Choose the road less travelled © Paul T. P. Wong.

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Choose the road less travelled © Paul T. P. Wong.

Choose the road less travelled

© Paul T. P. Wong

1. A practical guide to meaningful living

2. A road map for living a good life.

3. An interdisciplinary introductory course on the positive psychology of flourishing

4. The human quest for meaning – a journey of finding answers to the most important questions in life

5. A course on life intelligence

Each lesson is a stepping stone to achieve the good life

Know who you are

Discover your true self

Understand the forces that have shaped you

Can’t escape from yourself

Can’t pretend to be somebody else

Have to accept both your strengths and weaknesses

Learn to live with yourself

Discover pure gold in a world of trinkets & counterfeits.

Discover something worth fighting and dying for.

Don’t settle with anything less.

Know and live by your core values.

A good life needs to be true to oneself and consistent with one’s core values.

Is it possible for Hitler to live a good life?

1.morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.

2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.

3.of high quality; excellent.

4. right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.

5. well-behaved: a good child

Status quo vs. Change

Conformity vs. Authenticity

Pleasure vs. Discipline

Yielding to temptation vs. Resisting temptation

Expediency vs. Principle

Serving money vs. Serving God

Paddling downstream vs. Paddling upstream

The good life cannot be based on fulfilling all of one’s desires and wants.

Nor can it be based on achieving personal happiness and success.

We need a change in basic value orientation.

We need a Meaning Mindset.

Real personal transformation begins on the inside.

When Siddhartha listened attentively to this river, to the song of a thousand voices; when he did not listen to the

sorrow or laughter, when he did not bind his soul to any one particular voice and absorb it in his Self, but heard them all,

the whole, the unity; then the great song of a thousand voices consisted of

one word: Om — perfection.

To live the good life is to choose the road less travelled. One needs to take the risks and pay the price for living an authentic, meaningful, virtuous life for the good of humanity.