CHAPTER 14 World War I. Section 1: Outbreak of WWI I.The Causes of WWI A. Imperialism 1. Nations of...

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Transcript of CHAPTER 14 World War I. Section 1: Outbreak of WWI I.The Causes of WWI A. Imperialism 1. Nations of...


World War I

Section 1: Outbreak of WWI

I. The Causes of WWIA. Imperialism

1. Nations of Europe were taking territory around the world.

a. British Empireb. German Empirec. Austria-Hungaryd. Ottoman Empire

B. Militarism-Building up of military power1. To protect colonies2. Naval arms race

a. Britain and Germany

C. Alliance Systems

D. Nationalism-Extreme pride in your homeland

1. Self-determination2. The Balkans-The Powder Keg of


• Germany• Austria Hungary• Italy

Triple Alliance

• Britain • France• Russia

Triple Entente

II. The Spark A. Archduke Franz Ferdinand

1. Heir to the throne of Austria Hungary2. Assassinated by a Bosnian with ties

to Serbia3. Serbia is friends with Russia

B. Chain Reaction1. Austria-Hungary declares war on

Serbia2. Russia declares war on Austria-

Hungary3. Germany declares war on Russia4. Germany declares war on France5. Britain declares war on Germany

C. The Sides

D. The Fighting1. Two Fronts2. Stalemate3. Trench Warfare

• Germany• Austria-Hungary• Ottoman Empire• Bulgaria

Central Powers

• France• Great Britain• Russia• Serbia

Allied Powers

III. American NeutralityA. Wilson wanted to stay out of the war.

1. Most Americans supported one side or the other

B. British Propaganda1. Cut trans-Atlantic telegraph line2. One sided information

C. Economic concerns1. Businesses traded more with the

Allies2. Banks gave loans to the Allies3. Our prosperity was tied to the Allies!

IV. Moving Toward WarA. British blockade Germany

-Contraband-includes fertilizerB. Germany blockades Britain- U-Boats

1. Threatens all ships2. The Lusitania

C. The Sussex Pledge-Promise to stop sinking merchant ships

D. Zimmerman Telegram-1. A deal with Mexico

E. America Declares War

Section 2

I. Building a MilitaryA. Selective Service-The Draft

1. 2.8 Million Americans were draftedB. African Americans

1. Segregated Units2. White Officers

C. Women1. Non-Combat roles

II. Organizing IndustryA. War Industries Board-Bernard Baruch

-Coordinated production of war materials

B. Food Administration-Herbert Hoover-Increase food production and reduce

consumption-Victory Gardens

C. Fuel Administration-Conserve coal and oil-Daylight Savings Time

D. Raising $ for the war-Victory and Liberty Bonds

III. Mobilizing the WorkforceA. National War Labor Board

- To Prevent Strikes1. Wage Increase2. 8 Hour Workday3. Collective Bargaining4. No Strikes

B. Women at WorkC. The “Great Migration”

1. Thousands of African Americans moved from the rural South to the Northern cities.

D. Mexican Immigrants-Needed as farm labor

IV. Getting Public SupportA. Committee on Public Information-to sell

the warB. Espionage Act-Banned SpyingC. Sedition Act-Made it illegal to criticize the

governmentD. Discriminating against German Americans

1. Words2. School subjects3. Music

Section 3

I. Combat in WWIA. Trench Warfare

1. “No-Man’s Land”B. New Weapons

1. Machine Guns2. Poison Gas3. Tanks4. Airplanes

II. The Americans and VictoryA. American Expeditionary Force

1. “Doughboys”B. The Convoy System-Merchant ships

grouped together and escorted by warships.

1. Helps fight U-BoatsC. Russian Revolution

1. Bolshevik Party-Vladimir Lenina. Overthrew Governmentb. Created Communist

Governmentc. Pulled Russia out of the war

D. German Offensive-March 19181. American troops fought back

-Captured Cantigny-Blocked German advance

E. American Offensive-September 19181. Began capturing one German

position after anotherF. Armistice-Cease Fire

1. Signed 11:00am Nov. 11, 1918II. Flawed Peace

A. Wilson’s 14 Points-Eliminated general causes of the war

1. Free Trade2. Disarmament3. No Secret Treaties4. Right of self-determination

-To Protect Peace1. The League of Nations

B. The Treaty of Versailles1. Other Allies wanted to punish

Germanya. Stripped Germany of its militaryb. Stripped Germany of its

coloniesc. $33 Billion in reparations- war

debtd. War Guilt Clause-Take the blame

for the warC. Congress refuses to sign Treaty

1. Did not like League of Nations2. Wilson toured the Nation

a. Had a stroke3. Senate never ratified the Treaty4. We signed individual Treaties with

each Central Power.