Christs Chronicles January 2011

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Transcript of Christs Chronicles January 2011

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The Christ’s


11th February Year 7 Boys Rugby Lea gue Tournam ent

14th February PACE Drop -in session 4-5pm

16th Feb ruary Youth Crime Co nferenc e

21st-25th Feb ruary Half Term break

1st Ma rch Year 9 Parents evening 3.30-6.30pm

2nd Ma rch Year 9 Girls HPV boo ste r injec tions

7th Ma rc h PTA Meet ing 7pm

11th Ma rch PTA quiz night

16th Marc h Acade mic Review Day

Future events for your dia ry

Special points of

interest:  Reviews



Sports News




Inside this issue: Scho ol Conc ert  2 Aimhigher  2/ 3 Yea r 9 Op tion 3 Young Journalists  4/ 5 ASDAN trip   5 New build upd ate   6 Music Con ce rts  6 Ski Trip   7 St Valentine‟s Day 7

Clubs Timetab le  7 Good News  8 VLE  8 Sports 9-11

Messages 12-14

January/ February 2011 Issue 73

Welcome to the latest issue of Christ’s School’s newsletter 

Please c hec k the sc hoo l spo rts boa rd for up to d at e w eekly fixtures

You c an also c hec k the sc hool events c alenda r,

which is upd at ed reg ula rly for more d iary da tes on our we bsite a t

www .christs.richm ond .sc 

Ofsted Report will go out to all

parents on Monday 14th

February 2011.

‗Outstanding‘ for pupils


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Pag e 2 The Christ’s Chronicles 

and, as usua l, there w as a pletho ra of

fine guitarists and drummers throughout

the eve ning . Anothe r highlight wa s the

performa nce of a Zulu song with voic es

and Afric an drums by the Yea r 10 stu-

dents. And many mo re besides. Money

ra ised will be given to c harity a nd also

help to ra ise fund s for equipment in the



The event wa s a huge suc c ess, with com-

ments c oming in from a udience memb ers

ab out the q uality and variety of p erform-

anc es, inc lud ing the large a mo unt of stu-

de nt c om po sitions which were played or

sung . The first pe rforma nc e ever by

Christ‟s Jazz Band resulted in a great ren-

d ition of Autum n Lea ves, and the b rass

ensem ble follow ed on from its suc c ess a t

the Awards‟ Evening with a fitting number 

to end the first half of the conc ert. Voc a l

performances ranged from the British

Chora l Trad ition, through the Ame rica n

music al to the wo rld o f roc k and p op ,

program me include d mem ory and study

skills, a c hanc e to interview undergraduates,

a tour of the c am pus inc luding a look at a

student flat and a performa nce ab out learn-

ing o ptions by a thea tre g roup c alled

„theatreland‟. It was a worthwhile day andgo od to see a different c am pus.

There ha ve b een a number of op po rtunities

this term for stud ents to think ab out the ir fu-

ture educ ation a t university level. This pro-

gram me wo rks in p artnership with Aimhigher

London South.

On Janua ry 6th, 6 year 10s visited Surrey Uni-

versity along with 5 other sc hools for a one

day conference entitled „Your Future‟. The


Reviews The Sc hool Concert , Thursday 20th January 2011 A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THOSE INVOLVED IN THE


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Issue 73Pag e 3

A g roup of 34 Yea r 9s we nt to Kingston Univer-

sity for a c arousel of w orkshop s tha t were a lso

pa rt o f looking a t the future. The wo rkshop sincluded a question and answe r session with

four undergrad uates to learn about how they

had g ot to university and c hosen the ir deg ree

c ourse, as we ll as how they c op ed with living

aw ay from hom e and bud ge ting. There wa s

also a c hanc e to look at d ifferent qualific a-

tions and some exc ellent b rain tra ining ide as

to help w ith studying.

Fina lly a group of 32 year 10s who have b een

taking pa rt in the Amb assador in sc hoo ls p ro-

gram me visited Kingston University. The mainac tivity was about using the internet, judging

its reliab ility as a resea rc h o r stud y to ol a nd

und ersta nd ing the dangers of p lag iarism. The

pupils also too k pa rt in an e lec tronic quiz ex-

p laining the role o f a university library and

learning resource c ent re. There wa s just t ime

for a q uic k tour of Penrhyn Roa d c amp us and

lunch in the c anteen.

c onstruc tion, Nic ky Worsley: Sc hool Sports

Partnership Coordinator 

The fina l session was an Ente rprise game  – a

bo a rd g am e p layed in of groups of 4 that

helps g ive an und ersta nd ing o f skills nee ded

to set up one‟s own enterprise. 

The O ption Choices p rog ramm e c ontinues in

sc hoo l with spec ia l assem blies and Yea r 9s

have a lso b een invited to 2 wo rkshop s a t

Roehamp ton University, one on d anc e a nd

one of Dram a. Any yea r 9 who is interested

needs to let their tuto r know.

For the first t ime this yea r, Yea r 9s ha ve ha d a

spec ia l day foc using on their op tion c hoice s.

The four sessions inc luded a Careers Library

induction session, led by Brian Wright from

Connexions who explained the resources in

the c areers lib rary and some interac tive

careers websites.

In the session „Meet the Undergraduate‟,stud ents from Lond on Southbank University

c ame to ta lk to sma ll groups of p upils about

the c ourses they a re d oing, what they d id for

GCSE, A leve ls, BTEC e tc and how the ir c areer

pa th is wo rking out. The und ergraduate w ere

impressed with the level of

questioning b y our pup ils.

A number of professionals also

ga ve their time to meet p up ils in

a question and answe r session

about w hat their job involves,

c hoic es they ma de in their

c areers pa th and educ ation and

qualities tha t they feel they need

to be suc c essful. There w ere ta lks

from Hannah Valanc e  – from

Volunteering fo r Young people,

Lesley Searle  – from Kingston

Adult Educ a tion, Penny Tweed ie:

freelanc e Journalist, EleanorWalker: solicitor and Ma rk

Mc Elwee: Projec t ma nag er,

Year 9 Option Choic es

Sarah Brown

Sarah Brown

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Pag e 4 The Christ’s Chronicles 

Two year 10 stud ents, Wend y Barnes and Sop hie Jubeh, a re c ontinuing to mee t the

dea d lines and have the ir a rticles published for the Guard ian Young Journalist

sc hem e. Their task is to w rite one a rticle p er month on a loc a l story, ove r a p eriod of

8 months, and to m ake sure tha t it is c hec ked and upload ed onto the Gua rd ian

we bsite by the end of ea c h month.

As we ll as ga ining fanta stic experienc e of w riting for the med ia , they a re building up

a p ortfolio o f work, "I enjoy doing extra resea rc h and find ing out ab out stories in my

loc a l c om munity" c om mente d Wendy. "I've improve d my English writing skills andmet a ll the d ea d lines. This has bee n a rea l c ha lleng e b ut I've ga ined a sense o f sa t-

isfac tion from uploa d ing eac h artic le on time ," added Sop hie.

They are now over ha lf way throug h the sc heme a nd ha ve met eve ry dead line so

far. Provid ing the y keep this up , they will rec eive a p rofessional letter of rec og nition

to a dd to the ir CVs.

Cla ire Lorenz

On the morning of Thursday the 13th Janu-

ary, as a ll the GC SE Drama stud ents a t

Christ's ga thered in the d rama ha ll, there

was a b uzz of exc ited c ha tter. It wa s the

da y of the c onference and no-one knew

exac tly wha t to expe c t. Persona lly, I

thoug ht the d ay wo uld c onsist of o ur stu-

dents doing a workshop in a hall.

After wa lking to the loc a l tra in station a nd

taking two tra ins, we a rrived and I

was p lea santly surprised . The venue w as

a massive thea tre nea r Pic c ad illy Circ us,

and many other sc hoo ls were p resent.

At the c onferenc e there w as a p resenter,

two p ast exam iners, and som e yea r 12d rama students from the Arts Educ a tiona l

Sc hoo l. They ta lked about units, ac ting ,

assessments, monologues, p lays, tec h-

niques, coursework and possibly anything

else you c an think of (d rama related , of

c ourse)! In the b rea k students from d iffer-

ent sc hoo ls introd uc ed themselves to one

another and m ad e friends. We even go t

to m ee t som e p rofessiona l ac tors too.

Ove ra ll, it was a suc c essful da y and it

rea lly helped me

to p rep are for my

GCSE, even

though there wa s

a huge a mount to

take in.

Sop hie Jubeh

Gua rd ian Young Journal ists

Drama Students' Conference 2011

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Issue 73Pag e 5

Ove r 2300 pe op le from Barnes and the

surround ing a rea s went to see the designs for

the new Olymp ic C inema . It will be c ome a

loc a l cinema for the residents who c urrently

have to travel to Ric hmond, Hamm ersmith or

Wand swo rth to see a film.

Olympic Stud ios wa s a c ommerc ia l rec ording

stud io in Barnes and ga ined fam e fo r a vast

number of roc k and po p rec ordings since

1960s. It wa s used by artists suc h as the

Beatles, Mc Fly, the Spice g irls and the Rolling

stones. In Novem ber 2008, the Olymp ic

Stud ios c losed down a nd it w as sold in Ma rc h2010 for £3.5m.

The p lan is now to turn it into a bout ique style

c inema with grea t sound a nd a udio, big

c omfortab le sea ts and p lenty o f leg room. The

c inema will show c urrent relea ses inc luding

3D films and will have 2 sc reens which will sea t

75 to 125 people. Unfortunately there won‟t

be a ny pa rking, but b ike rac ks a re a va ilable

and there is acc ess for the d isab led and

those w ith young c hildren.

So fa r the p ub lic have b een rea lly

supp ortive o f the sc heme and say that thecinema is “relaxed but stylish” and that it

will “enhance Barnes and bring it back to

life again”.

I think this is one o f the best things tha t ha s

hap pened in Barnes and from the a utumn

of 2011 the c inema w ill be open, so go a nd


Wendy Ba rnes

Yea r 10 ASDAN have bee n involved in a d rugs c ourse in Holly Lod ge in Richm ond Park. We

were first ap proac hed by Holly Lod ge at the end of last ac ad emic year.

The c onc ep t a t Holly Lod ge sta rted when a loc a l retired pharma c ist, Alex Mulholland , gen-

erously donated the entire Victorian interior of his shop, with over 400 artefacts and the origi-

na l dispensing rec ords da ting from 1865. These show tha t mem bers of the Roya l Family and

the ir household, who we re living in Richm ond Park then, we re c ustome rs of this very shop !

This unique p iec e o f loca l history has bee n used on o ur Christ's pup ils to ed uc ate themab out the role of the pharmac y and the pha rma -

c ist in Vic to rian t imes a longside further drugs and

a lco hol related issues.

The 5 wee k course ran in c onjunc tion w ith Rich-

mond Youth Service w as loc a ted in the p harmac y.

The first wee k inc luded the volunteers includ ing Mr

Mullholland himself.

The p upils had a fab ulous experienc e ma king old

fashioned pastes and me d icines as we ll as find ing

out a bout c urrent issues on the c onte mp orary

drugs c ulture.

The Olympic Cinema

ASDAN – Pharma cy Trip 

Ca therine Harris

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Pag e 6 The Christ’s Chronicles 

March at 6pm in the music b lock

and w ill fea ture Yea r 7and 8 so-


The sec ond w ill be on Frida y 25th

March at 5pm with perform-

ances by our ‗Singing Students‘.

This event is a rranged in con-

 junc tion w ith Ms Ca th Fish, our

singing tea c her.

All welcome !

Mr Wilson‟s music department

will be ho sting two ne w smaller – 

scale “At Home” music events

in Ma rch. These smaller-sc a le

events will be p art of a series

that w ill take p lac e throughout

the yea r, admission will be free

and refreshments will be p ro-

vided for pa rents, pup ils, friend s

and sta ff.

The first is on Wed nesda y 9th

The builders a rrived on the

same d ay as Ofsted and for the

last 10 days they have c onc en-

tra ted on c lea ring out the a rea s

of sc hool that w ill be affec ted

by the new extension, c rea ting

a new fire esc ap e ad jac ent to

the Art dep artment, and then

estab lishing a seg reg a ted c om -

po und bo th internally and ex-

terna lly so tha t the work will

have a minima l imp ac t on the

da ily life o f the sc hoo l.

The interna l sc reening is now in

plac e and a lthough rather a

d ismal shad e o f grey at the m o-

me nt, it w ill all be p a inted light

b lue by next week. The e xterna l

site is virtua lly finished with d es-

igna ted w alkwa ys and good

signa ge . The new entranc e fo r

a ll visitors and pup ils is via the

door nea r the c anteen. Disab led

ac c ess is a t the rea r of the

sc hoo l, ac c essed by go ing

around the ca nteen and ma in


There w ill be a g rea t dea l to see

ove r the next few weeks as the

front wall of the sc hool will be

demo lished and the new exten-sion b uilt. This should ha ve ta ken

shap e by the end of Ma rc h.

We w ill c ontinue to up da te p ar-

ents as the project progresses

and in ad dition, hop e to have a

d isplay and information on hand

a t the fo rthc om ing PTA quiz


Sarah Brown

Music Conc erts - ―At Home‖ 

New Build Update 

Com ing Eve nts 

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Issue 73Pag e 7

The Ski Trip leaves school on the Friday 8th Ap ril and returns on

the 16th April a t ab out 1pm. We a re a ll very excited about the

trip and hop e the snow holds out.

Plea se m ake sure tha t a ll forms are c ompleted and g iven to

Mrs Bean as soon as possible.

Mrs Bean

Ski Trip  

Extra-Curric ular Clubs Timetable 

St Valentine‘s Day Cake Sale Mrs Perkins Tuto r group , 7E, are ho lding a Valentines Day c akesa le a t lunchtime o n Wed nesday, 14th Feb ruary.

Ca kes, coo kies and love he arts w ill be o n sa le.

The p roc ee ds will go to Grea t Ormond Street Hosp ital.

Christ’s School’s Extra-Curricular Clubs

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayTheatre Club: Year 7


Textiles Club: After school

for KS3

Latin: After school


Science Club: All Years


Knitting and Crochet Club

Ms Perkins/Mrs Panesar

After school

Design Technology Club:

(KS4) After school 3.15-


Jazz Band: After school


Year 10 Textile Master

Classes: lunchtime

GCSE Year 11 Textiles

catch-up: lunchtime

Book Club: Lunchtime in

the library

Brass Ensemble:


Art: (KS4) After school3-4pm

Art: (KS4) After school3-4pm 

Art: (KS4) After school3-4pm 

Art: (KS4) After school3-4pm 

Art: (KS4) After school3-4pm 

Chamber Choir: After

school (TBC)

Music Technology Club:

After school 3.15-4.30pm

Chamber Choir: Lunch

time (TBC) 

Duke of Edinburgh:


Chess in the Library:


school until 4pm

Chess in the Library:


school until 4pm

Chess in the Library:


school until 4pm

Chess in the Library:


school until 4pm

Chess in the Library:


school until 4pm

Homework Club

Room 19


Homework Club

Room 19


Homework Club

Room 19


Homework Club

Room 19


Homework Club

Room 19


N.B. Additional music clubs to be arranged shortly are: Samba Band (a lunchtime tbc), School choir and Orchestra to work on the Easter service. Every lunchtime and

after school there is an informal music club for students and bands to practice for forthcoming events.

Additionally, clubs after school can be subject to change in the event of a parents evening or a school concert etc.

There are also a variety of drop-in sessions offered throughout the curriculum.  

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Pag e 8 The Christ’s Chronicles 

The sc hoo l rec ently rec eived som e p ositive com me nts by ema il about o ur

stud ents trave lling on pub lic transport.


This isn't the sort of email I no rma lly

write b ut I wa nted to let you know

how w ell be have d the c hildren

from your sc hoo l we re on the bus

this afternoon.

They w ere a bsolutely cha rming.

One b oy offered his sea t to m e a nd

my fo ur yea r old son . The others

smiled at us and we re c hatting ha p-pily and c alling o ut to say go od b ye

to one a nothe r as they left the b us.

They were a c red it to the sc hoo l.

Well done to yo u all.

Kind Reg ards


Received 27th January 2011

The learning p latfo rm is now in use a nd a ll hom ew ork is being re-

c orded for pup ils by the teac hing sta ff. We ha d a very succ essful

parents meeting a bout the VLE and I am grate ful to a ll those p ar-

ents who a ttend ed or who have c ontribute d to the b log on the VLE.

If you wish to c om ment on the b log p lea se g o to the d isc ussion

pages on the Christ‟s School home page (click on the Interest

Spa c e tab ). Iwill be running

som e m ore

parent sessions

on the VLE a f-

ter ha lf term

which w ill be in

a workshop


Mrs Bean

A * 


Good News 

Dear Sir/Madam

I'm just writing to say

how well-behaved the

pupils of Christ's

School are on the 371

bus route in the morn-

ings. School pupils

seem to be regularly

criticised for rowdy

behaviour but thismorning, after a

30-minute wait for the

bus, everyone behaved




Received 18th January


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Issue 73Pag e 9

Sp o rts Ne w s

Spring P.E. Extra-Curricula r Timeta ble



Lunch Time


Lunch Time


Lunch Time


After Schoo l

Clubs (15:15

After Schoo l

Clubs (15:15

After Schoo l

Clubs (15:15

After Schoo l

Clubs (15:15


S/ Hall

S/ Hall Field 1 Field 2 Hard pla y Sports Hall Ma in Field 1 Ma in Field 1

Monday Multi-






Tuesda y Multi-



Futsa l



Futsa l




Y7/ 8 Girls


Y7/ 8 Boys


Wednesday Multi-

















Thursday Multi-












Friday Multi-








Sports Results — 2011

Yea r 11 Girls Baske tball

The yea r 11 g irls took p art in the Northern sec tion fina l of

Richmond‟s girls basketball competition on Tuesday and were

unluc ky to finish sec ond to a ve ry strong Orleans team. Strongvic tories ove r Ric hmond Park Ac adem y and Grey Co urt in the ir first

two g am es meant tha t their final group g am e wo uld d ec ide the

winners and w ho would p lay in the Boroug h fina l. Desp ite a

determined effort by the g irls, the Orlea ns g irls p roved just a little b it

too strong and c linical. Good effort from the g irls who played .

Year 9 Boys Basketball

A superb p erformanc e saw the Yea r 9 Boys rea c h the Boroug hBasketb a ll fina l afte r co nvinc ing victories ove r Richm ond Park



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Page 10 Newsletter Title

Tuesday lunc htimes sees the sta rt of g irls

FUTSAL c lub (indoor foo tb a ll) in Brentford

and in the a fternoon the boys c lub a lso

beg ins. Students nee d to see Mr Co lvin

Monday lunc htimes to p ut their name


Wed nesday is the sta rt of KS3 volleyba ll

c lub in the sports ha ll a fter sc hool w ith

Richmond Volleyball club. Outside on

Wed nesdays is the sta rt of rugby for

Year7/ 8 with Lond on Sc ottish RFC.

On Thursdays is Rug by League tra ining

with Harlequinns RL for yea rs 9/10.

Wed nesday is the sta rt o f the Y7/8 rugby

c lub run in c onjunction w ith Lond on

Sc ott ish RFC. Sessions a re delivered by

c urrent first tea m p layers and a re a imed

a t p rep aring the te am for fixtures a fter

Feb rua ry ha lf term. All

standards of p layer are

welcom e to c ome and

lea rn and g et be tter.

Yea r 7/ 8 Girls Netb a ll

ha s sta rted on Thursdays

being run by M idd lesex

County Ac ad emy tea m c oa c hes. All

standards of player a re welcome and

enc ourag ed to attend to training

Steve Colvin

Head of P.E.

Ac adem y and then a na il b iting last sec ond win over Grey Court in the dec id ing

ga me o f the tournament. Hard w ork and som e exce llent pe rforma nces by all the

boys were rew arded with vic tory and a n ap pea ranc e in the Borough Fina l.

Year 8 Boys Basketball

Follow ing the suc c ess of the Yea r 9 Boys, the Yea r 8 team a lso follow ed them into

the Boroug h fina ls w ith a dom inant d isp lay aga inst Ted d ing ton, Ric hmond Park and

Grey Court, winning a ll three games c onvinc ingly. They a re d ue to p ly their fina l in

the next two weeks.

Year 10 Boys Basketball

Year 10 boys missed out on a place in the Borough‟s basketball competition final on

points d ifferenc e desp ite bea ting favo urites, Ted d ing ton, in the group phase.


New Sports Clubs

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Page 11 Issue 73

Connor Patterson to run for Richmond

Co nnor has excelled in his Cross c ountry run-

ning this yea r, c om ing first in the Richmond Bor-

ough Sc hools Cross country for his yea r group

a t Ric hmo nd park. He is now go ing on to rep -

resent TEAM RICHMOND in the Midd lesex

Sc hools Cross Co untry Championship a t Har-

row sc hoo l on 15th Feb ruary - Goo d luck!!

Last wee k he a lso ran in the Mini Marathon Tri-

als and c am e 6th out of his yea r and the yea rgroup a bove.

The top 8 qua lify for the Mini Ma ra thon, so

Christ's stud ents c an a ll see Connor on the TV

before the ma in Lond on Mara thon in April this


Well done Connor keep up the GOOD WORK!!

Nicky Wo rsley, SSCo

w/c 7th February

Tuesday 8th :

Year 9 Girls Netb a ll Boroug h Cha mpionships @RPA

Wednesda y 9 th :

Year 8/9 Girls Basketba ll Tournament @ Tedd ington

w/ c 14th February

Tuesday 15th:

Yea r 9 Rugby league v St Josep hs (a )

Wednesda y 16th:

Yea r 8 Basketb a ll v Twic kenham Ac adem y (h)

Thursda y 3rd March :

Yea r 9 Basketb a ll v Twic kenham Ac adem y (h) 


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Page 12 The Christ’s Chronicles 


A m essage from our Chapla in, Ruth Scott

Dea r Parents and Ca rers,

I hop e the New Yea r is unfold ing well for you. Christmas seems hard ly to b e ove r

and we a re b eg inning to think of Easter. Som e o f our Design Tec hnolog y and

Textiles stud ents will be m aking the c entre p iec e o f the sc hool Easter service using

metal work and material. We will be thinking about the „thorns in the flesh‟ that

dehumanise our lives tod ay, and wha t we c an do a s ind ividuals and as a

c ommunity to ea se or heal the p ain caused by inhuma nity.

Earlier this week I visited Stra thm ore Sc hool in Ham . The sc hool is a spec ial sc hool

for ch ildren w ith c om plex learning d iffic ulties. We a re ho p ing to build links and forboth school communities to benefit from the gifts all our students bring. We‟re

every much in the early stages of this conversation and I‟ll keep you posted as it


Christ‟s is a Church of England voluntary-aided sc hoo l and a s suc h one o f my

a ims is for us to b e a plac e w here child ren o f all fa iths and none feel unwe lc om e

and a t home. Last term Rabb i Cha rley Baginsky c ame and led one of our Whole

Sc hool assem blies. At a c onferenc e I me t a lovely co llea gue , Ima m M ona war

Hussa in, who looks a fter the Muslim stud ents a t Eton College. I hope he w ill be

coming in to school before too long. I‟m always on the look -out for speakers whowill insp ire a nd c ap tivate o ur stud ents in Whole Sc hool Assem blies. If you ha ve

any c ontac ts who you know will fulfil that brief and who wo uld be prepa red to

c om e a nd spea k, p lea se c ould you let me know. My ema il add ress is a t the end

of this letter.

At p resent Yr 10 students a re d esigning the planting of the pond and garden on

the sc hool p laying field. This is in memory of Emlyn Wibb erley, the ir fellow stud ent

who died suddenly last year. Once the design is complete we‟ll spend a couple

of Sa turdays p lanting up the g arden. Deta ils about this w ill be sent out w ith the

stud ents who want to be part o f this p rojec t. Early in the summer term Yr 10 willhost a spe c ial op ening c erem ony and rec ep tion.

Emlyn died of a ra re heart c ond ition. Twe lve, ap parently fit, young peop le und er

the a ge of 35 yea rs d ie eac h we ek as a result of an und iagno sed hea rt

c ond ition. While the inc idenc e o f such de a ths is not high c om pared to o ther

c auses for dea th in young peop le, the trauma

experienc ed by any fa mily that loses a loved

c hild / b rother/ sister/young parent is beyond


Over £2,000 was sent from sc hool to the

c ha rity CRY (Ca rd iac Risk in the Young )

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Issue 73Pag e 13

following Emlyn‟s death. CRY is currently a new initiative of regular cardiac testing

c linic s that a re availab le free o f charge to any person in the South East who w asborn in 1995. The venue fo r these c linics is the CRY Ce ntre for Inherited

Ca rd iovasc ular Co nd itions and Sports Ca rd iolog y, a t St. Ge orge 's Hosp ital in

Too ting , The sc reening initiative w ill help to lay the found a tions for a na tional

p rog ramme in the future. The foc us on 14-year-olds is bec ause post-pub erty is the

ea rliest ag e tha t proa c tive sc reening is viab le.

If your c hild was born in 1995 and you w ould like to know more about this

sc reening p rog ramme p lease visit the CRY web site (

When students have a loved one suffering from major illness it isn‟t always easy for them to focus on work at school. When I‟m aware of such things I can provide

extra support for them , and lia ise w ith home if tha t seems helpful. Som etimes

students don‟t find it easy to say what they feel about what‟s happening in their 

lives. Som e d o w hat the y need to d o through a rt, music and dram a. Ma ny find

symbols helpful at times when they‟re worried about family. I have a silver tree in

my office. Students c om e in to stic k coloured jew els on the silver lea ves,

representing someone they‟re thinking about at that time. They may also light the

c and les hang ing und er the tree . These things mea n wha teve r the student needs it

to mea n. If your child is having to c op e with illness in the family at th is time and

you‟d like me to offer them extra support, do feel free to email me –  

rsc ott@c hrists.richm ond .sc 

I hop e 2011 is a b lessed and happy year for you and your fam ily.


If you ha ve a ny queries p lease

contact me

Mrs Ca rol Fletc her


The online p ayment system for

c ashless c a tering a nd to p ay fortrips etc is now availab le. You

should have rec eived a lette r

deta iling how to reg ister online.

If you nee d help using the internet

payments system there is a User

Guide on our sc hool we bsite a t

the follow ing add ress: http:// 

c hrists.richmond .sc 


Online Paym ent System


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Page 14 The Christ’s Chronicles 

Advert is ing

School Lockers

There a re stud ent lockers ava ilab le.

If you wo uld like your son/ daughte r to ha ve a locker there is

a „one off‟ charge of £40 to rent a locker. 

Plea se c onta c t M rs Gill a t hg ill@c for

mo re information.

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Issue 73Pag e 15

If you would like to

advertise your business

or servic es in our

newsletter please

c ontac t: Mrs J Ralph a t

 jralp h@christs.richmond.

February half term21-25 February

Monday 21February

9.00am-5.00pm – 


Wednesday 23February

9.00am-5.00pm – Midwives

1.30-2.30pm – Singing Hands

Thursday 24February

10.00am-12.00pm – 

Orleans Art Gallery(6 months-3 years) *

12.30-2.30pm – Orleans Art Galler

Tuesday 22February

10.00am-12.00pm – ChildHealth Clinic

Friday 25February

10.00am-12.00pm – Orleans Art Gallery (6

months-3 years) *

12.30-2.30pm – OrleansArt Gallery (3-7 years) *

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Page 16 The Christ’s Chronicles 

Add itional information:

To c onta c t Sta ff b y e-ma il p lea se use the ir first initia l

and then surnam e w ritten a s one word followe d by

generic end ing: @c hrists.richm

There is a lso a quick link via sc hool website. Christ's Sc ho ol

Que en 's Roa d



TW10 6HW

Phone: 555-555-5555

Fax: 555-555-5555


Timetab le for school day

All stud ents to a rrive a t

sc hool and b e rea dy for

reg istra tion a t 08.30 

Morning break 10.40-10.55 

Lunc h break 12.55-13.40 

End of sc hoo l 15.00 

Winte r uniform required :

b lazer, white shirt and sc hoo l


To o rder uniform go to our

website: http:// 

c hrists.richmond .sc 



Spring Term

4th Janua ry- Term ends 8th April at 12.30pm

Half Term  

21st February – 25th February

Summer Term  

26th April – 20 July at 1pm

Pub lic Holiday, Frida y, 29th Ap ril 2011 - sc ho ol c losed

Bank Holiday Mond ay, 2nd Ma y 2011 - sc hool c losed

Half Term  

30 Ma y – 3 June 

Happy St Valentine‘s Day!