CHARACTER COUNTS! in Fort Dodge: Words of Wisdom

Post on 09-Nov-2014

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Excerpts from youth character award essays.

Transcript of CHARACTER COUNTS! in Fort Dodge: Words of Wisdom

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Words of Wisdom

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Excerpts from Youth Character Award Essays

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I look for others who appear lonely or left out and include them too.

– Morgan Border

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

My grandfather taught me to help out and not

expect anything in return. – Jayden Condon

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I remember how helping someone else gave me courage to stand up to

bullies. – Claire Flemming

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I want to continue to give to others because it

makes me feel good. – Josie Huss

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

You never know what people are going through

and how an easy thing can make them feel better.

– Rylee Kinney

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

When you stand up to a bully you never think of how thankful the person

you stood up for is. – Olivia Kolacia

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Like Rachel said “Nobody knows how far a little

kindness can go.”– Milena Naughton

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Popularity doesn’t matter; what matters is the

kindness and respect you give to people.

– Emma Neverman

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

When I do something good, I feel my heart open up.

– Josephine Perry

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I think everyone needs to try and do one small kind thing for someone once a

day. – Amanda Richman

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I try to set the example in class so we can become a

better class. – Jocelyn Timmerman

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Little things I have done for others are…things I think everyone should do for

each other. – Grace Champagne

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Helping at Oleson Park zoo made me feel really good.

– Jonathon Madden

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Anyone who has ever performed an act of

kindness will tell you it is VERY addicting.

– Caleb Baker

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I told a bully to be nice and be herself and she wasn’t

mean to me again.– Madelynn Gordon

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I love helping others out. I think of it as a thank you

gift.– Jasmine Baguhn

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

My mom always tells me that “you’re only as good on the court as you are in

the classroom.”.– Dalton Summers

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I introduced someone new to my friends and we all

became friends.– Nathanial Madden

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Helping them made me feel like a good role model…I

started the chain reaction but want them to keep it going.

– Alaina Porter

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I help people every chance I get; it makes me feel good

to help others.– Brianna Campbell

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

The act of kindness I choose to do on a daily

basis is smiling at someone and saying, “Hello.”

– Madelyn Sweeney

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

My mom told me to “care for her as if you’re the only friend that she has” and it

worked.– Jersey Summers

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I thought about how I would feel and I knew I had to help the owner find their

lost dog!– Kathryn Cochrane

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I deal with bullies by trying to talk to them.

– Kaydence Messerly

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I help others by bringing a cat onto ABC5 tv to help

the cat get adopted.– Blake Davis

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I had to help her and others, and cease bullying

in our school.– Alexis Stuhrenberg

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Older members of 4H helped me so I want to do

the same for others.– Anna Lewandowski

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

4H has taught me the value in volunteering, and helping

others.– Justin Koester

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I enjoy going to nursing homes and visiting with the

elderly.– Alisa Anderson

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I felt like our delivery of food was a gift to that

family.– Cooper Duarte

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I am not a very big person, but I was able to help all those people that were

cleaning up.– Ethan Eldridge

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

After helping him out, little by little I found out that he had good character in him.

– Jiho Han

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Rachel’s Challenge helps build a joyful atmosphere in

school.– Lauren Harris

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

If we keep paying it forward will make our community a

nicer and more content place.

– Nichole Kane

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I try to be a little ray of sunshine in other people’s lives; I know Rachel was.

– Abby Landwehr

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I loved helping my teacher, it gave me a sense of

purpose and felt better than playing computer games.

– Molly Lennon

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I believe you should always treat people the way you

want to be treated.– Brianna Luke

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I will always remember that it is right to give back even

in the smallest ways.– Macey Mason

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I have learned the importance of friendship,

how to be a good friend in a tough time.

– Natalie Nordstrom

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Looking for the best in others can really help you

find a good friend.– Jacque Oberg

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I can do big things by doing little things for others.

– Emma Pinkelman

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I want to be grow into someone that isn’t afraid to be that one person who cares.

– Michelle Waller

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

We need to respect people, all people.– Hannah Zinnel

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

By helping at the animal shelter I learned a lot of

responsibility.– Matayan McLoughlin

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I have followed Character Counts and I like how it

works.– Wesley Simms

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

The best thing Rachel taught me is forgive others

and yourself.– Danielle Chen

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I told her she should try to make everyone happy and

not be mean so she can have friends.

– Mary Perez

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I’ve accepted Rachel’s Challenge by talking to people and being nice.

– Izaih Clark

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I told a bully he could talk to me and I was glad I

could help him out.– Jesse Francis

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I learned that if you are kind you might not be

everyone’s friends.– Christyn Nichols

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I am happy that I was able to make a difference in

someone’s life.– Taylor Hartley

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Your character reflects your future. I compliment someone every day.

– Hannah Wadle

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I help a lot more after I went to Rachel’s Challenge

and I don’t take anything for granted.

– Makla Naylor

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Remember God is always watching!

– Cole Savery

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Ever since I got brave and told my teacher I was

bullied it helped me with a lot of things like my grades.

– Maria Martinez

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I showed people that it doesn’t matter what they

look like but only who they are inside.– Malory McCarthy

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Even though bad things happen you need to keep

going.– Justin Vaughan

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I will use what I learned at Rachel’s Challenge my

entire life.– Haley Ledford

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Volunteer work has shown me that it helps people and

it is fun.– Christian Lundberg

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I won’t always have someone telling me what to

do and I need to be a leader on my own.

– Brooklin Border

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Whenever I see bullying I stand up to the bully.

– Olivia Carlson

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Rachel’s Challenge made me more confident to do the right thing even if it is

hard.– Emma Gruver

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

It only takes 26 muscles to smile and 62 to frown.

Which do you pick?– Meghan Hanley

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Lessons of kindness can come from anywhere.

– Emma Hergenreter

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I’m in love with helping others.

– Audrey Kolacia

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Acts of kindness can change a person’s day or

life.– Riley Mayer

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Knowing I helped someone is one of my best

achievements in life.– Maddie Nemmers

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

To me, your kindness shapes your reputation.

– Hannah Reynoso

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

It’s not about being popular but about having

the biggest heart.– Jake Szalat

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

That simple act of kindness brought happiness to my

the entire grade.– Charlie Doyle

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I’ve accepted Rachel’s Challenge by standing up to a bully and caring for

others.– Shaye Lankford

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I believe everyone should feel loved and important –that they have a place in

this world.– Meagan Hartman

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

My random acts of kindness were nothing

more that what my mother would call manners.

– Ashlee Grady

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I try to reach my full potential and encourage others to reach theirs by

volunteering.– Luke Lewandowski

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

If everyone smiled more and was kinder more, the whole world would be a lot

better.– Collin Harris

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Kindness is one of the many great gifts we have in

our lives.– James Kane

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Helping others has brought me joy and someday I may be the one who needs help.

– Conlin Lundberg

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Kindness makes the whole world go round.

– Jaclyn Taylor

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

All of my actions had a positive impact on people I

helped.– Trent Woodhouse

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

When I volunteer I hope others will see me and do

the same.– Mercedes Loehr

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Words hurt. Be a friend instead. Be the example

Rachel was.– Anna Bruen

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Everybody is important no matter what anybody says.

– Ashlee Lansman

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I realized how much of an impact somebody can have

on everybody.– Thomas Schumack

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

But the best way to get back at someone is to

smile and act like it doesn’t effect you. – Lily Peterson

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I don’t think that they realize how much a small hug or smile can mean.

– Autumn Baedke

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I noticed lots of students sit alone during school. I

decided to do something about it. – Leah Cosgrove

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I have seen what rumors can do and if there was a rumor

about me I don’t know what I would do.

– Bailey Florey

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I was reminded how even a simple gesture can go a

long way. – Jacob Lewandowski

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I learned that if you can make just one person’s day better then your day was a

success. – Ryan Szalat

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

When I help others I feel accomplished.

– Michael Faiferlick

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Everyone should feel important everyday

of their lives. – Jaci Stumpf

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

When people think of me, I would like kindness to

come to mind. – Jaci Brungardt

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Happiness is contagious. – Lauren Moeding

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Donating blood makes a difference for others.

– Cassie Stumpf

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Leading others helped me understand what we can

accomplish when we become one. – Shelby Portz

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I ask myself, “How did I make the world a better

place today?” – Casey McEvoy

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Make the most of what you have and appreciate it.

– Jazmine Myers

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

Rachel’s Challenge was a strong eye opener for our

commuity. – McKenzie Flaherty

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I just try to be myself and accept others for who they are.

– Lane Florey

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

My service trip was a life changing experience.

– Ellen Chalstrom

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

I realized how important it is to not give up on

anything that you do. – Aaron Chalstrom

A Project of the Institute for Character Development at Drake University

When you think about it, kindness is a selfish act – we usually get more back than we give. – Katy Bocken