Chapter 2 Quiz Review

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Transcript of Chapter 2 Quiz Review

The Middle East

Chapter 2 Quiz Review

Winter 2007

1 - Question:

Cities can be categorized as “Centers” of 3 different aspects of life in the Middle East…what are those three?


• 1.) Religious Centers

• 2.) Political Centers

• 3.) Social Centers

2 - Question:

• In thinking in terms of a city as a political center…Why would the capital city move from one location to the next?


• As a new dynasty takes over – they would move cities to separate themselves from the previous rulers.

3 - Question:

• In thinking in terms of a city as a social center…what are three opportunities available there as opposed to a rural village?



• Schools, healthcare, jobs, politics, markets, culture, entertainment

4 - Question:

• Why is Jerusalem a unique city religiously? List SPECIFIC examples.


• Muslim Faith – Dome of the Rock

• Christian Faith – Church of the Holy Sepulchre

• Jewish Faith – Western Wall

5 - Question:

• List 5 aspects that are common to a Suq? In terms of a typical trip to go buy something there….


• Narrow maze or streets

• Organized by the goods they sell

• Leather on the edges, smell

• Store owners are out front “luring”

• Little boy with tea

• Price haggling

• Shady prices

6 - Question:

• What is a Mihrab?


• A niche in the wall that indicates the direction of Mecca

7 - Question:

• What is a Minaret?


• A tower from which that call to prayer is made 5 times a day

8 - Question:

• What is a Muezzin?


• The man who stands atop the minaret and calls the community to prayer. Usually a man in good standing within the community and has a strong voice.

9 - Question:

• What is a Minbar?


• A minbar is a staircase that leads to a platform to “preach” from.

10 - Question:

• List 3 Similarities between American and Middle Eastern Schools


• 3 Rs

• Length of time – 12 years

• Availability of furthering your education

• Taught in native language

• Learn second language

• Free

• Scholarship Opportunities

11 - Question:

• List three differences between schools in America and schools in the Middle East


• Classes/schools gender separate

• not required

• Social life in college

• Some college texts not in native language

12 - Question:

• What would two causes of Migration be?


• Job opportunities – employment

• Refugees – those displaced due to political reasons (wars)

13 - Question:

• What positive results would follow migration for both Countries involved?


• The country with the job opportunity gets an increase in production and human capital. More money…

• The country that provides the work increases their GNP and GNP per capita bc many workers will leave their families behind and send money back to continue to support them.

14 - Question:

• What is the main negative aspect of Urbanization?


• EVERYTHING…– More mouths to feed, less opportunity (health,

schools, etc), poverty, living conditions, on and on

15 - Question:

• Who were the 2 groups of people who conquered the Jewish land in present day Israel?


• Babylonians (586 BC)

• Romans (70 AD)

16 - Question:

• What does the Law of Return state?


• That any Jew, anywhere in the world, can return to Israel and be granted immediate citizenship.

17 - Question:

• Why does the Arab world have a major problem with this?


18 - Question:

• What is a Kibbutz?


• Community owned jointly by the citizens. They work together, live alongside each other, and split the profits.

19 - Question:

• What is a moshav?


• A community where people own their own land, own their own house, work alone, but share the expenses of tools and equipment. They will sell their harvest as a group

20 - Question:

• Who does the term “Arab Israeli” refer to?


• Arabs (muslims) that still live within Israels borders

21 - Question:

• Who were the Zionists?

• What was their goal?

• Zionists were a group of Jewish leaders who called for a mass return back to Palestine. The wanted to create a purely Jewish state.

22 - Question

• What was the Diaspora?


• The settling of Jews outside of Judah/Palestine/Israel


• What does the term “Prostration” refer to?


• It is a term used to define “prayer position” in the Muslim Faith.


• Good Luck tomorrow….