Choose to Listen and Obey - · You called me." Then Eli realized the Lord was calling...

Post on 17-May-2020

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Transcript of Choose to Listen and Obey - · You called me." Then Eli realized the Lord was calling...

Note For Teachers: Choose to Listen and Obey

The aspect of Samuel’s life that we are highlighting this week is the fact that because Samuel chose to listen and obey, God used him to do something great. The fact that you are teaching children the word of God immediately connects your life to the life of Samuel. Somewhere along the way you were listening for the calling to serve others. You chose to obey and now you are doing something great for God. Never underestimate your influence on the lives that God has placed in your care. As a teacher you are called to spend time sowing seeds into the hearts of children. This calling is great and even if you never see the fruit that will come from the seeds you have sown, be sure that God’s word does not come back without accomplishing anything. Thank you for listening, obeying and allowing God to use you to do great things in the lives of your students.

Lesson 3

Theme: Choose to Listen and Obey

Bible Story:1st Samuel 2-7

Large Group


Phrase of the day: “Choose to Listen and Obey”

1. Rules 1. Stay In Your Seat 2. Treat Others with Respect 3. The Whistle Means Freeze

2. Offering

3. Lesson Preview: Corey Pops Up.

4. Song: Everybody Get Walking (Jana Alayra)

5. Bible Story: 1 Samuel 3-7

6. Object Lesson #1 Simon Says

7. Object Lesson #2 How To Be Great

8. Video Clip of Helga

9. Pray

10. Corey’s Prize Table

Bible Story: 1 Samuel 2:18-26 (NCV)18 But Samuel obeyed the Lord. As a boy he wore a linen holy vest.19 Every year Samuel's mother made a little coat for him and took it to him when she went with her husband to Shiloh for the sacrifice.20 When Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, he would say, "May the Lord repay you with children through Hannah to take the place of the boy Hannah prayed for and gave back to the Lord." Then Elkanah and Hannah would go home.21 The Lord was kind to Hannah, so she became the mother of three sons and two daughters. And the boy Samuel grew up serving the Lord. 22 Now Eli was very old. He heard about everything his sons were doing to all the Israelites and how his sons had sexual relations with the women who served at the entrance to the Meeting Tent.23 Eli said to his sons, "Why do you do these evil things that the people tell me about?24 No, my sons. The Lord's people are spreading a bad report about you.25 If you sin against someone, God can help you. But if you sin against the Lord himself, no one can help you!" But Eli's sons would not listen to him, because the Lord had decided to put them to death. 26 The boy Samuel grew physically. He pleased the Lord and the people.

1 Samuel 3 (NCV)1 The boy Samuel served the Lord under Eli. In those days the Lord did not speak directly to people very often; there were very few visions. 2 Eli's eyes were so weak he was almost blind. One night he was lying in bed.3 Samuel was also in bed in the Lord's house, where the Ark of the Agreement was. God's lamp was still burning. 4 Then the Lord called Samuel, and Samuel answered, "I am here!"5 He ran to Eli and said, "I am here. You called me." But Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to bed." So Samuel went back to bed. 6 The Lord called again, "Samuel!" Samuel again went to Eli and said, "I am here. You called me." Again Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to bed." 7 Samuel did not yet know the Lord, and the Lord had not spoken directly to him yet. 8 The Lord called Samuel for the third time. Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "I am here. You called me." Then Eli realized the Lord was calling the boy.9 So he told Samuel, "Go to bed. If he calls you again, say, 'Speak, Lord. I am your servant and I am listening.' " So Samuel went and lay down in bed.

10 The Lord came and stood there and called as he had before, "Samuel, Samuel!" Samuel said, "Speak, Lord. I am your servant and I am listening." 11 The Lord said to Samuel, "Watch, I am going to do something in Israel that will shock those who hear about it.12 At that time I will do to Eli and his family everything I promised, from beginning to end.13 I told Eli I would punish his family always, because he knew his sons were evil. They acted without honor, but he did not stop them.14 So I swore to Eli's family, 'Your guilt will never be removed by sacrifice or offering.' " 15 Samuel lay down until morning. Then he opened the doors of the house of the Lord. He was afraid to tell Eli about the vision,16 but Eli called to him, "Samuel, my son!" Samuel answered, "I am here." 17 Eli asked, "What did the Lord say to you? Don't hide it from me. May God punish you terribly if you hide from me anything he said to you."18 So Samuel told Eli everything and did not hide anything from him. Then Eli said, "He is the Lord. Let him do what he thinks is best."

19 The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up; he did not let any of Samuel's messages fail to come true.20 Then all Israel, from Dan to Beersheba,[a] knew Samuel was a true prophet of the Lord.21 And the Lord continued to show himself at Shiloh, and he showed himself to Samuel through his word.

Lesson PreviewAs the teacher is describing how important today’s lesson is Corey the puppet shows up

interrupting the teacher asking if the teacher had called him. The teacher has not called him and she explains this to him. He does this 3 times. The third time the teacher tells him go back, listen very carefully to who is calling you. Corey does not return. Explain to the kids that in today’s Bible story something very similar happens to a boy. We are going to find out who was calling him, what they wanted him to do, and whether or not he chose to obey.

Bible StoryThere are some details of this story that are not appropriate for children. When telling this story some details to note are:- Samuel is the baby that Hannah asked for that lived at the temple with the priest named Eli.- Samuel obeyed what Eli told him to do even when those around him weren’t (Eli’s sons).- God called to Samuel and Samuel gave his life to God.- God’s people did not listen and obey. They got themselves in a lot of trouble with some bad choices they had made.

- Because Samuel listened and obeyed, God was able to use him to speak to his people to help get them back on track.

Object Lesson #1 Simon SaysNote for Teachers: When picking children to play, be sure to pick children that you think will get out.

Pick 5 kids to join you for a quick game of Simon Says. Each time a child gets out let them know that they are out but it is ok you will give them another chance and that they get to keep playing. Continue this for a few minutes as children watching will begin to have a reaction to your grace. Use this idea to explain to the children that people around Samuel were disobeying God when Samuel chose to obey. Gives us second chances to do what is right. God gave Eli’s sons a second chance and a warning. Eli’s chose to disobey. Because of their choice God used Samuel instead of them to do something great for him.

Object Lesson #2 How To Do Something Great.Materials Needed: A box of items that you would use to complete common household chores.

Ask the kids to raise their hands if they would like to do something great when they grow up. Ask the kids to raise their hands if they would like to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a mom or dad, a pastor, or a missionary. Explain to them that all of these things are great. The Bible makes it clear to us how we can be great today and when we grow up. Pick 5 kids who are really adamant that they want to be like Samuel and do something great for God. Have all 5 kids come up near you to receive an item that will help them be great. Give out a toilet bowl cleaner, vacuum, dish soap and sponge, a duster, and a big trash bag. More than likely the kids will not understand how

these items will make them great. Explain to them that when Samuel was young he spent his days around the temple doing temple chores because that is what Eli asked him to do. God knew he could trust Samuel to do something great for him because Samuel chose to listen and obey with the small things. We need to be like Samuel and listen and obey when we are asked to do small things, such as chores around the house or helping out at church. If we want God to trust us with something great we need to listen and obey with something small.

Video Clip of HelgaMaterials Needed: Clip of Helga.

Tell the kids because Samuel chose to listen and obey one of the great things that God used him to do was to tell God’s people how they should live. They had gotten off track putting other things first and disobeying God. Samuel was able to get rid of the other gods in their lives, put God first and listen and obey. Helga heard this story and decided she wanted to be like Samuel and tell others what to do. Let’s see how she did. Show clip. Explain to the boys and girls that Helga is a little confused. Samuel wasn’t simply bossing people around, he was encouraging them to listen to and obey God. It all started with Samuel’s heart. Samuel chose to listen and obey and God used him. When we make the choice to listen and obey to God he can use us to do great things for him. Let’s pray.

Leading Children in PrayerTry to follow this pattern when leading children in prayer. We are not only helping the children connect with God in that moment but teaching them life long prayer skills. This

may seem to be monotonous but children learn through repetition.

Dear Jesus,I love you.Thank you second chances.Please help me to listen and obey. I want to live for you. Please use me to do great things for you,today and when I grow up. In Jesus’ name amen.

Lesson PreviewAs the teacher is describing how important

today’s lesson is Corey the puppet shows up interrupting the teacher asking if the teacher had called him. The teacher has not called him and she explains this to him. He does this 3 times. The third time the teacher tells him go back, listen very carefully to who is calling you. Corey does not return. Explain to the kids that in today’s Bible story something very similar happens to a boy. We are going to find out who was calling him, what they wanted him to do, and whether or not he chose to obey.

Bible StoryThere are some details of this story that are not appropriate for children. When telling this story some details to note are:- Samuel is the baby that Hannah asked for that lived at the temple with the priest named Eli.

- Samuel obeyed what Eli told him to do even when those around him weren’t (Eli’s sons).

- God called to Samuel and Samuel gave his life to God.

- God’s people did not listen and obey. They got themselves in a lot of trouble with some bad choices they had made.

- Because Samuel listened and obeyed, God was able to use him to speak to his people to help get them back on track.

Object Lesson #2 How To Do Something Great.Materials Needed: A box of items that you would use to complete common household chores.

Ask the kids to raise their hands if they would like to do something great when they grow up. Ask the kids to raise their hands if they would like to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a mom or dad, a pastor, or a missionary. Explain to them that all of these things are great. The Bible makes it clear to us how we can be great today and when we grow up. Pick 5 kids who are really adamant that they want to be like Samuel and do something great for God. Have all 5 kids come up near you to receive an item that will help them be great. Give out a toilet bowl cleaner, vacuum, dish soap and sponge, a duster, and a big trash bag. More than likely the kids will not understand how these items will make them great. Explain to them that when Samuel was young he spent his days around the temple doing temple chores because that is what Eli asked him to do. God knew he could trust Samuel to do something great for him because Samuel chose to listen and obey with the small things. We need to be like Samuel and listen and obey when we are asked to do small things, such as chores around the house or helping out at church. If we want God to trust us with something great we need to listen and obey with something small.

Video Clip of HelgaMaterials Needed: Clip of Helga.

Tell the kids because Samuel chose to listen and obey one of the great things that God used him to do was to tell God’s people how they should live. They had gotten off track putting other things first and disobeying God. Samuel was able to get rid of the other gods in their lives, put God first and listen and obey. Helga heard this story and decided she wanted to be like Samuel and tell others what to do. Let’s see how she did. Show clip. Explain to the boys and girls that Helga is a little confused. Samuel wasn’t simply bossing people around, he was encouraging them to listen to and obey God. It all started with Samuel’s heart. Samuel chose to listen and obey and God used him. When we make the choice to listen and obey to God he can use us to do great things for him. Let’s pray.

PrayerHave the children repeat after you:

Dear Jesus,I love you.Thank you second chances.Please help me to listen and obey. I want to live for you. Please use me to do great things for you,today and when I grow up. In Jesus’ name amen.

Object Lesson #1 Simon SaysNote for Teachers: When picking children to play, be sure to pick children that you think will get out.

Pick 5 kids to join you for a quick game of Simon Says. Each time a child gets out let them know that they are out but it is ok you will give them another chance and that they get to keep playing. Continue this for a few minutes as children watching will begin to have a reaction to your grace. Use this idea to explain to the children that people around Samuel were disobeying God when Samuel chose to obey. Gives us second chances to do what is right. God gave Eli’s sons a second chance and a warning. Eli’s chose to disobey. Because of their choice God used Samuel instead of them to do something great for him.