Ch.19 Earth, Moon, Sun Section 5: Traveling Into Space.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Ch.19 Earth, Moon, Sun Section 5: Traveling Into Space.

Ch.19 Earth, Moon, Sun

Section 5: Traveling Into Space

Section 5

• How Do Rockets Work?– Rocket– A rocket moves forward when gases shooting out

the back of the rocket push it in the opposite direction

– Action & Reaction Forces• Thrust• Velocity

– Orbital & Escape Velocity

Section 5

• Multistage Rockets– The main advantage of a multistage rocket is the

total weight of the rocket is greatly reduced as the rocket rises

Section 5

• The Race for Space– The rivalry between the US & the Soviet Union

over the exploration of space was known as the “space race”

– The First Artificial Satellites• Satellite

– Humans in Space– Who was the first American in space?

Section 5

• Missions to the Moon– The American effort to land astronauts on the

moon was named the Apollo program– Exploring the Moon– The Moon Landings

Section 5

• Space Shuttles– NASA has used space shuttles to perform many

important tasks. These include taking satellites into orbit, repairing damaged satellites, and carrying astronauts and equipment to and from space stations

Section 5

• Space Stations– A space station provides a place where long-term

observations and experiments can be carried out in space

Section 5

• Space Probes– Space probes gather data about distant parts of

the solar system where humans cannot easily travel• Rovers