Christlove Newsletter July 2011

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Transcript of Christlove Newsletter July 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Christlove Newsletter July 2011


    Prayer Points Pray for Mighty Revival in America. America started with

    God, pray that she will end it with God. Pray for wisdom for President Obama and all the leaders

    of this nation. Pray that Obama will make wise and godlydecisions.

    Pray that In God we trust will remain on the currency ofthis nation.

    Pray for Gods blessings on Nigeria and Africa. Prayagainst corrupt leaders in Africa.

    Pray that prayer and Bible reading will return to schools inthe USA.

    Pray for Revival all over the world. Pray for Israel, pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for Gods blessings on Christlove International

    Ministry and church and all our outreach programs. Pray for American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, for

    Gods protection.

    Pray for missionaries all over the world, for Godsprotection. Pray for revival in India, Nepal, Asia, Kenya, Ethiopia,

    Africa, Europe, North & South America & Australia. Pray for persecuted christians all over the world, that

    there will be freedom of religion all over the world. Pray for all our events this year.

    Prayer ofConfession

    This is to give our readers the opportunity to give their livesto Jesus Christ or rededicate their lives if they have notalready done so.

    Dear Jesus,I acknowledge my sins; I believe you came into this world

    to die for my sins. Please forgive me my sins and come

    into my life and take control of my life. Satan I renounce

    you in Jesus name, from today forward I belong to Jesus

    Christ. Thank you Jesus for forgiving me my sins and

    coming into my life. Amen.

    Believe he has come in. If you said this prayer in faith,write us and we will send you a Bible and some ChristianLiterature to help you with your walk with God.

    Piip & Kikem Tn

    Christlove International

    Christian MinistriesP.O. Box 18686 | Shreveport, LA 71138-8686

    For more information visit our website:

    Prayer requests/counseling



    Cntact s at:

    P: 318-869-2181 or 318-869-1204Ce: 318-617-0812 (Sister Togun)

    Ce: 318-617-1294 (Brother Togun)

    Fax: 318-869-1730


    Write to us at the above address.


    We would like to thank those supporting us prayerullyand/or fnancially. May God richly bless you. Amen.





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    Ladies and gentleman, brothers andsisters we are in the last days. Jesus iscoming very soon, it is in the air.

    We are believing God for thesupernatural in these last days. The

    anointing in these last days is sooverwhelming and I just want to owwith the anointing.

    What is the meaning of supernatural? It issomething above the natural; something extraordinary, something not of this world. If you wantthe church to grow in these last days, you needthe supernatural because the Bible says, unlessthey see signs and wonders they are not going tobelieve. When Peter and John healed a lame man

    by the power of the Holy Ghost, 2000 were addedto the church.

    There are two powers that can bring about thesupernatural , Gods power and the devils powerbut Gods power is greater than the devils power,no basis for comparison because one is the Creatorand the other is the created being. But the devilalso has some power and some have used satanicpower to grow their church. But I am talking aboutGods supernatural power and His church.

    The Holy Spirit can bring tremendousgrowth to the church with signsand wonders. When Jesusstarted healing, crowdsstarted following Him andlooking for Him. So weneed the supernatural inthese last days to bringrevival in our churches, inour cities and nations.

    I believe it is coming, when the sick, the lame, theblind, the deaf will come to the church to be healedand the church will overow not with fake healingbut true healing from the throne of God.

    Mark 16:17-18 And these signs shall follow them

    that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils;they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up

    serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not

    hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they

    shall recover.

    So the signs are supposed to follow the church thatis the believer. The church and the supernatural!The Biblesays, My children are for signsand wonders.

    I read about an evangelist in the 19th century, JohnLake, his city was the healthiest in the USA. Evenhospitals were emptied of sick people, the doctorsreferred their patients to him and they all gothealed. The church and the Supernatural!

    Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread

    on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of

    the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

    The Church

    and the SupernaturalBy Pastr Kikem Tn

    Vme 12 - Nmber 3 Jy - September 2011

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    Events 20111. Jne 27t tr Jy 1st Vacation Bible School

    by Pastor Mary Cummings

    2. Jy 2n, 2011 Crusade on an empty lot byEvangelist Silas Okoh

    3. Jy 7t Pastor Philip Toguns Birthday.4. Jy 16t (Saturday@ 5pm) Youth

    Tent Revival Service EvangelistAlex Kwentua from Baton Rouge,Louisiana. Theme: The Violentshall it take by Force

    5. Jy 17t (Sunday @ 11am) Revival Service Dr. Luke, Jesus Heals Ministry India

    6. Ast 10t, 2011 Pastors Togun 37th weddinganniversary

    7. September 4t-13t, 2011 HCFI Conference inManilla, Philippines plus Medical Mission to Philippines.

    8. September 24t, 2011 Pastor Kikelomo Toguns birthday

    9. Quarterly Tent Revival ServiceSaturday, October 15th, 2011 at5pm & Sunday, October 16th,2011 at 11am.Reverend Gabriel Ayoade& Rev. Sola RotimiTheme: Lord Send A Revival

    10. 6t Anna Marriae SeminarNovember 13th, 2011 (Sunday @ 3pm)Pastors Sam & Ruby Ibekwe from Baton Rouge,Theme: Keeping Your Marriage Vow

    POEMI want to be like God

    Pastr Kikem Tn

    I want to be like GOD in HolinessFor He is Holy

    I want to be like GOD in love!

    For He is Love!

    I want to be like Him in righteousness

    For He is righteous!

    I want to like Him in mercy

    For He is merciul

    I want to be like Him in aithulness

    For He is aithul!

    Bible QuizBy Piip Aema Tn

    1. Jesus called them Boanerges (sons of thunder).Who were they?

    2. Which two people inuenced Timothys early spiritualgrowth?

    3. Who was the run-away slave who was led to Christ by Paul?

    4. Which is the shortest verse in the Bible?

    5. Name four of the writers of the book of Psalms.

    6. Name four professions that Jesus mentioned in Hisparables.

    7. How many wise men (Magi) visited the baby Jesus?

    8. There is only one recorded instance of Jesus and Hisdisciples singing. Where did this happen?

    9. Name the ve one-chapter books in the Bible.

    10. Name two animals to which the Bible compares satan.

    Praise Report1. We thank God, for our mission trip to India, it was very

    successful. We thank God for healing and many gave theilives to Christ at the womens conference, Evangelisticmeetings, Sunday Services and at the pastors conference.Bibles donated by missionary Leara Lee were given out.We give God all the glory.

    2. We thank God for the wed-ding of the daughter of ourdear friend, Dr. OreofeOdejide & our friendsson, Emeka Anaka.One took place inMaryland and the otherin New York. (pictured)

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    ouR WEBSITE: Visit our website! The website address You can also purchase anyof our books on line and make donation.

    ThE ChuRCh IN IBAdAN, NIgERIA: The building forthe above church is almost completed. Please pray for a

    pastor for this church.

    REVIVAl SERVICES: Christlove International Church inShreveport, Louisiana will be conducting quarterly revivaltent services. At the appropriate time we will send outyers. The tent will be erected at the back of ChristloveChurch at 214 W. 70th Street, Shreveport, LA. You areinvited to come and be blessed!

    ChRISTloVE INTERNATIoNAl ChuRCh: ChristloveChurch is where the love of Christ is demonstrated and theWord is preached without compromise, whether you arerich or poor, whether black, white or yellow; no matter what

    you have done, Jesus loves you and we love you too. Comeand be a part of the Christlove family at 214 W. 70th St.#102, Shreveport, LA 71106. Call us at 318-869-1204 if youneed transportation, and leave a message.

    PARTNERShIP: We would like those who want to partnerwith us to send a monthly pledge of $25, $30, $50, $100 ormore. This is a tax-exempt ministry and you will be given atax receipt at the end of the year. May the Lord bless you asyou give. You can make donations at our web site,

    TV PRogRAM: Our television program is on channelCW21 @ 7:30am on Sundays in Shreveport and Bossier.We have added a 2nd program on My45 at 7am everySunday. Remember they are on every Sunday morning(Back to Back).

    RAdIo PRogRAM: Our Radio program on KSYB, 1300 AMhas been cancelled because of unfruitfulness.

    BuIldINg FuNd: Christlove Church is increasing fast.We are an inner city ministry or church, which means thecongregation cannot give much. We appeal to our readersto donate generously towards this building fund; write onyour checks, building fund. Thank you for your prayersand support. You may also make donations at our web site

    ChRISTloVE ChIldCARE CENTER: is now opened. Thedirector of the childcare center is Sister Shaun Robinson.Christlove Childcare Center is where the Christian

    traditional values are taught early in life. It is for ages 1 yearto 5 years and after school program for older children, 5 to13 years, are available. Government Assistance accepted.We are planning expansion to the daycare by the grace ofGod.

    MIRAClE SERVICE NIghT: Our miracle service night isthe rst Wednesday of every month. At the appropriatetime we will be sending out yers every month as areminder. Come expecting a miracle!

    EARlY FRIdAY MoRNINg PRAYER: We have startedearly Friday morning prayers from 6:30 am to 7:30 am

    praying for revival in our cities, nation and the world. Comejoin us and experience the presence and the power of God.

    Ministry News

    Bible Quiz Answers1. James and John (Mark 3:17)

    2. Lois and Eunice, Timothys grandmother and motherrespectively (2 Timothy 1:5)

    3. Onesimus (Philemon 8-21)

    4. Jesus wept (John 11:35)

    5. David (most of them), Moses (Psalm 90), Solomon(Psalm72), and Asaph (Psalms 50, 73-83)

    6. Farmer (Matthew 13: 3-4), Merchant (Matthew 13: 45),Fisherman (Matthew 13:47-48), Shepherd (Matthew18:10-14).

    7. The Bible does not give the number of Magi whovisited the baby Jesus. It only states that they gave Himthree presents (Matthew 2:1)

    8. At the last supper (Mark 14:26 & Matthew 26:30)

    9. Obadiah, Philemon, Jude, 2 John, 3 John

    10. Lion (1 Peter 5:8) & serpent (Revelation 12:9)

    Church ServicesSunday School 10 am

    Sunday Worship 11 am

    Bibe Sty & Prayer Meetin6:30 pm Wednesdays

    Mirace Service Nit6:30 pm 1st Wednesday

    Cristian Mvie Nit6:30 pm Last Wednesday

    Eary Friay Mrnin Prayer6:30 am to 7:30 am

    A-Nit Prayer11 pm 5 am Last Friday

    Rereshments served ater Sunday Service

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    6 2011 3rd Quarterly Newsletter www.christloveinternationa

    Christlove In Pictures - Reviva Service Apri 2011

    Cristmas Pay Yt Service

    Baby deicatin

    Membersip Service

    Prophetess Sharron Moyersinging.

    Christmas celebration. The 3 wisemen worshiping baby Jesus.

    Congratulating a new

    member Stella Okoh.

    Pastors Togun at the Revival.

    Congratulating a new

    member Cora Martin.

    The prophetic dance byprophetess Moyer.

    Christmas celebration.

    Congratulating a new

    member Alenzi Martin.

    Rev. Bob Moyer preaching atthe Revival.

    Rev. and prophetess Moy

    Sister Stella preaching at theyouth service.

    New members.

    Sister Togun annointing baby Alajahat the dedication. Baby Marios dedication.

    The Toguns with the Odejides on theleft at Dr. Oreofe Odejides wedding.

    Baby Olivias dedication.

    Sister Togun atthe wedding.

    Baby Alajahs dedication.

    Pastor Togun atthe wedding.

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    We left for India on Monday,May 9, 2011 and returned onTuesday, May 17, 2011. It wasmy rst visit to India but mywifes third visit. Dr. Luke, aphysician-turned-pastor (since1984) was our host. He is thepastor ofJess heas anhy Fire Wrsip Crc in

    Visakhapatnam, Andra Pradeshstate in southern India.

    Two things impressed me about our Indian brothersand sisters. Firstly, they are very patient withregards to the length of the worship service. Nomatter how long a particular service took, theysat patiently and most of them had Bibles, whichthey opened as soon as a passage was called. Thesecond thing that we observed was that at offeringtime everybody came forward to give something,despite the fact many of them were poor. Therewas no high-pressure pitch by their pastor aboutgiving. They just gave voluntarily.

    One could not but see the enthusiasm of the youngpeople. They accounted for at least half of each ofthe churches that we visited. G. Samuel Sukumarand his wife Susan, a young couple who had gottenmarried shortly before our arrival in India, asked mywife and I to lay hands on them and pray for theirmarriage. We were pleasantly surprised.

    Our visit also coincided with the inaugurationof a new church Calvary Temple by Pastor

    K. Jeevaratnam, who is the father-in-law to Dr.Lukes daughter, Jerusha. We were able to prayfor Gods direction as he embarked on thisministry. He had invested his retirement moneyto start the new church.

    We visited two other churches that are afliatedwith Dr. Lukes church, one in the city (consistingmainly of shermen and their families) and onein a rural area where we addressed a pastorsconference followed by an evening evangelisticservice.

    Despite the persecution of Christians in India,they manifested the joy of the Lord and were verygenerous to us. We are thankful to all of themespecially Dr. Lukes wife who went the extra mileto make us welcome. By the grace of God, weplan to increase our level of involvement in Dr.Lukes ministry.

    To God be the glory.

    Mission to India(May 9, 2011 May 17, 2011)

    By Piip Aema Tn

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    Donating the medications to ourcontact in India, Dr. Luke.

    Pastor Philip preaching and PastorLuke interpreting.

    Pastor Philip giving gifts and Biblesat the Pastors conference.

    Sister Togun praying for the sick, oldwoman.

    We took boxes of medications to India.

    Pastor Philip, Pastor Luke with Pastor.

    Sister Togun giving out Bibles atpastors conference.

    At the evangelistic meeting, thesewomen choreograph.

    Pastors praying for the church.

    Sister Togun with Dr. Lukes wife.

    People at the evangelistic meeting,many gave their lives to Christ.

    We were welcomed with a garland.

    Sister Togun preaching at thepastors conference.

    Another banner.

    Sister Togun preaching at a churcservice.

    Visakapatman a citysurrounded by hills.

    Christlove In Pictures - Missin t Inia

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    The choir mainly youths.

    In India they usually sit on the foor,sometimes for hours, and the womensit separately.

    Many gave their lives to Christ.

    Those who gave their lives to Christat the 2nd service.

    On Sunday, we preached in 2churches. These women gave theirlives to Christ in the 1st church.

    Male youths sitting on one sidetogether at the church service.

    Helping a pastors daughter to cuther birthday cake.

    Too hot, fan not working, a pastors daughterfanning Sister Togun.

    A member of church asked us to prayover her new vehicle.

    Another common type oftransportation the motorcycle.

    Pastors conference.

    Pastors conference banner.

    Pastor Philip driving the mostcommon type of transportation.

    Sister Togun preaching at theevangelistic meeting.

    Brother Philip praying for the sick

    Sister Togun standingnext to baby elephantstatue in New Delhiairport, on their wayback to the USA.

    Christlove In Pictures - Missin t Inia