft is damaged beyond economical repair the log boo; will

    be preserved for 1 years from the date of accident

    c) Engine log boo; will be preserved for a period of " years after engine is

    permanently withdrawn from use

    d) All of the above

    ,. If aircraft log boo; is not maintained in the manner and from prescribed$ thena) #he operators license will be cancelled

    b) #he >C&Accountable anager will be warned by !CA to maintain

    the records.

    c) #he aircraft shall be deemed un airworthy.

    d) #he license of the AE&AEs who are e8pected to ma;e entry will

    be suspended.

    1. %ule / of aircraft rules 1'/ demands that

    a) All aircraft registered in India shall carry instruments and equipments an


    b) All Indian registered aircraft shall carry valid documents as specified.

    c) All Indian registered aircraft shall not carry any e8plosive material onboard

    when in passenger transportation.

    d) All Indian registered aircraft should have nationality ( registrationmar;ings.

    ". !roup A documents

    a) Doad and trim sheet

    b) Weight schedule

    c) Blight manual

    d) All above

    '. !roup 0 documents

    a) inimum equipment listb) C of A

    c) #echnical log

    d) B%C

    *. ar; the correct sentence

    a) !roup LA documents should be carried on board in any safe place in


    b) !roup L0 documents should be carried on board aircraft and should beaccessible to pilot all times.

    c) An aircraft which does not leave the vicinity of departing aerodrome may

    not carry. !roup b documents on board.

    d) All passenger aircraft with AW /,,;g and above shall provide passenger

    safety information briefing card at every passenger seat location.

    . 6assenger safety information briefing card contains

    a) 6laces of tourist attraction in the route

    b) Evils of drin;ing liquor and ta;ing drugc) %estrictions on smo;ing

    d) All above+. #a8y permit is issued by

    a) >C

    b) %A3

    c) Chief pilot of the operator

    d) Controller of air worthiness of the area.

    /. >ualifications for obtaining ta8y permit are

    a) AE in cat LA covering the type of aircraft

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    b) AE in cat LC covering the type of aircraft

    c) 7hould be conversant with runway mar;ings

    d) 0oth b ( c true

    @. ar; the correct sentence

    a) 6erson wishing to obtain ta8y permit will be assessed for his ta8ying abilityby %A3

    b) 6erson wishing to obtain ta8y permit must manditorily hold %# licensec) #a8y permit will be renewed for one year provided the holder has ta8ied at

    least once during preceding year.

    d) All true.

    . Bor issue of type approval to an aircraft which of the following documents are

    required to be submitted to !CA

    a) etails of materials of constructionb) A complete list of drawings

    c) 7ubsidiary type records

    d) All of above

    +,. All inspection records -during the process of manufacture of air craft) shall be

    retained for

    a) #wo years b) #en years

    c) Bive years d) 3ne year