Chemical experiments

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Chemical experiments

Experimenting with gases

• We mixed some yeast and vinegar to make CO2.

Then we put a balloon over it

And we waited to see what happens...

The balloon was inflated by the CO2!

We used frozen CO2

We need a special equipment to avoid touching it.It´s at -98ºC!

We experimented how bubbles react to frozen Co2

The bubbles stayed there!

The bubble grows in contact with the Co2 because the gas gets

inside of it.

CO2 is used to make sodas and drinks with bubbles.

We mixed some peroxide and a little bit of dish soap.

And this is what happened!

The oxigen emerged out of the tube!

We tried to mix peroxide with another substance

The oxigen escaped fast!

Thank you, Pilar and Enrique, for sharing your

experiments with us!