Chapter 23 far from home

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Transcript of Chapter 23 far from home

Discworld LegacyChapter 23

Far From Home


• Esme became a witch, isolated herself from her family, was foul to Edward and left for university.

• Edward encountered her again as a young adult magically attacking Dorian

• Dorian escaped unharmed but only Dorfl’s insistence stopped Edward leaving university immediately to search for Esme.

• Edward discovered that Esme had still been interested in supernatural occurrences, and decided to try and find her by following her research.

• Edward accepted Dorfl’s offer of heirship and Dorian’s proposal.

• Edward and Dorian graduated and headed into the world to search for Esme.

The taxi left Edward and Dorian standing outside the hotel. It was nothing special but it was cheap; Edward had no idea how long it would take him to find Esme, the last thing he wanted was to have to return home before he was finished because he'd run out of money.

It was late when they arrived, and it had been a long trip, so they decided to head straight for their room and leave the search until the morning.

Edward's last conscious thought as he fell asleep was how glad he was to have Dorian there with him.


Starting his search the following morning, Edward first questioned the hotel staff.

They weren't much help - too many people came through the hotel for them to have any recollection of a specific person three years previously.

Giving up on the hotel staff the boys headed into Takemizu Village hoping that one of the locals would have a better memory.

After spending the morning questioning many Takemizu locals it became obvious that Esme's most distinguishing feature wasn't going to be much help.

Edward had hoped that Esme's green skin would mean that she had stood out enough for people to remember her even after a few years, but it wasn't to be.

Takemizu Village, and, he suspected, the other places he would be searching, played host to a constant stream of visitors from all around the world.

Alien abductions may have been unusual but with the sheer volume of people passing through there were plenty of sims with green skin amongst the more normal looking visitors.

Therefore, one part alien didn't stand out amongst the others in anyone's mind.

As the day wore on Edward grew more and more disheartened. He had no way of knowing whether Esme had ever been here and he couldn't think of how to work out if he was wasting his time or not. By late afternoon he'd grown so frustrated with the lack of success that he couldn't face asking a single question more and seeing yet another blank look that day.

Dorian suggested that they stop and visit the local hot springs. Maybe after a relaxing soak they'd have some new ideas and would have something to try the next day.

It was Dorian who came up with their plan for the next day. He pointed out that if Esme was acting as she had been when he first encountered her then she would hardly fade into the background. Perhaps some of the locals would remember odd occurrences in the last three years, even if they didn't remember any specific sim associated with them.

With a firm plan in place Edward allowed the warmth of the hot spring to wash over him. He felt some of the tension leave his muscles and he actually managed to enjoy the rest of the day.


Edward had been hopeful about this new approach but he hadn't expected the response he got from the very first local he talked to.

He had started by asking about Esme is the same way he had been the day before, when this got a blank look he changed tactics.

"I was wondering if you knew about anything strange that had happened here."

"Strange? Nothing strange happens here. This place is protected."

"Protected? Protected by what?"

The woman smiled, "Takemizu Village has been watched over for centuries. If you sister would cause trouble her then she would have been seen. Ask the ninjas."

"Where can I find a ninja?"

A laugh was the first response to this question. "You will not find one: they do not show when they are looked for. Forget about them: you might be lucky if you do."

Edward thanked the woman although he wasn't completely sure how much the information would help him.

It was a despondent Edward who sat down to dinner that night, "Great! So I need to find a ninja and because I need to find one I won't. So what am I meant to do now?"

"We could always try not looking for a ninja for a little while."


"You know, do all the normal touristy stuff, we might get lucky."

"That's a better idea than any I've got. We might as well give it a go."


The next day, just as Dorian suggested, Edward did his best to put Esme and his search out of his mind and just enjoy being in Takemizu.

They visited the local market and picked out some souvenirs for everyone back home.

Sampled the local delicacies.

They spent time learning about some of the many traditions of the village, from the Zen gardens

To the traditional tea ceremony.

From the local guide they learned the history of the ceremony and that it was still an important part of the daily routine for many people living in Takemizu.

Suddenly Edward spotted what he had been waiting for all day; a ninja had suddenly appeared.

They hurried to greet the ninja before he had a chance to disappear again.

“Greetings. I had heard there were two strangers asking questions. So what is it you wish?”

“Yes, I’ve been looking for my sister. I thought perhaps she might have come here and someone would remember her.”

“Tell me about your sister."

"Her skin's green, but that's not all that helpful really. She can do strange things. Magical things."

"Your sister, she is a witch?"

"Possibly... Probably... yes.“

“A powerful one?"

Edward looked at Dorian for reassurance "I think so."

"An evil one?"

"No!" Edward paused, "I don't know, maybe."

"Hmm, if your sister is as you say then she will have come to our attention when she arrived."

Edward looked hopeful

"But it is not my place to say."

Edward's heart sank.

"You must find the Pagoda of the Shadows; maybe there you will find the answers you seek." With those words the ninja vanished.

Dorian turned to Edward, he was stumped, this time he had no bright ideas for their next step. Edward, however, looked thoughtful.

"Pagoda of Shadows? I know I've seen that mentioned somewhere." He led the way back to the hotel.

It didn't take long before the contents of their suitcases lay strewn across the room and Edward was scanning the pages of one of the books he had packed.

"I knew it! Listen 'The Pagoda of Shadows... ancient temple... held by legend be somewhere in the region of Takemizu'. "

"Does it say where it might be?"

"Let's see 'Many travellers have claimed to have found it... none have been able to locate it for a second time'. There's a map here, apparently it was dug up in Takemizu a hundred or so years ago, it says that some people report that it leads nowhere and others say it leads to the pagoda."

"Guess that's what we'll be doing tomorrow then.“


Following the map took them most of the morning and they came close to turning back more than once. However, they eventually arrived at something that could only be the mythical Pagoda of Shadows.

Inside the pagoda they could see an old man seemingly deep in meditation. As they climbed the stairs he made no move to indicate that he was aware of their presence.

Edward approached him slowly, expecting his presence to be acknowledged and challenged at any moment. Edward came to a stop directly in front of the old man and cleared his throat hoping that this would attract his attention.

Still getting no response Edward cleared his throat again and tentatively spoke, “Excuse me, I was wondering... You see I spoke to a ninja in town who said you might know something about my sister.”

When there was still no sign that the old man was aware of their presence Edward looked to Dorian for guidance.

Dorian simply shrugged, he had no better ideas than Edward of how to proceed.

Edward, however, had spotted the tea-table. They had learned much about the Takemizu tea ceremony the previous day and he thought that perhaps the old man would join them in one.

Sure enough as Edward began pouring the tea into three cups the man ended his meditations and rose to join them.

He sipped his tea in silence. Once the cup was empty he turned to Edward and finally spoke, “So, you search for your sister. What makes you think I might be able to help you?”

Edward recounted his tale. Despite his original intentions he found himself telling the entire story, he was speaking of things he had never voiced to his parents, or even to Dorian.

The old man said nothing, he stared intensely at Edward for what felt like an eternity. It felt to Edward like his innermost thoughts and feeling were being examined and judged.

Eventually the old man stood; he gestured to Edward and Dorian to take a seat on the floor, “Sit. There is a story I must tell you."

"There was once a great city. It was known far and wide for its wealth and for the wisdom, strength and compassion of its rulers.

"When the old King, much beloved by his people, died his beautiful daughter took his place on the throne. The Princess shared the kind-heart of her father but was still young and a little too naive, her father had not expected to die so soon and had yet to teach her all she needed to rule.

"Over the centuries the city had been threatened by invaders many times but had always managed to hold them off. They came again during the first years of the Princess's rule. However, they did not present themselves as aggressors. Instead they arrived as travellers, asking only to stay for a few days, the princess did not see the threat and happily granted them access to the city.

"By the time their true nature reveal itself it was too late. Those who had tricked their way into the city took the gate in the night and the rest of the barbarian horde was quickly inside the city. They rampaged through the streets; burning and looting as they went. The royal palace didn't stand long against the horde, the Princess only escaped because of a loyal guard and a network of secret passages.

"The Princess wandered for a while, lost and alone, until she came upon an ancient shrine. Although she had never seen anything like it before she felt oddly comforted by it and knew that here was something that might help her.

"She knelt before the shrine and made a desperate plea for aid.

"In answer to her words a great dragon broke forth from the shrine and swore to aid the princess in saving her people from the invaders.

"The Dragon carried the Princess back towards the city; leaving her on a nearby hill so that she could watch as the Dragon acted. With a great roar the Dragon took flight again and drove the barbarians from the city with his flame.

"The city was left broken and burning, but this too the Dragon was able to fix. He surrounded it with his magic; when it cleared the city and its people were restored to their previous health.

"The people of the city came to the Princess and fell before her, thanking her for saving them. But she told them to stand: it had been her mistake that had threatened the city, it had only been right that she act to save them.

"She made a promise then that she would never again put the city in such danger.

"The Dragon promised to stay with the Princess for as long as she needed him; to act as her advisor and the city's protector.

"Over the years the Dragon slowly faded and eventually disappeared altogether. The Princess was sad at the loss of her friend but knew that she was able to guide and protect her people without him."

Edward and Dorian shared a look of confusion, "What has that got to do with my sister?"

The old man sighed, subtlety and mysticism was lost on all too many of his visitors. Esme had understood, she had listened; she had learned. Now it was time to give her brother some facts (not as many as Edward would like though) and send him off on the next stage of his journey.

"Your sister was here." Edward felt a rush of relief hearing these words - finally he had confirmation that he was on the right track.

"My ninjas found her wandering in the village; they have dedicated their lives to protecting this place and keep watch for anyone who might threaten it. Your sister's power made her stand out like a flame in the darkness.

"They brought her to me: I am the guardian of this place. I had to decide whether your sister was a threat to be destroyed or an innocent to be saved." Edward's heart sank: although she was his sister he couldn't pretend she'd never hurt anyone and he feared the worst.

The old man noted Edward's distress, "Your sister posed no threat to the village, not at that time. She was lost and confused; her mind was not quite her own.

"While no threat to the village, I couldn't let her leave here in that state."

"Does that mean she's still here?" Edward asked hopefully.

"No, she stayed here for a time but left some years ago.

"While she stayed her I helped her to calm her mind, to strengthen her will and control and to finally cast out the remains of whatever malignant presence had infested her for so long.

"Then I sent her on her way."


"My knowledge of your sister's powers is limited and her own knowledge was no better. In this place I can dull that power; make it so she cannot use it intentionally or unintentionally. But that effect does not extend beyond the bounds of the village, I could not send her back into the world with that lack of control.

"I sent her to a friend: someone who would be able to teach her how to use her own powers. Or, if she chose, how not to use them."

"Where did she go?”

"That I cannot tell you. I gave her my word - she was not ready to be found. However, on a tropical island there is a ghostly pirate, he might have the information you need to find her next destination."

Edward was disappointed at the cryptic nature of the Wise man's answer but he recognised that it was as good an answer as he was going to get. "Thank you.“


Edward prepared to leave Takemizu in a much better mood than he had arrived in. He may not have found Esme yet but he knew now that he was on the right track and he had a definite destination in mind for his next stop. He had encountered tales of a ghost pirate and, while he hadn't thought much of them at the time, he had noted where the spectre was said to reside – a shipwreck on Twikkii Island.

A few days and a cheap flight later Edward and Dorian were checked into a basic hotel on Twikkii Island ready to start ghost hunting.


The ghost pirate, or the ship he was said to haunt at least, was surprisingly easy to find - the wreck of his old ship was a major tourist attraction on the island

When they arrived the wreck was crawling with tourists. "This isn't exactly the atmosphere I'd expect a ghost to appear in."

"What did that book say? There might be a clue in that."

"Not much really, he was just a brief aside in the history of this place. Maybe one of the locals would have a better idea though.“

Edward and Dorian split up to find a local who might be able to tell them more about the ship's supposed ghostly inhabitant.

When they regrouped a little later they had both had some success.

Dorian had met a man who knew the old story, “The ghost is said to be the captain of one of the most feared pirate crews that ever roamed these waters. He took a fortune in treasure over his career but his most prized possession was said to be his ship – The Wandering Turtle. One night the ship was wrecked in a great storm and the wreckage washed up on Twikkii Island. Somehow, everyone survived and most of the crew managed to make their way back to the mainland eventually, but the captain refused to leave his ship and was never seen again.“

The woman Edward met knew less of the original story but had heard the reports of a number of tourists over the years who had encountered something strange, "It's something to do with the Captain's cabin - everything goes back to that."

Their next step was obvious and they soon found themselves standing outside the captain’s cabin. After sharing a nervous glance they headed inside.

As soon as they set foot inside the cabin they could feel the chill in the air and strange feeling that someone was watching them.

When Edward picked up a leather bound book lying on the desk there was a sudden rush of wind and both men found themselves forced out of the cabin.

The mysterious force seemed to want to eject them from the ship as well but Edward managed to resist and turned in time to see a ghostly figure emerge. He knew this had to be the ghost pirate that the Wise Old Man had referred to.

Doing his best to ignore his fear, Edward approached the spectre, “Were you the captain of this ship?”

The ghost seemed surprised that anyone would speak to him, “Arr, that I was. What is it you be wanting?”

“My sister, I heard you might have some information about her.”

“I’ve seen many a young woman in my afterlife. You’re going to have to be more specific than that, matey.”

“She’s got green skin, brown eyes, brown hair. She’s a witch, would have come here looking for guidance. Does that ring any bells?"

"Green skin, brown hair, brown eyes?"


"No, never laid me eyes on her. But I do know the Witch Doctor had a guest, 'bout two years ago. Stayed for quite a time too. That might be your girl."

"So how can I find the Witch Doctor?"

"No idea. Look lad, I don't exactly get out much anymore. This," he gestured at the ship, "is the extent of me world now."

"Lot of use you are then." Edward was getting increasingly frustrated.

"Alright, alright. There's a map in me cabin - one of me men dug it up, back when we was alive. It looks to be a map of the Island, it's got what might be the Witch Doctor's hut marked on it. You're welcome to it."

Just as the captain had said there was a map of Twikkii Island in the cabin and a spot in the middle of nowhere was circled.

The map led them to an old hut.

Inside the hut was a strangely dressed man who could be no one other than the Witch Doctor the ghost pirate had talked of.

Edward opened his mouth to speak but the Witch Doctor dismissed anything he might have to say with a wave of his hand.

“You want to talk? First you fix stuff,” ending his sentence with an emphatic nod the Witch Doctor left the hut for his hammock where he seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

Edward and Dorian shared a look. Frustrating as it was it was clear that the he would say nothing more until everything in his hut was in full working condition.

Fortunately, they were both well versed in basic plumbing and electrical repair (four years of sharing university accommodation with dormies or younger siblings will do that) so the work, while tedious, was easily done.

After a couple of hours everything was once again working as it should. Just as Edward was replacing the last screw in the TV the Witch Doctor appeared in the doorway.

“Ah yes, very good. So, what was it you wanted to talk about?”

Once again Edward told his story, this time with the addition of what the Wise Old Man of Takemizu had said to them.

When he had finished the witch doctor nodded, “Yes, your sister came to me and I was her teacher for a time.

“My friend had put your sister back in control of her mind but control of her magic was beyond his knowledge. Your sister is a very powerful witch, but she knew nothing of her powers when she arrived. I offered her training; to teach her proper mastery of her power.

“She refused that. All she wanted was control enough not to use her magic.

“So that is what I taught her.” The Witch Doctor shook his head, “a shame really, she could have been an excellent pupil.”

“Is she still here?”

“No, you have missed her once again. I sent her onwards some time ago.”

“Where to?”

“To a land of snow to seek someone who would help her with her greatest desire.”

Edward tried to hide his frustration at yet another cryptic answer but the Witch Doctor must have sensed it anyway.

His face broke into a broad grin and he said, “You would like me to be more clear yes? Very well. She has left to find the fabled Bigfoot who inhabits the forests around Three Lakes. She wants to learn to hide.”

The Witch Doctor gave detailed directions and some helpful advice for finding and speaking to Bigfoot and then bid them goodbye, wishing them luck in their search.

Edward left Twikkii Island feeling more hope than he had when he arrived. Talking to the Witch Doctor had not only given him a new direction to explore but had also left him feeling that perhaps the sister he had once known was not completely gone after all.


After arriving in Three Lakes they decided to hire a tent and stay in one of the many camping grounds that littered the area. Their reserve of money was getting low (not that Dorfl would have hesitated in sending more if Edward had asked) and Edward wanted to be sure they would be able to stay for as long as they needed to.

As Edward looked out over the forest that surrounded the camp site he felt something calling to him: he wanted to head into that forest and just walk until he found something. He shook his head, this would never do, he was here to find Esme not go on a nature walk.

For the first time in his search Edward had precise directions to the next lead in Esme’s trail. However, it still took them most of the day to find the secluded hut that was Bigfoot’s home.

When they arrived it was late afternoon and Bigfoot was fishing in a small pond near his hut. Remembering what he had been told by the Witch Doctor Edward pulled out the fishing pole he had hired back at the camp site and joined Bigfoot.

They fished in silence for a time and then Bigfoot spoke, “Why you visit Bigfoot?”

“I am looking for my sister. In Takemizu I spoke to the Wise Old Man and he told me that my sister stayed with him and learnt from him but had already sent her to Twikkii before I arrived. On Twikkii I talked to the Witch Doctor; he said that he had taught my sister but she was no longer there. He said that he had sent her to you.”

“So, Wise Old Man send you to Witch Doctor and Witch Doctor send you to me. Then I will tell you something. Sister came to see Bigfoot, stayed with Bigfoot then left.”

“Where did she go?”

“Went into the forest. You won’t find sister, Bigfoot taught her to hide. No one find sister unless sister want to be found.”

“Even you couldn’t find her?”

“Maybe, but won’t. Gave word.”


“No! Sister not want to be found. Now leave!” It was all too clear that he was going to receive no more from Bigfoot so, reluctantly, Edward left.


Edward went to bed frustrated. He’d run out of ideas, he knew now that Esme was here, but here was a big place. Bigfoot had refused to tell them anything specific and he was certain that the locals would be no help either.

He was so close and yet so far.

His mood was no better in the morning. They ate their breakfast in silence, Dorian knew that there was nothing he could say that could cheer Edward up at this point, so he stayed quiet and waited.

“I’m going for a walk.” Edward stood up from the table, “I need to think.”

“Ok,” Dorian could tell that Edward wanted some time alone, “I’ll head to the market, pick up some souvenirs.”

Edward smiled at Dorian and pulled him close for a hug before heading for the campground gate.

Dorian watched after him for a bit before returning to their tent to sort out their suitcases.

Edward started walking without really having any idea of where he was going. He just needed some fresh air and some time to clear his head. Maybe, just maybe, he’d get some new idea about where next to look while he was out here.

His walk took away from the town and into the local woods. It was nice to get away from everyone, to be surrounded by silence and stillness. While his thoughts were still with Esme and the dead-end he’d reached he had begun to enjoy himself.

After some time he came across a clear pool, he stopped to take a drink and check his watch. He’d only been walking for about an hour; it was ages before Dorian would expect him back.

As he circled the pool he came upon a faint track that led deeper into the forest. For want of some better idea he decided to follow it, to see where it might lead.

After a few more minutes of walking he came to a clearing. The clearing contained a small hut, a fire and a woman.

His breath caught in his throat. Could it be?

Her back was to him but he could clearly see that her skin was the same green as his father’s.

Treading lightly he moved closer. He was almost prepared to believe that this wasn’t happening. After all this, to just stumble upon her, it couldn’t be true.


It was almost a whisper, but the woman heard him. He saw her stiffen and begin to turn.

When she faced him his uncertainty fled. That was his sister!

She was different from when he’d last seen her. Different clothes, different hair, but most of all a different look in her eyes – sadder, softer, more like the sister he thought he’d lost. Hope rose in his heart.

“Esme.” He said again, louder this time and more confident. He crossed the ground between them, “can we talk?”

She nodded.


The aliens I used in this chapter I borrowed from a number of fantastic legacies:

• Venus and Star Walton from The Pseudo Legacy by Orikes

• Lorne, Glory and Kennedy Whedon from A Buffyverse Apocalypse by RoseFyre

• Riku Fox from A Villianous Apocalypse by smoothiequeen87

• Cory, Brenna, Billy, Damien and Jason Morgan from The Morgan Legacy by fireflower314

• Celestia Harrison from A Victorian Legacy by Dicreasy

• Anna Xenobia from Legacy of Jubilee by LauriEmpress

• Egeus and Emilia Summerdream from Familiar Faces by Ndainye

• Molly, Lucan and Ainsley Doran from the Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy, RegacyLady’s turn

• Bones Bored from I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations by ladylarkrune

• George and Spacely GoodytwoShoes from The Penguino Legacy by penguingirl0384

• Vauxia, Myotis and Pipistrelle Tegenaria from The Science of a Legacy by GintasticNecat

• Viola Discworld is mine but I didn’t want her to feel left out.