Child marriage product

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Child marriage product

Child Marriage A dangerous problem

Done by: Eifaa KhairyGrade: 10sSupervisor: Mr. MarwanChild MarriageA dangerous problem1

IndexTitlePageWhat is child marriage?3Its Reasons4Culture Religion5Poverty6What area is it common?7Organizations to stop child marriage8-9Countries that have this practice10-11The abusive results of Underage marriagePeople I have met/interviewed12-13My opinion ( how can we solve this?)13-14


What is Child Marriage? 3It is a marriage before the age of 18 for both boys and girls, but girls are the most affected

10 million girls under the age of 18 marry each year; that is around 833,333 a month 192,307 a week27,397 a day 19 every minuteOr, around one girl every three seconds.

Why is it a problem and a dangerous practice?Girls who are married young are more likely to believe that it is sometimes acceptable for a husband to beat his wife Girls who marry at early stage looses the educationChildhood and the fun in the that period is precious and it will be lost if the Girl marry earlyThere might be health problems to the girls who marry earlyExample statement:Now Im 19 and have two children. I suffer a lot. I ask other young girls who arent yet victims of child marriage to remain vigilant and to speak out against such an old-fashioned practice. At the time, I didnt have any information on NGOs which fight against this sort of thing. Marie,19, Benin


Its reasons5Early marriage can happen because of any of the following:

Culture: People do it simply because it has happened for generations and mothers think it is safer for the young daughter to marry

Example statement: Getting a girl married at an early age is the best protection for her. a mother in Egypt

Its reasons6Negative traditional or religious norms; where boys and girls are not treated equally and the boy should go to school but the girl should marry.

Example statement: In our community, we dont allow a girl to continue her education when she is married because of her responsibilities. She doesnt have any spare time to continue her education. Her in-laws and home should be her priority. Pakistan

Its reasons7Poverty: the family thinks that giving a daughter in marriage allows the parents to reduce family cost by ensuring they have one less person to feed, clothe and educate.

Example statement:My mother decided my marriage because we were homeless. My father died, my mothers in-laws kicked her out of their home and her parents had died. My marriage helped my mother reduce her responsibilities.

Its reasons8No clear legal law to prevent early marriage in most of the countries

What area is it common?


Girls that experienced this situation10 is two Yemeni girls One was 8 years old when she got married off to a man 27 years old.The other was 12 years old he was supposed to get married but her uncles stopped the wedding and saved her from her fathers decision.

The abusive results of Underage marriage11 we families keep on marrying off our children the amount of uneducated girls will increase and the poverty situations will become double the size.Usually the girls in the marriage, will be threatened with domestic violence. That might make the girl either suicidal or she might get

Countries that have this practice12Bangladesh


Countries that have this practice


Countries that have this practice


Countries that have this practice

Organizations aiming to stop this practice16


18 Girls that experienced this situation

My Opinion on what to do to stop this practice19

Make sure that girls go to school, and keeping them there

Help girls develop their skills and support networks

Raising awareness with parents and community members

Offering economic support and incentives for girls and their families

Organizations to work on supporting laws and policies to end child marriage



The End