Changing jobs

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For the Jiahua Business Club on June 1st, 2011

Transcript of Changing jobs

Mistakes when changing your Job

Changing Jobs

Top 10 Mistakes Resigning Your Job

Changing Jobs

#10 – Being ImpulsiveDon’t resign in the heat of the moment. If you’re

angry or otherwise emotional, take some time to cool down before making any rash decisions

about quitting your job.

Changing Jobs

#9 – Expecting A Counter OfferDon’t resign hoping that your employer will come back to you with a counter offer – you

may be disappointed. In fact, you may just be walked out the door.

Changing Jobs

#8 – Being UnpreparedIf you’re serious about resigning, make sure

you’re prepared for the outcome. If you don’t have another job lined up, make sure you have

the financial wherewithal to sustain an upcoming job search.

Changing Jobs

#7 – Not Putting It In WritingWrite a brief letter stating that you are leaving

the company and indicate your effective resignation date. You don’t need to provide

details on why you are leaving or where you are going.

Changing Jobs

#6 – Failing To Honor Your Employment Agreement

Check your employment agreement for any specific non-compete and non-solicitation obligations. You don’t want to leave yourself open to any legal or

ethical predicaments.

Changing Jobs

#5 – Not Transitioning Your Work Appropriately

Take the time to organize your work files and pass them along to your replacement or your boss. Provide detailed instructions on how to

manage any outstanding projects.

Changing Jobs

#4 – Not Doing It In PersonSet aside the time to meet with the appropriate

person when you resign. Resigning by telephone, email, or casually by the water cooler

is not acceptable.

Changing Jobs

#3 – Bad Mouthing When you resign refrain from speaking

negatively about your job, your colleagues or the company. You want to leave on a high note

so be gracious and professional.

Changing Jobs

#2 – Not Resigning To The Right Person

Find out who you should be speaking to when you resign. Is it your boss? Is it HR? Both? You don’t want news of your resignation to get out before you’ve made an official statement to the

right person.

Changing Jobs

#1 – Not Giving Proper Working Notice

You are obliged to give your employer adequate notice when you resign so they can take

appropriate action, such as hiring and training a replacement. Check your employment

agreement for details.

Changing Jobs

Top 10 Mistakes Starting Your New Job

Changing Jobs

#10 – Not Seeking ClarityDon’t hesitate to ask for help or clarity if you are uncertain about anything. You don’t want to act

in haste or ignorance, and taking the time to clarify things early on will save you grief in the

long run.

Changing Jobs

#9 – Bringing Personal Issues Into The Office

Leave your personal life at home. Keep your personal communications to a minimum. Focus

on what needs to be done at work, so that when you go home, you can focus fully on your

personal life.

Changing Jobs

#8 – Not Being Business SavvyThere is a business beyond your job. What is it?

It’s important to get the bigger picture and understand how your job fits into the bigger

scheme of things.

Changing Jobs

#7 – Not Being Politically Savvy

You can’t afford office politics. You don’t have to be actively involved in the intricacies of it all, but it’s in your best interest to be aware of how they

operate in your place of work.

Changing Jobs

#6 – Not Knowing What’s Expected of You

Have a discussion with your boss regarding expectations. What are you responsible for?

What does success look like in your job? Make sure you understand what you need to do – then

do it.

Changing Jobs

#5 – Not Dressing AppropriatelyMake sure you dress in a style that’s appropriate to your organization. If in doubt, err on the side

of more formal than being too casual.

Changing Jobs

#4 – Bad MouthingDon’t vent to your colleagues about your last job, company or colleagues. You’re in a new

environment, so focus on the positive and leave the negative behind.

Changing Jobs

#3 – Gossiping Whether you’re an active participate or a

passive observer, gossip is gossip. Being involved in gossip will compromise your trustworthiness,

so best to remove yourself altogether.

Changing Jobs

#2 – Not ListeningDuring formal orientation and informal

conversations, be sure to open your ears and pay attention to what is being said. Effective communication requires both speaking AND

listening skills.

Changing Jobs

#1 – Being LateDon’t be late on your first day of work. Or on your second day. Come to think of it, don’t be late for work ever, if you can help it. Make it a habit to arrive at work on time, or better yet,

slightly early.