Changing Needs of Northern & Rural Women in Manitoba.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Changing Needs of Northern & Rural Women in Manitoba.

Changing Needs of Northern & Rural

Women in Manitoba

“No ‘one size fits all’ solutions”


Rural Secretariat

Public Health Agency of Canada

National Crime Prevention Centre

Status of Women Canada

Women’s Enterprise Centre

RDI, Brandon University

GoalsGain information on the needs of rural and northern Manitoba women

Assess whether the needs of rural and northern women have changed as their communities have changed and evolved

How to address the current needs and issues of rural and northern women

What strategies are working well and what issues are not being addressed


Reviewed and analyzed 6 major studies conducted in the last 10 years

Identified key issues

Designed research to build on previous research and valid results


Organization leaders 23

Focus group – rural women 13

Focus group – northern women 11

Survey 114

Telephone interviews 3

Total women 164

Five Key Areas

1. Employment & Income

2. Child Care Services

3. Education & Training

4. Safety, Security & Health

5. Rural and Northern Women as Decision Makers - Capacity Building

Key Findings


Rural and northern communities in crisis

Create jobs or business opportunities in the north and off-farms to assist in the survival of families

Key Findings

Child Care

Flexible child care to meet different needs

Farm families/safety

Child care should be a component of all training and employment programs

More spaces

Key Findings

Education & Training

Increased availability in communities

Entrepreneurial training

Information on existing programs

Bursaries and grants for low income families

Key Findings

Safety, Security & Health

Violence and sexually exploited women – need resources and public awareness to support change

Shelters and second stage housing

Limited availability of health services

Cost of food, particularly in the north


Solutions must be holistic and build supports for:


Child care

Support for women or families in crisis

Women Want to Participate in Decision Making

Does the perspective of women need to be taken into account when developing policies and programs?

What women expressed more than anything is the wish to contribute to making their communities a better place for all.

How Can That Be Achieved?

1. Ensure that women are at consultations. Offer child care and transportation.

2. Consider gender differences when designing programs.

3. Ensure that information on programs is “women-friendly” and available.

4. Advertise supports such as child care, transportation, counselling.

“Rural (and northern) women

have knowledge essential to

formulating effective policy that

will maintain and improve their

wellbeing.” A Rural


Changing Needs of Northern & Rural

Women in Manitoba