CIS 282 Final Review

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Transcript of CIS 282 Final Review

  • 1. CIS-282

2. Database Server Operates as a separate process Need to communicate with the server using a separate application Connection required to transmit request and response Management Studio and SQL Server are different programs 3. Managing SQL Server Management Studio gives access to most functions/operations Query window provides method to write/execute T- SQL statements T = transact SQL Service Manager provides way to start/stop Server 4. SQL Server Databases Two files are maintained Data file (.mdf) Transaction Log file (.ldf) Files can be spread over multiple machines Always need a primary file group 5. Database Contents Tables User tables hold data System tables hold data about the database Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions Views Indexes 6. Default Databases Master: Logins/User roles; system configuration; names/locations of databases; SQL Server startup Tempdb: Lasts duration of SQL Server session; temporary holding space Model: Sets characteristics of new databases MSDB: Holds information about jobs SQL Server Agent runs 7. Security Windows Authentication: Windows network logins used Mixed-mode: Windows OR SQL Server logins used Login: To access server User: To access a database Network security trumps all. 8. Roles Server administrative functions Task based: Backup Create database Roles are fixed Database/Application groups of users with common activities Read/write all data Read/write select data Read data only 9. Normalization Process for reducing duplicate and redundant data 1st Normal Form: eliminate repeating groups 2nd Normal Form: each column in a table depends on the primary key cant get information with only part of the key 3rd Normal Form: A column cannot be dependent on another column that isnt the primary key 10. Relationships Types One-to-one One-to-many Many-to-many Requires a primary key on the one side, foreign key on the many side Referential Integrity defines how values work across tables 11. Table Definition Fields need a name and datatype SQL Server datatypes are different from Access and procedural programming language datatypes Fieldnames can include spaces but poor practice Identity create unique number for each row 12. Constraints Allow Null value not required to add record Check Constraints test field or row values Default value if no data is entered into a field Unique values must be different for each row 13. Database Diagrams Illustrate database design Add, modify tables, indexes, relationships Can control view, table details 14. Indexes Help to select and find records Serve as a cross-reference Can be based on one or more fields 15. Good Index Characteristics Low maintenance columns Includes columns used frequently in Where or Order By clauses Dont have to go out to table for data Help search for ranges of records 16. Action Queries Insert: insert into tablename(fieldlist) values(valuelist) Update: update tablename set field1=value1, field2=value2 Delete: delete from tablename [where condition] 17. Select Statement Can use an alias for fields and/or tables Select fields From table Join table On field=field Inner both tables have records with matching values Outer all records from one table and any matches found in second table 18. Where Conditions to determine records returned Multiple conditions require And Or Can use where clause to implement join between tables Sub-queries allow tables to be limited by values in a second table without using a join 19. Views Pre-defined select statement Used like a virtual table SELECT * FROM v_CurrentEmployees 20. View Performance By default views run just as a query processed from command line Adds second step to execution: select from view execute view itself Can add an index to speed execution Specific requirements when creating an index on a view 21. Declaring & Using Variables Use Declare Must use Set or Select to assign Variables are local to a procedure 22. System Variables @@ identifies system variables Value of a system variable can change @@Rowcount changes with next select, update, insert or delete @@Error changes with each instruction @@Identity changes with next insert 23. Decision-making IF ELSE No end if Need to use Begin/End if have more than one instruction to execute IF StartDate < EndDate Begin End ELSE 24. Simple Case Statement CASE Similar to SELECT CASE Compares one value to different cases CASE Category WHEN pop_comp THEN Popular Computing WHEN mod_cook THEN Modern Cooking END 25. Searched Case No test expression Each WHEN has a boolean test CASE WHEN Points >= 90 THEN A WHEN Points < 90 AND Extra > 0 THEN A END 26. Errors Errors can occur because of SQL statement Invalid syntax, or data type Errors can also reflect business rules Data doesnt match requirements 27. Try/Catch Similar to .Net languages Need to include BEGIN/END BEGIN TRY END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH 28. BATCH Batch is a logical group of SQL statements Run-time error will halt execution only of FURTHER steps Can break up multiple steps using GO Not available in all tools GO causes editing tool to send statements to that point for execution GO isnt sent to SQL Server 29. Stored Procedures Code written in Structured Query Language Different from a Script Script is a text file that is run Sproc is compiled and stored in the database 30. Using Stored Procedures Use Execute to call Procedures generate a return value Return value is about success of execution Exec spName(parameters) doesnt capture the return value Exec @Variable = spName(parameters) captures return value 31. Parameters Can use any SQL data type or User Defined Data Types Input: Values sent into the stored procedure Required unless theres a default value Output: Values sent to the calling routine Output parameter is different than return value! Must be specified as output; default is an input parameter 32. Writing Stored Procedures Make modular Use RaisError to send a message Message can be a string or refer to a message number User-defined messages start at 50001 and are stored on server not in database! 33. User-defined Functions Similar to stored procedures, but Arent executed (no EXEC) Can be run in-line (as part of another SQL statement) Return a value (scalar) or table, dont have a return value or output parameters 34. Triggers Typically used to enforce rules, log activity, or maintain data (archive) Similar to a stored procedure Respond to actions on a table Trigger is not called Trigger is specific to a table Table can have multiple triggers One trigger can respond to different actions 35. Triggers & Constraints Constraints give better performance Triggers can span tables, databases, servers; constraints are table specific If testing a value inserted in one table depends on an entry in another table, use a trigger If testing a value depends on an entry in the current row, a relationship, or function result, use a constraint 36. Types of Triggers FOR/AFTER execute after data has been written to tables Constraints have already been satisfied INSTEAD OF executes before changes are written Trigger must complete requested action if appropriate 37. Update() Can test if a column has changed Update(columnname) If Update(FirstName) Print FirstName has changed 38. Transactions Provides method for canceling an operation Can restore rows, columns to original state in event of error or business logic failure Use when changes will either be committed or discarded in entirety Begin Tran: Identifies the start Commit Tran: Write changes Rollback Tran: Cancel changes 39. ACID Atomicity: All of the changes will be accepted or none of the changes will be accepted Consistency: Data is either in its original or changed state Isolation: If multiple transactions occur, data is never available in an intermediate state Durability: Once finished, all changes are complete and changes can only be done by another transaction/unit of work 40. Locking & Concurrency Locking prevents other operations from changing that data Concurrency refers to multiple actions running against database at the same time What happens if you want to change data Im working with?