Chaupai Sahib With Translation

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Chaupai Sahib With Translation


<> sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ] pwiqswhI 10]

God is one, All victory is the victory of God.

Paatsahi 10

kbXo bwc bynqI] cOpeI ]

hmrI kro hwQ dY r`Cw ] (O God!) give me Your Hand and

protect me.

pUrn hoie icq kI ie`Cw ] Kindly fulfill all (my) mind’s



qv crnn mn rhY hmwrw ] May my mind remain ever attached to Your feet.

Apnw jwn kro pRiqpwrw ]1]

Treat me as Your own and cherish me.

hmry dust sBY qum Gwvhu ] Destroy all my enemies.

Awpu hwQ dY moih bcwvhu ]

Give me Your Hand and save me.


suKI bsY moro pirvwrw ] May my family-members live in


syvk isKÎ sBY krqwrw ]2] May my servants and sikhs live in

peace. O God.

mo r`Cw inju kir dY kirXY ] Give me Your Hand and protect


sB bYrn kOo Awj sMGirXY ] Destroy all my enemies today.


pUrn hoie hmwrI Awsw ]

May my (this) hope be fulfilled, (that)

qoir Bjn kI rhY ipXwsw ]3] The thirst for repeating Your

Name continues to exist

qumih Cwif koeI Avr n iDXwaUN] May I not forsake You and may I

not meditate on anyone else except You.


jo br cwhOoN su qum qy pwaUN ]

May I obtain You, whatever gifts I want

syvk is`KÎ hmwry qwrIAih ]

Kindly make my servants as well as my disciples to swim (the world


cuin cuin sqR hmwry mwrIAih ]4] Kindly kill my enemies after

singling them out.


Awpu hwQ dY muJY aubirXY ] Kindly give me Your Hand and save


mrn kwl kw qRws invirXY ] Kindly destroy from within myself

the fear of the time of death

hUjo sdw hmwry p`Cw ] May You ever remain on my side.

sRI AisDuj jU kirXhu r`Cw ]5] O God, there is Sword on your

Banner, protect me.


rwiK lyhu muih rwKnhwry ] O Great Preserver, preserve me.

swihb sMq shwie ipXwry ]

Dear God, You are the Master and Helper of the saints.

dIn bMDu dustn ky hMqw ]

You are the Friend of the poor; (You) are the Destroyer of



qum ho purI cqurds kMqw ]6] You are the Master of the

fourteen worlds.

kwl pwie bRhmw bpu Drw ] Brahma obtained a body (as

ordered by God) at proper time.

kwl pwie isvjU Avqrw ] Shiva was born (as ordered by

God) at proper time.


kwl pwie kr ibsn pRkwsw ] Vishnu was born (as ordered by

God) at proper time.

skl kwl kw kIAw qmwsw ]7] All this is the play of God.

jvn kwl jogI isv kIE ]

God created Shiva Yogi at proper time.

byd rwj bRhmw jU QIE ]

God created Brahma as the King of Vedas.


jvn kwl sB lok svwrw ]

He fashions the entire world.

nmskwr hY qwih hmwrw ]8] I salute Him (such God).

jvn kwl sB jgq bnwXo ] God created the whole world.

dyv dYq j`Cn aupjwXo ]

God created demi-gods, demons and yakshas.


Awid AMiq eykY Avqwrw ] God is the only incarnate, from

the beginning to the end.

soeI gurU smiJXhu hmwrw ]9] All should know that He (such

God) is my Guru.

nmskwr iqshI ko hmwrI ] I salute Him alone.

skl pRjw ijn Awp svwrI ]

He Himself creates all His subjects.


isvkn ko svgun suK dIE ]

He bestows happiness and divine virtues on his slaves.

s`qRün ko pl mo bD kIE ]10]

He instantaneously destroys the enemies.

Gt Gt ky AMqr kI jwnq ]

God knows what is passing in every heart.


Bly bury kI pIr pCwnq ] God knows the sufferings of good

and bad people.

cItI qy kuMcr AsQUlw ] From the ant to the huge


sB pr ik®pw idRsit kr PUlw ]11]

God casts His glance of favour on all and gets pleasure.


sMqn duK pwey qy duKI ] God is pained to see His saints in


suK pwey swDn ky suKI ] God is happy, when His saints are


eyk eyk kI pIr pCwnY ] God knows sufferings of



Gt Gt ky pt pt kI jwnY ]12] God knows the innermost secrets

of every man’s heart

jb audkrK krw krqwrw ] When the Creator projects


pRjw Drq qb dyh Apwrw ] His creation is created in

countless forms.


jb AwkrK krq ho kbhUM ] When He draws His creation

within Himself.

qum mNY imlq dyh Dr sBhUM ]13] All living beings are absorbed in

Him. jyqy bdn isRsit sB DwrY ]

All living beings, who have taken different bodies in this world.

Awpu AwpnI bUiJ aucwrY ]

Describe God’s virtues according to their understanding.


qum sB hI qy rhq inrwlm ] (O God), You live apart from

everything. jwnq byd Byd Aru Awlm ]14]

Only the learned and wise persons (try to) know the secret (of the

above phenomena).

inrMkwr inRibkwr inrlμB ] O Formless God, You are free

from sins and You do not seek any support.


Awid AnIl Anwid AsMB ]

You are the Primal Being, most pure, without beginning and self-


qw kw mUVH aucwrq Bydw ] Only a fool boasts that he knows

the secrets of God.

jw ko Byv n pwvq bydw ]15] Whose secrets are not known even

to the Vedas.


qw kO kir pwhn Anumwnq ] The great fool thinks that God is

a stone.

mhw mUVH kCu Byd n jwnq ] But he does not know the

difference between the two.

mhwNdyv kO khq sdw isv ] He continues calling Shiva as the

Eternal God.


inrMkwr kw cInq nih iBv ]16] but he does not know the secrets

of the Fomless God.

Awpu AwpunI buiD hY jyqI ] (People) according to their

different intelligence, brnq iBMn iBMn quih qyqI ] Describe God differently.

qumrw lKw n jwie pswrw ]

God’s limits and extent cannot be known.


ikh ibiD sjw pRQm sMswrw ]17] How the world was fashioned for the first time (cannot be know).

eykY rUp AnUp srUpw ]

God has only one Form, without any parallel.

rMk BXo rwv khI BUpw ]

God Himself manifests as a poor man, a lord or a king at different



AMfj jyrj syqj kInI ] God has created life from eggs,

wombs and perspiration.

auqBuj Kwin bhuir ric dInI ]18]

God has created mines of vegetables.

khUM PUil rwjw hÍY bYTw ]

Sometimes God sits joyfully as an Emperor.


khUM ismit BXo sMkr iekYTw ] Sometimes God sits as a Yogi,

detached (from all).

isgrI isRsit idKwie AcMBv ] His whole creation unfolds

miraculous things.

Awid jugwid srUp suXMBv ]19] God, the Primal, is from the beginning and self-created.


Ab r`Cw myrI qum kro ] (O God!) give me Your protection


is`KÎ aubwir Ais`KÎ sMGro ] Protect my disciples and destroy

my foes.

dust ijqy auTvq auqpwqw ] (O God!) destroy the enemies, who

create mischief.


skl mlyC kro rx Gwqw ]20] And destroy all infidels on the


jy AisDuj qv srnI pry ] (There are) men, who seek Your


iqn ky dust duiKq hÍY mry ] Their enemies meet miserable


purK jvn pg pry iqhwry ] Persons who fall at Your feet.


iqn ky qum sMkt sB twry ]21] You remove all their troubles.

jo kil ko iek bwr iDAYhY ]

Those, who meditate on You, even for once.

qw ky kwl inkit nih AYhY ]

Cannot be approached by death.

r`Cw hoie qwih sB kwlw ] All of them will get protection for



dust Airst trYyN qqkwlw ]22] Their troubles and enemies will

finish instantaneously.

ik®pw idRsit qn jwih inhirho ] Upon whom God casts His

favourable glance.

qw ky qwp qnk mih hirho ] Become free from the troubles



ir`iD is`iD Gr mo sB hoeI ] Such persons possess all wordly

and spirtual pleasures, while sitting in their homes.

dust Cwh CÍY skY n koeI ]23]

Enemies cannot touch even their shadow.

eyk bwr ijn qumY sMBwrw ]

One, who remembers You even for once.


kwl Pws qy qwih aubwrw ] Will be protected from the noose

of death.

ijn nr nwm iqhwro khw ] One, who repeats Your Name.

dwird dust doK qy rhw ]24]

Will be relieved from poverty and saved from attacks of foes.

KVgkyq mY srix iqhwrI ]

I seek shelter of God, Who has the sword on his Banner.


Awpu hwQ dY lyhu aubwrI ]

O God, give me Your own Hand and protect me.

srb TOr mo hohu shweI ]

O God, kindly become my Helper at all places.

dust doK qy lyhu bcweI ]25]

And protect me from the foes and evil doers.


ik®pw krI hm pr jg mwqw ] You (Oh God) the mother of all

creatures have blessed me graciously.

gRMQ krw pUrn suB rwqw ]

I was able to compile this granth with great speed and fervor.

iklibK skl dyh ko hrqw ]

Reading this Baani eliminates all of body’s sins.


dust doiKXn ko CY krqw ]26] Recitation eliminates our demons

and evil-wishers.

sRI AisDuj jb Bey dieAwlw ] Only because the honourable all

powerful Lord was merciful to me;

pUrn krw gRMQ qqkwlw ] did I complete this granth with

such speed.


mn bWCq Pl pwvY soeI ] Whoever recites this baani with full intent will attain the fruit of

their inner desires.

dUK n iqsY ibAwpq koeI ]27] No pain can even come close to



AiV`l ] Arril - Verse

sunY guMg jo Xwih su rsnw pwveI ] If a mute (person) listens with the utmost attention and love they will

attain the gift of speech. sunY mUV icq lwie cqurqw

AwveI] If an imbecile, senseless person listens with concentration and consideration of the meanings

then they will become incredibly intelligent.


dUK drd BO inkt n iqn nr ky

rhY ] No physical or mental pain can

inflect that person;

ho jo XwkI eyk bwr cOpeI ko khY ]28]

(oh my friends) the one who recites this Chaupee Sahib baani



cOpeI] Chaupai: verse

sMbq s~qRh shs Bix~jY]

The year (in Bikrami years) was 1700.

ArD shs Puin qIin kih~jY]

Add half of one hundred (50) and then three years.

Meaning 1753 Bikarmi (1696 A.D.)


BwdRv sudI AstmI rivvwrw] In the month of Bhaadro (mid-

summer) on a bright Sunday morning and the eighth day of the


qIr squ~DRv gRMQ suDwrw ]29] This Baani (Chaupee Sahib) was completed on the banks of the

Sutlej river.


sÍYXw ] Savaiya- Verse

pWie ghy jb qy qumry qb qy koaU

AWK qry nhI AwnÎo ] (O God) since I have fallen at Your Feet, I do not care for

anybody else.

rwm rhIm purwn kurwn Anyk khYN mq eyk n mwnÎo ]

I do not follow the religious ways, preached by various religions,


believing in Ram, Mohammad, Puran or Quran.

isMimRiq swsqR byd sBY bhu Byd khYN

hm eyk n jwnÎo ] The Simritis, Shastras and the

Vedas lay down different doctrines, but I do not recognise

any of these.

sRI Aispwn ik®pw qumrI kir mY n khÎo sB qoih bKwnÎo ]

O God! (You have sword in your Hand) I have written these


(hymns) with your grace and kindness, all that has been said, is

in fact spoken by You.

dohrw ] Dohra

sgl duAwr kau Cwif kY gihE

quhwro duAwr ] I have abandoned all doors

(shelters) and I have come to your door, My Lord.


bWih ghy kI lwj As goibMd dws quhwr ]

O God (Gobind), kindly protect the honour and grasp my arm, I am

Your humble servant.

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]