Challenges Faced by Older Workers

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Challenges Faced by Older Workers

Challenges faced by older workers

Challenges faced by older workersJenni Proctor


We all face challenges in the workplace. Lets face it your age is what it is and there is nothing you can do about it. If you need to change the colour of your hair, lose weight or obtain more qualifications then there is something you can do to make these things happen. With your age, there is not one thing you can do! So, that being the case, put your birth date aside and get on with facing the challenges you can conquer, fighting the battles that you can win.

There is no point in dwelling on your age as an issue.

Perhaps the biggest challenge that you face is the vast number of options available. Gather as much information as you can about all your possibilities. Write down all your options. Consider your interests, your needs and what you really want from life right now. Update yourself and your professional package. Youre on your way!

Lets consider some commonchallenges faced by older workers: Occupations Stereotypes Self-assessment Work commitment Self-employment Reinventing yourself Your time frame Your options

If you are unhappy with your work life, and change is what you need, the most empowering action you can take is to reinvent yourself using your skills and experience, and make a smooth transition to another career. Don't limit your opportunities.

It is a difficult decision to make, but you need to take this step if you want to live the rest your working life with meaning, and with a sense of fulfillment.

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