Chemistry on Earth

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Chemistry on Earth

Metals and Minerals

Reporter: Ninos Vince Cedeno

Instructor:Mrs. Karen Sale

How do we know what other planets and stars are made of?

We can view the spectra of celestial objects to identify the elements and compounds that are present.

Spaceship Earth: The Materials


Erath is divided into three main regions: the core, the mantle and the crust.

• The core is thought to consist largely of iron with some nickel.

The crust is the outer solid shell of earth often called the lithosphere.

The Lithosphere: Organic and


The lithosphere is compose of the following rocks:

• Silicate minerals• Carbonate minerals• Oxide minerals• Sulfide minerals

Thousands of mineral compounds make up the

inorganic portion of the solid crust and organic portion

makes up all living creatures.

Meeting our Needs: From Sticks to Bricks

People long ago have modified nature’s materials to satisfy their

needs and wants. Able to make pots using high

temperature Then able to make tools from

bronze later from iron.