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Transcript of CHRISTIAN COLLABORAT like...

A Dullelln ot news and tneolGglcal 'I'tk>chon on I~NO 2b South At.ICIIn emI'T\I('n(:Y NOVQmbE!.1988




This 'Chrislendorn', ret1cctcd in Botha's StaIla~ngplays an essential pan in thegoyemment's ideology.In the preamble to the South African constitution thegovernmen I claims to uphold 'ChristianciYilisation'. This brand ofChristianily is sold 10 thepublic as its primary protcction against the ap­proaching red tide: of 'atheislic communism'. At thesame lime however, il practises systematic racismand institutionalised. yiolence which conflict withthe values of the kingdom of God

CHRISTIAN COLLABORAT r1=tsn~RWCGS: part of the 'Total Strategy' :'"I";~<"

\ ubltJirAI the conclusion or P W Botlla', nolorious 1940's, which rallied Christians ~u~ Nazism'Rubicon' speech in Augusl 1986 he s1aled: "I in order 10 save Europe from lJi: 'cOIJ!!lluniJl......kIoIt at the constdlllions in the sky al night and menace'. The RWCGs warn ChriJti~~ ...ditwhat arelhewordll $Hwritlen Ihen? 'Southern evils of socillism which ~concentrates power InArrica for- Christendom' !" hands ofI tiny minority resulting in tota1ilarianism~,

ignoring the reality in South Africa Ihat poweT 1Nlwealth is already controlled by a minorily who denyindividual and socio-political rights.

Many SOUlh African! will have heard or seen the:yicaous aUICIts made by the RWCGs on church.&elders like An::hbishop Tutu, ecumenical bodieslike !he SACC and communiI)' organisations. 1lIeyregularly 1CCU5e any opponents of the governmentof ICong as puppets of the African NarionaI Coo­gress,!he South African Communist Party and even!heSoviet Union'5 KGB. The zeal orlbe:irpropagan­dI sounds similar to Nazi fascism in the 1930's and

1lIese Christian beliefs or 'state theology' provide ardi&Jousmcans to maintain the status quo. In recentyears there has boc:n an alarming growth of rightwing Chrislian groups (RWCGs) which share lhegovernment's vision fOf South Africa. 1lIey supportthe state's 'Total Strategy' which isdesigncd IOkecpthe present government in power by destroyingmelningfulopposition.


RWCOI dlltort eVlnlellcal Chris·tint)' b)' pI'OlftOlina I 11lC(IfIl;;i1i1liondevoid of jllI'ke, tIllII btc:omlna wit­tina or IlDWIUina IOOlI of Iht IUblJtwarf_ of !he IWt I&a!nA popdv

resisrant:e. RdIpon is uxd inlht1InI1­&k far dle 'btaru and mindI' of tilemajorllJ of Sou!h AfritJllll .mneClJriIIiaII bditrs pro¥ick:. bail rromwhidllO~ tn1Iuc:nct..

TradilionaJ.lJ ·ttalrdl IbtoIoO' hasP",--M lIbrdlance 10 tultoricy lIldhas Wtn a JlI'OflI lfIli 'COCIlll1uniistIWlCC. RWOA bavc upkliltld IhisthtoIo&Y in Ihtlr lIIt'mptllO ptrwade0vUtianI1O aupport Ibc: &<M:nwntl'\I.

They try 10 aMlpI pcoplt into Ihcirsuucturtl and divide communities aswdl udiscrtdillllt wort for jUSlict InSou!h Arrica.

The qucslicn is : why an: people al·1rlCUld 10 lnll d«tlved by RWOOs 1Aprimary lit. in !he securily of­fered by a 'chrblilll' message whichproc:IailTll tceeptanCt of IUfferina anddeprivation in thi. worw in !he inIertstJof M1ll1yllion In lht flIlun::, This fl'tltl!he IndiYidual from IQPOR$ibilil)' andall hope is placed in lilt ltUonIofGod.HumID ~rtk:lpMloP In lht daily RNa­,le 10 reallle God's kln,dom IsobIam:I. This mtSP&e pItlYidQ Ihtpriviltpt wilt! juaificalion for Ibc:ireamforu and lilt oppfeIltd wi!h false

.......... The rauII 11 • pI$li'ritywhittI btntfltllht tWe.

RWCGI in South Africa hrIe otMouslints wilt! Iht~ rdi&ioulrip whidl have bttn inIUummtaI inbolIltrint; torIIC....ltivt &<M:"llIUlU

fhrou&houllht wodd.

Most RWCCiI WId Iht whilt eorn­mUftit)'.1bty have cc:nc1Olll tIindI fortJlpc:nsive p.lbl1calionl. Then:: an: alsoIlIUl1troUI RWCQI sprioJinc up in lht1OwIlIhIps. A! • oonf~ held b)' liltIIIIliNk for ContlltUaI Theology tIJ·

Iier Ihis year on Ihe 'Miluse ofRdiJlcil', dtleplCl flOra lht EaskmCape, Northern Tnnsvaa!. N.,a!,Wt:SItm Clpt. 8opl'IuthaQwana andNamibi. tl\llIIplu of theseIroupI in their IteU. W'hik thry Jac:k!he _roeslr'ld sophisticationoftbtirwhile ecunsctpIIU lhty aatmp: UI uainpeople 10 tn&IIt in dim:!: propapida11 • low profik levd. n.e,c RWCGl;att: rnaionary forces which att: rudilytJlploired b)' !he $l.1t 10 nculnlisepro&~ivec1'lul'th~ru.

RWOOS ale a srnall,lf rapidly g.ruwillichun::h based movement which glyesdira:1 suppon 10 lilt 5l11t, They mUSl

ho\llo1:yer, be distinguished from !helarger ehrisli.n community which isnci!her dira:li)' aI iancd ....ith !he 1tIIC,nor III opposina force., These'modc~e' alOOps an: olltn critical of~, )'CC th:y'Ie Yulnerable 10 !hepropI&anda of RWOOs.

Although IhcIC JTDUpl claim 10 be fun­damtntalisl: they larorc lhc biblical....1iClc>lInaUon of ClIppft:SSion. Dtspiltca1Iin, lhtftlscl~1 'apolitical' IhtyIUpporI dlepo........ in its apanJD;Ipotida and.a.:k 0Iristialw with dif·f~~

Jbc¥ RWCG, ran be r1mjflf',d

imp fin: MlU:

• Militant Ktlyht JTDUpI which0AlC* caamcnicaJ 01rislians.

contllUCld from pqc I

Th:y alm : proridt "libcralionfrom !he fraudulent JOIpclwhiclr is pOGollina the malnlincSouth Afrbn churdle:r". The5cJTDUpI ne'" lhc AidoI I'arkrNnvsftlftr, FrotIdilK FtUaw­VUp, the GosptlDqtJfl:t~Nt,Si,,,,,,,n. tU: with the umbft:hbody Uttiutl CArUIiaII~dool (UCA, co-onIinatina tbciraaiYilics.

• RWOOS orpniKd in lIIpeCi&IImomlnationl, like theA..,licQIU CON:trlKd [0' TnuJctutd SpiritwJlily (ACTS} and in!he Catholic chun::h !he CtUIIoIicDqtN:t La,Nt and TradirWft,Family tutd PrOfNrtY (TFI' ,.

, Whole churdla Ieprcscot lhcright willl of lhcirdenominationlike lhc C/umA 0{ EIll/aJld orultr1·right A/rlk4Mr I'rOUS/QNKirk (ItI'K)

• EYlnCCl1lllc aroupll like the Bc/­El Growp o[ MINilttrlts, !heJilJurly S..,,,,,,,rt Mluioll "NICltrlsrioJl MissioN ItIluMlioNlJ(CMI) ..,lIicll Dlm./o UpDIlilbtrlJlJltft tt'_...u....

• SlIlt-f'tlaltd IlIllClIIRII whichOY<rtly suppon lht mte in Ihtirpollticalldiyjty like lht UNilMC4rbrlDIl CtHlClliDriCHI PWIy(UCC).1he WuttrN CQIH Cou·cH 0{ C41lrcw (WCCC). lhcRt/"",wIttdqNMkN C1IMrrJIuA.sslJdcuiooI (RICA) JUfU CJvi.u[0' I'lQCi (ICI'} and Ihc C4ris­IiwI AllilJIIct cfSoIu4 A/rkiJ.

continued on page$ 6 and 7



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ScfNtJ, loo io ........ by IIOidion. __ ....

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INCARNA nON...........,0100(IlOO__.._.t_" __.. _IIII ~ ...,..,.-""""".....__ ..__..----........ ...,01 ... _A.......IIo_"" .....__'-'""",,"""'" 110 ..Gon__........-.-......_--........ _oIQol,p' ''''~1_01_...... 1' .........._""_Ilol ",._IIt........._io..,._"'".-. ... _oIQol,Mo_e-t_n.._0I,. ._Nr_ _.1IIt_ ·"'_,....1IwiilIW aw. lAroI

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FiItalIy• ......ldim wonlIippod lum. This ..-.ob.i:; ..ty cbI< •• .-e»I>< IOUtll; toll ~ •_ .. dui Ih<>< "' IU£~ • ""'" .. , ....

0Il<lnhip on! laboo ..111I0Il. 1Il1",~ 1fI1t>< do ·.... -. ",,,,,,", 01 1-. __ •..,.<1••1, \lM po flll .u""," bol ..,.~ ~ ,... ooldion,lib lho ....w. roIi .-Ill _1IoIiowo Go<!-""' .....,. 01 ... ..... r poiMo.~ I' It;:aI

~~".vI __'*-IIi _ ___Ioow ...~ ..~ 01 Godo ..__<L-/Ko) io I ' ., .. ,.... oily ....1-' ..,." 'f • 0Ic.ed ... _,.... It.. . Fw Go<! • J-.. ....

....... "' .. .." ""1oiP_......_ ...........Loo. bo""",,"_ ilio _ 'dII' • ',' ra.. _ .... 00d ......... 0I " .. ;",.... iio loo:> I"'l'"'__ .lriP- I<c '".... ~..,. Go<!"-. ilioflnllal,fnp fbc How ...... _ pnrio<1y .. lh<..... lhollho..Idion.".,..p'~ b<in& lh<_ ,""""",",, IlW)' ....... Iho Iho .....

'And 1lIi. InIllI rb,Ik'OUI '" ••!i,m . che

fnPoh·~ """"'''''' • wdI .. Iho Dul<h.........._: rIc/Il·wlnt U.lrA,...,NllPon: )OUr foilh and -U• ...,. f_ and K1lOIl. fGr. PouJ IOW ..d ••ty~""lhomooillJ.lCIII," hio 1lnI ...... '" IhoOu<-II ..ComII (I :2Ir.): "God "'-olho lowlylhinp oIdlit -W Ift!, ' I' c:d olWlp .....Iho lhIrop lIIoI __ ' 0IIlllty Iho Ihot...... _ ...... ....,. !IouI "


0audI of IIlc Province ofSou&hem AfriQ. Boan:l of Social ~sponaibiliry(Diocese 0' Qpe TOWft)

Rom.. C1thoIk Qlu't"tl, Justia; and PeIa CommllSlm (\2 80uqueI SL Town)

Methodist Olllldl of SoIIlhcm Afria, Otristian Oliunship DeplrnnclI (Cape ofGood Hope DiWiet)

R1ClU Wlnl Church Groups(RWCGs) ha~1rmLIJIu'oomed durinlthl ...r-~.. '11wV.tlCIuU.tU" C•..a~ "ut! of BishopMokOitQ and ThamaA..... Uncbpromolrd and p"rtlri,.lrd ill themunlrip;ll riediona. Tlw WnutlIC.p~ COllltcll oJ CIt.relll' hurmrrl"! in opposition 10 lilt WesternPro~lncr Council or Churches.COUIltk., !lllk croups ha~r .rbm in1DWn$hlps~ ItKfl~.. to think ofhft_.nd not ofll'lrir ...rrtr!nCllen

M"'"JroniC"all,. the emc:rz~ of tl'IeKJl1KIps corresponds 10 thc $hift InlovenuncnI sUiteID' eYldmt in IIlcEJorr Commi$S1on wtrich n:jectlI &11ronns of 'polilical 1.heo101Y" whet/lcr(Of or agaif\Sl \he 5WC. Accord;n,1Othe Elorr CommllSlon Rcpon the IlUt;

IO$Pd 1Mld_ "only lNly spirilllllpuI'JXIId. and potiliel_ Ilea Idt 10the J«IIIar fon:cs of 0naima/ inlclal"

_. in otbet words. 10 !he IU.lioclal

acvNy lqIaI1IlUI 0( the SlaIe.

Wc 110... diJ<:oycr. however, thuhollVin,lricd IDC"iIo(le IIlc panidpaionof lhe institllliorW d1ufthal fran Ihepolitical ~1II.lhc Illlt-Is~n.and facllltl,il1lthe dln:et Invol~1l'ICI'll

ofllle n:xllonary RWco. in the poIid­ell M1Uk.

1lIi. JboIlId bf. I mantr of n:.llI COlllOClil

10 III 0JrisWns. WIut il:1bc.1&CIIliI 01RWCOs1 v.'bo f\rwlca _I' .....Dons1 WIlo:!II= naau 60 dley _1TheK m 01' the Imponn: lp*

liol1.l to ""hieh Ill'IIweq need to befound,

11_ docI r1P'ot-winc m1p..ffmour fall!!!

The RWC(i. misuse lheolop andChristi~ S)'IIlbolL They"'_0Iri$lWl faith 10 IeJitimltt lnjuRiczandoppraJion. lb::yll5Ctheleadlinpand the lanJUIF ofQlun;:hes 10 flanherthe e..-lI of the stale. and its 111,"- lb::ylIeny the Ibsolll~ IIOven:ignty ofQuiA

ove,1I.I dimcnliOfll of humll'l Ufe. byOOllfUllna: iI e.duIivdylDJpirnaJ mll­Itl'l. In brief, lhe RWCOI~belief in I God who c:ua link IboulraI '-nun Illfkrifl&. This COl..aticulbodl Jesus> ~flCaXJn with humanRlfkrill( Olllhe Cnu. and lhe hope ofnew lift implicit In__~ion. As

ctuiSlimll we: elmOli~ this tnt 01'hc:felIyand idolllf)'.

11_ do RWCG. c:o-opn'Ilte wit"thellaU1


1II'tt been clnwn _ lhe IlI'IIl:llIn:S br tht .. 10 deal wilb Ihr;

nuill in the «IUdrJ. RWCGI at­

~ mlnl_q and piau 10" OD

the Joint~ Conunitteel Jnd~wIth othulnldadvQoftheNItionaI Sccuril)' M_aemcnt S,...te:m, whidlllll(\er the JUiJe of Ikveloi>menl arc meant 10 IIp,ude.eommunitlel.ln reality> hD.e>ef, th:ya1Iobdp the II'JII)' IfllIpoIior; 10monilllrchc ill)wtllt1iplllld 1IkDQ1)' peopk whoWOltJOI' the 1ibuaiOD00the opp ICoaleio..l, 0' IIDeODlelouly.RWCGs _ PM10flhc __pt by 1bc_101llldenllIne the 'IIOltol tbc c:bur­dleI nl othen wtIo wort b' tbc aoodof the people. RWC'Gt a1Io _ 10 be

involved in the de«.bmptiOD eanl­

pail"'l of the South Afrian pnoem.ment _ the botdc:,. Manbcn ofFtfJNIUwF~~ _ reported. b'uampl~. to knd dlrea SlIppon ID'1OUpI JUdlI$ Renamo and UNITA.

What .rt the Irnmed1lIlfPIafIheR J!'OIlPf1

RWCCI din:CIIy IUppon JOVC.rnmc:n1ellllpailJ1S< lb::y have; bc:eIl 1CUve; Inc:anvassillJ for the C/l:ulbtr mllllicipalc.1ec:tionL Thq plOl_ partic:i1*iOninI!leNMionaISt.......".CcNndllb::yKti¥dy proIlIOle the uMi·sanWonsUll'lpaia:n- They eonfll5C and dl¥ickOOlIllllllllluC:l. fllrthc.rin, the AIte.·.IU1IICIY oI"di"idc: t.nd Nk', lb::y SlIp­pan the nalionaI and llllematlonal am­palan to pR:XTI I positive imlge orSouth Afril:1 1$ • Olrisliul COIlJlIJ'ywhere. apatthc:id 11 gi"lIl( ....y co Ibroadening of A 1Il'l(:!I(;1. lb::y IU&'FItthIl: ClDIIIlllIftInIWIlOl Apanbe:\dis lhr: rul prob&em in South Africa.South AfrieI Is ....-ue' • bcq pin

of Wc.Ilc.m CbriRian c.mlisMim, andthi... p~sc.a.c.d IS In uc:use to

lr:PimItc. la man)' aimc.s.

Wh)'.~ the RWCGllO oppoIl:d 10communlsm1

RWCOI ewm Ilw It 11 brc·'SC CXIIII­mllllillll is ~ Ilhc:ist 'deoIoo. litherc.aI _ DOl .1Ilbdc. _pt Kt;u.­tif)' "'c.JP'oilaionolthe~.,.._ ia Soul!I A.fric:I1 If CXIIIInp"_c:-. be ahoWD 10 be. "Ill bId-,1bc. iIII­p1ic:alloa _10 be. lhaI eapilllipn isO.K. 011, faith dC.llllndl thl' allIdc.ologic.a (eapilaUsm lnc;lllOc:d) be.


iIIoIbjec~ 10 !hec~M criIlq.le of IhcIO'Pd wIlidI it"wa)'l_concernedfor Ibc: poor 1hIn!be IidL

~ .....~.."otU.RWCCt.1Itpli'f't1

AJdha" imporunt fe.l\lte of RWCCsl,l/leI, nepl.ive mC$Sl&C. They IlQCtplOphtlic: Olutth leadcl'l sudla Dc..mood TuN. Allltl Bonalr and FrankQIlbrR. III wl:U. the Worid CouncIlof Ourthes. SouIh Afrian CouJlciI ofQuIda. Ihr~ Afric:m e-tIolkBld!ops ConfcmlCc, the WUICnI

Prorinc:e Council of 0Ium.c1 andlimilar orpnisIllons. They mi$ukOwislianitylOdi" PkblKbfroallC­tin prolClI and ruilllnce.•ndcIerrlclnllx \tQe 'Irto:l crlp&e In !heItI'Ug.Ie for justk:e .00 liberation. The:",..Pion i. wtIa. are they "ror? It~pearllO be Ibe mainIcnatla: of Lhe ex­mqonkr.

UfIiUd C/uUdDIt Mdooo and Ihc C_f~1tU /0' C/vis... "'lion. m turn.fonll .-bIdla bodia: 10 link~1OfClllCr. 0tIa IJOIIP an: "U'J saWl.~GIll,. in aJin&le lOlO.lItlip..:lwilh (ew IintI III OIhcr RWCGs. 10some aRU. ho_ver, thcK small~ an: beingbrou&hllOgdller inoo­ordinatina umbft:lb bodlel JudlllllheWu/.., ... CPpf' CClUldI IJ/CIIIU'clttr,1hcUIIJRd C/IrisIi.GII CQN:iUDIIoil PQrfy.

theB~ NUtlsR'" Frlll<r­JWt lbr;R~ IIIIIqKNkfll CIuu­tJtu AuocIouWM; .. JIOUP ealkd lull.fCIlri#Jcr l'ta:t lA SolJdt~ andIlxC~AlJiIM«a{SolJdt Africa.which recently In,,lled tbe $olllhAfric:In rot=plMini$lCf1D be !he guestspe.erMItJ tOIIfcn:na:.

H01l'ouatIl ..e u Orlltla... torespond ID RWCGI1

lhI:i, Ktivilics n !heir links with Ihcr-olopp; ion. BlIIbcyoncllnfor·IIUCiolI, we need 10 lad in tile Bibleabout limil. c~ielllXS IO'bidl Ihcpcopk QC God Md willl false ",opI"lS..s~dwin&biblicaltima.Howdid Ihc IJUC piopliW apond 10 Ihc$C


8YdrawlIIIon !he: ruouA;eSorOIl rfilthW'C can besl n:spond 10 \hose whodefend Ihc oppra.donoflhc poorin lhclIalIIC oIlhc 0riAiJn faith.

T.~.I."·CGsfJ ......",. 11Is s:UI/kl Ills N~',. It Is 0.' ,......,,'kM JlUt .. "..e141l1l do' ~ti.,10",10/ }mlS CltriJldldl 'qII'"dot .-,t £VUe'" 011 """ loiIlt .,dot J-lu ~fI •• "01oP1 0/lilt lols, Iftd,,'" wAo IuIIII ,..,c_ .a4IIIllI.

kWCGs CUIIIC In lUll)' sl\apeI ..-.dIbc:I. Some~ b1&h17 orpniIc4. .00Jd lIUt p:.a, newskael1llO people onIen&lhr mailina; liIu..T!ltIc Inch.dc:

• nu~IDtftltCt L.tqw.

1'rtddtM FtMly iIItdhop• ij.

• FrotIIIiMFt~.

• J~$loqp'fNl.utotu.

• S111lpt¥DN~

• 77Ie CIJlltolk DqotU l.NrW

--~..L., ,-

'1"0/0 10 _Int,... _ ;.~_: - .•

I. More militant-activist RWCGs

~ion'. P whictlls "la~ Chriltiar05 01111 denorrWl.lIDnlI ot ItIe lhrN.l10 IIletf IaJIh by thlllnfillralion 01 Marllst-buedideas uncle< lhe guise 01.- interpretatio.-. ollhe Gospel".

Unit. Ctvbt"n A.ellon la an urnI;nb orvani5alion 01 14RWCGlIllIOUI'Ide<!he..-shipol Ectwlltd Cain.1"-In dudeAPN;".al~ofIInI..-); ctrilIll_fofP."....""~Idon;FII_lI r cNftAtrlc8; Fronlllnef"'" "'hip;00eP'i Dwfw_ l~;GemIan South AfrkM f"1'*1ahlp"-:"'011; Good HClpI 0lrtdM Group; Albnled~~l ChwctM, Auod,"on; SoA. Cl1hollc o.lenu~ IInll Slg"P'* putlUcI1IonI.

UCA Is dearly an ecumenical body prog'nsr..ecumenism ~Ied by organi5aliDns such as !he SACC.WPCC, SACBC and ECC.Q o_..n"o;aI is 10 provicle "lbI<alionfrom a fraudulentgoapalwhlcl1. poisoning Soulh African mainlinachurcha••.• ga~"lI 1tI8 nao&S5<l/Y Chilli..n adion 10prawn! a Marmllak."..,. 01 Soull\ A/nea".

0ItMlf militant norHlllnominalional RWCGI include Women forSoIAh Alrk:8 (.....G8rille Mal.,): V• .,.,. lor VIe10ry andV~Ima.q TerrorIIm.

FlOntllne FellowIhlp (FF) which Is led by a Bat:>­list. P.Ief I'l;wnmoIld. is all orvanlsalion which grewout 01. prIl'f8f~ among SA~. ~

now operal" ... • Chri5lian misaion inlo ".t,Cot,llina .ur.1M. Son'III goaII 01 FF ino::Ule warningScud'! Arrg". 01 1he~ 01 HumMlism. Mar·Irism and raise religion, and restoring palriolism.r.- if, done 1I'Irough its magazine FrmflIM F.Io••••••,Ip.-.numllrllUS patTl)I'IlelS and seminaIa.

ThI AldI PafkM' IIIN 1'111* (APH) Is conlrCll-.l b'IAid-. ald ,"-ncl 01 E.a..H Rhoodit who _ dilaedilllll during tMIrlIormalion Scandal In 19n. HItr gID&$y and.~.... publica­tion. tJw A/dII,..,... Ha,,"'I'flH, h. an ell1ensiw local and0__ dllllliluOOn .....t.wofk. SM daimI 1ltJbI\anli;II c:n..d>aIIlPOfllrom EUloptI, u.. USA and ean.da. among otheIa.

TIlII APN 1alge11 inlIuInltal <::onMI'VlIIIw opiniotNn;ll...... mediaand lobby glOUpllllocally and OYers&all. The edilllrial~or the APN Is clear : We "".... a~11y to South Alrica, And\0'8 tIlMl a ,esponsibiIiIy to 1he West",

Gospel Defence Lug!» (GDl)" led b'IOorothy ~h, wile 01 • dissidentCoogregalionaisl mnos.\e(, ancl.~..,,_·1W'f. Con&liHValiYe West GetITWl eYangelistPaler a.remau. and hefwK wo,bd on alengthy denunOB1ion 01 1Iw KairoII Docu­ment In regular monthly newslen_: studydocutnentl prcMding con_~ biJlic;;aIoomment on IOplcs like capiIaIosm, _­

ciliation. place and dllmocraey: Ihnwgh the magaz;,. ·Vo.w~".' and OCCilSional public moHltingl. GOt.. propog.allll lISparticular Chrisl~ Ideology C_ analyailj.

SllIIlP* PubHeaJonI; end Re_h cent... Is led by OrEoward C•. S/(llljlHlla, 1he regular magalr. sp.c:ir... the

11. Right Wing Christian Groups with clear denominational tiesAngllcMll CoIlC1lned IorTNlh end SpkItuIIty{ACTS}...1orrnad..,.kAy 1985. acons.arvalr.. responalOlha pan:eMdpolitil;lsalion 0I1ha Chl¥di oIl1la PrOlWca 01 Sour! AIlica.

TrMltIon, Family and Proptrty (T'Fl') am Young SouthAlr1eanS tor a ChrislIIn eMU_lion (YSACC) bo.. '1pf'I unlalfOflll C:d,,* oppoaiIlon 10 !hep,o"fenlve SAC BC. TFPsoda.......1oundad inB<azilt.,Caltiolic Iaada' ProINaot PIin.Con-N da 0Iivaft _ 55 YNfS01"0 and today exllla In 22counlri... It cIaimI III primary""a1 iI 'tIia Oalence of IlvMbasic: v..... 01 CIQIian dVliJa.I'on, le, I,adirion, 'l/TIiIy afldp,ival, ploparly, allain" ltlaSociaIiII and canvntrill pIIOlellalion 01 coo",,1p(lfaty 1JOCiatf",VSACC, ... alfiu.tI body. _fly p..tlhhad a vlr1uatt lUll plI(II

arIila oppoainglha SAC8C (WMkrod Ngua 22 0cI '_1.R.....,... Bible Ch.II'Ch _ /oundad l"f Rev. Ray MoCauIay in'

1"18 &'Id '-~ ... wittI '!ha Arneric:MI Rlwma l"f ""-ricafI~MdiveKennalh Hagln. 11 ..._IpII<:lI'w;:aJy kw ita 'pn;l$Parify \INIdting.. McCalley makes regula!~ on SAN eitlar dariGIlnc:inQ aanclionI et 1Ibaral1onhaolog, &'Id ftla AmarIean &'Id SOuth Afrit:an IlaQ .,. IiolIIad0UIIIda" RiltdlurQ c.nve.

1lle~P'CA.wweKft {APl<I. a brHk_-zt 0I1haNGK, • an ~riglitwing rnovamem unda< "' ..~ 01 0&.~ lubba. AnclCtiar axafl1ll8 01 a RWCG originaling in Iha

~ c:n..dlaa • !he Centre Iof RlIonMd Md eon.""iAll_ ys.tdIM (Cen::oa). FounOad inAug~ 'll85, and un­dltf1lla Pi ".nI~ol Ca. Chria..forlj.." ita lim."loSlUCly&'Id ....1 ilia rreltrallon of IdaoIoglu InIo ... diun;l\ Iliahaology 01 IN Aalormad Pro tantC~".

Other dMlominmionaI RWCGa amafllinll in !ha MaltiodialChun;l\ MPl'da'ly in c:onMIValiYa '"PO'_ 10 Ilia~Document'. Many PenIaClllIaI and~ churc:li __mafIlI; IUCh .... E¥a IV" I Plo '1aCllI~ Full Goapal ChIfCh01 Gocl.-.d HadaId Chridan Clil¥di IIaYe aIIO .. ,..gad.

Ill. Aggressively evangelistic RWGCsChr*...... 'on Ir1WnIlloMl (CMI .uIoundId b¥ Richard W"",bllUd in 1967. 11deIilIb a ltYw "uniq... fNlIna° of mission ..UT*'ll1O "ll\POM Ihe It.-raJ, 1Io1lial,~moWImenr, doing &OCiaJ and teliet -'t, wodOfgenlllrlg « "vas! (~.ralll" oulrnch', lis~. V..,. Q/"''' f)'nI, la '-9-, anti­00IlYI'IIJIiIl. eoncetnedwil'l_ geliIm in c:om­II'lItlial COl.WlIries.

&.t·E. GrGUp of MlnIItrln •• founded bylvangeli&l Rd:tit Env-1tncn1 and dallTlS ICI~oM 9Yange~ inlet4lLn:h, and 1"ClI\-(je1'lOlTlina.

IonllI~·.Ila~ IaWlalWd In~(;MM_.1II_.11idecM Md in ~ 1TIaIQ1Ni'oe. ,...........

Olhet 1IY.....ti: RWCGI; in South An:. irlc:k.G: awl. far AINIIdoi. 0-__ P.IOI Rei'ltwd Boo...,.): Ca; r • c:n...atarctriIIl (As.. Md WhiW) and ue .. '11 WSOuIh AfrIu (lISbIadI eJCPl"Uionl; JlrMny SWe,gert ......". (local lIoader '"JohanIWsbl.wg1l M0 LodIj; M " Ito" CcIntrruUl:8 (0&. PW de WIt) a'ld nlMMfOla 0Ihef am.... _ .....nts wtldl Mlevarogellsti: campaigns CJr ltnI mission' in !he IowNhopo

~IV. More direct state-related RWCGsRefonMd IUdep.ndent QlurcMs Auoc\llllon (RlCA) __twnded by BiIhop 1$IliIl; Uok_ in 1970 and lhe Urlited Chtis·bin Conciliation Party (UCCPj••la~ in ();lobe< 1986 and.lwllded p;nlly by Mokoe... .-.d the oonlra-.ial /l'IlI)'Of 01 llvE.CapiI. Tl\amasanqa Lmda. 80th grOlJll5 ,..-I primariy 10validale~m ..Iorms arod pial*! an Impor1atrt ..,. in !hebuMll.fl to !he Oc:lab«MJ~1lIItdions.In 1987 Biehcp Mokoel\ll 1808i¥ed !he preSl0g0'0us [Mc;;Iwll\lon 0/u.~ s.vioe which eh_15 !he loYIt and suppon !he S.A.gowmmenc " ..... him. VII MokOllNlIlas.~OUndorSClll'idalnvolWlg M' and money. Seen as !he tIIllc:k counter ~ 10An;/'tIi$hop Tulu he~ widespread ccw«ageln his 'oisitllDIhll USA in 1986-87 At OM pul)Iic: meeting he was persooalttinlroduced by Rol'\llld Reagan.

~ Cl1rhIt !or PMce it. 1TIOYe""",1 fro<.ooded In 1985 and led~ Bishop Mz~~ Maaiya. 'WiI!llhe~ 01 God'. His aims _10 lMICl sutlemg olltw Soulh African bllldl~ un der • b1ad1VOWIT>ll'ltnt.1t ispon~ lhlItJCP was oneot 11 l'ighlwlnggroupsInitiaMd br lJIra-conservatiWI Amilrbn~ Balsingef wholwQ llisiled South AIriclI in 1985. 8alsinger'" up'" 'BibIicIIII

Some other RWCGs


F'" <>o.peI8u&.i_n'S Fellowship kllem;lliornrl

~ a.nlbmNltJe Bond (Pro! Cwel805hoIl)

IMNO'k ANIyal.

Opendion Ef;1her

~ South AIri;.a (Or Franc:is Gml)

ep.c.1kwlMv-._ snd UpgracIiI (John Gogolya, also .ader 01spoiiclll pAI1yFQrlll~' o.tTooa&licAlllsnallorrn.,;l10~ In Itw NSC)

n. Pi q t " ••_ of Souitl Ah1ca (Rev. A H JIlIrM


Scoleboard' and 'Rutor..mcn beflil'o'Ollln' WOItd on»r' in !heUSA, Bolh In des9fIiId 10 o»»nd and tighllor _-.n InIerestsin~ and inlemllliona".

The W.-.m CIpe councH ot QIur.~ (WCCC) is all IIaIITletIical bodywIlic;h_ .....ncn.d tul~ and __ID be .clHr.~ol. ~1ntind and supponed nlligious~...Wh~1hotsw.'...nlmains_C:OWI1.~ opiNll1M 1htough I*'Il'- IQ JohnsooNgxobongw.ns, lh. msyo. ot Old~.AIron1 ~ Cape Timelpo:­lire wIlictl eIQlu'ld tile laUncfl 01 tile

WCCC,~ cnun:ll poI(IpIe M.1Id nUl to communI1'\' COU~dIk;n andg~ntol'f'dlls. The WCCC diI"T11 .....mtII<aIl<p110m Independsnt churches. MItMCl"t•. P"lbyl."snl,Lu1l>er8tl. and lI1e N,G,K.. ;althot.Ogh molt members o::on-. mUllyfrom indepeodent ctlutdles in Old«ls and Sill C.Khayelilslla.

"'0.... ...,0,."..01 ." .IL (PlIlor P G I(;wlt.~J

In Na-nibiilh miitsry~ ...d ..... idIId .. kIrmsbon d.uwue"ligious gfOl4l' lb EtsllIlO:~ El- and ....__whictl.,.~COi.WltH-ra'o'lIkIllonI P'~' i", routh JorOOftosalJlion rod _ ~ gwJ,pQ,

SimIllIr llfOl4l' In 1hIo~_ irlclul» 11wt ,. '-tits(Lebowa): ••• als ........... (~u1u1 and V....Youth (~""""P',YsndI).

"The Enemies Within": RWCGsIl.lPtWlllOO....~(RWCGl)• ...." to pann, '''deal ,rlntl,rMiraI IrwIlI ' .,.a.1 ~EM.1n fr_WlIlIl.- ;. Itelu, t ••lrolled "1 •,9. .' _, to tIkf _ SooIdo

El' foc '*-"4 ... ":_::~''::pi. • t .. I powaflll '"' j'. lID

• i'ir • bnJId.... 0rwiItiM IIIppOl"l

Ior Rwco.. No!. aD drill: RWC'Os$, i; 1ft w..;rllld .-.ide. _

........ $ L"'_oIc-rlftlllP.

... IIIcy '" Iyp;e:aI d RWCOt.. l1leir, ;1 !i1o'," __ ,,-oa.~(I"dIf •

'",<.._ ..'..,....."",_.

ne ",... "h.WC .....+C1 vi .uawco. ill doeir -li ,';'I..... ID

'e-"'" , •....,01 __ .......... _ fa' iI toI. Eoatlflilc

• to *' JOOU&Cll' na Ill&fid1 ditJ_ en:- ....,.~W<Xlo,;,;. dc:G. • •...dciiD'f. .'• , i:I Wpllrd. '

n-1I ................ n.i '.ll'i· _ be cN' ! 01"

aIIa4. "'P"""" .. Ihe dlImI...wee. _ .. dle P , ? ill s-IlAfricII _ .. ..... bill _

.' .1 f.IIl.WaIl 03IlIftia. 5 A itpIKed widl Ihe Wall (eqo t wilIl'do' . 1 Woe .. !he -,. £lit(, 'wi6 '0 pie, bloc. 1lleGoP4 /hIfM CIwdt GrHp c:IIlI 0. IIICIri4_ "11)~ tile pAMI wticll drill:OCIaBuaia bloc: ...... for SoIIlb A!I'a",

awen. U '. '.q' inlD ......._ 'I'i& '.. •..' -:I otItr •'dI!IliM' war 10 deal wi* it. RWCOSP : • IIIbIe pXq •• reaaII: of7' • C .-...... r- wlIic:lI 11II1a.- .my it IIIJIIlIIIto bolh OWl _

........ '.s... A6teI.

'".'_''' ..«:.,,8''''_'

• ~ "4_ ,.,.~• 1t8IJ ......,. eamct WfI)' b

SCIUdI Afrb ill 'pri'taIe tJ01 " hr. --. .. " ' TbereiI .., odlct bail for" IW ;. puwIh aadpoIilb1 (11..:4....•. No _ .. illJi¥Cll ol.. poaicuo(~.. _ wbiI;tI

lk:ay political fnltllbM IIIll 6eho1....Cn le IP'O""fl. Nolhilc is .., *'ut.,'t'" dic1Mln ar" 'P ., CIpilal..lien: lbc: ridl JCI ridlc:r -.1 !be poor Fa.....'

RWOA: .. S A _ bIi..t ., die

.ep - 01 ae SaudI AfricaiJOfd : I wllic:ll 6: t h ... -=l• die 6tedlxA of M sp:edt.-.l.

~!--~.- _.- :-~·;..c-71\._ ..~ ...

!le JftII, -.1 detainlI ..... h 01illdiriduIlIMId ,elbieu -7 1 c,wic:orpni....

III ardm ., Pft*:d. apilaIla' P IlwI'eis ..... ''Mr'-oft -.1....... t., eghjP. ct.cla Md

~ l"tiaio'.. '""'" ., IUppC:n ae __quD. lla FiliI Gtupd "sw' i!Hr'

FtlktwUilp J.. N' OIl wIlkll -'Od"Iffl ill Lw "'....- MId _ opu ..9'2 its ill .- eo ;. of IIIiIco-openliml ill $oDlh Africa.

'" ',....__,," St-. MW 7 M • !

RWOOs. )jp' ...." "4IPO" aeSADf" _ SAP. V__ftw Vb:I>7 reeli1is·... duIy.,~..,.*"'·, •

_, - ., - -"'1.&=: :::.~='.., - -,........ --- ----·..:::-'?I

"The Enemies Within": RWCGswe believe ilia)' be aimed • lllldmninilll~ etrecd.t> , and monIl: of IbeSADF". They 1I'C..en 10 be.~teniee ID p"*u _Illalrity IIllIlklcod'weIIaII aad chriailn gyilj....... SorIlCJIOUP$ everl C*ll b 4irect~ ofy~ poops (q. wildodtc) who II'C

allieI la Ibe bMlIc IpiIlst Ihe •eonvades' .

~ SlIIC of EnKrJClll"Y and lhcrepreaive clampdo'llill. the deploymcnt orb"OOIlI in Ihe t)wJUI\ip' aid SADFc.....IMder~)'rUbare..xeplr.das aucial in the 'drillian' w. lpinS!·...aodlrillila' foroea.

'S",~ ((In;»' is justified .11 'Law andOlder' IIld ~utionuy violc:ncceondemnecl on consenrMive monJgrounds.. "The llJe ol roroe wilhin thefmrewort of God'. Law, by \he civilpcmmml is of I lOUolly diffc:rcnl moralquali!)' iIIan Ihe violence used byn:~ 10 0'iQ1br0w Ihe,ovemmelll". The biuer irony howc¥Cl' islhc mWlant RWCO,'s~l forami·JO'IUMlClI1 raislance IllO"CmCI1IS

like MNR (Mocambique) and Uni'"(""101&)·

Am-<:ollXription CIPlpaigns by Ihe ECC&nd CvaI !he MelhodiJt PeKe Documentare dcncunte:d .. unpt.Iri<ltk as lhcydernoraliJe the leClIrity forces.. The1fJIImlCIl1li propogIICId in RWC(;lilUlllLR 10 IlJWOI'l the mililaryIIlIl:llinery of Ibe SA... II'C

SyllOllOlll(lld: with propIlpndlo pamp/llelsdiAJiIuAI by lbeSADf'.

Bishop M·jlihzj Muiya, IeIcb of JesusC'!IlW. for hIu ref1ects. typical RWCO1tl0l"llliA tai1llde : "1'be S A penUllelllis I*.....~ III _ into~ willlInyonc: in ...,. orpli,.;c., inll:l'eSlCd inIIle elflreMdr_ oI1he country'. AreMzi1jtvl and Dthm __ ollhe many

PI." orp\is:IlioIlt wllidI have boenbrwIIy or wIloIe Iadcn II'C

alia III pn.. or e:UIe, Md willl wbomIhe S A IOfU_1 rd\ct;1I 110 plliacwjlppp ID cbIopt widI IIlIlcII~~Ibe 'NIIiDMlia'*-n'.

fmdl ill _ vclIcrncnI ClIpeal..." inemotionally cllwred Ultl-SlllClillftsCIPlplips. ~ M L B~.Pn:sidaIt of Ihe right winl E'fGII~/etIl

FWJ Gtnpll ClIMtd 0/ God III Soli/I!AIm. recenlly formed I uniled,An!i-ano;OCns forum' IS I IlJaICgil;

offensive Ipinlt 5II'ICOOns. He IppeIte(I~.lI1Irty Gl SATV promoUn. IhepOOtiDn of IIlc forum which includelmembel'" chllfdw:a 1ike the Filii Gospel

C~I;, ftlte_ ClII'IsdM C1IMrcl!. !heZkNIiJI CIIrUrItul CI;/Utl!. Lhe RqOr7/W:4'lIMfMtldtN C/uvcl; Auodado... 1bcFtI/owslllp of I'cliUt>'1UII Cllwtltu ilNIB_.IL THEOLOGICAL

C'bIr1ctaisin. most RWCG. is III-.niaIly consc:o'Ilivc c....,.wc.JthooIoJy which is clelriy llIed ID fcrwU'd~ pol..ilical MId~ ends.

The bMiI of dIU lbloolDQ is I N,"iscic:wcdd¥icw:the 'MlIld is ltIIrpIy divided inlo two-- •

Jood IpiMl (VI) evil; tpiriluIl 't5

lllIll:riII: Ihe KilllOOm at God 't5 LIletinJdOm of _: in(li¥ilfllll VI socii!:divine VI bwnan (~ml ~I lICCular):ChrisUIn vllIlli-Ouistian. This maka itlimple for RWCGIID define lhe 'tllCI1ly'Indull for 1lItlIl.COlIJIl(:r·Ittion,

IllHowl RWCGIID insist lhM !he cllun:hminiJ,Uy remlins .politicaL Yet RWCGI~ fm: IIld ri.1It ID etIJ1ic in bLalllll

,..". ......0,.' 1 _&I_.I Jr....•..c.d.'............ IMIr_ ..P .........wce .

..... S llAtl1lu.. ..', PM~.._......

,n.00' .. \.IIIlpI1f1llut..... Ab1a.,. .,aa _" In.n4.n.ldI ,. 1 ,,.r"~• 2 SIl... a.ol ""............,,.....,,.,,. llluodtrnt_......................1 .,..s-dooVriouao·" ~

M1lo4l " "lAce.

poIilielJ. ICtivil.y IIIldfo' the JUise of'Jpirillllll ~' IlipilLSl Ihe 'evils' at'commlllllsm' II4d ia tUa in 'polilicalchlltl:heI', The conawliclion in theirposilion is lkIilntcly O\'uloul.od.

RWCGI shOIltlhM lhe IDle ptIllll:l& of theCh=h is 10 pnxlaim !he messqc attemlICilillion ID God. The KaiJoI ...clEv...clic11 Witnea ill South MricI(EWlSA) documencs have offcm1 Ihelpful aitiqlle of haw tbit kind at/CClCftililtioa it IIIlOlriItiIII. II isCllc:uIIIed ID pIKIIe bIsd. radielli.. 1IId~ !he lICleil).politicll -ale atthe opjA 1 tor IeJitimw polilicllri&ba. The poor are IbIdc 10 lid" llIMtheU'...-iIl dqJri¥llioa ... implnIat10 God, only lheir iIntnonaI w wItic:k

"The:Enemies Within": .RWCGs... Ihe~ 11) Iel;:Iei...e elet.J......... For pooplc who -.: .rrcria&6uII ..... _ ... ' ,dIiIpie-iII-1lIe-tty IIleoklo~. op...nidi dulII -. pIirI'~ Ilrc:ir c.aydayu"? " wbiclI RWCGlI aploit ID lbeir


RWco. ipIn. God'. Mmin& 10 Ilia......"Wcz Illlhoc who make~ !roWS,10**' who~ oppeui\'C dec-.who deprive Ihe poor ollbeir ri&fIta... rob Ill' opp 1 peopk ol juaice(lIaiIiII10:1-2)11; ... dlit !be t.iIId of '-iIw I ~-,1lI1oo1e!be c!IIinI cl injlulil:e.. .ue tile con1lI 01 tbc )'Ote,IllI1it dle opp 1 fftle_ 10 bouot every )'Okc r (Iaia/I 58:6)

Any .x:iIll -')'Sit of tile -X-K; pli&hcof 1bc poor illll,iec:lIId. ~·il.c:d.. dencliJII fraIIl tbeM....._ ta* of'trimllIIlOUII' fCll' Ood.

RWOO. do .. 8lIdR:u 0lriA'1iadic:_ oflbe pha" aa:"H)'IIOCritt:f._)'OII1Iave: "Cs""""'" Ihe.­impOI'lIat -.en cl Ihe law .juIlic:e,-.:)' IIId faitbfll1nca." (MI&lhew 23:23).

The bible iI ..... lied 10 • IIIe M:ml1lIealIlhority.1be 'ndeoC IIow' iD tYerY Iphtrelllld RWCGs _ il cl.lcnsivety WlliI "".RWan gy bel '.IKI'" God..,.. YeIRWalI IllOII one.. IIIe tbe bibletelcEtiYdJ Md .... iliL:atUy 10~!beript winI poIilicl oIthe __

I1 ill I 'chriJliM duly' 10 obey Ihe S A~ 1IClXIrdin. 10 Iheir~ ol~ 13, but theylplft Ihe WO'llI lbIt !be~ .-ee.bIiIhod .. "God', _ 10 do )'DU

plOd"~ 13: ..) -.:I if Ibr.y do far !tie aood of !be people Iller beGod'. _1ICtim. Ct:atnl bibllcal thematwJl • God •• God 01 juIl.iee ClI' kM'l:IpIim for Ihe poor Md opp ~ .., _• _~ RWOOl tail ID _ !lowIbeir ... $ .m... pn=ja4ic:a dislOlt Ibe

S of Iibu..... ftou&hoIa Ihe-.

H..-., .. I i' L.... 1\oeukiii .­ne ' i'

$_ 8UCkI IIId milinfCA"'lliw 011Ubi:<..... T'Ileoloc ..,_~

........ by RWCGt wh:l pity I~ItlIe in IhiI deIImuion. Ubauiol:ill11leoIoc' ill CIricaII,nd ..'~.anti~ Md pro..;o..."o...•. The............. 'evil' of Uta....'Jlto>o*:w iI ill _ on IOciIl IheIllled (<< Ilnll:Ilnl chIn&e and Ilw; IIJ!: It~ of~ ...-lysis and totiaIism10 tIri"l' (Of juaicc.

Atrf lklcuml:d., --. punplllel orbook whiI;~ supporu~ 1lIcoloc)howe_ tIi&bd,. ~ turi&hl"'~. This ."1BIIIllY on 1fle bul. oremolionaIlIld ideoloIicIl .,....._ ncx• JOber anaIp;iJ of ~ lbwk4).Cc , Mly Ille KairoI cIocument,...-. DeclInDoft, I..-Ica J1lIIemeIll.,

Med"""i. P!:Ke don_ IDd _ylIIhln we JceI • "'; lM of Ille.lli.o.uL

ne nepliYe. d lICli~; I'" orRWCOJ iac:.. ~il:iouJ, J1lnderouJMacb 0. pCCJ(:ai'lll d11l1l:11 bden orbodiea. Ouad! Itadm like ArclltUhopTIllaI., Or Al1ln 8oeaII<, Re-t FraIko,ig. 1111 Olhen become Ille ¥iclimJ ofvinaIeM riPt ..... \'iliflCaliorl in orOtt toiJoIIlC lbeIIl fTllftl dltir dIIln;heI. They wenWiped • 'r. p~_ IDd pIlilicalwolYel',

Equally JlnlIla is the allempl I(l diatmdileel in' dIIKlI boda wIlich we~ ICl lbe Jll'IIC&~ ror j,IJlil;e MdGod'. Kin&<"-' in SouIh Africa. lbeIeinehide the South AfrieaD COIlICil orCburda (SACC). Soutb AfrieaDCllbolir BishopI' Confereaee (SACBC),llIIti_ for e-..... 1"lltdocJ (lCT)Md ocherJ. TheJe __ieal bodielI aetnll1ed u iJle&ifimMe..... • theyeombIne poIilleJ (Ille _,kind) Md dle0wiIdal faidl..

C-.J I

It is IlOI diIflcWt I(l tile how etI"'1ocilIIyMId _1iiOiOUJIY RWC'GI: fil inlo the_ -IYIII 'win the beau -.I mi:Io:b


of the ~I. TIlo:ir idldoo IDdlIltoIoIY marije RI the l-.yl is Ibe_.-YOU can now choose


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..__ "" _ "/rioo (Il'l'S.4,l _ ......., .,., .,.._c ...-..l• ..-. tloo.~' , « '. ,: ;Il ,.".. ........ '.p"" ,."

The chalIc:n&e III IN... 've ctwistianJMd t:I"pIlistllor is tU', F...:Jy,RWCGJ mllA be llIorouPIy JlIIdied IlI1trilicalIy ~, bolII in ...U_aId how dley opeIW in lOticly.

11IiJ is ........i1ll1y vilaI at \he '" i:cAJlevel wllere illfonnIIion 0. Rwco. JyP'mNqlly ,d Cl1 fIld~ ill orOtt I(l eJlp* theirbNmflll plIN: III divide (Unlllllllitiel.

Sermdly, amtianlI 1II111l avely WOItla lheit OM! ehlM:beJ RI~Cor the CbriJIiaI... e or)glioe IIldIo¥e.. Thirdly, I tIIeaIo;" .. IU.' 10kWCOJ IboIIId be deveIcped dwou&blC*1i1ll \he bible.

Crisis ......~ many ~I'I of~ n _ of crtIlcIIm;we do IlllI~_ po.tlllah them. But, In this~, we plQeIIl~_Will of00II1UCh crilicaIlIo., -.'Id our 'lIlIplIllM 10 •• VhiIMlItwyc:apItn the .SI le» of eOiillieting ..... .tlooJl Clvisliwl poii1ica1fUPOI\IIliIiIy.

IDtB_';"~I question the conuibution being made by Crisis News

to the socio-polilical-economic trqcdy of eontem­ponry South ArriCI. A righteOus 5Olulion to thill unhap­py SUlIe profoundly concerns boIh God and III people,

Our coulllry's rondilion is a SOUItt of mm: Ip­prehension forsomc people. but of swt and violentdeprivallon and horror for other. The majorily ofourbrothers live In a suspended stale of arllliely, humilia­1ion,IM hopelessness, For Otrlsdans, ...1w b the im·plication of this harrowing siwltioo?

Surely it is to see the VllSl ripe field ...alling forGod's I\ar.ICSters to gel OUt and evangeli:r.e - nil oul,...hile there is stilltime1

W~t born-again Ouistian ... ith even I srnllleringof history and commonsensc believes that the Kingdomof God is utended by an Illvocacy oflhtlse t'NO uadi·tional secular ~portSt$ 10oppression· eonfronwionand insurrection1 Crisis Ne...s No 21 endorses thisworldly ~ponse, l1'li1 therefore I'm intlined to

[Q),u",.lbartkyou for your l'eICIions to Crisis Ne...s 21. Wethink they refJeCl I fl1sc vie... of evangelism,

You SIIggcllthat evangelism roncems the spiritual(not "worldly") dimcn.~ion of individual believers (their~ns"). When you lIy that "relief from suffering" canonly come "afterpeople have found God's savingmetey". you imply that evangelism has no political orsociI! meaning.

But CllriSlianity Ooe$ not grow from these assump­tiOllli, Fillll, the idea of I sepame spiritull ...orld, supe­rior to the everyday W(lrld, comes from Greek thoughtnot Hem.... h~ into OvistilJl 1beology afterJesus. To him, the tvenl$of ltistory sho...ed God'spower.

Second, yourindividualillic idel ofevanaelismdoes not come from .Jesus. In his sociely people lived incloee eommunitiel; the individual "'1$ pin of theJTOUp. But in todIy's individualised world the Gospelhas ba:n Itlduoed 10 it fits the privacy of people's hearts1$ thou&b it camot c:hIJlenge our eoonomie or politicaln:Iltionshipl. lltinlly, theassumption that OtriSIianevmaeJ.i$lll does 001 alnfront sociely and poUIicscrumbk. bcause human beings In: I'lOl just individul1

conclude that the constituent ehurehes of the WPCC dothe same. I ~ve complele understanding of fl'USlratedleaders moved to fury and revenge through 5CCing andenduring the ICIIons of the Opprt.'iSOIll. llle.o;e are thenonnal emotions of the world. We all hive them. Theyare the manifestation of nesh rampant, and of sin.

BUll am aOtrislian. and my priority wt, thefocw ofall God's church, i~ 10 lake God's saving ...·ordto our fcllow men and women and children beforesomebody's bullets of tonures or necklaces n:move lheopponunilies forever.

Only after people have found God's saving meteyand love can effective moves be made 10 secure univer­sal social refonn and lasling relief fmm suffering. IfCrisis Ne...s No 21 renected the views ofCllurchleaders, then may God ~ve mercy 00 their unbelieving5OII1s.

Yours in Otrist

spirilual beings. A pelSOn camot tlliSl ...ilhout humanrelationships and instilullons. When the gospel of .Jesusspew to people it speaks to their relalionstrips l1'li1 in­stitutions. lllosc who say that Otristianity has no socilland politkal ... itness are being political themselves.They Ire choosing 10 acce:p: injulliec.

Throughout the world Chrilltians Who live arnCJn&poor and opprcS5t1l people and ...ho reOeet 00 thegospel find ill message speaking directly 10 social andpolitical Issues.

Simillrty we lI'y, in Crisis News, to rcneet thereality of our suffering world and 10 rencel on theGospel's melning within this world. Many others dothis in South Africa; one elllmple is I small book, Evan·gelkll Witness In South Afria:;, critique ofEvangcli·eal1beology and Practice by Evangelicals ttv:msclvel(from 80~ 200. OotlsonviUe. 1865). T...o other bookson similarlhc:mes are Slmon Maimell's ProclaimFreedom to my~ and HllTImering S ...ords intoPoughstwcs ed.iled by 11hIpIe Ind MoWa.

Wc hope thit expllina 011' point ofdepamire andtrust }'OIl will fXlfIlinue to find Crisis Ne..... llImwllinato reil!.


Few dghtfftl-year-old '..mile' males In South Africaan l*d moulh 10., they will" refuse 10 5trYe intheSADF,and tab thtcOiacqumca". Not so In theCUt fA Chutes Bestft', • mmmittld Christian IIt'holeft IdtooI year and spent • ytar WOf"king inAtrian to IIlIhlp. u. Christian volun~.

Charles' trial takes place in Johannesburg early inDecember, and if corwicled, he will be locked up unlilafter his tVo"tnry-founh birthday. OJarles will be the thirdobjcctoron mal this year. Earlierlhisyelr Or IvanTorns....asjailed for 18 months and David Bruce wujailed forsill: )'Un.

"It is. very diffiCult time for my family. It's difflCult 10think that for six yean I may BOt be able to hug myrathcr,~ O1ar1cs said in Cape Town n:cently, bUI hebelieves that OIriSl will go 10 prison with him - I.' hisSlRnglh and muee.

Another solace is "when I stand Ilia! I will know that 1am representing many unwilling conscripu" and Otherswho have gone inlOcxile.As I religious pacifist Charlescould apply for community service, but he turned thisdown in solidarily with mor1Il and political conscien­tious objectorS - because the Board for Religious Objec­tion would not allow his criticism of the role of theSADF.

Chules bases his objection 01\ his belief in Christ and

lakes seriously the command to love God and 10 loveour neighbours as ouT5elves. The words of St John "foranyone who does not love his brothel whom he has seen.cannot love God whom he has nOl seen,~ sums it up forhim.

Charles sees the military as upholding the divisive aimsof !he National Pany government. ~Evil is manifestingil$elfin a politit;alsystem and the government oft1'ledayis using the anny and people of my age 10 uphold anddefend that system.~~I see it as incredible anogance thateighleen-year-old boys, most of whom have never~­viously been to ltownship, let alone been involved iniq life, ~ orde~ 10 enleT, amv:.d, on the back of

military vehicles 10 impose 'law and order' on a c0m­

munity they neither know, nor identify with~.

The minister of defence, Genem Magnus Milan Aidrecently thal "no citizen has the righl to decided whichlaws to respect," bul Chules is unconccmc:d.~Iam fuUyaware mal ram breaking the law of the land, and I haveno guill in doing so. Afler studying ChriSl'S command­ments and seeking God's calling in prayer, I pefSOllallycannot be obedic:nlto this law and 10 God'scalling".

AIchbishop Desmond Tutu, who is proud that Otulesis from an Anglican home and an Anglican school, said"one of the small signs of mal hope thal has emerged inthe dark et11 we are entering, is the number of youngwhile men who are refusing 10 se.....e in !he SADF.~

He said dull Chules' refusal 10 serve was not justsignificant becau$tofhis age, but also because he facedthe maximum sentence of sill years, adding lhat tm·viously mosl objectors have only felt called 10 refuse5e1Vicc after" exposure 10 wider issues at university orelsewhere.

on-No.24 ....25.

¥' .M .....,IlMIIulp­.........laYedIheir

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