Chapter 2 Overheads - Dr. John D....

Post on 01-Sep-2018

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Transcript of Chapter 2 Overheads - Dr. John D....

John D. Cressler, “Science, Engineering and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue,” Georgia Tech 1

2A Chapter 2 Overheads

Galileo Galilei (1564‐1642)                     Facing the Roman Inquisition

John D. Cressler, “Science, Engineering and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue,” Georgia Tech 2

2B Chapter 2 Overheads

The State of Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes

John D. Cressler, “Science, Engineering and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue,” Georgia Tech 3

2C Chapter 2 Overheads

John Scopes                   Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan

John D. Cressler, “Science, Engineering and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue,” Georgia Tech 4

2D Chapter 2 Overheads

John D. Cressler, “Science, Engineering and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue,” Georgia Tech 5

2E Chapter 2 Overheads

Comparison of Major Creationist Views

John D. Cressler, “Science, Engineering and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue,” Georgia Tech 6

2F Chapter 2 Overheads