Cityview Family! · 2020. 8. 4. · Cityview Family! I am so grateful that you have joined us for...

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Transcript of Cityview Family! · 2020. 8. 4. · Cityview Family! I am so grateful that you have joined us for...

Cityview Family!

I am so grateful that you have joined us for this important journey into the heart of God for all people. Five years ago, I taught a formative sermon series for our church called Race and Grace where we learned a biblical theology of race, grew in understanding of the racial history of our nation and the ongoing racial challenges we face, and laid out a roadmap for how we can be agents of racial reconciliation in the world. At that point, we proposed the God-honoring vision that Cityview would be a multi-racial, multi-generational church. By God’s grace, we have made some progress in the last five years, but we have so much further to go.

Today in 2020, we have updated those sermons and added an important small-group study to help facilitate meaningful, honest, and courageous conversations within our church family. I don’t expect that every Cityview member will agree on every point of discussion. And that’s okay! But I do expect us to listen with empathy, submit our worldview to God’s Word, love our neighbor, and work for biblical justice within our world.

While we are aware of what is happening in our nation today, our elders are not chasing the headlines in the news. Headlines will change, and we cannot change our convictions and commitments when the news cycle turns over. We are chasing the heart of God and the biblical vision of a church that reflects the diversity of heaven and the unity of the Spirit. Our 2020-2021 churchwide goal is “Community & Diversity.” Why? Because both of these words reflect God’s heart for His church. He desires us to be in authentic, life-giving community (John 13:34-35, 17:20-21), and He commands that we live reconciled to one another across racial and ethnic differences (Ephesians 2:11-22).

We have an opportunity as the church of Jesus Christ to live out our faith in a way that is different from the world. Instead of yelling at those who disagree with us, God calls us to build bridges across the racial divide and have hard conversations in love. The gospel of Jesus gives us the powerful resources of repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, which can help us move this conversation forward in meaningful ways.

I am excited to introduce you to the work of Dr. Tony Evans during this small-group study. Dr. Evans is the founding and senior pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX. I have followed his preaching and writing for many years and have benefited from his pastoral leadership and wisdom. Listen to his biblical teaching with a humble heart and be ready to grow in Christ and in community.

I love you, my dear brothers and sisters, and by God’s grace, I believe that Cityview’s best days are ahead. I’m so grateful you are here for the journey.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Keith

Sermon Notes________________________________________________________________

















Week OneDr. Evans Video Highlights:

- The plague of racial divisions in the U.S. and in the Christian Church

- The importance of operating from a Kingdom perspective and agenda

- Racial amalgamation vs. God’s design: not sameness but oneness

(Revelation 7:9-10)

- What is unity? Sameness of purpose, not oneness of being

- Why is unity important?

o Jesus’ high priestly prayer (John 17:20-26)

o Divisions are blocking the mission of Christ o Divisions distract from

the glory of God

- The Role of the Church in Racial Unity

o The importance of the church’s leadership in the culture

o The cross breaks down the dividing wall (Ephesians 2:11-22)

o The process of emulsification

o The blood of Christ as the unifying agent

- Discrimination & favoritism blocks racial unity (James 2:1-9)

Session 1 Discussion Questions:1. Icebreaker: What is your greatest hope and greatest fear in participating in an honest conversation about race at church?

2. Dr. Evans says the goal of racial unity is not sameness, but oneness (read John 17:20- 21). What does that mean to you?

3. Read Ephesians 2:11-22. Dr. Evans used the analogy of the emulsifier in mayonnaise to discuss how unity occurs. Have you experienced real unity within diversity?

4. Dr. Evans said that the church is blocking the Glory of God by its division. James 2:1-9 describes sinful discrimination in the early church that was strongly condemned. How do we consciously or unconsciously discriminate?

5. Dr. Evans talked about how the Kingdom of God values our diversity more than our culture does (read Revelation 7:9-10). What does it look like to value diversity?

6. How would you like to see Christians speak out concerning racial oneness in the church and in society?

7. Challenge: Have an honest conversation with someone of a different race this week, listening with empathy and love, seeking to understand their perspective.

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Week TwoDr. Evans Video Highlights:

- We read our cultural experiences into our views of God.

- Jesus’ Interaction with the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42)

- The history of the Jewish / Samaritan racial conflict.

- In spite of what the culture said, Jesus elevated the spiritual need above

racial prejudice or cultural norms.

- We must value our Christian identity more than our racial identity.

- When you are willing to deal with a person’s person you get quicker access

to a person’s soul.

- Never let racial identity interfere with biblical truth.

- Paul’s confrontation with Peter (Galatians 2:9-21)

- The preachers must get the truth right for the followers to get it right.

- The gospel is not only about how you get to heaven; it is about the unity

that God gives to his people.

- Your identity is to be in Christ, not culture. As long as culture supports

Christ, enjoy it.

- When culture diverts from Christ, your culture is wrong, not Christ.

Session 2 Discussion Questions:1. What is your earliest memory of racial differences?

2. What are some key truths concerning God’s view of race from the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4? How should this shape the way we live today?

3. What are some key truths concerning race from Paul’s confrontation of Peter in Galatians 2? How should this shape the way we live today?

4. What are your thoughts about Dr. Evans’ statement that the gospel is not just about how to get to heaven, but also about the unity that Christ brings?

5. How do you relate to the idea that culture sometimes determines your ac-tions more than your faith?

6. What will you do differently this week because of what you learned?

7. Challenge: What would it look like practically to surrender your cultural preferences for the sake of diversity & unity within the church family?

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Week ThreeDr. Evans Video Highlights:

- Humpty Dumpty revisited

- The failure of government intervention in bringing people together across

racial/class lines.

- We have allowed the politics of man to divide us racially.

- Political parties cannot usurp the roles that the people of the Kingdom of

God have been uniquely called to.

- Joshua met the Captain of the Host of the Lord (Joshua 5:13-15).

- God is not committed to Republicans or Democrats, but to Himself and to

His Kingdom.

- We must not allow the politics of men to interfere with the program of


- The government of this nation was wrong and the church authorized its


- The unity of God’s people is critical for the well-being of the nation.

- The connection of abortion and justice.

- God wants us to define ourselves by his Kingdom.

- America needs the glory of God, not merely the votes of politicians and

voters (2 Chronicles 5:11-14).

- If God is working for you, it really doesn’t matter who you elect.

- Political affiliation of the Christian must be second to faith.

Session 3 Discussion Questions:1. Have you had any conversations this week about race relations with some-one of a different race? How did it go?

2. Which of the key points of this message stick out to you?

3. Read Joshua 5:13-15. How do we know if we are on God’s side? Why is it hard to stay on God’s side in every area of life?

4. How did you feel when Dr. Evans said that “It is time for God’s people to make the statement that their party is second to their faith and their political affiliation is second to their commitment to Christ”. How was that convicting or challenging?

5. What things would you like to see change in your personal life concerning God’s Kingdom as it relates to racial harmony?

6. Read 2 Chronicles 5:11-14. Why is unity across our divisions required be-fore we will experience the fullness of the glory of God?

7. Challenge: Seek out a friendship with someone who has a strong faith in Christ but different political views than you.

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Week FourDr. Evans Video Highlights:

- Wrong biblical theology can be used to justify evil.

- The “curse of Ham” teaching which has been very damaging to the Church.

- Setting the story straight:

o Ham was not cursed, Canaan was.

o Not all Canaanites were cursed.

o Not more than 3 generations were cursed in the Bible.

o Jesus’ death on the cross ended every curse.

- Christians can take great pride in black leaders in the Bible including:

o Jethro the priest of Midian, and father-in-law of Moses

o Zephaniah son of Cushi wrote a book of the Bible

o Bathsheba was the mother of Solomon,

o Rahab from Jericho was the mother of Boaz

o Ruth from Moab was the great grandmother of David

o Nimrod was a nation builder but not a godly leader

o In the New Testament, there was the Ethiopian eunuch

o Black leaders in the church in Antioch (Acts 13)

o Early Church Fathers who were black included Augustine and


o Lastly, the wife of Moses whom God defended (Numbers 12)

Session 4 Discussion Questions:1. Why is it important to examine the wrong beliefs underneath our actions? How have wrong beliefs shaped racial divisions and injustice in our past?

2. Share a belief that has been passed on to you or you have heard over the years with regards to another race that you since have found has no historical or factual merit.

3. Read Genesis 9:18-28. Have you ever heard of the “Curse of Ham” teaching? Imagine if the church had stood up and exposed the myth of Ham teaching 300 years ago. How do you think that could have changed history?

4. Dr. Evans mentioned a number of Bible heroes who were black. How does that impact your view of black contribution to our Christian heritage?

5. Read Acts 17:26. How does this verse shape the way we see different races and ethnicities in the world today?

6. How does social media increase the likelihood that we might believe a false narrative today? What should we do to make sure we don’t buy into false myths?

7. What part of church history are we missing due to racial bias? Challenge: This week consider Googling Black church leaders in history and see what you find.

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Week FiveDr. Evans Video Highlights:

- The lady with the torch beckoning the huddled masses to freedom for all.

- Jesus came to make all people free. (see John 8:36)

- God’s definition of justice and injustice

- Justice is the equitable and impartial application of God’s moral law in society.

- Psalm 89:14 - Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne;

Lovingkindness and truth go before You.

- Why was Sodom destroyed? (see Ezekiel 16:49)

- When we operate unjustly, we are operating against God and will experience

chaos and bondage instead of freedom.

- Freedom was given and lost in Genesis 3.

- Jesus came to bring good news to the poor and freedom to the captives. (see

Luke 4:18)

- Jubilee could only occur after the Day of Atonement. (see Leviticus 25)

- The further our culture gets away from God, the more chaotic our culture will be.

- 2 Chronicles 15:6 “Nation was crushed by nation, and city by city, for God

troubled them with every kind of distress.”

- If God is your problem, only God is your solution!

- Unless we take the spiritual seriously, the social is in trouble.

- Removing God by illegitimate division based on race or culture or class

invites chaos into the society.

- God holds up the cross and invites all people to come.

Session 5 Discussion Questions:1. Can you quote the saying on the Statue of Liberty? What does this that mean?

2. Dr. Evans mentioned that there is no freedom without justice. What does this mean for our fellow citizens who are not experiencing justice?

3. Let’s consider the biblical concept of justice. What can we do practically as followers of Jesus to work for a more just society?

4. Read Leviticus 24:22. Biblical justice requires the equal application of the law for all people. How can we advocate for equal treatment under the law for all people?

5. Read Proverbs 31:8-9. Biblical justice also requires those with privilege and power to use their resources for the oppressed and needy. What does that look like today?

6. How does the grace of Jesus toward us motivate us to have empathy and compassion for people who are facing injustice?

7. Challenge: What is the relationship between preaching grace and doing justice? Why are both necessary to share the gospel with all people?

Week SixDr. Evans Video Highlights:

- Hurricane Katrina visit to New Orleans failed levees

- One of the roles of the Church is to restrict evil.

- The first mention of the Church in the NT is in Matthew 16:13-20.

- The function of the Church made up of individuals linked together to

reflect and legislate the values of the Kingdom of God.

- The church as God’s legislative body is very powerful and hell cannot stop it.

- The church of Jesus is an embassy of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

- The problem is when the Church has more division and conflict than the


- The Kingdom of God demands unity and diversity inside the local church.

- Jesus’ statement “I will build my Church”.

- The purpose of the Church is the Kingdom, not the Church.

- The Kingdom is the comprehensive rule and reign of God over every area.

- The keys are given to gain access.

- Using the wrong keys will not work.

- The Church is the levee to keep Hell and Satan out.

- Unity is critical for the salvation of a nation.

- God has only given the Church access to him to overrule what the enemy is

doing in society.

Session 6 Discussion Questions:1. Share a time when you acted as a levee for someone or some situation.

2. Read Matthew 16:13-20. Share your thoughts on the analogy Dr. Evans used of the church as a levee. What is the true purpose of the church?

3. Read John 13:34-35. What does it look like to be a church that loves one another despite our racial, political, economic, and social differences?

4. Read Revelation 7:9-10. What is the biblical picture of worship in heaven? How can our church grow in multi-racial, multi-generational worship today?

5. What are some of the challenges we will face in becoming more diverse as a congregation? How can you help with that goal?

6. Does understanding the true purpose of the church and why oneness should be embraced convict you in any way? What will you do differently?

7. Challenge: What have you learned during this study that will change your attitudes and behavior in the future? Think this week about some next steps for you, for Cityview, for your workplace, and for our city.