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Transcript of Charlotte

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

She also self-published a magazine titled,

The Forerunner, for seven years; the magazine is

an incredible collection of thought and ideas and

an example of how driven she was.


Best known for her short story "The Yellow

Wall-Paper," Gilman was a woman who wrote a

great number of works, from short journalism

to book length discussions of the social realities

of women's lives to poetry. Her book, Women

and Economics was acclaimed as a major

triumph and re-published in several languages;

Vassar College even used it as a textbook for a

short time. Gilman's major concern during her

lifetime was feminism-- women's suffrage as

well as women's economic independence.


She was born Charlotte Anna Perkins, on July

3, 1860, in Hartford, CT. Her mother was Mary

Fitch Westcott, and her father was Frederic

Beecher Perkins. This made Gilman the great

granddaughter of Lyman Beecher, and the great-

niece of Henry Ward Beecher and Harriet Beecher

Stowe. She had a brother, Thomas Adie, who was

14 months older; there were two siblings who died

in infancy. Gilman's mother was advised to have

no more children, soon after this, her father left

the family on their own. Critics have guessed that

the basis for his desertion was concern of killing

his wife in childbirth. (Wells) The family was sent

to live with relatives; they were the "poor

relations" who traveled around frequently during

Gilman's childhood. Maybe this is one reason that

Gilman herself developed

unsure outlook about marriage and declared to not

marry. Needless to say, that vow was broken when

she married Charles Walter Stetson. Their

marriage was a troubled one, eventually ending in

a controversial divorce. They had one daughter,

Katherine Beecher Stetson who was born

March 23, 1885. Many years later (in 1900),

Gilman was re-married to her cousin George

Houghton Gilman; they remained happily married

until his sudden death May 4, 1934. After his

death, Gilman moved to California to be with her

daughter and her family. Gilman learned in 1932

that she had incurable breast cancer. As an

advocate for the right-to-die, Gilman committed

suicide on August 17, 1935 by taking an overdose

of chloroform. She "chose chloroform over

cancer" as her autobiography and suicide note

stated. (Wells) It seems that in her lifetime,

Gilman was well respected among her peers and

socialist circles.  Her original attempt at

publishing “The Yellow Wallpaper” failed as

Horace Scudder, the editor of The Atlantic wrote,

“that it was so terribly good that it ought never to

be printed.” (Reuben)


Non-Fiction•Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. (1898) •Concerning Children. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. (1900) •The Home: Its Work and Influence. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. (1903) •Human Work. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. (1904) •The Man-Made World; or, Our Andocentric Culture. New York: Charlton Co. (1911) •His Religion and Hers: A Study of the Faith of Our Fathers and the Work of Our Mothers. New York and London: Century Co. (1923) •The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography.. New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co. (1935)

Fiction •The Yellow Wallpaper. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. (1899). •What Diantha Did. New York: Charlton Co. (1910) •Moving the Mountain. New York: Charlton Co. (1911) •The Crux. New York: Charlton Co. (1911) •Benigna Machiavelli. (1916) [serialized in Forerunner]; Santa Barbara, CA: Bandanna Books, 1994. •Herland. (1915) [serialized in Forerunner] •With Her in Ourland. (1916) [serialized in Forerunner] •Unpunished. [detective novel; First published by Feminist Press, Hardback edition 1997, paperback edition 1998]

Poetry •In This Our World. Oakland, California: McCombs & Vaughn (1893) •Suffrage Songs and Verses New York: The Charlton Company. (1911)

Prior to the twentieth century, men delegated and

defined women’s responsibilities.  Although all

women were affected by men shaping women’s

behavior, for the most part middle class women

suffered.  Men carried out an ideological prison that

subjected and suppressed women.  There were three

main feminist movements in the late 1800’s through

the early 1900’s. After 1870, “the suffragists”

focused on winning for women the right to vote.

Their opinions were slightly different than those of

suffragists before the Civil War. Early reformers had

argued that women, as human-beings, had a natural

right to vote. From the 1870s on, however, suffragists

took their cues from the Cult of True Womanhood

and contended that women were unlike and, in some

cases, better than men. Women, for example, were

more noble, more spiritual, and truer

of heart then men. Granting women the right to vote,

they argued, would help filter political corruption in

the United States. Social feminists agreed with the

suffragists that women should get the vote, but

dedicated themselves to social reforms other than

suffrage. Part of that generation of women who first

gained access to higher education

   The new generation of social feminists were

more conservative, but also more pragmatic. Radical

feminists offered a much stronger evaluation of

American society, economics, and politics. Charlotte

Perkins Gilman was the most prominent of this

group. In 1898, Gilman achieved international fame

with her book, Women and Economics: The

Economic Factor between Men and Women as a

Factor in Social Evolution, a condemnation of the

Cult of True Womanhood. Her chief arguments in the

book were quite radical for America at the turn of the

century. She argued that: common humanity shared

by men and women was far more important than

sexual differences, Social environment, not biology,

determined the roles of men and women in society, in

an industrial society, women would be released from

the home, enabled to make a broad human

contribution rather than a narrow feminine

contribution to society. (Schultz) Gilman founded the

argument, which she would expand and continue

throughout her life, that the economic reliance of

women on men not only delayed their intellectual

and emotional growth, it also prevented the healthy

development of the human class.

From that point on, her life was dedicated to

confronting what she referred to as a masculinist

society and to investigating alternative social

arrangements that would liberate women from

domestic subordination: day-care centers, kitchenless

houses, and the professionalization of domestic tasks

such as housecleaning, laundry, and sewing. An avidly

dedicated socialist feminist, she was deeply influenced

by the ideas of Edward Bellamy, whose 1887 utopian

novel Looking Backward, inspired a national political

and social reform movement in his name. (The Public

Media Foundation at Northeastern University Center

for Interdisciplinary Studies) Although I do not believe

we have reached the level of awareness that Gilman

wanted, I do believe we have moved a great deal

closer to reaching the goal she had set for the women

of the 1900’s. We are now considered equal to men in

both the home and the workplace. But I do feel the

there are still some men that refuse to hear women,

and do not want to see them become leaders in the


Fortunately we thanks to the women in our past, for

speaking up and standing their ground, we now have

such things as:

The Fair Labor Standards Act establishes minimum

wage without regard to sex

The Equal Pay Act is passed by Congress,

promising equitable wages for the same work,

regardless of the race, color, religion, national origin

or sex of the worker

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals rules that

women meeting the physical requirements can work in

many jobs that had been for men only.

The Women’s Educational Equity Act, drafted by

Arlene Horowitz and introduced by Representative

Patsy Mink (D-HI), funds the development of

nonsexist teaching materials and model programs that

encourage full educational opportunities for girls and


The Violence Against Women Act funds services for

victims of rape and domestic violence, allows women

to seek civil rights remedies for gender-related crimes,

provides training to increase police and court officials’

sensitivity and a national 24-hour hotline for battered

women. (The National Women's History Project)

Works Cited

Reuben, Paul P. PAL: Perspectives in American

Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. 23 May

2009. 24 June 2010



Schultz, Stanley K. American History the Civil War

to the Present . 1999. 25 June 2010



The National Women's History Project. Timeline of

Legal History of Women in the United States. 1997.

25 June 2010


The Public Media Foundation at Northeastern

University Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.

Scribbling Women. 2010. 25 June 2010


Wells, Kim. Domestic Goddesses. 23 August 1999.

24 June 2010

