CHRIST THE KING CHURCH · Cantos Navideños Antes de la Santa Misa—4:30pm 5:00pm Santa...

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Transcript of CHRIST THE KING CHURCH · Cantos Navideños Antes de la Santa Misa—4:30pm 5:00pm Santa...

CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 1407 Broadway Blvd. Kilgore, TX 75662


December 8, 2019/Diciembre 8, 2019

The Most Reverend Joseph E. Strickland—Bishop of Tyler Fr. John Henao, STL—Parish Administrator

Welcome to Christ the King Catholic Church

If you are new or visiting our parish, please stop by and introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in our celebration of the

Eucharist. We invite you to become a part of our Spiritual home. Registration forms are located in the parish office or below the bulletin

board in the foyer. Welcome and God bless!

Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Católica Cristo Rey

Si es nuevo o está visitando nuestra parroquia, por favor pase y preséntese. Nos complace que compartan nuestra celebración de la Eucaristía. Te invitamos a ser parte de nuestro hogar espiritual. Los

formularios de inscripción se encuentran en la oficina parroquial o en el puesto de publicaciones en el vestíbulo. ¡Bienvenido y que

Dios te bendiga!


Sat/Sáb: 5:00pm (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) Sun/Dom: 9:00am (English) 12:00pm (Spanish) 5:00pm (Spanish) Note: Holy Rosary recited 30 mins. before each weekend Holy Mass. Nota: El Santo Rosario se reza 30 minutos antes de cada misa de fin de semana.

Tues/Mar: 8:00am (Spanish) 7:00pm(Spanish) Wed/Mié: 12:05pm (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) Thur/Jue: 8:00am (Spanish) 7:00pm (Spanish) Fri/Vie: 8:00am (Spanish) 12:05pm (English)


Sat/Sáb: 4:00pm—4:45pm Wed/Mié: 11:00am—11:55am 7:30pm—8:00pm Thur/Jue: 7:30pm—8:00pm


Wed/Miér: 11:00am—11:50am Thur/Jue: 6:00pm—6:45pm 1st Fri/1 Vie: 7:30pm continuous until Sat. at 8:00am; ends with Benediction


Parish Administrator Fr. John Henao, STL (903) 483-2500

Deacon Isidro Sánchez (903) 812-4399

Deacon Alejandro Cisneros (903) 315-6520

Receptionist Petra Mojica (903) 483-2500

Secretary Mary Beth Gaddy (903) 483-2502

Bookkeeper Lupe Natera (903) 483-2500

Director of Faith Formation Lead Catechist

Samantha Allen Zaida Meraz

(903) 483-2500 (903) 812-7552

Music Director Marcus Arreguin (903) 806-1006

Gift Shop Manager Guillermina López (214) 364-1652

Catholic School St. Mary (903) 753-1657

Catholic Charities Diocese of Tyler (903) 258-9492

Institute St. Philip (903) 630-5055

Promoter of Justice Rev. John Gómez, JCL 1-877-415-6423

EMERGENCY (903) 617-8419

Phone (903) 483-2500 Fax (903) 483-2501

Office Hours/Oficina Horarios Monday closed/Lunes cerrada

Tues—Thurs/Mar-Jue: 9:00am— 5:00pm Fri/Vie: 9:00am— 1:00pm

Email: Website:

Christ the King Office 1508 Broadway Blvd.

Kilgore, TX 75662

Christmas Eve Tuesday, December 24

Carols before mass—4:30pm 5:00pm Holy Mass—English

Children’s Nativity after mass 7:00pm Santa Misa—Español

Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 25 9:00am Holy Mass—English 12:00 Santa Misa—Español

No Santa Misa 5:00pm


The earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord, as water covers the sea. — Isaiah 11:9

Angel Tree Project

Angel gifts are due in the Parish Office by Thursday, December 12!!!

Attention Amazon


Christ the King will receive a donation

of .5% of your purchase from Amazon IF you always shop at: and pick Christ the King Catholic Church Kilgore, TX as your charitable organization. “How to sign up” flyers are in the back of

the church!

Please join us to pray the Rosary at Harris Street Park

Pavilion on Saturday, December 14 at 12:00. Let’s put Christ back in


The Christ the King Adult Choir is looking for choir members to sing or play with us for Christmas. Our choir provides music at the Masses in English on the weekend and on other occasions. If you are interested,

please contact Marcus at or 903-806-1006


The St. Philip Institute is hosting several events for the diocese:

*Special Needs Family Retreat December 13-15 at the Pines

To register for these and any other events,

please visit

Christ the King is a giving community. The Poor Box is locat-ed in the Narthex beside the bulletin board for monetary donations or drop your food donation off in the basket below the box. Thank you for giving to this very worthy cause.

Immaculate Conception of

the Blessed Virgin Mary

Monday, December 9

Holy Mass 12:05 Bilingual

Better than CD’s…

Low Money Market rates getting you down? Your CD’s are maturing but you

are finding the interest rates too low? Consider the benefits of a Catholic Gift Annuity: ***Secure, fixed lifetime payments ***Annual payout rate of 5.1 – 9.5% (depending on your age) ***Charitable tax deduction Your gift will enable you to leave a lasting financial legacy of support for

the Church. For a personalized proposal, contact

Mark Henry, Office of Stewardship, at

tel. 903-534-1077.

Leave a Lasting Legacy with a

Catholic Gift Annuity

The Knights of Columbus are a group founded on the principal of charity by men of faith. Our main goals are to support our church and those in need. Our regular meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the parish offices. We invite you to join us. We need your help in becoming a thriving counsel, active in supporting the many great goals of the Knights of Columbus. Anyone with questions about the Knights, please contact Revard Pfeffer 903-985-3150 or Mel Novak 304-820-8351.

Nov. 21

Andrew's Gourmet Brittle is Back!!!

CTK Crusaders will be selling 1.5 lb .buckets of peanut, pecan and cashew brittle before and after mass starting the weekend of

December 7-8, 2019. Proceeds will go to the Building Fund. Prices:

Peanut: $16 Pecan: $18 Cashew: $18 Sugar-free Peanut:$18

El Instituto St. Philip está organizan-do varios eventos para la diócesis:

• Retiro familiar de necesidades especiales del 13 al 15 de dic-iembre en The Pines

Para registrarse para estos y otros eventos, visite

Andrew's Gourmet Brittle is Back!!! CTK Grupo Crusaders venderá bandejas de 1.5 libras de maní, nuez y anacardo el 7 y 8 de diciem-bre de 2019 antes y después de misa. Los fondos irán ala deuda de la Construcción. Precios: Ca-cahuate: $16 nuez: $18 almendra marañón: $18 cacahuate sin azúcar:$18

La Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María

Lunes, Diciembre 9 Santa Misa 12:05pm


Séptimo domingo del tiempo ordinario 24 de febrero de 2019

Proyecto Árbol de Ángel

El jueves 12 de diciembre es la fecha final para entregar a la oficina parro-

quial los regalos del árbol de ángeles!

¡Atención compradores de


Christ the King recibirá una

donación del .5% de su compra en

Amazon al hacer su compra siempre

en: y elija Christ the King Catholic Church Kilgore, TX como su organización

benéfica. Los volantes con la información de como “inscribirse” se encuentra en la parte de atrás de la


¡Atención ! La semana del 13 de diciembre, el aseo de la Iglesia le corresponde al grupo de Norma Guerrero.


Así como las aguas colman el mar, así está lleno el país de la ciencia del Señor.— Isaías 11:9

Our Lady of Guadalupe 11 de Deciembre

7:00pm Santa Misa La iglesia permanece


12 de Deciembre 5:00am Mañanitas/

Danzas 6:00am Santa Misa/

Chocolate y pan dulce depués de la Santa Misa NO Santa Misa 8:00am

7:00pm Santa Misa/Danzas

3-5 de enero de 2020

Fin de semana de discernimiento

vocacional sacerdotal para hombres

Víspera de Navidad Martes, Diciembre 24

Cantos Navideños Antes de la Santa Misa—4:30pm

5:00pm Santa Misa—Eng. Pastorela Infantil Después

de la Santa Misa 7:00pm Santa Misa—Esp.

de Navidad

Miércoles, Diciembre 25 9:00am Santa Misa—Eng.

12:00 Santa Misa—Esp. No Santa Misa 5:00pm


June & Art Penny Lacie Richardson Linda McCarty Meredith McAlister Aleta Castillo Mike Connor Alessandra Vasquez Antonio Muniz Alvarado Evelin Cedillo Mario Alberto Don Juan Jonathan Kossa Marcos Rojas Ernestine Wilson Jesus San Juan Janet Ledet Jose Carlos Gomez Jim Burger Catherine Emmel Leola Lee Samuel Parker Christopher McCoy Teresa Benefield Allison Del Angel Joe Hardt Billy Powell Arturo Quintero Lynn Moorman David Sanchez Jaxon McFarland Rex McCubbin John Montelongo If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, please call 903-483-2500 so the whole community may pray for your intention. Se necesita oraciones para usted o para un ser querido llame al 903-483-2500 para que toda la comuni-dad ore por su intencion.


Saturday/Sábado, December 7 5:00pm: Priests and Deacons Ordained in December 7:00pm † Maria Elena Salazar(C) † J. Guadalupe Mojica(C) Sunday/Domingo, December 8 Second Sunday of Advent

9:00am: Pro Populo 12:00: Deacons Ordained in December 5:00pm: † Jose Baca and Carmen Duran(C) Tuesday/Martes, December 10 8:00am: † Allen Franco(C) 7:00pm: † Allen Franco(C)

Wednesday/Miércoles, December 11 12:05pm: † Allen Franco(C) 7:00pm: † Allen Franco(C) Thursday/Jueves, December 12 6:00am: Pro Populo 7:00pm Pro Populo

Friday/Viernes, December 13 8:00am: † Allen Franco(C) 12:05pm: † Allen Franco(C) Saturday/Sábado, December 14 5:00pm: † Preston and Clara Bloomfield(C) 7:00pm † Jesus Ramon Reyes(C)


Dec 8 Second Sunday of Advent/Segundo Domingo de Adviento Dec 9 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary/ La Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María Holy Mass/Santa Misa 12:05pm Bilingual Dec 10 Knights of Columbus meeting, Parish Office, 7:00pm Dec 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe/Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Angel Tree gifts due in the Parish Office Dec 15 Third Sunday of Advent/Tercer Domingo de Adviento Dec 22 Fourth Sunday of Advent/Cuarto Domingo de Adviento Dec 25 The Nativity of the Lord/ Natividad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Dec 24-26 Office Closed/Officina Cerrada Dec 29 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José


The earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord, as water covers the sea. — Isaiah 11:9

Diocese of Tyler

Promoter of Justice/ Promotor de Justicia Protecting your Child from Abuse/ Protejiendo a tu Hijo del Abuso

If you or someone you know has been abused by someone who works for the Church, please report any suspected crimes to the police and please contact our Promoter of Justice • 1-877-415-6423 • Additional

information is available in the vestibule of the church or in the parish office. Si tú o alguien que conoces ha sido abusado por alguien que trabaja para la Iglesia, por favor reporta toda sospecha de crimen a la policía. Y por favor llama a nuestro Promotor de Justicia • 1-877-415-6423 • Información

adicional está disponible en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en la oficina parroquial.

Weekly Offering/Ofrenda Semanal Collected/Colectado…….11/30-12/1…............................$5,669.00 On Line Donations/Donaciones en la web……………..…….…$420.00 Children/Niños ..................................................................$149.00 Total Offering/Ofrenda ...............................................$6,238.00 Building Fund…………………………………..………………….…..….$8,050.00 C.L.N.P.C…………………………………………………..…………..……..…$568.00

Thank you so much. God bless you for your generosity. Dios le pague por su bondad y generosidad. Upcoming Second Collections/Próximas Segundas Colectas Dec 9 Immaculate Conception Dec 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec 25 Retirement Fund for Religious

On-line Giving For your convenience, we are now accepting donations on line! You may use Visa, MC, Discover, Amex or ACH draft from checking or savings. Just go to our website ( and look for the logo below. • Para su conveniencia, ¡estamos aceptando donaciones en la web! Puede usar Visa, MC, Discover, Amex o ACH proyecto de cheques o de ahorros. Sólo tiene que ir a nuestro sitio web ( y busque el logo de arriba.

Gift Shop/Tienda de Regalos The Gift Shop is open before and after each weekend Holy Mass. The Word Among Us is available for purchase along with many reli-

gious items for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, quinceaneras. ******La tienda de regalos está abierta antes y después de cada Santa Misa de fin de semana. El libro La Palabra Entre Nosotros está disponible junto con varios artículos religiosos para cumplea-ños, aniversarios, bodas, quinceañeras.

Raffle…………………………………. $ 73,919.00 Kermes ……………………………… $ 13,363.81 Silent Auction ………………....…$ 737.00 Grand Total … $ 88,019.81 NET PROCEEDS