Choose your weapon

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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How and where to reach your target market effectively. (News paper Ads, Social Media, Face book, Twitter, Linkedin, Online video, You tube, Viddler, Tube Mogul, and Mobile Advertising etc.)

Transcript of Choose your weapon

Griot’s Roll Film Production &

Service, Inc.

Chooses your weapon

With so many ways to speak to your

target market, where do you start in

creating a successful promotional campaign?

Who is your target Market?

Remember The Four P’s When Creating Your Marketing

Strategies.• Promotion: The advertising you’re going to use

to connect with your target market.• Product/Services: What you are selling or

providing for your target.• Price: This is key because if the price is not right

for your target then it could effect your bottom line.

• Place: Where your target goes to seek out your product or services (website or store front)

• Promotion: The advertising you’re going to use to connect with your target market.

• Product/Services: What you are selling or providing for your target.

• Price: This is key because if the price is not right for your target then it could effect your bottom line.

• Place: Where your target goes to seek out your product or services (website or store front)

What Should Be In Your Marketing Plan.

• Your Business Id (brand): Ex Griot’s Roll is a video marketing company that turns video into revenue streams.

• What is your competitive advantage (U.S.P) Unique selling point : Ex Griot’s Roll is able to retrieve analytics information from our clients video marketing campaigns in order to improve campaigns success.

• What do you want our clients to do: Ex Griot’s Roll wants are clients to contact us via email or phone to find out more about our services, request a quote. Once they have been to our website, receive our e-newsletter, or becoming apart of our social network.

What Is The Point Of My Marketing Campaign?

• Set Goals.• We want our potential customers to know

we have the lowest prices.• We want our past clients to feel like we

appreciated them.• We want people to know that we have the

best customer services.

Choice of Weapons.• Publications: Newspaper/Magazine Ads• Pros: Great for local business.• Cons: Can be costly overtime.• Emails: • Pros: Great to build a niche marketing.• Cons: Spamming laws, as well bulk mail.• Social Media:• Pros: Great for finding out what your customer is thinking

feeling about your product or services.• Cons: If not uses correctly negative information can

spread quickly about your services.

Why is Video Good As A Marketing Tool

• Video is great for product demonstration.• Video is great for educating your target on

your services.• Promoting your business.• Video is great for building relationships.• Video can track your target market, use

video analytics.• Websites to check out:,,

Mobile The Next Wave.• SMS(SMS) is the text communication service

component of phone , web or mobile communication systems, using standardized communications.

• Websites to check out:

• Multimedia Messaging Service, or MMS, is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from mobile phones. It extends the core SMS (Short Message Service) capability that allowed exchange of text messages only up to 160 characters in length.

Now build your campaign.• Remember the P’s.• Remember your target. • In building your campaign, make sure you pick

the right weapon for the job.• Put together a perfect combo of advertising

weapons.• Don’t think like a consumer, think like an investor

when you choosing an advertising weapon.• Think long term when investing, and invest


The Sales Funnel ,orMarketing Matrix.

• Remember you must build a campaign that reaches majority of target market.

• Realizes that just because you maybe reaching your target does not mean they are ready to buy.

• The average sales conversion is 1%

Promotion is a cooperative.Make sure all of your

promotional tool are working together.

Example, your email campaign should lead your customer to your website were they can buy your product.

Your social networks should have videos explain the benefits of your services.

Recap your checklist for marketing strategies.

• Know your target. • What will be your promotional weapons of

choices. • Know your competitive advantage, or (u.s.p)• Make sure you express these clearly to your

target.• What do you want your promotional plan to

accomplishes?• what will be your budget?

• Let us help you with your marketing campaign.•• Blog:• E-mail us at:• or call (212) 281-2286

Any Questions Please Contact Us