Chinese Inventions and Acheivements. Irrigation and Water Systems Pumps and other systems were...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Chinese Inventions and Acheivements. Irrigation and Water Systems Pumps and other systems were...

Chinese Inventions and Acheivements

Irrigation and Water Systems

Pumps and other systems were developed to bring water to the rice paddies.

Fast Growing Rice

Fast growing strains of rice were

developed so farms could yield 2 or 3 harvests each


Land Tenure

The government made land available so farmers could grow more crops.

Shipbuilding Technology

• Large ships that could carry 500 people.

• Watertight compartments.

• Moveable rudders and sails.

Magnetic Compass

The compass allowed sailors to travel and open new trade routes without getting lost.


Gunpowder was first used in fireworks, and later in bombs, rockets and other weapons.


The Chinese invented paper at least 2,000 years ago.

Block Printing

• Block printing allowed the Chinese to print more books.

• The cost of books became cheaper and more people learned to read.

Paper Currency

China issued the world’s first paper currency.


China developed a fine, white pottery that

became prized around the world.

SilkChina held the secret to making this beautiful cloth for many years.

Great Wall

In order to keep out invaders, China built a great wall along its northern border.

The End