Church Staff - Vandalia United Methodist 2020 Pews...

Post on 15-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Church Staff - Vandalia United Methodist 2020 Pews...

First United Methodist Church

127 N 4th St

Vandalia IL 62471

Church Staff

Pastor: Terry L. Westerfield: Administrative Assistant: Casey Kistler: Secretary: Sue Miller (Tues. & Fri.) Director of Music: Louise Weiss Childcare Provider: Amanda Milam Custodian: Nancy Meyers Assistant Custodian: Andy Sidwell

Church Council



Coats & Shoes 3

From the Pastor’s



Trustees minutes 5

Prayer Concerns



Announcements 7

Inside this issue:

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia

Planting and nurturing seeds of faith, cultivating devoted disciples of Christ,

and feeding souls for the glory of God

Office Hours:

M-W-TR: 8:00a — 4:00p

T-F: 8:00a—12:00p

Phone: 618-283-3684



FUMC children’s Sunday School classes used their weekly offerings collected throughout the year to purchase toys to donate to Caring and Sharing this year.

Ignite Youth Group also collected donations and purchased toys to donate to Caring and Sharing. Thank you to these youth and their

leaders for being so generous this holiday season!

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia Page 2

Church Council Minutes, December 8, 2019

Present: Zac Stombaugh, Dean Black, Gene Schwarm, Kim Warner, J.D. Vieregge, Amy Vieregge, Bill LaDage, Alan Lurkins, Pam Baker, Rich Well, Kim Well, Rand Craycroft, Casey Kistler, and Terry Westerfield. Absent: Brandi Gathe, Clayton Gathe, Sue Miller, Mike Baker, John Burnam, Patrick Myers, Reid Well, Ryan Kaiser, Alexa Campbell, and Darrel Casey. Chairperson Zac Stombaugh called the meeting to order at 11:30a and Pastor Terry offered prayer. J.D. shared a devotion. With no additions or corrections, the minutes from the November meeting were approved as posted on the church’s website. Year-to-date financial statements were reviewed. With no additions or corrections, the statements were accepted and will be filed as presented. Nurture: Pastor Terry reported 150 people were served at the Protz funeral and praised our hospitality committee as well as all the volunteers that stepped up that week to prepare for the visitation and funeral. March to the Manger is December 15. The Christmas offering this year is designated to Caring and Sharing. December 22 we will have special choral program and drama. December 24 is our candlelight service at 7:00p. January 5 is baptismal reaffirmation. Chairpersons of committees and leaders of groups are asked to bring a pitcher of water to combine to signify the unity of the church. Pastor Terry will be gone January 12 and 19 and will need someone to fill the pulpit. Ash Wednesday is February 26. The hospitality committee is planning a soup supper from 6:00p to 7:00p with Ash Wednesday service at 7:00p. Pastor Terry would like to see the curtain behind the cross in the sanctuary replaced. Brandi Gathe is stepping down as Nurture Committee chairperson. The nominating committee will be contacted to see if they have any suggestions on who to fill the void. Outreach: Chairperson Kim Warner said they have postponed The Church Has Left the Building project until March. B.J. Mueller will share this month’s mission moment on December 15. Witness: Plans were finalized for the cookie trays. All goodies need to be at the church by 9:00a December 16. United Methodist Men: United Methodist Men President Dean Black said the Fish Fry was a huge success this year. Over $4,500.00 was brought in. $4,000.00 has been received in memorials for Al Schumacher. A plaque has been purchased in his memory that will be put on the bench in front of the Family Center next Sunday, weather permitting. Preschool: Chairperson Bill LaDage reported one of the part time teachers, Darla Blackford, resigned effective November 29. They will not be hiring a replacement at this time. The Christmas program is December 17, at 6:00p, in the sanctuary. Staff Parish Relations: Chairperson Alan Lurkins reported the committee met with the District Superintendent a couple of weeks ago and filled out an assessment questionnaire of the church. They had a good discussion. The next step in the process is for the District Superintendents to meet and place pastors. Trustees: Paperwork has been signed for the new building. It has been winterized and utilities shut off. Columbarium Committee: Co-chairperson Pam Baker reported the committee held their annual meeting. There are still 20 niches available for purchase. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Terry explained that the office is now using our online database for church emails instead of phone tree. We will look into using the voice option as well. An account has been set up at the office of Luallen, Cearlock, Barth, and Burnam to transfer mutual funds to the church. The funds will be cashed in as received. Rich Well made a motion to set up this account with the Trustees as the administrators of the account through Luallen, Cearlock, Barth, and Burnam. Pam Baker se-conded. Motion carried. The church collected a love offering to help with funeral costs for the Protz Family. A check for $5,000.00 will be given to Randy Protz. The office is in need of one more check signer. We currently have Joyce Mueller, Dean Black, Les Vaughan, and Ed Taylor, Jr. Gene Schwarm motioned Joyce Staff be added to the list of authorized check signers. Amy Vieregge seconded. Motion carried. Casey will contact Joyce to see if she is willing to do this. With no further business to be brought before the Council, Zac adjourned the meeting at 12:10p. The next meeting will be on January 12, 2020, at 11:30a in the Young Adult classroom. Respectfully submitted, Casey Kistler

Page 7 January Pews News

The Prayer Shawl Ministry gave 63 prayer shawls and 4 baptism blankets during 2019. Each one was a special blessing given from our church. Thank you for all your prayers and support this past year. —The Prayer Shawl Committee

On behalf of all of the staff at FUMC, we want to thank all of you that thought of us during the Christmas season.

We appreciate the thoughtful gifts, goodies, and cards, and we look forward to a great 2020!

Wednesday night youth groups resume on Wednesday, January 8. Hand Bell choir resumes Thursday, January 9, at 5:15p, in the Music Room. Please contact our

Music Director, Louise Weiss, if you have any questions. All are welcome! The Nurture, Outreach, and Witness Committees will meet Sunday, January 12, following morn-

ing worship. Church Council will meet at 11:30a in the Young Adult classroom. The Church office is closed Monday, January 20.

Pastor Terry will be having knee surgery on Friday, January 10. He will be out of the office for at least two weeks. He appreciates the many of-fers, but is requesting no food. If there is a need for pastoral care, please contact the church office, or Alan Lurkins, Staff Parish Relations Chair-person.

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia Page 6

Roger Clark (treatments for bladder cancer) Mason Currier (6 year old grandson of Roger & Peg Clark; cancer treatments) Ricky Donaldson (Dannie & Patty’s nephew; completed radiation treatments for bone cancer) Gary Doolen (recuperating from lung surgery; home in Springfield) Marsha Eckart (Phyllis Thoman’s cousin; medical concerns) Kenneth Eyman (Rick’s father; recuperating from hip surgery) Mason Feltner (Kelly Clark’s 9 year old nephew; chemotherapy for A.L.L. leukemia) Allison Frakes (friend of Dorothy Schultz; recuperating from heart transplant) Wendell Hoffman (hospice care; FCH-LTC) Kay & Morris Holaday (Phyllis Thoman’s cousin; medical concerns) Allison Horn (Don & Diane Adams’ daughter; kidney issues; home) Brian Kelly (son of Paulette Kelly, brain cancer) Carson LaDage (Sharon and Bill's grandson; brain stem tumor remains stable, as he remains in a clinical trial at St. Jude) Carol Lewis (friend of Gail DePaolo; chemotherapy for cancer)

Wanda McCollum (chemotherapy for cancer) Mark Miller II (recuperating from surgery for cancer in his throat) Roy Nichels (friend of Dannie Donaldson; cancer) Ginny Peckenpaugh (friend of Carole White; ALS) Mary Ann Rhoades (Kathryn Taylor’s mother; therapy to recover from a stroke; Meramec Bluffs) Norman Rhoades (Parkinson’s Disease) Dorine Rincker (Peg Clark’s mother; hospice) Ericka Sanders (co-worker of Jaime Warren; stage 3 breast cancer; radiation treatments complete) Steve Sapp (friend of Amanda Milam; pancreatic cancer) Sherry Schneider (preventative chemotherapy) Susann Schumacher (pulmonary fibrosis) Hannah Shroyer (friend of Mike & Karel Black; lesion on the brain) Janet Smith Family Lloyd Stanley (friend of Gene Schwarm; colon and liver cancer) Ed Taylor (broken nose from a fall) Opal Rose Trimble (one year old granddaughter of Joy Lawson; polio-type illness; improving) Lee Ann White (Carole White’s daughter; recuperating from surgery for a broken femur)

Nursing Home Residents & Shut-ins: Brookstone (1607 W. Fillmore) Don & Diane Adams (Apt.15); Carlos Biellier (Apt. 2); Margaret Carroll (Apt. 10); Arlene Hoffman (Apt.4); Iris Rademacher (Apt. 36); & Frank Roeder (Apt. 25) Sweet Briar (410 Sunset Dr.) Wayne Hale FCH/Long Term Care (650 West Taylor) Marian Miller, Priscilla Roeder, Eva Durbin, & Wendell Hoffman Meramec Bluffs (50 Meramec Trail Dr., Ballwin, MO 63021) Mary Ann Rhoades (Rm 2012B)

Dolan Memory Care Homes (Dublin—11330 Dolan Way, St. Louis, MO 63146) Phyllis Rames Fair Havens Christian Village (1790 S Fairview Ave., Decatur, IL 62521) Alice Eakin Willowbrook (404 Curtis Rd. Bldg #402 Room #8 Savoy, IL 61874) Larry & Sandy Peyton Willowbrook (1124 Sunset Dr, Vandalia, IL 62471) Norman Rhoades Shut-Ins: Mike Beckett, 2625 W. Jefferson St, Vandalia

Page 3 January Pews News

Coats & Shoes Success! Another successful year for the United Methodist Men Coats and Shoes program. 300 coats and shoes were distributed on December 18 to children and youth in Fayette County. Thank you to all of the members and volunteers that donate throughout the year and help with wrapping and distribution. Without you, this program wouldn’t be possible. A special thank you to Jeff & Deb Endres for leading this program for many years!! A lot of time and effort is given by this couple throughout the year to plan and prepare.

Wrapping paper donations The United Methodist Men are asking for donations of Christmas wrapping paper for next year’s Coats and Shoes event. These do not have to be new rolls. You can bring in any unused rolls that you won’t be using again. You may bring in your rolls of paper and leave them in the church office, or under the mailboxes across from the church office.

From the Pastor’s Study Sacrifice. During Lent we think of it in terms of giving up chocolate or soda. Maybe it’s adding five minutes of Bible reading or a devotion each morning. The topic of sacrifice enters our minds when we contemplate our annual pledge commitment to the church. Just how much we can “afford” to give the church in the next year and still make ends meet. Sacrifice might be part of our new year’s resolutions. We think about eating fewer calories or smoking less. It’s part of the extra pain in exer-cising more or giving up a bad habit. Interesting, isn’t it that sacrifice should be part of our faith – that a God of love and compassion should expect sacrifice from his followers? According to Scripture, from the very beginning, we were expected to incorporate sacrificial living into our relationship with God. The sin of Adam and Eve was to be like God, knowing good and evil. Rather than trusting in God to provide for all their needs, they thought they needed control over their lives. Born to sacrifice self-will, they were una-ble to allow God to be the guiding force in their lives. Of course, “Adam and Eve” are representa-tive of human nature. We are unable to trust God for the direction and provision of our lives. We are unable to sacrifice self-will and simply trust God. The second creation story continues to tell us that there is a consequence when we choose to live according to our own will rather than God’s will. The consequence of Adam and Eve’s sin was death. The consequence of our sin is death. God is the one who creates us and provides life. If we separate ourselves from him by sinning, then we are cutting ourselves off from life in this world and everlasting life in God’s kingdom. However, God is a god of love and compassion. He understands our helpless plight. Therefore, he is the one who made the sacrifice, paid the price for our sin, and restores us to life in this world and the next. God sent his Son to die upon the cross for our transgressions; freeing us from the penalty of sin. Because Jesus died; if you put your trust in him, you will have everlasting life with him in heaven. You don’t truly live until you live with God in control of your life. Knowing that he is in control and has conquered our worst enemy, death, we are freed to live life as he has intended it to be. It is God’s intention that our lives are filled with love, trust, hope, and joy in believing, knowing that God will provide for every need. In giving his life for us, we are called to live our lives following his example. Sacrificial living means putting God’s will ahead of our own. It means we consider the needs of other people before we speak or act. It means we love people who don’t seemingly deserve it, and it means loving our en-emies. It means that when you give and it hurts, then you will be blessed and God’s kingdom will be blessed. As we enter a new year, it a good time to refocus our priorities and incorporate sacrificial living into the way we live our lives. Put God in control, and everything else will fall into place. In Christ’s love, Terry

Page 5 January Pews News

Meeting reminder! The Nurture Committee, Outreach Committee, Witness Com-mittee, and Church Council meet on the second Sunday of the month beginning immediately after worship. Committees will meet after worship, and Church Council will meet at 11:30a with the goal of having everything completed by 1:00p. Sunday School classes will still meet.

Board of Trustees

December 12, 2019, 5:30p Those present: Bryce Kistler, Ann Schwarm, Clayton Gathe, Kim Warner, J.D. Vieregge, Joe Cearlock, Patty Donaldson, and Terry Westerfield. Those absent: Rich Well and John Kaiser. Topic: Minutes The minutes from the September 12, 2019, meeting were approved on a motion made by Kim Warner/J.D. Vieregge. Topic: Wesley Hall Floor Bids for “wood grain” laminate flooring were received from Laack Flooring. Discussion followed concerning the appropriate option to install. A motion by Bryce Kistler/Joe Cearlock was approved to seek bids for the installation of tile for the entire area and for carpet in ar-eas currently with carpet. The Friendship Sunday School Class members will be consulted about their preference of flooring. Topic: Newly Acquired Church Building The newly acquired church across the street will be open for members of the congregation to tour following worship on Sunday, December 15. A motion by Ann Schwarm/Bryce Kistler was approved to reimburse the Church of Christ for utility and winterization expenses totaling $175.00. Topic: Parking Lot Ramp More bids will be solicited for the replacement of the driveway ramp lead-ing to the parking lot by the church’s garage. Topic: Sanctuary Sound System A motion by J.D. Vieregge/Patty Donaldson was approved to re-place the lectern microphone, amplifier, Narthex ceiling speakers, and the two nursery rooms speak-ers and add up to two speakers in the lobby at a cost not to exceed $2,000. Topic: Metal on Gym Walls A motion by J.D. Vieregge/Bryce Kistler was approved to accept the bid submitted by Eric Miller to extend the metal on the two gym walls behind the basketball hoops to the ceiling. With no further business, Clayton Gathe adjourned the meeting at 6:35p. The next meeting of the Trustees will be Sunday, January 5, following Sunday School. Minutes respectfully submitted by Cearlock & Westerfield.