Chapter 5 Enviroment Overview

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Transcript of Chapter 5 Enviroment Overview

  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 5 Enviroment Overview


    EMS 1

    EMS and ISO14000

  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 5 Enviroment Overview


    EMS 2


    EMS Environment Management System


    a series of standards framework for managingenvironmental obligations specification andguidance voluntary in nature

    Startenvironmental policyplanningimplementationchecking and correctiveactionmanagement reviewback to start

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    EMS 3

    What is EMS?

    Key elements

    Initial review of environmental aspects

    Identification of Legal Requirements

    Commitment and Environmental Policy

    Training Implementation

    Checking and Corrective Action

    System Audits

    Management Review

    Environment Management System(EMS)

    A system to control the companys activities, productsand processes that causes, or could cause, environmental

    impacts and in doing so to minimize the environmentalimpacts of its operation.

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    EMS 4

    EMS Benefits

    Waste is sign of inefficiency and lower

    operating cost are a direct consequence of waste

    minimum or energy efficiency programs.

    Implementing an EMS assists companies to

    identify opportunities to reduce raw material,

    utility and waste disposal costs.

    This will make a direct positive contribution toyour company's profits.

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    EMS 5

    What is ISO 14001?

    ISO 14001 is the international standard forEnvironmental Management System derived fromthe British Standard BS7750. This internationalstandard helps you establish an EnvironmentalManagement System.

    Aims to support environmental protection and theprevention of pollution in harmony with socio-economic need.

    Intended to be applicable to all type and size oforganization and to accommodate diverse

    geographical, cultural and social condition. Stress on continuous improvement by using PDCA


    A series of international standards forenvironmental management.

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    EMS 6

    ISO 14000 families

    ISO 14001 EMS - Specification with Guidance for Use

    ISO 14004 EMS - General Guidelines on Principles, Systems and

    Supporting Techniques

    ISO 14010

    Guidelines for Environmental Auditing - General Principles on

    Environmental Auditing

    ISO 14011

    Guidelines for Environmental Auditing - Audit Procedures -

    Auditing of Environmental Management Systems

    ISO 14012

    Guidelines for Environmental Auditing - Qualification Criteria for

    Environmental Auditors

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    EMS 7

    concepts of ISO14000

    Stress on continuous improvement by using

    PDCA system.

    PLAN: Understand issues, set goals, plan actions

    DO: Implement activities and processes to achieve

    your goals

    CHECK: Monitor, measure, & audit the EMS

    ACT: Continually improve the system


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    EMS 8

    Benefits of ISO 14001

    Minimizing trade barriers and related complications

    Increasing company competitiveness

    Supporting a worldwide focus on environmental management

    Reducing cost of waste management

    Lowering consumption of energy and materials

    Reducing distribution costs

    Improving corporate image among regulators, customers and the


    Creating a framework for continuous improvement of yourenvironmental performance

    Allowing a single management system and process

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    EMS 9

    Benefits of company having ISO

    14001 certificate


    Though this programme, actual savings on energy,

    paper and water consumptions have been achieved, in

    addition to better controls over management ofchemicals and other dangerous goods.


    Obtain good results by means of applying ISO14001

    because they have really done something effectivethese years in reducing wastes/costs and making

    contribution to environmental protection.

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    EMS 10


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    EMS 11

    ISO 14001 Structure



    Environmental Aspects

    Legal / Other Requirement

    Objectives and Targets


    Management Program

    Checking /Corrective Action

    Monitoring and Measurement

    Nonconformance and Corrective

    and Preventive Action


    EMS Audits



    Structure and Responsibility

    Training, Awareness, Competence


    EMS documentation

    Document Control

    Operational Control

    * Emergency Preparedness

    / Response

    ContinualImprovement !






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    EMS 12

    Key elements of ISO 14001 system


    (17 elements of ISO 14001)

    General Requirements (section 1)

    Environmental Policy (section 2.1)

    Planning (section 2.2)

    2. Environmental aspect3. Legal / other requirement

    4. Objectives and targets

    5. Environmental management


    Implementation and Operation

    (section 2.3)6. Structure and responsibility

    7. Training, awareness, competence

    8. Communication

    9. EMS document

    10. Documental control

    11. Operational control

    12. Emergency preparedness /response

    Checking and CorrectiveAction (section 2.4)

    13. Monitoring and measurement

    14. Nonconformance andcorrective and preventiveAction

    15. Records

    16. EMS audits

    Management Review

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    EMS 13

    ISO 14001: Planning

    2.1 Environmental Policy

    2.2 Planning

    2.2.1 Environmental Aspects2.2.2 Legal and other requirement

    2.2.3 Objectives and Targets

    2.2.4 Environmental Management Program

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    EMS 14

    1. Environmental Policy

    Environmental policy shall be established anddocumented to ensure that it is:-

    appropriate to the organization (company size and its

    environment impact)Commit to CI and pollution prevention

    Commit to comply with legislation and regulation

    Provide framework for setting and reviewing objectiveand targets

    communicated to all employee

    available to the public

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    EMS 15

    Environmental Policy cont.

    A commitment from senior management

    A recognition of responsibilities

    A commitment to train employees

    A commitment to reduce environmental effects(aspects/impacts)

    The Policy should be accessible by the Companys

    employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and General


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    EMS 16

    2. Environmental Aspects

    Identify environmental aspects that organization can control overwhich it can have an influence

    Identify those aspects which have significant impact to environment

    Assess the significance of the aspects

    Consider those significant aspects during setting environmentalobjective

    Keep this information up-to-date

    Possible consideration when evaluating environmental aspects Air emission

    Solid and hazardous wastes

    Contamination of land Raw material and resources use

    Local issues raised by the community such as noise, dust etc

    Water pollution

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    EMS 17

    Environmental Aspects and Impacts

    Environmental Aspects

    Controlled or uncontrolled emissions to atmosphere

    Controlled or uncontrolled discharge of water

    Generation of solid, liquid and other wastes

    Use of natural resources.

    Environmental Impacts

    Contamination of air , water or land.

    Depletion of non renewable resources (e.g. energy and

    material)Noise nuisance

    Effects on human health e.g. respiratory illnesses

    Effects on Flora and Fauna, e.g. dead fishes in river

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    EMS 18

    Examples of Environmental Effects

    Energy use

    Water use (discharge)

    Raw materials


    Waste management (Disposal)

    Transport & distribution


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    EMS 19

    Classification of Environmental


    Direct: T he immediate result of actions by thecompany

    Indirect: effects that occur upstream (suppliers)or downstream ( customers)

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    EMS 20

    Life cycle phases

    Primary production


    UseEnd of Life

    Related issue: transportation & Packaging

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    EMS 21

    What determines Significant

    Environmental Effects?

    Is it controlled by legislation?

    Has it got the potential to cause

    demonstrable damage to the environment? Is it of concern to interested parties (e,g.

    Regulators, local residents, customers,


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    EMS 22

    3 Legal and other requirement

    documented procedures shall be maintained for

    identifying and accessing the legal and other requirements

    that apply to organization, that are applicable to the

    environmental aspects of its activities, products orservices.

    Points to consider during implementation

    A register of all relevant environment legislation and regulation

    shall be compiled

    This register shall be kept up-to-date and regularly reviewed

    This register shall directly link identified legislation or regulation

    to your activities, products or process

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    EMS 23

    4 Objectives and Targets

    Documented environmental objectives and target

    At each relevant functions and level within theorganization in considering the following:

    Legal requirements Significant environment aspects

    Technology option

    Financial, operation and business requirement

    Views of interest parties Consistent with environmental policy, including the

    commitment to prevention of pollution

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    EMS 24

    Setting Objectives and Targets

    Objectives are broad goals to reduce

    environmental impacts arising from the

    Environmental policy and a knowledge of the

    companys Environmental Effects.

    Targets are detailed and specific performance

    improvement requirements for quantified

    reductions within a specified time frame.

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    EMS 25

    Environmental Objectives and Target


    Objectives Targets

    Reduce energy use Reduce electricity use by 10% by 2002

    Reduce natural gas use by 15% by 2002

    Reduce usage of hazardouschemicals

    Eliminate use of CFC by 1997Reduce use of high-VOC paints by 25%

    Reduce hazardous waste generation Reduce chrome wastes in plating area by50% in 1998

    Improve employee awareness of

    environmental issues

    To held monthly awareness training

    coursesTrain 100% of employees by end of the


    Improve compliance with wastewater /

    discharge permit limitsZero permit limit violations by the

    end of 1997

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    EMS 26

    Opportunities for Reducing

    Environmental Effects.(1)

    Variety reduction and substitution:

    for example, how many different chemicals are used on

    site? Can their use be eliminated or at least rationalized?

    Can less harmful products be substituted for moreharmful products?

    Cooling water:

    can recycling be introduced? If there is a cost for this,

    how quickly might it pay back investment by reducedconsumption / discharge costs?

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    EMS 27

    Opportunities for Reducing

    Environmental Effects.(2)

    Is the benefit of natural lighting maximized? Are low

    energy lamps installed? Is there an intelligent lighting

    management system?

    Is office equipment fitted with effective sleep orpower save devices?

    Is the ambient temperature managed effectively b

    controlled heating or air conditioning that minimizes

    energy consumption?

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    EMS 28

    Opportunities for Reducing

    Environmental Effects.(3)

    How is waste managed? Is effective

    segregation practiced and is best use/value

    obtained from any waste?

    How is packaging handled? Do suppliers use

    reusable packaging and if they do, is it

    returned? If they do not , could they be

    encouraged to introduce returnable packaging?

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    EMS 29

    Opportunities for Reducing

    Environmental Effects.(4)

    I s car sharing promoted by the company?

    If off-site meetings are required, can they be

    organized to minimize journeys and mileage


    Id ifi i f G & S ifi

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    EMS 30

    Identification of Groups & Specific

    Opportunities for Environmental

    improvements? Office




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    EMS 31


    Reduce variety

    Reduce consumption of energy and water

    Reduce waste and manage any waste effectively,

    Consider opportunities for reduction and reuse

    before disposal.

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    EMS 32


    Reduce variety and volume.

    Identify opportunities for reuse or recycling of

    components or (through the supply chain) materials,

    Seek solutions that reduce/eliminate hazardous materials,go beyond currently targeted (mandated) materials.

    Provide effective designs & procedures for maintenance

    and life-extension.

    Be aware of the end of life implications for productdismantling and disposal.

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    EMS 33


    Opportunities arise from effective and

    efficient procedures and processes.

    Effective schedulingQC procedures that avoid scrap and rework

    Effective energy management and efficient

    processes and practices.

    Target consumables to eliminate where

    possible or at least minimize consumption.

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    EMS 34


    A company cannot be environmentallyresponsible unless its suppliers are alsoenvironmentally proactive;

    Do suppliers have ISO 14001? Do they manage transportation and packaging


    Are they keen to work in partnership with you toreduce environmental effects?

    Do they produce more than just a product, for e.g. aservice that recovers waste?

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    EMS 35

    5. Environmental management

    program Program shall be established and

    maintained for achievingenvironmental objectives and

    targets. It shall include: Designation of responsibility for

    achieving objective and targets

    Means and time frame for achievingthose objectives and targets

    Program shall be modified when Objective and target is added or


    Product, process and service is added orchanged

    Objective and

    Targets established



    Program defined

    Monitoring and


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    EMS 36

    ISO 14001: Planning

    2.3 Implementation and Operation

    2.3.1 Structure and responsibility

    2.3.2 Training, Awareness and Competency

    2.3.3 Communication

    2.3.4 Environmental Management System


    2.3.5 Document Control

    2.3.6 Operation Control

    2.3.7 Emergency Preparedness and response

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    EMS 37

    6. Structure and responsibility

    For EMS to be effect, rolesand responsibility andauthorities shall be clearlydefined and communicated

    Adequate resources shall beprovided by management toimplement and control theEMS. Resources include:

    Human resources

    Specialize skills


    Financial resources

    A ManagementRepresentative shall beappointed to

    Ensure that the EMS is

    established andimplemented

    Reporting on the EMSperformance over time totop management forreview and as a basis for


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    EMS 38

    7. Training, awareness,

    competence The training needs of staff who may create a significant

    impact upon the environment shall be defined

    Documented procedure shall maintained to ensure staff beaware of:

    EMS requirement, environmental policy and procedure

    Significant environmental impact, actual or potential, or theirwork activit4es and the environmental benefits of improved

    personal performance

    Their role and responsibilities

    Potential risk of departure form specified operation procedure

    Staff shall be competent on the basis on appropriateeducation, training and/or experience

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    EMS 39

    8. Communication

    In respect to the environmental aspects and EMS, documented

    procedures shall be maintained for communicating internally

    (between levels and functions) soliciting, receiving, documenting and

    responding to the external communications

    It is required to consider process for external communication onsignificant environmental aspect and record the decision

    Internal methods External methods

    Newsletters Open houses

    Staff meeting Focus groupsBulletin boards Press releases

    Training Annual reports


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    EMS 40

    9. EMS document

    EMS documentation requires that environmentalinformation is maintained in a form that

    Describes the core elements of EMS (and how these

    elements related to each other), and Provides direction to related documentation

    Hierarchy of EMS Documentation


    EMS manual Procedure

    Work Instruction

    Forms, Drawing etc

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    EMS 41

    10. Documental control

    Documented procedure shall be

    maintained to control all the

    documents required by

    ISO14001 to ensure that

    EMS documents can be located

    They are periodically reviewed

    and revised

    Current versions are available

    where need, and Obsolete documents are removed

    or identified

    Documents that shall

    be controlled




    Work instruction

    Forms and drawings

    Regulation andstandard

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    EMS 42

    11. Operational control

    Organization shall identify those operation and activitiesthat are associated with the significant environmentalaspect

    Organization shall plan these activities by

    Establish and maintain documented procedure to cover situationswhere the absence of procedures could lead to deviation from theenvironmental policy, objective and target

    Establish operating criteria in the procedure

    Establish and maintaining procedures related to the identifiable

    significant environmental aspects of goods and service used bythe organizations and communicating relevant procedures andrequirements to the supplier

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    EMS 43

    12. Emergency preparedness /


    Documented procedure is required to

    Assessing the potential for accidents and emergencies

    Preventing incidents and their associated

    environmental impacts Plans for responding to incidents

    Periodic testing of emergency plans/procedures

    Mitigating impacts associated with these incidents

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    EMS 44

    ISO 14001: Checking and


    2.4 Checking & Improving

    2.4.1 Monitoring & Measurement

    2.4.2 Corrective & Preventive Action2.4.3 Records

    2.4.4 EMS Audits

    2.5 Management Review

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    EMS 45

    13 Monitoring and measurement

    document procedure is required to

    regularly monitor and measure key characteristics of

    operation that can have significant environmental

    impacts maintain record and track performance

    regularly recalibrate and maintain monitoring


    regularly evaluate the compliance with applicable lawsand regulations (e.g. internal audit)

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    EMS 46

    14. Corrective & Preventive

    Action Documented procedure is required for defining

    responsibility and authority for Handling and investigating NC

    Taking action to mitigate any impacts caused

    Initiating and completing corrective and preventive action

    Corrective or preventive action taken should beappropriate to the magnitude of problems andcommensurate with the environmental impactencountered

    Implement and record any changes in the documentedprocedures resulting from corrective or preventive actions

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    EMS 47

    15 Records

    Documented procedure is required for the identification

    maintenance and disposition of environmental records

    Environmental records should be

    Legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity, product orservice involved

    Stored and maintained in a way that they are readily retrievable

    and protected against damage, deterioration or loss

    Keep according to the predetermined retention time

    Environmental records should be maintained todemonstrate the conformance to the EMS requirement

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    EMS 48

    16. EMS Audits

    Documented procedure is required for periodic EMSaudit to be carried out to Determine if the EMS conforms to the requirement of ISO14001

    and has been properly implemented and maintained

    Provide audit result information to management Audit program should be based on the environmental

    importance of activity and the result of previous audit

    Audit procedure should cover

    Audit scope

    Audit frequency

    Audit methodologies


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    EMS 49

    17. Management Review

    Periodical review of the EMS is required toensure the continuing suitability, adequacy andeffectiveness of the EMS

    Necessary information should be provided duringMR process to enable the evaluation

    MR should address the possible need for changesto policy, objectives and the EMS elements by

    using the following EMS audit result

    Changing circumstances situation

    Commitment of continual improvement

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    EMS 50

    Third-Party Registration

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    EMS 51

    Third-Party Registration

    ISO 14001 is voluntary, but ....

    Customers may require conformance

    Customers may use conformance as a selection criteria

    ISO 14001 serves as basis of registration

    May be driven by customers

    Assessment by an organization independent of thecompany being assessed

    Process mirrors ISO 9000 registration

    by non-biased third-party that a companys system conforms with

    a standard (ISO 9000, ISO 14001, etc.)

    The third-party organization is a registrar and EMS is thenregistered

    Approximately 700 registrations in US

    Moving faster in Asia and Europe

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    EMS 52

    Typical EMS Registration Process


    Document Review (Desk Audit)

    On-Site Readiness Review

    On-Site Registration Audit

    * Registration Determination *

    On-Going Surveillance

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    EMS 53

    Registration Determination

    Recommended for Registration

    No major non-conformances identified

    Recommended for Registration Following

    Verification of Corrective Action

    One or more major non-conformances which can be

    corrected and verified without a full re-audit

    Recommended for On-Site Reassessment

    Several major non-conformances indicate a

    breakdown of the EMS. Full on-site re-audit required

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    EMS 54

    Registration Process: Keys to Success

    Understand ISO 14001 requirements

    Conduct your own gap analysis

    Define scope of certification with registrar

    Discuss / document interpretations

    Address language issues (if any)

    Understand registrars process

    Determine optimum order of sites

    Communicate plans to employees

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    EMS 55


    ISO14000 is a series of standards

    framework for managing environmental obligations

    specification, guidance and voluntary in nature

    ISO 14001 is achieved through

    Identifying environmental aspects & impacts

    Identifying legal requirements

    Writing an environmental policy

    Training staff and sub-contractors

    Setting objectives and targets and program to improveperformance

    Preparing documentation

    Internal audits of the EMS

    Reviewing progress

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    EMS 56

    Summary (2)

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    EMS 57


    Business Management Issues

    Strategic Issues

    Environmental issues must be consistent with

    companys goals and objectives.

    Product life cycle plan must be reassessed in

    relation to their environmental implications.

    Companies must identify immediate opportunities

    and risks of green pressures.

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    EMS 58

    Operations Management issues:

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    EMS 59

    Case studies


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    EMS 60

    CLP Hong Kong Ltd

    commitment to minimizing

    the possible impacts of

    business activities on the


    Independent verification of

    the effectiveness of our

    management systems and


    target to become the best in

    the world

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    EMS 61

    Steps to develop EMS in CLP

    1. Appoint A Green Manager

    2. Set Up an Environmental Management System

    3. Carry Out An Initial Environmental Audit

    4. Define An Environmental Policy

    5. Establish Environmental Objectives And


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    EMS 62

    (1) Appoint A Green Manager

    A senior executive preferably at Director level.

    Sufficient influence and authority on the management's

    decision to implement the environmental policy

    effectively within the organization.

    Sufficient familiarity with the operations of different

    departments within the organization.

    Good understanding of the environmental pressures and

    issues relating to the organization.

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    EMS 63

    Role of Green Manager

    Co-ordinate and consolidate efforts from staff of differentoperations into environmental programmes

    Communicate the objectives of the environmentalprogrammes to staff, and solicit their suggestions and

    support Oversee the progress of environmental programmes

    Ensure that good business results are achieved throughthe environmental programmes

    Provide a contact point for sharing environmentalinformation with external parties

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    EMS 64

    (2) Set Up an EMS

    A committee comprising representatives

    from different functional or regional

    divisions of an organization.

    Under the chairmanship of the Green


    For managing the environmental issues of the


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    EMS 65

    (2) Set Up an EMS

    Some hints on the Terms of Reference

    Introduce measures to raise the levels of awareness

    and involvement in environmental issues

    Determine performance targets on green measures andformulate action plans

    Record, review and publicize achievements

    Oversee the Environmental Audits and maintain the

    Environmental Management System.

    (3) C O t A I iti l

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    EMS 66

    (3) Carry Out An Initial

    Environmental Audit

    A management tool to evaluate the current

    environmental performance of an organization.

    It is a comprehensive, systematic, documented

    and objective evaluation of how well theorganization is performing in the aspects of the


    Resources utilization

    Regulatory compliance

    Environmental management

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    EMS 67

    Objective of audit

    The main objectives are to:

    Understand the environmental effects, impacts andconsequences arising from the activities, products andservices of the organization

    Evaluate compliance with regulatory requirements,company policies and accepted good practices

    Identify those significant environmental impacts andconsequences

    Identify areas where environmental performance canbe improved and set priorities where appropriate

    Provide a documented basis for future audits

    (4) Define An En ironmental

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    EMS 68

    (4) Define An Environmental

    Policy A statement by the organization of its intentions and

    principles in relation to its overall environmentalperformance which provides a framework for action andfor the setting of its environmental objectives and targets

    The organization should state its commitments toregulatory compliance, prevention of pollution andcontinual improvement of environmental management

    Simple and intelligible

    Consistent with other organizational policies e.g. quality policy

    Practical and achievable

    Communicated to and supported by all staff

    Importance of Environmental

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    EMS 69

    Importance of Environmental


    Define an Environmental Policy is necessary

    because a documented policy statement would :

    Demonstrate the organization's commitment to

    improving its environmental performance Communicate the organization's mission, vision and

    beliefs towards the environment to the staff and other

    interested parties

    Provide a framework for guiding the organization'songoing environmental improvement efforts

    (5) Establish Environmental

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    EMS 70

    (5) Establish Environmental

    Objectives And Targets

    Environmental Objective

    An overall environmental goal, arising from the

    environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to

    achieve, and which is quantified where practicable Environmental Target

    A detailed performance requirement, quantified where

    practicable, applicable to the organization or parts,

    therefore, that arises from the environmentalobjectives and that needs to be set and met in order to

    achieve those objectives

    (5) Establish Environmental

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    EMS 71

    (5) Establish Environmental

    Objectives And Targets Purpose

    Translate the environmental policy to a morespecific,tangible and measurable basis forimplementation

    Provide performance indicators for guiding theorganization in planning and developing theenvironmental programmes in a focused manner

    Provide clear benchmarks against which to measure

    the progress and success of the environmentalprogrammes over time

    Provide a basis for external and internal reporting ofachievements.

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    EMS 72

    Summary in case study

    Benefits of EMS in CLP

    Control costs

    Reduce risks

    Gain competitive advantage Enhance image with public, customers

    Step to setup an EMS1. Appoint A Green Manager

    2. Set Up an Environmental Management System

    3. Carry Out An Initial Environmental Audit

    4. Define An Environmental Policy

    5. Establish Environmental Objectives And Targets

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    EMS 73


    Which of the following is not a benefit of setting upan EMS?

    a. Customers requirement

    b. Better Company Imagesc. Higher Credibility

    d. Internationally recognized

    e. Legislative compliance

    f. Better cost controlg. Better risk management

    h. All of above are benefits

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    EMS 74


    Which of the following does not help EMS toachieve compliance

    a. Policy (management committed to compliance)

    b. Objectives and targets (consistent with policy)c. Allocate adequate resources

    d. Ensure employees are trained / aware

    e. Procedures are up-to-date & available

    f. Establish and follow operational controlsg. Periodically evaluate compliance

    h. Investigate and correct nonconformance

    i. Ask a consultant to develop EMS document andbusiness as usual

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    EMS 75

    case studies

    Environment Protection

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    EMS 76



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    EMS 77



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    EMS 78

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    EMS 79

    700 300


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    EMS 80

    1989(Basel Convention)

    (Basel Convention)

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    EMS 81




    How an IT company can help in

  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 5 Enviroment Overview


    EMS 82

    How an IT company can help in

    environment protection

    see notes in ISO14001



    see notes in OHS18000

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    EMS 83


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    EMS 84

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    EMS 85

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    EMS 86

    1. 2. 3.

    4. 5. 6.

    7. 8.

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    EMS 87

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    EMS 88

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    EMS 89

    (%) (x1,000)97 - 23.37

    98 1.19 22.26

    99 29.43 19.54

    ()1997 15

    1998 14

    1999 12

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    EMS 90

    Case studies

    New World First Bus

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    EMS 91

    Example: New World First Bus

    Hong Kongs Green Activities:

    Environmental Hotline

    Green Foundation

    World Environmental Day

    Environmental-Friendly Bus Fleet

    Environmentally Friendly Engines

    Built-in CRT catalytic converter

    Exhaust Gas Recirculation and fueled with ULSD

    Smoke Emission Test All the buses are smoke tested every month

    l ld i

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    EMS 92

    Example: New World First Bus

    Green Operation Management


    Education and Training

    Undertake Environmental Impact Assessment

    and develop Environment Management Plan

    for the depot

    Environmentally Friendly Commitment

    l ld i

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    EMS 93

    Example: New World First Bus

    Environmentally Friendly Initiatives:

    1. Double-skinned underground fuel tanks are

    installed with lead detection to reduce risk of land

    contamination caused by leakage

    2. Installation of series of pre-treatment facilities (e.g.

    oil interceptors, silt traps) to minimise

    environmental impact of wastes arising from


    3. Use of environmentally-friendly goods where

    possible, (e.g. refrigerants used in chiller plants)

    E l N W ld Fi B

  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 5 Enviroment Overview


    Example: New World First Bus

    4. Use of new energy efficient plant and installation

    of controls to reduce excessive use of water and


    5. Use of Pozilock refueling system to avoid spillage

    of diesel

    6. Use of recycled water in bus washing machines to

    reduce resource requirements

    7. Installation of state-of-the-art equipment (e.g.

    collection of waste oil to centralised tanks by pipe-

    work) to improve waste management.