Child care from a global perspective uk

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Transcript of Child care from a global perspective uk

Child Care from a Global Perspective UK

Brittney Papist, Jenani Arulpiragasam,Yanique Lewis, Janelle Heslop,

Underlying Philosophy

Developmentalist Sigmund Freud: Lived and worked in Vienna Began in the late 19th century till death in 1939 Worked as a physician Interests in examining his patients minds while figuring out their

physical symptoms using hypnosis, dream analysis and free association

Known as ‘father of psychoanalysis’ Famous for recognising influence of the unconscious mind on

human behaviour Child care fame: recognising the personality in later life with

early childhood experiences, and the child’s relationship with their parents and caregivers significance and influence

Developmentalist Susan Isaacs: Influenced by Freud’s work She researched at the Malting House School in the 1920s and

1930s, observations were based on the children she worked with, in which she analysed the contribution of what play can provide for intellectual development.

This provided a theoretical foundation for nursery education Recognised differences in children’s needs and abilities,

identified importance of stimulating play, needing first-hand experience, and promoting all aspects of development.

Importance of the social world in children’s learning (social interaction and communication)

Examined how children’s writing develops from drawing objects to drawing speech

Developmentalist Jerome Brunner: Studied how adults can scaffold children’s learningDevelopmentalist Noam Chomsky: Linguistic development research published in the

1960s and 1970s Concluded that humans are born with physical and

intellectual requirements our being needs for language which starts when the child matures.

Developmentalist Jean Piaget: 1896-1980 Swiss biologist Observed his own children and others Theory of cognitive development that identified that children go

through stages in their development of understanding and certain experiences and age appropriate

The environment in learning is crucialDevelopmentalist Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky: Russian psychologist Studies in 1920s and 1930s

Behaviourist Ivan Pavlov: Famous for experiments with dogs Became familiar with the bell before food was set

and they would salivate at the sound before the food appeared, showing anticipation

This response is called classical conditioningBehaviourist B.F. Skinner: Basis of theories: work with rats who learned to

press levers to get food, then food This response is called operant conditioning

Underlying Philosophy (Canada)

John Locke (1632-1704) Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712- 1778) John Pestal Lozza (1746- 1827) Freidrich Froebel ( 1782 – 1852) Ivan Pavlov John B. Watson B.f. Skinner Albert Bandura Sigmund Freud Erik Erikson Jean Piaget Lawrence Kohlberg Lev Vygotsky Urie Bronfenbrenner Howard Gardner

Availability and Accessibility

Child Tax Credit Free early years education Cost may vary Private schools, nurseries, nannies, daycare

centers, preschool play groups, childminders Core funding Affordable parents fees

History/Evolution of Service

History on Childcare In England Early childhood care and education for young children began

to emerge in England in the late 18th century. In (1816), the first nursery school in the United Kingdom was

established. In (1880), elementary education became compulsory for all

children between the ages of 5 and 13. In (1905), five women inspectors from the Board of Education

investigated the admission of infants to elementary schools as well as the curriculum used to instruct them.

In (1911), Margaret McMillan (1860-1931) and her sister Rachel established an open-air nursery for poor children in Deptford.

By the (1960s), the decline in family size and the closure of day nurseries after the Second World War had reduced the opportunities for children to play with other children. At the same time, awareness of the educational value of play may have become more widespread.


In (1972), Margaret Thatcher, as Secretary of State for Education, presented a White Paper.

Throughout the (1970s and 1980s), nonstatutory preschool provision was neglected and undeveloped. We do not know why?

Recent Development (1994) Rum bold Report Starting with Quality and the Royal Society of Arts

Report Start Right both stressed the importance of quality in early years education.

In (1996) the Conservative government introduced the first stage of a Nursery Voucher scheme.

(1997), The incoming Labour Government abolished the voucher scheme and made its own plans for the development of early years services. The new government tried to raise standards and significantly increased public funding of early years education. The government provided direct funding to preschool institutions for part-time places for 4-year-old children and an increasing number of part-time places for 3-year-old children. However, the receipt of this funding for 3- and 4-year-old children is dependent on each preschool provision meeting government requirements for the regular inspection of preschool settings, in terms of the framework of Desirable Outcomes, now revised as Early Learning Goals.

History of Child Care in Canada

(1970), The Royal Commitions on the Status of Women Issued that we take “immediate action” on childcare.

(2008) Today's society More Childcare Centers that are safe and

provide a curriculum that will inhans the learning in Early development.

Program Structure

In the past, Early Childhood Education in the United Kingdom has been traditionally child centred, as opposed to other programs which are subject centered and teacher directed, emphasizing individual children's interests, free play, firsthand experience, and integrated learning. [i] Recently, the government changed this approach, introducing a framework for early childhood education curriculum. Early childhood educators are required to follow a structure of learning, development and care for children from infantry to the toddler age. This facilitates many different learning opportunities and outcomes for the child and is called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Sure Start Centres are there for the parent from pregnancy, through pre-school years, to primary school and offers many services.

Children aged 3 and 4 are ensured part-time free child care for up to 12.5 hours per week before entering primary school.

We know that in order to learn and develop effectively, young children require: Safe, protected, healthy, stimulating environments with  sufficient adult supervision; Opportunities to explore their surroundings, both inside and outside the playroom Chances to explore their interests and curiosities Appropriate time for learning through play Understanding adults to help the child develop healthy relationships, who are sensitive and

participate actively in their play Given these needs, children require a curriculum which: meets their physical, social, emotional and cognitive needs at their particular stage of

development motivates and stimulates them, providing challenges at the same time provides many choices, allowing children to make decisions play and experiences this enhances these areas:

– Personal, Social and Emotional Development;– Physical Development– Creative/ Aesthetic Development– Language Development– Early Mathematical Development– Early Experiences in Science and Technology– Knowledge and Appreciation of the Environment

Some less commonly found principles in the United Kingdom focus on equality of opportunity, and respect for diversity. 

Personal, social and emotional development Children develop confidence and self esteem, explore their curiosity,

recognize their own needs, and establish a [i]difference between right and wrong. They also learn skills like dressing and undressing themselves.

Communication, language and literacy Children learn speech development learning to talk clearly with

confidence. They enjoy stories, songs and poems. Mathematical development Children will develop math skills through stories, songs, games and

imaginative play. They will become comfortable with numbers, making connections with ideas such as 'bigger' or 'heavier' and will be aware of shapes and space.

Knowledge and understanding of the world Children explore their curiosity about the world around them

through exploring and asking questions. They use different materials to build, and learn about everyday technology and their uses. They will find out their own backgrounds and cultures as well as about different cultures and beliefs.

Physical development Children develop gross motor and fine motor skills learning to

move confidently, controlling their body and handling materials safely.

Creative development Children explore colours and shapes, by dancing, building and

creating, story telling and making music.

Roles and Training of the Early Childhood Educator

Education in the UK level 2 in Early Years

– Care and Education– Foundation Award in Caring for Children (CACHE)– Level 2 Certificate in Child Care and Education(CACHE)– Level 2 Certificate in Pre-school Practice(CACHE)– Level 2 Progression Award in Early Years Care and Education (C&G)– Intermediate Certificate in Developing Skills Working with Children and– Young People (NCFE)– Level 2 Certificate in Contributing to the Early Years Setting (C&G)– Intermediate Certificate in Developing Skills for Early Years Practice

Education in Canada

Level 2 Certificate in Early Years Practice (CACHE) Level 2 BTEC First Diploma in Early Years (EDEXCEL)Roles:

– Nursery assistant– Pre-school assistant– Crèche assistant– Parent/toddler group assistant– Playgroup assistant– Toy library worker– Homestart worker– Mother's help– Baby sitter/au pair

University or College (2 years) Early Childhood Education Diploma RolesThe (ECE) has many parts he or she has as being an Early Childhood Educator Knowing the Health and Safety policies Meeting a child's individual needs Creating a good program and curriculum framework that is based on the

children interests Encouraging Development in all domains. Know a little bit of the background and history that has to do with the family Being able to communicate effectively with the Parents, and also being able to

work with them To continue to effectively learn and help develop the children so they get help

in the domains that they are having a weak time in and being able to focus on what they need to develop and become better on.

Roles and Training of the Early Childhood Educator (Canada)


Bibliography: other info


[1] Beaver, Marian, ed. 2. Brewster, Jo, ed. 2. Jones, Pauline, ed.2. Keene,

Anne, ed. 2. Neaum, Sally, ed. 2. Tallack, Jill, ed. 2. Babies and Young Children, Book 1: Early Years Development. London: Stanley Thornes, 1994.