Cherne Tsk i

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Transcript of Cherne Tsk i


From the book:Systems of Plasma with separation of chargesfrom A.V. Chernetski, Moscow 1983

russian-english translator unknowncompiled by Stefan Hartmann from

Circuit diagram figure 3:=========================

A1=Pulse generator (square wave)Pulse voltage= 600 Voltspulse duration 30 usec = 0.00003 secsquare wave pulse

Pressure p= 0.5 to 2.0 Torrgas medium inside tube= H2 (hydrogen gas)

oscillation occurence like figure 2:after 30 usec input pulse:oscillation frequency about 3 to 4 Mhzoscillation duration ~ 10 to 100 usec

R0=R1=R2= 3 OhmsL1= 10^-3 HertzL2= 10^-6 HertzC1= 10^-8 Farad (10 to 90 nanoFarad)C2= 10^-10 Farad (10 to 90 picoFarad)

w (omega)=2 pi f = (1 / L2 x C2)^-1(oscillation frequency)

testing range of pulse voltage: 400 to 1000 Voltselectrodes covered by glas ??and with diameter equal or smaller than the distance betweenthem. The diameter of the electrodes was 2 to 5 mm. ??(seems pretty small)

It was shown,that oscillations are interrupted during oscillation currents lesserthan 100 Ampere which corresponds to the density of currentJcr ~ 500 Amperes /cm^2

testing range of feeding pulses:~10 to 100 useconds= 10^-5 seconds

Repetition frequency:from some Hertz to 10 KiloHertz during changing of C1from 10^-4 Farad to 10^-9 FaradHighest limit of the input pulse repitition is about 10^4 Hertz,due to the oscillation relaxation time of about 10 to 100 usec !(see figure 2: ~ 3 Mhz oscillation burst feeded from vacuum energy)

In the SG-discharge currents reach 800 Amperes on

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impulse (with about 3 Mhz oscillation frequency).meanwhile, during the capacity C1= 10^-9 Faradand the tension V1=1000 Volts and the frequencyw ~ 2 x 10^7 rad/sec ( about 3 Mhz) the current,which is provided by the exterior source of feeding ,is only I= w x C1 x V1 = 20 Ampere.During this the electron velocity is about 1.5 10^8 meter/sec.

The electrical field in the Layer:Emi=6 x 10^5 Volts/meterThese high intensities of electrical fields result in the beginning of action of a new mechanism, namely as the plasma-vacuum effect.This effect is a result of the polarization of physical vacuum thatoccurs in the plasma´s superficial layer with acceleration of plasma´s electrons at the expense of energy of vacuum´s zero point energy oscillations.

Test circuit figure 8, page 90:================================A1 tuneable sinewave SoundgeneratorA2 transformer with maximum secondary output tension 1.3 KiloVoltsV1 SG-discharge lamp filled with H2 gas at the right pressure levelR1, R2 and R3 in the Ohms range.The resistance of load R3 were consecutively connected from the SG-lamp.C1= 10^-10 Faradsound feeding frequency ~ 100 Hertz to 1 Khz

Experiment on circuit figure 8, page 90:R1 and R3 were done as incandescent lamps of same type andwattage. R3 lamp was burning, R1 lamp NOT,this clearly shows, that the the SG-discharge in which theenergy of physical vacuum is taken away, is the source that maintainsthe burning of the lamp R3, which, in this case, serves as a load !

Total Output power was about 5 times more than input power.

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______________________________________________________________________________| File Name : CHERNET1.ASC | Online Date : 12/21/95 || Contributed by : Bill Beaty | Dir Category : ENERGY || From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 || KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 || A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences || InterNet email (Jerry Decker) || Files also available at Bill Beaty's ||----------------------------------------------------------------------------|This file is from Bill Beaty's website as listed above. See PLASMAFE.ASC andFROLOV1.ASC on KeelyNet for another version of this report.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I have no idea where this comes from. The first page is headed 03NTO- 890717CM04, and the last page (of 4) is footed "(APN)"]------------------------------------------------------------------------------


By Andrei Samokhin

The model of a plasma generator which can convert physical-vacuum energy intoelectricity has been developed under Prof. Alexander CHERNETSKI at the MoscowGeorgi Plekhanov Institute of the National Economy. Such generators could laythe groundwork for the future environmentally-benign power industry.

Classical physics cannot explain what happens when a plasma discharger placedin the Chernetski circuit is started: for no apparent reason the ammeterpointer shows triple strength-of-current increase [sic] and energy output isseveral times above input. The plant's efficiency is much more than 1.

No magic is intended. Additional energy outputs at specific plasma dischargesare fixed in several independent expert reports by the Lenin All-UnionInstitute of Electrical Engineering. This effect has been checked bydifferent methods.

Whence this mysterious energy?

Self-generating discharge-------------------------

Prof Chernetski, the author of the first ever study paper on plasma-diagnostics equipment (he has been in this field fro 40 years now) and 20inventions, never knew what he was probing into specific unstable plasmastates at strong-current discharges could have led to.

In the early 70s, he and fellow-researcher Yuri Galkin worked on a basicallynew type of high-frequency plasma generator which could at high power dowithout unwieldy energy converters. In one test, they discovered input-outputenergy gap. [sic]

"I knew electron drift begins in plasma and sought to deduce a combination of variables in which fluctuating plasma instability emerged in discharge,"

Chernetski says.

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"Gas discharge was meant to serve as a powerful stimulator of electromagnetic modes and, all of a sudden and in defiance of the law of conservation of energy, a strange energy imbalance was produced. Repeated experiments with different circuits proved energy output to be always greater than input."

The mysterious discharge stimulating additional energy extraction was calledthe "self generating discharge (SGD)". Measurements showed that part of thedischarge power went back into the network as if two series-connectedelectromotive forces were at work.

In a bid to try to explain the experimental data, the researchers actuallytried to prove the impossible. One of their proofs was very "strong".

The one-megawatt substation of the Moscow Aviation Institute, where Chernetskiand Galkin were staging an experiment with a powerful plasma unit, burned out.

When the discharge currents reached criticality, super strong current was"born" in the generator and went back into the network, playing havoc with thesafety devices calculated for short-circuit.

Later on, they read in books that earlier in the century the power plant ofprominent Yugoslav electrical engineer Nikola Tesla caught fire under similarcircumstances in the United States.

Chernetski and Galkin were sure that Tesla was making such experiments, butdid not publish the results. They are also sure that vacuum energy canexplain this mysterious effect.

A Vacuum-Powered Lamp

The researchers relied on the present-day quantum physics idea of "zero-pointoscillations" in physical vacuum. Such oscillations signifying the birth andannihilation of virtual pairs -- the particle and anti-particle, distinguishedfrom the normal elementary particles by a negligibly short life, a mere 8.10/-21[sic] sec.

Emerging below the zero energy level from "nothing" and returning to"nothing", virtual particles appear to defy the law of conservation of energy.

Quantum electrodynamics explains this paradox through the Heisenberguncertainty principle. Under it all the precise particle characteristicscannot be learnt simulatneously and, therefore, one must not require fromnature "punctual" abidance by the law during such a short time as the life ofvirtual pairs.

The observer fails to notice anything, while every virtual pair is more thanreal, carrying an energy of more than half a million electron-volts during itslifetime. The potential energy in the electric bulb vacuum is enough to boilthe earth's oceans, Americans John Wheeler and Richard Feynman havecalculated.

Until recently the vacuum energy idea was only a daring hypothesis borderingon science-fiction. The lamp powered by vacuum in Chernetski's basememtlaboratory in the center of Moscow made it a reality.

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This is how he explains his miraculous experiment:

"The self-generating discharge emerges when the discharge current reach a definite critical density, when the magnetic fields they create ensure magnetisation of plasma electrons and they begin to perform mostly cycloid movements.

The interaction of currents with their magnetic fields forces the electrons to deviate to the cylinder-shaped discharge axis and the electrical field emerges. It has proved to 'switch on' the physical vacuum: in this field the vacuum is polarised and consequently the virtual pairs begin to move in a definite direction, instead of chaotically. The virtual positrons accelerate plasma electrons, giving them part of their energy.

The current in the circuit builds up and additional energy is discharged on the resistor switched into the discharge circuit. Clearly, only part of the tremendous vacuum energy is extracted.

"We've developed several circuit versions which can find application. In the later experiment with an input power of 700 watts, that extracted by the generator loads resistance was three kilowatts, or nearly five times more.

This is by far not the limit and with more powerful plants and the corresponding calculations megawatts of free electricity can be produced from a minimal power source."

Self-Generating-Discharge Plasmatron and Space Travel

Yuri Galkin looks at the future of their discovery:

"Its applications are wide-ranging. For example, engines based on the self-generating-discharge plasmatron. Until now all attempts to use plasmatrons as engines failed, because strong electron and ion bombardments rapidly burnt out the electrodes.

Self-generating discharge leaves them intact and such engines can be used in aircraft, trains and autos. It would be logical to create a new environmentally-wise power industry. Portable hydros, wind power plants and solar batteries boosted by self-generating discharge could become an enormous source of electricity. With time, they could edge out the costly and hazardous fuel-firing and hydraulic [hydroelectric?] facilities.

Already now we can build a plant which would supply electricity for a township or factory. A vacuum power station comparable to giant facilities could be designed today. Our discovery can revolutionise cosmonautics."

Laboratory experiments have proved the possibility of using the kinetic effectof self-generating discharge for accelerating bodies in space. Galkin hascalculated the parameters of a self-generating-discharge plasmatron that couldserve as the propulsion engine of the future, replacing the present unwieldyrocket engines.

Powered by a minor ten-volt source, it can deliver power enough for the

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takeoff of a large spaceship. Tapping the ambient space vacuum, it could flyeternally.

Unknown Waves

"We didn't think of only industrial applications," Chernetski recalls.

"Self-generating discharge turned out to produce wave radiation which was hitherto unknown, but evidently existent at all times. Like sound waves, its waves have a longitudinal electric field component and a high penetrability through condcutive mediums, including metals. It turned out that these single waves, 'awakening' the hidden vacuum energy, can alter substance structure.

The experiment staged at the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery in Moscow several years ago showed that directional SGD radiation accelerated nuclear beta-decomposition by 5%-6%. This is only one example.

We supposed that, like SGD-generator radiation, longitudinal electric- field component waves could also be produced by living beings, man in particular.

Comparative experiments were staged to prove the impact on men with extrasensory perception and of our device on different objects. In both cases parallel impact on the high-stability quartz generator made its frequency 'drift' by several orders of magnitude.

The filament resistance of the incandescent lamp decreased considerably. Probably we are on the road to explaining such mysterious things as extrasensory perception, telekinesis and bioenergy.


The experimentally-verified concept of Chernetski claims to be a theoreticalbreakthrough in the basic quantum-physics idea of the energy structure of theUniverse. It is generally recognised among physicists that all elementaryparticle interactions, and hence every existing phenomenon, occur with thehelp of virtual-particle exchange. How does it come about?

"Full annihilation of virtual pairs cannot take place in the event of partial energy extraction in self-generating discharge, because a 'certain' virtual dipole must emerge -- two separate charges with a common negative energy. This means that together with energy extraction vacuum structurisation and ordering takes place.

Actually, our concept is a return to the idea of the universal ether at an entirely new level. We say that the ordered dipole vacuum, or ether, is an all-penetrating energy medium in which processes occur which are related to virtual dipoles and subject to the uncertainty principle of modern physics."

Chernetski asks: If vacuum structurisation is a constant process, isn't thisan opportunity to state the law of conservation of entropy in the Universe inopposition to the idea of its steadfast decrease?

What if this work helps to clear up the nature of gravitation, which is as dimnow as it was in the times of Newton? What his concept of the vacuum shows

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is the road to the long-awaited explanation of the Grand Unification theory?

"As as experimental physicist I won't say our theory is 100 percent correct," Chernetski declares. "It's much more an opportunity now to have indisputable experimental data to prove the opportunity of creating a basically new power industry."

Only a rapid switch to new energy can save human civilisation from ecologicalcatastrophe. The research program must be developed immediately and a centerset up to coordinate cooperation between world scientists. Natural andunlimited vacuum energy is at our doorstep.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the transcript Chris. Any idea where your friend Prasad obtainedthis info? Was there a date on it?------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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The lamp powered by vacuum in Chernetski's basememt laboratory in the center of Moscow made it a reality.

This is how he explains his miraculous experiment:

"The self-generating discharge emerges when the discharge current reach a definite critical density, when the magnetic fields they create ensure magnetisation of plasma electrons and they begin to perform mostly cycloid movements.

The interaction of currents with their magnetic fields forces the electrons to deviate to the cylinder-shaped discharge axis and the electrical field emerges. It has proved to 'switch on' the physical vacuum: in this field the vacuum is polarised and consequently the virtual pairs begin to move in a definite direction, instead of chaotically. The virtual positrons accelerate plasma electrons, giving them part of their energy.

The current in the circuit builds up and additional energy is discharged on the resistor switched into the discharge circuit. Clearly, only part of the tremendous vacuum energy is extracted.

"We've developed several circuit versions which can find application. In the later experiment with an input power of 700 watts, that extracted by the generator loads resistance was three kilowatts, or nearly five times more.

This is by far not the limit and with more powerful plants and the corresponding calculations megawatts of free electricity can be produced from a minimal power source."

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| File Name : FROLOV1.ASC | Online Date : 09/09/95 |

| Contributed by : InterNet | Dir Category : ENERGY |

| From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 |

| KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 |

| A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences |

| InterNet email (Jerry Decker) |

| Files also available at Bill Beaty's |


I think this is a very important and seminal document, please study it

carefully and if you choose to duplicate the circuits, we at Keelynet would

appreciate it if you would share your findings with us, thanks!...>>> Jerry


This superior file was placed by Alexander Frolov on the InterNet and is the

first detail I have seen of the early experiments of Chernetskii and

Avramenko. Frolov links the experimental results of these two researchers

with the high voltage stress principles used in the Testatika.

Please note, this is early Chernetskii work, before he creating the cycloid

pattern in the plasma as discussed in PLASMAFE.ASC on KeelyNet. Avramenko

discovered a means of transmitting power through a single wire. The wire

could be cut, tied in a bow and power would still move across the wires.

The inventor claimed he used a 'monovibrator' with a transmitter at the power

side and a receiver at the load side. I have tried to clean up the file to

some degree for a clearer understanding. It is an excellent file with many

clues.........>>> Jerry


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From: "alex" <>


Subject: Potential-Power transformation

Date: 2 Sep 1995 14:16:58 +0400

Organization: Alexander V. Frolov, Private Account


Theory and experiments

by Alexander V. Frolov

P.O.Box 37, St.-Petersburg, 193024, Russia



The present article discusses the extraction of excess power by means of an

electric discharge (an arc). This extraction technique relies on the

application of a field of electric potential (rather than current) for the

creation of power.


Energy is the ability to do work.

Power is the process of work per unit of time.

Potential is the value of energy that can be used to make the work.


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It is clear that any experimental data can be interpreted in the light of

different conceptions. Nikola Tesla's research work for wireless power

transmission from the point of view of energetics can be described as the

transformation of high-voltage and high-frequency electric field energy as

output power to make produce useful work in a load. The direction of some of

Tesla's patent research [1] was the derivation of excess power from electric


Towards the end of the 1960s Prof. Alexander V. Chernetsky and Uri A. Galkin,

Institute of Electrical Engineering, Moscow, carried out experiments using

strong arc currents and observed a phenomenon they called, the "self-

generating discharge". Figure 1 shows the voltage U and current I for this

special case of arc.

_ _

/ \ current I

/\ \

/ \ \

_ / \ \ _ _

----------------\--------------------------- t

\ --

\ / \

\ _/ voltage U

Figure 1

Note that for part of the cycle the current is increasing while the voltage is


dI/dt>0 for dU/dt<0 F.1

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Negative resistance takes place

R = U/I F.2

This fact means that in the process of the self-generating discharge, by

Chernetsky, the power

P = I U F.3

is the inflow into the system from an outside source.

Detailed description of Chernetsky's experiments were published in English in

[2] and [3]. Power output was up to 500 Kwatts and the proof of a reverse

current from the experimental system into the electric station was detected.

The Swiss M-L converter described in [4] and [5] uses a high potential source

like the Wimshurst machine where it is connected to "spark gap cylinders".

These devices are capacitors which have spires between the cylinders to create

a "slow electrical arc" between the inner and outer cylinders.


Let us find what is the common observations we can extract from all the above

technologies. Chernetsky's scheme was published in the magazine Energy and

Ecology '86 in Russian, along with the following circuit:

I L1 I


I________/\ /\ /\ ______I

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\/ \/ \/


___ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ ___

I \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ I

I L2 I


__I__ _I_

_____ C1 I I (R1 is the Load consisting of

I I I R1 5 lamps in series)

I arc gap I___I

I__________ ___________I


I Sw1 I

I____/ _____I

Figure 2

A.V. Chernetsky used 5 lamps for 220 AC in series as the load. So, the

stepup transformer was rated at 220/1000 Volt, at 50 Hz. The discharge gap

had carbon electrodes. When switch Sw1 is open the power in the load is


I used a hand-made stepup transformer rated at 28/2800 VAC at a 5 KHz input

and using a high-voltage lamp as the load and metal electrodes. The gap was 2-

3 mm. A voltmeter and ammeter were used to check the input power.

You will find in this experiment that the output power is increasing when the

arc is energized, while the power in the primary circuit is decreasing.

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You can check that the Conservation Law is right: when Sw1 is closed and the

current of conductivity is in force, the connection to the load will lead to

an increase of the power consumed.

So, the "plasma element" in the circuit allows for the extraction of

additional power from OUTSIDE of the system and NOT from the primary source.

Now let us consider another simple experiment that is closely connected with

the scheme above. A more detailed description of it is published in [6].

Use a high voltage metal piece, for example a screw-driver and create an arc

between the end of it and one wire of a high-voltage transformer.


high I L1 I

voltage I_ /\ /\ __I

transformer \/ \/ \/ _____________

================ ______________[ \

__/\ /\ /\ ____________ I metal [ insulator /

\/ \/ \/ arc I______________[ \

L2 [_____________/

Figure 3

Check the power input and be sure that the power process of the arc is free

from the input source. (I think he means no direct short) There will be no

power consumption increase despite the powerful arc, which is sufficient to

heat up the screwdriver.

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The next version of the experiment is possible if you have a single-polarity

potential at the end of the wire for a pulsed current transformer. You will

note that with a positive potential on one wire the arc is more powerful than

for the other wire. This difference is not demonstrated using an AC

transformer. Both ends of an AC coil can be used for creation of the arc.

This difference will show the nature of this type of free power arc. Positive

potential on the wire will provide for the attraction of free electrons from

the metal of the screw-driver. It is not the current of conductivity that you

are witnessing, but the DISPLACEMENT CURRENT.

Application of the above effect into a useful form can be made like the well

known Avramenko-Zaev-Lisin experiments [7]. The scheme is

I L1 I VD1

I /\ /\ /\ I ____|/|_____

\/ \/ \/ \/ I |\| I

================== A I _I_

_/\ /\ /\ /\____________I I I

\/ \/ \/ I I I R (load)

L2 I I_ _I




Figure 4

The alternating potential as measured at point A is sufficient to establish a

current of conductivity in the closed circuit of VD1-VD2-R. This diode pair

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configuration is called 'Avramenko's plug'.

I used for this scheme a 30 VAC hand-made generator (variable oscillator) to

supply the input for L1, at a frequency of 10 KHz. The transformer was rated

at 30/3000 Volts and the diodes rated at 1.5 KV. The ammeter can be used as

load R. Note that an ammeter placed between the transformer and point A does

not show any current drain.


These circuits have experimentally proved the possibility of producing power

in a load by means of POTENTIAL ONLY! Using a similar approach, mechanical

motion, rotation and even a propulsion force can be created.

So, free energetics can be formulated as the transformation of potential into

power or Energy-Power Transformation. Since the power is a process, the

question is the parameters of the process only.

Alexander V. Frolov


1. Speculations in Science and Technology, Vol.13, Number 4, 1990, p.249,

Donald Kelly, A Review of the Free-Energy Scenario.

2. EFE-Denver Report, p.94-B22-02, Vacuum Energy Developments, Andrew

Michrowski, Published by Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.,

100 Bronson Av., Suite 1001, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8, Canada. Order by


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3. A.V. Chernetsky, About physical nature for bioenergy, Moscow, 1989, in


4. Newsletter of Space Energy Association, Vol.2 p.3 Published by SEA/US,

P.O.Box 11422, Clearwater, FL 34616, USA.

5. Dr. Patrick G. Bailey, Proceeding of Denver'94 Conference, "Other voices: A

Summary of Research not Present. Re: Paul Baumann's Methernitha Free-Energy

Machine. Institute for New Energy email address:

6. The single-wire electric power transmission, A.V. Frolov, published by New

Energy News, December 1994, p.13-14. P.O.Box 58639, Salt Lake City, UT

84158-8639, USA. Email

7. N.E.Zaev, S.V.Avramenko, V.N.Lisin, "The measuring of Conduction Current

that is stimulated by Polarization current, Journal of Russian Physical

Society, No.2'1991, in Russian.


Vanguard Note...

If what this paper purports is true, then Bearden is correct in his theory

that potential alone can drive a useable load. Many people have had problems

with this claim, including me, because every power appliance we use requires

current and not just potential (voltage).

From my admittedly limited understanding of the matter, any energy can be

'translated' into a scalar form, which can be thought of as a stress soliton

(bubble) in space, rather hyperspace.

That soliton can simply exist in one location, can be 'thrown' like a ball, or

sequentially streamed in a wavetrain to a given location where a receiver

captures the solitons and translates them back into 3space.

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The nature of the energy sent using this method can be totally different from

the nature of the energy received.

Once translated to the 'base medium' of a scalar bubble (soliton), it can be

re-translated from hyperspace to 3space in a form which is determined by the

receiver characteristics.

For instance, you could use magnetic energy to create the stress wave, send it

to a receiver and re-translate it back into 3space IN THE FORM of light,

electrical current, sound, heat, physical vibration, whatever you choose.

To quote from an old book 'Light, when properly resisted, can be made to yield

sound', from 'Dweller on Two Planets', available for about $18 from Health

Research, PO BOX 70, Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245. Ask for one of their superb


It is interesting to note the work of Hooper, who used a moebius form to

produce what he called a 'motional field', a PURE ELECTRIC FIELD or wave if

streamed in a wavetrain. Would not a pure electric field be pure potential?

Such a signal is INVISIBLE to matter and normal instrumentation, therefore can

be transmitted vast distances without loss of energy by inductive, capacitive

or resistive sapping.

I think there is a distinct possibility that a pure motional (electric) field

is in fact, a scalar stress bubble!

Our friend Peter Kelly, of Georgia, also indicates this by claiming

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'information as energy' where the signature of a mass is held in a pure

electric field. To alter (transmute) a mass, you must suppress the magnetic

to allow access to the electric. Once the changes have been made in the

electric field, you restore the magnetic and the mass slowly transmutes to fit

its new pattern.

So, the potential which Frolov refers to, is probably a pure electric field

which is 'translated' from its hyperspace form to CURRENT. Over the past

couple of years, I have been toying with the idea that electricity is nothing

more than a resistance to the flow of magnetic force and that electricity

simply would not exist without resistance to its flow. But that's another

tall tale.....have fun and please share your findings should you decide to

experiment in this area!...............................thanks...>>> Jerry


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