Chapter 6 brain and body review game

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Transcript of Chapter 6 brain and body review game

Chapter 6 Review

Steve Prefontaine was a great runner in the 1970’s.

Perhaps what made him so great was that while running, he would experience a “runner’s high” which would let him push through and get his second wind.

What really causes this?

The release of endorphins!

______ develop from a single fertilized egg and share the same genes.

Identical Twins

Come play with us!

The part of the brain that is responsible for the most basic processes of life such as breathing, heart rate and a variety of



The endocrine system is responsible for the release of _____ or chemical messages.


______ is the genetic transmission of characteristics from parents to their offspring.


What hemisphere deals with the following? Right or left?


Having the left brain dominance means being more adept at logic, calculation, language, and other thought processes or skills usually

associated with the left brain.

The _____ acts as the master gland in the body, controlling the release of hormones and the output of other endocrine glands.

Pituitary Gland

The part of the nervous system that controls involuntary activity is called the _______.

Autonomic Nervous System

If identical twins that were separated at birth, raised in separate and very different

households shared the same talents and habits, then it probably means that ____ played a major role in their behaviors.


Our higher thinking processes--those which make us unique--are housed in the ____.


Twins separated at birth and then reunited 31 years later.

One of the oldest debates in psychology, and in philosophy, concerns whether individual human traits and abilities are predetermined from birth or due to one’s upbringing and experiences. This is often termed the ________ vs. ________ debate.

Nature vs. Nurture

Psychobiologists argue for nature, behaviorists argue for nurture.

The smaller branches of nerves that reach out to other parts of the body such as extremities and organs are part of the


Peripheral Nervous System

Name all four lobes of the brain!

Parietal Lobe

Occipital Lobe

Frontal Lobe

Temporal Lobe