Chhattisgarh Ministers

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Chhattisgarh Ministers


Mahatari Express Scheme, which was initiated under State Government's National Ambulance Services for providing free transportation facility to pregnant ladies in labour pain and infants of age upto 1 year, is proving extremely beneficial.

This beneficial service is proving to be the best in facilitating emergency medical aid to pregnant ladies. The Chhattisgarh Ministers have always made the best availability in providing the best health care facilities for the people of Chhattisgarh.

Under the scheme, total 300 Express vehicles well-equipped with necessary medical facilities were made available.

Any person who calls at toll-free number 102 in needy time will be facilitated with free ambulance service. This express always reaches at the doorstep to pick up the pregnant lady in labour pain or the ailing infant and transport them to nearby hospital at earliest.

After the treatment is over, patient is also provided drop-home facility on request. Since the scheme was started, as many as one lakh 98 thousand pregnant women have been provided free transportation facility to hospital on time.

Moreover, one lakh 67 thousand of these women and their infants were dropped home after treatment. Around 32 thousand 137 pregnant women were taken from one hospital to other hospital, on recommendation of doctors.

As many as 29 thousand infants of age up to one year have also been benefited under the scheme.

As the proverb says “ Heallth is wealth”, always health must always be given priority by the Chhattisgarh Ministers. Naya Raipur, which is fast developing as the new administrative headquarters of Chhattisgarh Government, has also become the centre of heart care for patients.

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