Chapter V The Bourgeois Revolution I. The Economic and Political Background Capitalism grew rapidly....

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Transcript of Chapter V The Bourgeois Revolution I. The Economic and Political Background Capitalism grew rapidly....

Chapter VChapter V

The Bourgeois The Bourgeois RevolutionRevolution

I. The Economic and Political Background

Capitalism grew rapidly. Capitalist mode of production appeared in national industry and capitalist enterprise by Enclosure Movement, foreign trade and colonial plunder.

The conflict between the bourgeoisie & the feudalists became most acute.

Peasants uprising 1607.Peasant movement reached new height in 1630s.

The absolutist rule of the Stuarts.

Chapter V

II. The Absolutist Rule of the Stuarts

James I insisted on the Divine Right to Kings,

believing that kings were only responsible to God

and not to any Parliament. In his view, the king’s

will was the only law.

Charles I ruled for eleven years without summoning

Parliament. He persecuted the Puritans. He asked

people for “loans” and those who refused were put

into prison.

Chapter V

III. The Civil Wars (1642-1649)

1. Background of the war The absolutist rule of Charles I aroused the

resistance of the people and the bourgeoisie, Charles took counteraction, the war broke out.

2. Groups of the war

A. Roundheads--supporters of Parliament

free farmers; tradesmen; craftsmen

B. Cavaliers/Royalists--King’s supporters

Catholics; feudal lord <West & North of England>

Chapter V

3. Course

A. In the first year, parliament army suffered several defeats because of poor organization and the leaders. But Cromwell’s “New Model Army” changed the situation, and they were called “Ironsides”. By March 1646 the Civil War was over.

B. Parliament passed acts in the interests of the bourgeoisie, but nothing was done for the peasants. So the camp was divided .

Chapter V

a. Presbyterians—the upper class of the bourgeoisie and the old nobility

b. Independents—middle layers of the bourgeoisie and the new nobility

c. Levellers -- aimed at a petty bourgeoisie democracy

C. Cromwell rallied the Independents and Levellers and defeated the reactionaries.

4. Consequence 1649, Charles’ army was defeated, he was behead

ed; in May 1649, England was declared a Commonwealth.

Chapter V

IV. The Commonwealth and Protectorate

1. Sufferings of the Commonwealth

A. In April, 1649,The Diggers The peasants’ collective digging and ploughing

the soil appeared on St. George’s Hill, Surrey, soon it spread to Nottingham, Kent and other counties. These peasants are called ~.

Winstanley was the leader. Because of their lack of unity, they were suppressed.

Chapter V

B. In Ireland, Cromwell confiscated the land of the rebels, and part of the land was distributed among the officers and soldiers of the New Model Army.

C. In Scotland, Cromwell followed the King, and the king ran to France.

D. Economic recovery was the most difficult task for the Commonwealth.

Chapter V

2. Lord Protector

In 1653, Cromwell was made Lord Protector for life and started his military dictatorship openly. The Commonwealth became the Protectorate and Parliament was dissolved. He became a “king” in all but name.

Chapter V

V. The Restoration and the Coup D’ Eat

1. The Restoration A. Tired of military despotism and afraid of

further development of the revolution , the bourgeoisie wanted the restoration of the monarchy. In May 1660 the son of Charles I was proclaimed King Charles II of England.

B. Anglicanism was restored. C. The Cavalier took revenge on the

Roundheads. Thus feudal forces were restored.

Chapter V

2. Tories & Whigs The Cavaliers and Roundheads had settled dow

n to become England’s first political parties, the former the Tories and the latter the Whigs.

3. Facing the blame, Charles made friends with the Tory and married Mary (Protestant) to William. After his death, his brother James II became king.

Chapter V

4. The Glorious Revolution

After three years’ struggle, the Whig and Tory leaders at last united against James II. Being afraid of another revolution, the leaders of the two parties planned a coup D’Etat. In June 1688, the leaders of Parliament invited William of Holland to come and take the throne. William landed with army and he was so welcomed that James II ran away to France. William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers. This was known in history as The Glorious Revolution

Chapter V

5. Bill of Rights (1689) It limited the powers of the crown,

strengthened the power of parliament. It settled many of the religious and political

problems for the next one hundred and fifty years.

The king and Parliament were no longer rivals. They worked together, but Parliament was the stronger power.

Chapter V

6. The effect of the revolution

The English Revolution is an epoch-making event in the history of the world. It concluded the medieval period---the period of feudalism, and marks the beginning of the modern period --- the period of capitalism. It paved the way for the rapid growth of capitalism in England.

Chapter V

The End

1. First Parliament: far more critical and independent, clashes between King and Parliament became more frequent and fundamental.

2. Second Parliament: “ Addled Parliament”

3. Last Parliament: monopolies to be illegal

Parliaments of James’ I


Parliaments of Charles I

1. The Short Parliament In April 1640 Charles I called his fourth

Parliament, but it discussed grievances instead of voting supplies and so it was dismissed after a session of 23 days, which was called ~.

2. The Long Parliament After 1640 the situation forced Charles to summon Parliament once more, and this sitting lasted until 1653,which was called ~.


Oliver Cromwell

He was the leader of the Independents during the British Bourgeois Revolution.

In the Civil War, he led his new army “New Model Army” defeated the king’s army. In 1649 he signed to execute Charles I and established Commonwealth. He suppressed the Diggers. In 1653 Parliament was dissolved and he was made Lord Protector for life and started his military dictatorship openly.

The Commonwealth became the Protectorate. He died in 1658.


1. He intended to establish absolutism in England with the aid of the French.

2. Big fire and terrible plague caused wider disasters.3. Dutch force destroyed the English ships.

The country blamed the King’s friendship with France, so he turned to Parliament for help.

Charles II


James II

James II, Charles’s brother, ascended the throne after Charles died in 1685. He openly ignored laws passed by Parliament and intended to maintain a standing army commanded by Catholics.
