Chapter 9 Classification Review Game. Sing the classification song.

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Transcript of Chapter 9 Classification Review Game. Sing the classification song.

Chapter 9Classification

Review Game

Sing the classification song

Sing the dichotomous key


The division of organisms into groups or classes based on characteristics is _______________.

The division of organisms into groups or classes based on characteristics is _______________.A: Classification

What system based on shared characteristics is used to classify organisms? A: An ____-level system

What system based on shared characteristics is used to classify organisms? A: An eight-level system

Who is considered the father of the modern system of naming and classification?

Who is considered the father of the modern system of naming and classification?A: Carolus Linneaus

What is this 2-part naming system called?

What is this 2-part naming system called?A: Binomial Nomenclature

What are the two parts to a scientific name?

What are the two parts to a scientific name? A: Genus and species

What branch of science did Linneaus help develop?

What branch of science did Linneaus help develop?A: Taxonomy

Into which two groups did scientists originally classify all living things?

Into which two groups did scientists originally classify all living things?A: Plants and Animals

The jaguar (Panthera onca), the lion (Panthera leo), and the tiger (Panthera tigris) are different species, but they share the same _______.

The jaguar (Panthera onca), the lion (Panthera leo), and the tiger (Panthera tigris) are different species, but they share the same _______.A: Genus

Since the jaguar and the tiger are members of different species, what are they unable to do?

Since the jaguar and the tiger are members of different species, what are they unable to do? A: Mate to produce fertile offspring

Which animals have color vision?

Which animals have color vision?

Which animal has a much larger brain but is not bipedal?

Which animal has a much larger brain but is not bipedal?

How many levels of classification are there?

How many levels of classification are there? A: 8

List the 8 levels of classification in order from most general to most specific.

List the 8 levels of classification in order from most general to most specific.A: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

How many domains are there today?

List them.

How many domains are there today?A: 3List them.A: Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya

How many kingdoms are there today?

List the kingdoms.

How many kingdoms are there today?A: 6List the kingdoms.A: Archaeabacteria, Eubacteria, Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals

To which kingdom would these organisms belong:Slime mold, paramecium, and amoeba

To which kingdom would these organisms belong:Slime mold, paramecium, and amoebaA: Kingdom Protista

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A complex multicellular organism that absorbs nutrients from its surroundings.

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A complex multicellular organism that absorbs nutrients from its surroundings.A: Kingdom Fungi

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A prokaryote that lives in extreme environments

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A prokaryote that lives in extreme environmentsA: Kingdom Archaeabacteria

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A prokaryote that can either be cocci, spirilla, or bacilli.

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A prokaryote that can either be cocci, spirilla, or bacilli. A: Kingdom Eubacteria

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A complex multicellular heterotroph that usually moves, responds to its environment using specialized sense organs, and reproduces sexually.

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A complex multicellular heterotroph that usually moves, responds to its environment using specialized sense organs, and reproduces sexually. A: Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Animalia is subdivided into 2 phyla. Name the 2 phyla.

Kingdom Animalia is subdivided into 2 phyla. Name the 2 phyla.A: invertebrates and vertebrates

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A eukaryote that can perform photosynthesis and whose cells have cell walls.

To which kingdom would this organism belong:A eukaryote that can perform photosynthesis and whose cells have cell walls. A: Kingdom Plantae

Why are organisms in the Kingdom Fungi not classified as plants?

Why are organisms in the Kingdom Fungi not classified as plants?A: They can’t do photosynthesis

What tool would you use to help you identify an organism that you did not know?

What tool would you use to help you identify an organism that you did not know?A: Dichotomous Key

After looking at a dichotomous key, you have identified a domestic dog as Canis lupus . What is the dog’s species name?

After looking at a dichotomous key, you have identified a domestic dog as Canis lupus . What is the dog’s species name?A: lupus

After looking at a dichotomous key, you have identified a domestic dog as Canis lupus . What is the dog’s genus?

After looking at a dichotomous key, you have identified a domestic dog as Canis lupus . What is the dog’s genus?A: Canis

Why did scientists develop new domains and kingdoms?

Why did scientists develop new domains and kingdoms?A: New organisms were discovered

What does a dichotomous key consist of?

What does a dichotomous key consist of? A: A series of paired statements.

List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom


List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom

Archaeabacteria Heat lovers, Salt lovers, Methane makers

List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom


List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom

Eubacteria Cocci/Bacilli/Spirilla

List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom


List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom

Protista Protozoans, Algae, Slime Molds, Euglenoids

List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom


List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom

Fungi Threadlike mold, Sac Fungi, Club Fungi Imperfect Fungi

List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom


List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom

Plant Flower, Tree

List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom


List 1 organism found in each of the 6 kingdoms.

Kingdom Organism found in the Kingdom

Animal Birds, Dogs, Eagles