CITY OF ROLLINGWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING ......perhaps get a special use with a limited duration....

Post on 09-Jul-2020

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Transcript of CITY OF ROLLINGWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING ......perhaps get a special use with a limited duration....



Wednesday, July 08, 2020

In accordance with an order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Rollingwood will conduct a video conference and telephonic meeting in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called “social distancing”) to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 5:00 PM. The public may watch this meeting live and have the opportunity to comment via audio devices at the following link:

The public may also participate in this meeting by dialing one of the following numbers: 1(617) 315- 8088 or toll free at 1(888) 330-2489. When prompted enter Meeting ID: 142643398

The public will be permitted to offer public comments via their audio devices when logged in to the meeting or telephonically by calling in as provided by the agenda and as permitted by the presiding officer during the meeting. Written questions or comments may be submitted up two hours before the meeting. A video recording of the meeting will be made and will be posted to the City’s website and available to the public in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act upon written request.


1. Roll Call


Citizens wishing to address the Planning and Zoning Commission for items not on the agenda will be received at this time. Please limit comments to 3 minutes. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Utility Commission is restricted from discussing or taking action on items not listed on the agenda.

Citizens who wish to address the Planning and Zoning Commission with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered.


All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and may be enacted by one (1) motion. There will be no separate discussion of Consent Agenda items unless a Board Member has requested that the item be discussed, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Regular Agenda.

2. Discussion and possible action on the minutes from the June 10, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – Agenda Wednesday, July 08, 2020


3. Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a replat for 603 Riley Road.


4. Update on the status of the Comprehensive Plan.

5. Discussion on scheduling and planning for future meeting dates and agenda items.



I hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Rollingwood Municipal Building, in Rollingwood, Texas and to the City website at on July 2, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

Ashley Wayman, City Secretary


The City of Rollingwood is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Please contact the City Secretary, at (512) 327-1838 for information. Hearing-impaired or speech-disabled persons equipped with telecommunication devices for the deaf may call (512) 272-9116 or may utilize the stateside Relay Texas Program at 1-800-735-2988.

The Planning and Zoning Commission will announce that it will go into executive session, if necessary, to deliberate any matter listed on this agenda for which an exception to open meetings requirements permits such closed deliberation, including but not limited to consultation with the city's attorney(s) pursuant to Texas Local Government Code section 551.071, as announced at the time of the closed session.

Consultation with legal counsel pursuant to section 551.071 of the Texas Local Government Code;

discussion of personnel matters pursuant to section 551.074 of the Texas Local Government Code;

real estate acquisition pursuant to section 551.072 of the Texas Local Government Code;

prospective gifts pursuant to section 551.073 of the Texas Local Government Code;

security personnel and device pursuant to section 551.076 of the Texas Local Government Code;

and/or economic development pursuant to section 551.087 of the Texas Local Government Code.

Action, if any, will be taken in open session.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

On June 10, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Rollingwood, Texas held a regular meeting, open to the public, via video conference and telephone in accordance with an order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020. The public was able to watch this meeting live and had the opportunity to comment via audio devices at the following link:

The public was also able to participate in this meeting by dialing one of the following numbers: 1(617) 315-8088 or toll free at 1(888) 330-2489 and entering the Meeting ID: 131850117

The public was permitted to offer public comments via their audio devices when logged in to the meeting or telephonically by calling in as provided by the agenda and as permitted by the presiding officer during the meeting. The following items were discussed at this meeting:


1. Roll Call Chair Jordan Scott called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. Present Members: Chair Jordan Scott, Alex Robinette, Jamil Alam, and Mike Rhodes. Amie Rodnick Joined the meeting at 10:12 a.m. Brian Nash joined the meeting at 10:14 a.m. Also Present: City Attorney Charles Zech, City Administrator Amber Lewis, Development Services Manager Carrie Caylor and City Secretary Ashley Wayman.


The following individuals spoke during public comments:

Joanne Senn, 2401 Vance Lane, stated that she is here to understand what the plans are.


All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and may be enacted by one (1) motion. There will be no separate discussion of Consent Agenda items

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – Minutes Wednesday, June 10, 2020

unless a Board Member has requested that the item be discussed, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Regular Agenda.

2. Discussion and possible action on the minutes from the May 27, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Alex Robinette motioned to approve the consent agenda. Mike Rhodes seconded the motion. Chair Jordan Scott called for a roll call vote:

Chair Jordan Scott - Yes Alex Robinette - Yes Jamil Alam - Yes Mike Rhodes – Yes Amie Rodnick – Yes

The motion passed 5-0.

Brian Nash Joined the meeting at the conclusion of this item.


3. Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a request to amend the zoning classification for the property commonly known as 503 Vale Street from Residential (R) to Governmental and Institutional (GI).

Chair Jordan Scott opened the public hearing at 10:15 a.m.

Dr. Larry Hauser spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Gary Grossenbacher, neighbor to 503 Vale Street, spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Melissa Morrow, 2502 Timberline Drive, expressed her support for the police department, but stated her opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Sandi Hauser, 2404 Rollingwood Drive, spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Elizabeth Bray, 103 Vale Street, spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Lee Deviney, spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Brook Brown spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Grant Sparks spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Jerod Neas, 406 Vale Street, spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Jack Holland spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – Minutes Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Thom Ferrell discussed the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street including slowing this process down to provide for more notice to residents and that more information from the city is needed.

Elizabeth Bray asked the Commission to comment on if they have looked at all the procedures for zoning in the city because of the history of zoning issues on this property.

Kevin Schell, 300 Pleasant Drive, spoke in opposition to the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Joanne Senn, stated that based on the discussions today she does not see the benefits of this proposed change in zoning classification.

Jim Galbreath, Pickwick, spoke in support of the request to amend the zoning classification of 503 Vale Street.

Chair Jordan Scott closed the public hearing at 11:07 a.m. Chair Jordan Scott invited Mayor Michael Dyson to speak on this item. Mayor Michael Dyson thanked the commission and attendees for their participation in this meeting. He responded to the concerns brought up in the public hearing, including notice of the request, the city’s spatial needs assessment, potential alternatives for temporary locations while city hall and the police department are renovated, the city’s infrastructure needs, and discussions during the pandemic. He also stated that though Rollingwood is a small community, the surrounding community has grown astronomically, and the city’s infrastructure needs to be updated to keep up with this.

Amie Rodnick stated that she appreciates that the Mayor and Council are looking for ways to solve for the spatial needs of the city, and that this request was brought up with the best intentions. She also discussed her philosophy that support of the neighbors is needed in order for something to be rezoned and stated that this does not have enough support from the neighbors and she is opposed.

Alex Robinette stated her agreement with Commissioner Rodnick, and that this request did not arise in Planning and Zoning. She also discussed the details of the city’s spatial needs assessment, and that not all other options have been exhausted and there is too much neighbor opposition. She stated that this property needed to remain residential and that special uses should not be considered.

Mike Rhodes agreed that there is a need to do something and that this was a smart and creative solution that the Council has brought before them. He stated that he sees the pros and cons of this, but there seems to be an overwhelming lack of support.

Jamil Alam stated that he is happy with the citizen engagement that this item has brought about and commended those that brought this idea forward. He also stated that he does not believe that this is the right location for a police department.

Brian Nash also stated that he appreciates all of the feedback that has been received and discussed the pros and cons that he sees. He also questioned the Planning and Zoning Commission’s role in this process.

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – Minutes Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Chair Jordan Scott discussed the process for the Planning and Zoning Commission at this time and that because more than 20% of neighbors within 200 feet have protested the Council would need 4/5 vote to approve this request.

City Attorney Charles Zech clarified state statute on this topic.

Chair Jordan Scott asked about what other options the commission has, including to perhaps get a special use with a limited duration.

City Administrator Amber Lewis stated that per the zoning code, residential zoning does not have a special use option and that rezoning by right is the only way to do this.

Chair Jordan Scott discussed his view of the infrastructure needs of the city at this time. He stated that this proposal was worth exploring, but that it does not have the community support that it needs. He also discussed that the city’s infrastructure needs to be considered soon and that some hard decisions need to be made.

Jamil Alam motioned to deny the request to amend the zoning classification of the property commonly known as 503 Vale Street from Residential (R) to Governmental and Institutional (GI). Amie Rodnick seconded the motion. Chair Jordan Scott called for a roll call vote:

Chair Jordan Scott - Aye Alex Robinette - Aye Jamil Alam - Aye Mike Rhodes – Aye Amie Rodnick – Aye Brian Nash - Aye

The motion passed 6-0.


4. Discussion on the Residential Tree Canopy Management ordinance. Chair Jordan Scott stated that the commission has not received the information needed to discuss this item at this time. Chair Jordan Scott moved to postpone this item to the next meeting. Michael Rhodes seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0.

5. Briefing and discussion regarding the Comprehensive Plan and the plat at 603 Riley Road. City Administrator Amber Lewis stated that staff has met with Sean Garretson of Pegasus Planning and Development, and explained the initial process of getting feedback from the community. Chair Jordan Scott stated that citizen input would be crucial in this process.

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Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – Minutes Wednesday, June 10, 2020

City Administrator Amber Lewis stated that the hearing on the plat at 603 Riley Road has been set for July 8.

6. Discussion on scheduling and planning for future meeting dates and agenda items. The commission discussed future meeting dates.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:52 a.m.

Minutes Adopted on the __________day of _______________, 2020.


Jordan Scott, Chair



Ashley Wayman, City Secretary

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1 Pegasus Planning and Development

MEMORANDUM To: Amber Lewis, City Manager, City of Rollingwood From: Sean Garretson, Pegasus Planning and Development Date: 6/30/2020 Subject: Update of Comprehensive Plan Project This memorandum marks the completion of Phase I (Discovery/Work Planning) of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Rollingwood and almost the halfway point for Phase II (Learning/Listening). As a reminder, the purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to provide a long-range plan for how a community will develop. It includes looking at future land use, multi-modal mobility, parks and recreation, drainage and other areas. It should be based on community input and interests, market drivers, and the physical layout of the City. According to Texas Local Government Code 213 Sec. 213.00 regarding a Comprehensive Plan, “(a) The governing body of a municipality may adopt a comprehensive plan for the long-range development of the municipality. A municipality may define the content and design of a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan may: (1) include but is not limited to provisions on land use, transportation, and public facilities; (2) consist of a single plan or a coordinated set of plans organized by subject and geographic area; and (3) be used to coordinate and guide the establishment of development regulations.” The final project schedule was approved by City Staff in mid-June and consultants have since been focused on the following activities:

• Creating digital base map of the Current Land Use for Rollingwood • Creating digital base map of the City’s Current Zoning Map • Analyzing demographic and economic data • Crafting the table of contents for the entire Comprehensive Plan (for City’s review next

week) • Crafting the online community survey for Staff (and some Councilmembers) eyes. • Setting up and holding interviews and focus groups. We expect this will be complete by

end of next week. • Holding biweekly meetings with City to update them on project schedules and discuss

other issues related to the project. • Toured the City, taking notes of various urban planning issues or opportunities.

Next Steps

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2 Pegasus Planning and Development

The month of July will be focused on two main items –

1) Community engagement & communication, and

2) Finalizing Chapter 1 of the Comprehensive Plan.

The online survey will hopefully be up on the upcoming City Comprehensive Plan website that we are creating with City Staff by mid-July. City staff will utilize their email system to also notify residents. A press release will be going out this week about the project in the Westlake Picayune.

Chapter 1 should be complete and ready for City Staff review by the end of July, depending on when we finalize the community input.

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