Chapter 4 Program Development. Health Promotion Program Development After completion of the needs...

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Program Requirements The process of developing health promotion programs that have a chance of achieving their goals and objectives is a time consuming process that requires a large knowledge base of behavioral theory and information about best practices.

Transcript of Chapter 4 Program Development. Health Promotion Program Development After completion of the needs...

Chapter 4

Program Development

Health Promotion Program Development

• After completion of the needs assessment and the mission statement it is time to develop the health promotion program.

• This is by far the most challenging part of the development of a new health promotion effort.

• It is a good idea to look at current programs that have had success in changing behaviors.

Program Requirements

• The process of developing health promotion programs that have a chance of achieving their goals and objectives is a time consuming process that requires a large knowledge base of behavioral theory and information about best practices.

Successful Interventions

• Successful interventions are well planned events that include input from all stakeholders.

Intervention Strategies

• An intervention strategy is a plan of action for affecting a health-related problem.

• It is quite common to use multiple behavioral strategies in order to produce successful change.

The Development of a New Intervention

• The starting point to this process is making a decision on how to best achieve the program goals found in the mission statement.

• Consider interventions that have already been tested while at the same time remaining innovative.

The Use of Behavioral Theory

• Successful health promotion programs use a theoretical base to develop the intervention effort.

• The theory of a behavior is the underlying cause of the behavior.

• Those involved in the development of health promotion programs need to have a good understanding of why such behaviors exist.

Human Behavior

• There are numerous ways to help change high-risk health behaviors that are responsible for disease.

• In the use of health promotion to change behaviors it is very important to understand the theory behind human behavior.

• It is essential that the reasons for practicing high-risk health behaviors be understood.

Transtheoretical Model

• The stages toward change of behavior include:• Pre-contemplation• Contemplation• Preparation• Action

Multiple Interventions

• Figure 4.1• Mckenzie, Pinger and Kotecki (2005)

Contributing Factors to a Health Problem

• Motivators—factors motivating a person to take action

• Enablers—factors enabling a person to take action

• Rewards—factors rewarding a person’s behavior

-CDC (2007)

The Best Interventions

• Include the following:–Multiple strategies– Targets the community at large– Addresses the factors that contribute to health

problems– Various activities to meet your audiences’ levels of


Department of Health and Human Services

Good Behavioral Theory

• According to CDC good behavioral theory is:– Logical– Consistent with everyday observations– Similar to those used in previous successful

programs– Supported by past research in the same area or

related ideas

Intervention Strategies

• Education Interventions• Health Policy Interventions• Environmental Strategies• Community Organization Interventions

Self Efficacy

• The competence to be able to accomplish desired tasks or behaviors. This requires an understanding of an individual’s perception about their ability to be successful in accomplishing a task.


• The Planned Approach to Community Health PATCH emerged as a community approach to priority health problems in 1983.

• Recommends a comprehensive intervention plan that:– includes use of multiple strategies in multiple

settings.– targets the community at large.

PATCH, Continued

• Addresses the factors that contribute to the health problem

• Various activities to meet the audiences’ levels of readiness

Successful Models

• Behavioral Models• Health Belief Model• Transformational Model• Theory of Planned Behavior

Discussion Questions

• Please offer a complete explanation of the necessary steps in the development of an intervention program to prevent high-risk health behaviors.

• Why is the understanding of behavioral theory so very important in the development of a health promotion program?

Discussion Questions

• Name and explain the various intervention strategies that can be used to prevent high-risk health behaviors.

• Offer a complete explanation of the MAPP process.