Chem Density

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Chem Density

  • 8/18/2019 Chem Density


    Experiment 1: Basic Techniques of Handling Chemicals and Laboratory Apparatus

     Actiity: !etermining the density of "ater and analysing it qualitatiely and  quantitatiely

    #aterials and apparatus:

    Burette$ bea%er$ glass rod$ filter funnel$ pipette $analytical balance $ top loading

    balancing$ measuring cylinder 1& mL$ pipette$ tap "ater 


    1) To understand and abide laboratory safety rules and regulations

    *) To acquire the correct techniques of handling laboratory apparatus


    1) The initial mass of the bea%er is measured by using electronic balance)*) The burette "as set,up to measure olume of "ater needed)-) .ith a proper technique of using the burette$ "ater is filled up into the burette)/) After that$ 1& mL of "ater is transferred into the bea%er) Then the mass of the

    bea%er filled "ith "ater is measured by analytical balance) The mass is

    recorded and this is done in three times)

    0) Then the mass recorded is subtracted "ith the initial mass of the bea%er theget mass of the "ater)

    ) 2ext$ the density of the "ater is calculated and recorded by using the formula:

    !ensity of "ater3mass


    4) The results are tabulated)5) 6teps * to are repeated by using measuring cylinder 1&mL and pipette)


    8ualitatie data:

    1) The burette "ith the density of "ater &)99*- gmL calculated is the most

    accurate because it has the most closest density of "ater to the theoretical

    density "hich is 1)&&& gmL*) The measuring cylinder "ith the density of "ater &)9104 gmL calculated is

    the least accurate because its density of "ater is not too close to the

    theoretical density "hich is 1)&&& gmL-) The burette "ith the density of "ater &)955& gmL calculated is the accurate

    because it has the closer density of "ater than measuring cylinder but lesserthan burette to the theoretical density "hich is 1)&&& gmL

  • 8/18/2019 Chem Density


    8uantitatie data:

     Apparatus ;nitial



  • 8/18/2019 Chem Density


    The experiment is carried out to identify the most accurate apparatus among the

    three apparatus chosen "hich are burette$ measuring cylinder$ and pipette) The

    results sho"n that burette is the most accurate among the three apparatus because

    it has density 99)*- gmL "ith the percentage accuracy 99)*-> of percentage error

    &)44>) The percentage error can be reduced by ma%ing sure that there is no airbubble at the end of the tip) By the "ay$ "hen ta%ing the measurement eyes must be

    perpendicular to the meniscus leel to aoid parallax error and the burette must be

    rinsed "ith distilled "ater before be used)

    The second accurate apparatus is pipette$ it has the density &)955& gmL "ith

    percentage of accuracy 95)5&> it has percentage error "hich is 1)*>) This error can

    be reduced by ta%ing the measurement "here by the eyes is perpendicular to the

    meniscus leel) The "ater itself must has no impurities and the pipette must be

    rinsed before be used)

    #easuring cylinder is the least accurate as it has density of "ater &)9104 gmL "ith

    percentage of accuracy 91)04>$ it has percentage error of ) this error is occurred as

    there some "ater not transferred into the bea%er from the measuring cylinder) ;t is

    can be oercome by ta%ing the measurement three times and calculated the

