Chapter 5 The Old Testament God Reveals Himself to His People Our Lady of Lourdes High School Grade...

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Transcript of Chapter 5 The Old Testament God Reveals Himself to His People Our Lady of Lourdes High School Grade...

Chapter 5The Old Testament

God Reveals Himself to His People

Our Lady of Lourdes High SchoolGrade 9 Religion

Mrs. Safford


Questions to Think About

• Is Creation good, evil, or both?• What does it mean that man is made in the

image of God?

Is Creation good, evil, or both?

• God’s creation is good.• Each individual story in the Bible contains its

own truths and reveals something about the nature of God. When read in its entirety, the Bible emerges as a complete vision of salvation history.

• God saw each stage of his creation as good, and the totality of it as very good.

What does it mean that man is made in the image of God?

• God made man in the image of God, which means human beings are persons in a family relationship with God and other human beings.

Assignment• Define the following vocabulary words:• Angel• Ark• Ark of the Covenant• Circumcision• Covenant• Creation• Exile• Exodus• Flood• Gentile• Golden Calf• Idolatry

Assignment• Image• Manna• Pagan• Passover• Pharaoh• Plague• Priest • Protoevangelism• Serpent• Tabernacle• Ten Commandments• This will count as a homework grade.


Questions to Think About

• Why did Adam and Eve fall from grace?• What is protoevangelium?• What is original sin?

Why did Adam and Eve fall from grace?

• Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent, and brought to spiritual death to themselves and their descendents, which is called original sin. The serpent is Satan, who works against God’s plan for his people.

• When Adam and Eve sinned, they immediately experienced losing supernatural life, the life of grace in their souls.

What is protoevangelium?

• Protoevangelism is the curse Adam and Eve is a manifestation of God’s love, which included the promise of a Savior.

What is original sin?• Original sin is a wound in human nature that

became evident in Adam and Eve’s offspring.


• Create 10 cards using larger index cards:• draw a picture on the front • write a paragraph about their importance

with God on the back. • See the list on the next two slides to use of the

following people:• Must include the people in orange

People Assignment

• Aaron• Abel• Abraham• Adam• Cain• David• Eve• Ezra• Isaac• Jacob• Jeremiah

People Assignment

• Joseph and his brothers• Josiah• Judges• Macabees• Messiah• Moses• Noah• Samuel• Sarah• Saul• Solomon• This will count as a test grade.


Questions to Think About

• What is the significance of the flood?• What was the sign of the covenant with Noah?• What did God promise in his covenant with


What is the significance of the flood?

Because of the wicked violence of the human race, God sent a flood to destroy the earth.

• God saved only a righteous man Noah, and his family and created a new covenant with humanity.

• The flood is a type for the Sacrament of Baptism, and the Ark is a type for the Church.

What was the sign of the covenant with Noah?

The rainbow

What did God promise in his covenant with Noah?

• God promised never to destroy the whole earth by a flood and gave Noah and his family dominion over it.


Questions to Think About

• What sacrifice did God ask Abraham?• Why is it likely Isaac was a willing participant

in his own sacrifice?• How is Isaac a type of Christ?

What sacrifice did God ask Abraham?

• God wanted Abraham to offer his son as a burnt offering.

• This was particularly difficult, since Abraham had waited many, many years for God’s promise to be fulfilled in Isaac, and that now it looked like the promise was being taken away.

Why is it likely Isaac was a willing participant in his own sacrifice?

• Human sacrifice to pagan gods were common, so 13 year old Isaac would know what was happening.

• Isaac was young and strong, Abraham was old, so Isaac could have overcome his father to save his life.

• However, Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice.

How is Isaac a type of Christ?• Abraham was obedient to the point that he

offered his son Isaac, a type of Christ in sacrifice.

What was God’s covenant with Abraham?

• God made a covenant with Abraham by promising his countless descendents , the land of Canaan, as a dwelling place, a line of kings, and a worldwide blessing.

• The external sign of this covenant is circumcision.

• Video: The Covenant with Abraham


Questions to think about?• What did Jacob’s sons do their father’s favorite

son, Joseph?• How did God bring good out of evil of Joseph’s

brothers?• How is Joseph a type of Christ?

What did Jacob’s sons do their father’s favorite son, Joseph?

• They sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt and told Jacob that Joseph was dead.

How did God bring good out of evil of Joseph’s brothers?

• Joseph became minister to Pharaoh, and was able to save his family when famine occurred.

How is Joseph a type of Christ?

• Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers, but God arranged by his own hand that Joseph would be their savior.

• Christ was also betrayed by his brothers, ultimately by all of us, and God arranged by his own hand, that their would be a Savior that the salvation of the world would be accomplished.


Questions to Think About

• How did Moses escape death as a newborn?• How did God appear to Moses?• What was Moses’ reaction to God’s voice?• What does God reveal to Moses about his

intentions?• What name does God reveal to Moses?

How did Moses escape death as a newborn?

• His mother placed him in a reed basket and set it into the Nile River.

• Moses was found by the Pharaoh’s daughter and raised him as a prince of Egypt.

• Moses real mother secretly passed on the faith and traditions of Israel to him.

• Moses later became a fugitive when he was older, when he killed an Egyptian taskmaster who was abusing a Hebrew slave.

How did God appear to Moses? • He spoke through a bush that burned but was

not consumed.

What was Moses’ reaction to God’s voice?• He was “afraid to look at God.”

What name does God reveal to Moses?

• “I am who I am.”• This word is sometimes written “Yahweh” or

“Jehovah”• The Jews refer to this as a Tetragrammation or

four letters (YHWH) as written Hebrew does not include vowels.

Questions to Think About?

• What demand did Moses make to Pharaoh?• What threat accompanied the demand?• How many plagues did God tell Moses he

would release?

What demand did Moses make to Pharaoh?

• The people of Israel must be allowed to undertake a three day’s journey into the desert to offer sacrifice to the Lord.

What threat accompanied the demand?

• God said, “If you refuse to let (Israel) go, behold, I will slay your firstborn son” (Ex 4:23).

• The Pharaoh responded by making the Israelites work even harder.

How many plagues did God tell Moses he would release?

• God released 10 plagues on Egypt, cultivating with the promise to kill the first born son in Egypt.

• Other words, he would do to Pharaoh what Pharaoh was doing to God since Israel was God’s firstborn son, which is God’s chosen people.

Questions to Think About

• How was Israel spared the final plague?• How is the blood of the Passover lamb a type

of Blood of Christ?

How was Israel spared the final plague?

• According to God’s instructions, the Jews sacrificed an unblemished lamb, spread its blood over the doorposts and lintels of their homes and then consumedthe meat as part of a sacredmeal.

How is the blood of the Passover lamb a type of Blood of Christ?

• The blood of the Passover lamb sprinkled on the doorposts to save the firstborn sons of Israel from immediate death, was a type of the Blood of Christ, which was shed to save God’s people from eternal death.

Questions to Think About

• How did Israel defeat Egypt without raising a sword?

• How is the passing through the Red Sea a type of Baptism?

How did Israel defeat Egypt without raising a sword?

• Moses parted the Red Sea and Israel passed through dry-shod.

• The pursuing army drowned when Moses made the waters flow back with God’s help.

How is the passing through the Red Sea a type of Baptism?

• By having then pass through the waters of the Red Sea, God saved the people of Israel from certain death.

• Through the waters of Baptism, God saves his children from external death.

Questions to Think About

• How is the manna in the desert a type of Eucharist?

• What did God promise Israel when Moses reached Mount Sinai?

• What happened to Israel in the desert?

How is the manna in the desert a type of Eucharist?

• God nourished the Israelites with daily bread from Heaven.

• Christ identified himself as the true Bread from Heaven, who is offered daily in the Mass as nourishment for the faithful.

What did God promise Israel when Moses reached Mount Sinai?

• God promised they would be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

• God would talk directly to Israel, and Israel would bring God’s word to the nations.

• Israel agreed to obey God’s commandments.• Therefore, the Mosaic Covenant through

Moses, God established a covenant with the Jews to be a nation of priests and gave them the law.

What happened to Israel in the desert?

• In the desert, Israel fell into idolatry, so God (though Moses), gave her Deuteronomy, as second law, which took into account Israel’s hardness of heart.

Questions to Think About

• What was the tabernacle?• What was the Ark of the Covenant?• What were the Israelites doing while God was giving the

Law to Moses?• What did Moses do to the tablets of the Law when he

saw the people’s idolatry?• What was the punishment of the Israelites idolatry?• What determined Israel’s success against Canaan?

What was the tabernacle?

• It was a traveling temple, the design God gave to Moses.

What was the Ark of the Covenant?

• It was an ornate box, that contained the tablets upon which God had inscribed the Ten Commandments.

• The Ark was God’s throne on earth.• God dwelt with his Chosen People in the Ark,

which was eventually housed in the Temple in Jerusalem.

What were the Israelites doing while God was giving the Law to Moses?

• They were worshipping a golden calf Aaron had made for them out of their own gold.

What did Moses do to the tablets of the Law when he saw the

people’s idolatry?• He smashed them out of anger.• Moses summoned the men of the tribe of

Levi, who had not taken part in the idolatry to kill the men of Israel who had , killing some 3000 of them.

• The result of the Levites loyalty was the priesthood that had been promised to all of Israel, was now restricted to only the Levites.

What was the punishment of the Israelites idolatry?

• The generation of Israelites who had escaped Egypt-including Moses-were not allowed to enter the Promised Land, but wander in the desert.

• The second law (Deuteronomy) made concessions to Israel’s hardness of heart.

What determined Israel’s success against Canaan?

• As long as the Israelites remained faithful to the Mosaic Covenant, God fought on behalf of Israel, leading them to victories against stronger and more numerous enemies.

• Unfortunately, the Israelites often lapsed in their faithless immoral practices.

AssignmentFind out why these places are important in

Biblical History using your book:• Babylon• Canaan• Israel• Jerusalem• Mount Sinai• Palestine• Zion• This will count as a quiz grade. Write a brief

definition on loose-leaf paper to be handed in to me.


Questions to Think About

• Why did Israel want a king?• What is new about the Davidic covenant?• What are the primary features of the Davidic Covenant?• What are the Secondary features of the Davidic


Why did Israel want a king?

• If they had a king like every other nation, he might unite them, and solve all their problems.

What is new about the Davidic covenant?

• This was the first time the idea of divine son-ship had been applied to an individual.

• Before this time, the whole people of Israel had been called God’s firstborn son, but not single person, had ever been called Son of God.

What are the primary features of the Davidic Covenant?

• The establishment of a dynasty that will never end.

• A kingdom• A temple• Divine sonship in the person of a King, who

will never be disowned by God.

What are the Secondary features of the Davidic Covenant?

• Office of the Queen Mother• Office of the Prime Minister

Questions to Think About

• How did the Davidic Covenant shift the geographical heart of Israel?

• What does it mean that the Davidic Covenant constitutes a new law based on wisdom?

• When did David’s kingdom reached its zenith?

How did the Davidic Covenant shift the geographical heart of Israel?

• The geographical center shifted from Mount Sinai, whereupon the Law had separated from other nations.

• This shifted to Mount Zion, wherefrom the Israelites were to be a nation of priests to lead all nations of God.

(The Last Supper was celebrated in the Upper Room located in Mount Zion.)

What does it mean that the Davidic Covenant constitutes a new law based on wisdom?

• The Law of Moses was not abandoned, but human wisdom and its role in interpreting that Law would achieve a new predominance.

• The wisdom literature is the scriptural patrimony of the Davidic Covenant.

When did David’s kingdom reached its zenith?

• David’s kingdom reached its international zenith under Solomon, who built the Temple and gave Israel wisdom, literature, its new law, for all people.

How did the nation of Israel fare after Solomon?

• Solomon fell into apostasy through accommodating his pagan wives.

• Solomon’s foreign wives led him away from God into idolatry.

What is the Assyrian captivity?

• The Assyrian captivity carried the Northern kingdom of Israel into exile.

How were the rulers of the two kingdoms over the years?

• Both nations had good and bad kings, that is kings that led the people back to God and kings who worshipped foreign gods.

• Sometimes, the faithful were persecuted.

How did the Assyrians neutralize conquered people?

• The Assyrian captivity carried the Northern kingdom of Israel into exile.

• Those who were not killed were split up and resettled in other conquered lands.

How did God show his faithfulness to Israel during this time?

• God sent prophets to Israel and Judah denouncing the pagan gods and calling the Hebrew people to the one, true God.

• The prophets warned of the retribution of God’s justice and wrath.

• Prophets also foretold that a new kingdom was coming that was greater than David’s.

How did the Jews return to Jerusalem?

• Babylon was captured by the Persian Cyrus the Great.

• He invited the Jews back to Jerusalem.• Cyrus the Great also offered to rebuild the

temple for them.• The Jews gave him the title “the Lord’s

Anointed or Messiah.”

Why was the Jews joy of rebuilding the temple mixed with sorrow?

• The second temple was a poor shadow of Solomon’s magnificent edifice.

• The Ark of the Covenant was taken away.

How did Alexander the Great look on the Jewish religion?

• Alexander the Great conquered Israel in fourth century BC.

• Alexander the Great was intolerant of the Jews.

• He forced them to worship Greek gods.• Alexander the Great even erected a statue of

Zeus in the Temple.

Who were the Macabees?

• These brothers were fervent Jews.• They drove out the Greeks, and freed the

people of Judea.

The Covenants Review

Citations for this Chapter

Book: Armenio, Rev. Peter. Faith and Revelation: Knowing God through Sacred Scripture. 1st ed. Woodridge: Midwest Theological Forum, 2009.

Pictures were taken from various sources via Google images