Chartered Consulting Engineers Cost & Carbon Saving Opportunities in the Food & Allied Industry...

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Chartered Consulting Engineers Cost & Carbon Saving Opportunities in the Food & Allied Industry...

CharteredConsulting Engineers

Cost & Carbon Saving Opportunities in the Food & Allied Industry

Summary Presentation

Doug Marriott BSc CEng CSci FIEE FIET FInstR MInstPet MEI FIFST FRSA

Chartered Engineer - Chartered Scientist

Doug Marriott Associates LtdEmail Tel +44(0) 1227 730912 Mob +44(0) 7860 331834

CharteredConsulting Engineers

AgendaAnaerobic DigestionPolygeneration Justification & Some Applications GQCHP – Good Quality CHP & Success CriteriaOther prime movers & fuel sourcesCommercial Considerations for use of CHP & CHRPAn Actual Applications for Heat and Power Some Examples and Site DetailsSorption SystemsCommercial ExampleConcluding Remarks Trigeneration & Food Engineering Funding and some Grant options

CharteredConsulting Engineers

Defra Backs Anaerobic Digestion

• Organic Materials - Manure Slurry Food waste - could be source of 2 MWhe Source UK Gov. - Jane Kennedy Farming & Environment Minister

• Defra indicate the UK produces >110 M tonnes of organic waste (90 M tonnes from manure + 20 M tonnes Waste Food Defra launching Task force - To Assist sectors such as Farming Water Industry, Food Industry to produce biogas

• NFU target to have 1,000 on farm units by 2020 to power farms and have fertilisers as a by product

CharteredConsulting Engineers

Definition of Polygeneration

CHP is the simultaneous production of Heat & Power derived from a single or multiple source of fuel/energy.

Polygeneration is the use of multiple energy inputs to create multiple energy outputs.

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Grid Power Conventional

Embedded Power Trigeneration?

Why Trigeneration Not Blue Sky

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Conventional Systems

• ή Power station 40-45%• ή transmission = - 3%• ή Power to site = 37- 42%

• ή Loss = 63% – 58%

2/3 energy is lost Energy Act - 80% reduction in energy use by 2050How can we achieve it !

CharteredConsulting Engineers

The key design Good Quality CHP (GQCHP)

The target energy usage should ideally have a ratio of heat/power requirements, which are as closely in phase with the ratio of heat and power delivered by the CHP plant through all the production capacities / demand.

The Measure is Good Quality CHP ( Rule of thumb)Index = 200 Electrical Efficiency + 125 Thermal Efficiency > 100

GQCHP Avoids payment of climate change levy (CCL)

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CHP & CHRP - the Success CriteriaContinuous and matched heat & electrical supply & demand Suitable ratio of energy demand/supplyCurrently Spark Gap (electrical cost / fuel cost) > 3.0 CO2 emission reduction – Tax advantages - Carbon Tax Improved security of supplyInterruptible energy supply cost savings - supply security Suitable relative capital incentive – mains supplyRelative maintenance costs a potential advantageProjected life cycle costs are attractive compared with conventional

CharteredConsulting Engineers

Commercial Considerations for Successful CHP / CHRP Applications

e.g. Electricity £0.010/kWh : Gas £0.030 /kWhRule of thumb Spark Gap > 3.0 Relative cost of power / fuel ~ Electricity to GasCost of electricity - gas ~ Price Gap = 7.0 p/kWCost of electricity / gas ~ Spark Gap = 3.3Electricity Connection Charge and agreements Gas Connection charge and agreement Potential to manage interruptible gas suppliesUpgrading time expired refrigeration plant

CharteredConsulting Engineers

The Prime Movers There is a variety of available systems thatcan be applied as the electrical primary energySupply devices. E.g.

Reciprocating EnginesMicroturbinesGas TurbinesSteam TurbinesSolar ORC (Organic Rankin Cycle)Fuel Cells

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Some fuels used in prime movers • Natural Gas (including interruptible supplies, CNG)• Wellhead Gases • LPG (liquid and gaseous)• Naphtha• Landfill and Sewage Gas• Mines Gas (Coal Bed Methane)• High Hydrogen Gases• Coke oven gas• Synthetic Gases from biomass, coal and wastes • Gasified (‘wood & waste food gas’) • Diesel, Kerosene & biofuels• Crude Oil• Waste solvents e.g. ethanol, methanol hydrocarbon based solvents • Permits are potentially an issue to consider

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Zero or Negative Cost Fuels

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An Example of a CHP applicationWaste Reprocessing plant with tray washing Washing Plastic Food Crates Uses a submersible conveyor with direct gas fired heaters (effective heating water to 700C in a tank through which the conveyor belt carries crates cleaned and strerilised and dried with an air knife) – replaced with a CHPHeating load 600kWh effectiveElectrical site load 400kWe +/- 150 kWe

Note the balance of supply and demand !

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Payback 2 years

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Trigeneration CHCP & CHRP Reasons for use over CHP

Improve Thermal Efficiency + 20%Reduce Emissions ~ Direct & IndirectLife Cycle Cost reductions Security of supply Refrigeration Simplified

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Sorption• Absorption is the incorporation of a substance

into another of a different state.e.g. Liquids into Solids

or Gases into LiquidsAbsorption is basically where a material takes in another substance.

• Adsorption is the physical adherence or bonding of ions and molecules onto the surface of another phase

( e.g. reagents adsorbed to solid catalyst surfaces).

Sorption Refrigeration Systems

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• Water refrigerant • Vacuum Vessel• H2O evaporates• Chilled Water formed• Silica Saturates• Heat Regenerates Silica• Cycle commences• Adjacent chamber – typically 2 chambers• Adjacent chamber with external thermal storage necessary

Simplified Silica Gel Schematic

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Simplified Lithium Bromide - Li/Br• Water – Refrigerant • Evaporator • Pumps weak Sol’n• Rectifier

concentrates the solution

• Vapour driven off• Liquefied –

condensed • Evaporates • Care to avoid triple

point solidification


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Simplified 2 Stage Li/Br Compared with Single Stage

• Higher Generator temperature input req’d• Resultant higher COP


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Li / Br Gauge Pressure (kg/cm2 G)

Absolute Pressure(kg/cm2 G)




10 11 183.2Driving pressure fordouble effect type

Driving pressure forsingle effect type

8 9 174.5

5 6 158.1

1 2 119,6

0.5 1.5 110.8

1 atm. 760 mmHg 100 Atmospheric Pressure


650.0 95.5High Temp. GeneratorPressure

Condenser Pressure

Evaporator Pressure

525.9 90.0

167.6 62.6

92.5 50.0

61.0 41.5

31.8 30.0

29.4 28.6

9.2 10.0

6.54 5.0

5.68 3.0

Pressure & Temperature Relationships Li/Br

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Simplified Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration Plant (AARP)

• Temp +5oC down to -60oC• NH3 refrigerant /H20 absorbent • Flexible and rapid temp adjustment/ start up • Only one moving part (pump)• No refrigerant losses • Low Maintenance • No Triple point issues • Long Life >30 Years• Performance a function of plant temperatures • Fuels Cost Low Zero Negative Carbon/Cost – opportunity

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Operation of Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration Plant (AARP)

• Evap +5 – 600C • Gen heat +95 to 1800C • Various heating media - steam - hot oil• Condenser low temp e.g. + 56% COP @ -500C +43% COP @ -400C • Various cooling soln’s - industrial brines etc

CharteredConsulting Engineers

Trigeneration Industrial Applications

Food & PharmaceuticalsFreeze DryingFood RefrigerationCold StorageDairiesIce Making Plants / Ice Storage.Ice Cream PlantsMeat ProcessingFish Processing Industries.Blast Freezing / Cold StoresSolvent RecoveryIndustrial Processes

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Steam / Heat DrivenWide refrigeration temperatures from + 5oC to –60oC.Accepts Heat source of ≥ 85oC.No moving parts, except a robust centrifugal pump.High availability reliability, low maintenance.Fully automatic. No running attention required.Outdoor / rooftop installation possible.Long life even beyond 40 years.Best efficiency up to 30% of rated capacity.Oil-free refrigerant, no fouling problems.

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Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration Plant

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Polygeneration Dairy Complex in Govind Dairy India with Integral Block Ice Making Plant

• Fuel waste sugar cane husk, coal, wood, other waste fuel

• Steam @ 21 bar G

• Steam driven electrical turbine

• Steam exhaust powers AARP

• Complete cooling services

• Integral ice making plant

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Chilled Food Application at 1 Tonne/hr Dairy Produce Chilling Yogurt

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Comparison Between Conventional and Tri-generation System

Conventional System

• Overall Efficiency: 51 %

• Running Cost: £800 p.w.

• CO2 Emissions:12.6 t/day

Tri-generation System

• Overall Efficiency 73 % (COP=0.35)

• Running Cost: £440 p.w

• CO2 Emissions: 5.3 t/day

Note: Efficiency and environmental performance of tri-generation system will increase significantly when low temperature absorption refrigeration systems with COP (Coefficient of Performance) close to 1.0 are achieved.

Doug Marriott Associates Saving Business Energy

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Some Grants and Funding & Options Option 1 Community & Charitable Grants <£30 K • Option 2 ECA 100% first year Energy Saving / Low Carbon/Water Conservation● Option 3 Shell Springboard < £40 k ● Option 4 Defra - Rural Enterprise Scheme

● Option 5 Collaborative Research TSB

● Option 6 Low Carbon Building Programme

● Option 7 Renewable Heat Incentive


● Option 8 Waste heat generation of Electricity 15-20% recovery

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Other References and Web Access •• ••••

page19363.html• • •• Doug’s Em Tel +44(0) 1227 730 712 Mob +44(0)7860331834 •