Ch 4 Skinandbodymembranes 090708124657 Phpapp01

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Transcript of Ch 4 Skinandbodymembranes 090708124657 Phpapp01

  • 8/3/2019 Ch 4 Skinandbodymembranes 090708124657 Phpapp01


    Skin and Body Membranes

    Human Anatomy and Physiology

    Mr. McCammon

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    I. Classification of Body

    Membranes Epithelial Membranes include the cutaneous

    membrane (skin) and the mucus

    membranes, and the serous membranes.

    Always combined with an underlying layer

    of connective tissue.

    Thats why it is considered an organ.

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    I. Classification of Body

    Membranes Cutaneous Membrane

    This is your skin.

    Composed of keratinizing stratified squamous


    Underlying dermis is dense (fibrous)

    connective tissue. Exposed to air and is dry.

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    I. Classification of Body

    Membranes Mucous membranes (or mucosa)

    composed of epithelium (the type varies from

    site to site) resting on a loose connective tussemembrane called a lamina propria.

    Lines all the cavities that open to the exteriorsuch as respiratory, digestive, urinary, and

    reproductive tracts. Always moist because they are continually

    bathed in secretions.

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    I. Classification of Body

    Membranes Serous Membranes (serosa)

    Layer of simple squamous epithelium restingon a thin layer of areolar connective tissue.

    Line the body cavities that are closed to theexterior (except for the dorsal body cavities and

    joint cavities)

    Occur in pairsparietal layer lines a specificportion of the wall of the ventral body cavityand folds in on itself to form the viseral layerwith covers the outside of the organs in thatcavity.

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    I. Classification of Body

    Membranes The serous layers are separated by a clear

    fluid called serous fluid.

    Important to decrease friction by movingorgans (heart, stomach)

    Some serous membranes

    Peritoneumabdominal cavity Pleuraaround the lungs

    Pericardiumaround the heart

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    I. Classification of Body

    Membranes Synovial membranes are composed of

    connective tissue and contain no epithelialcells at all.

    Line the fibrous capsules surrounding jointswhere they provide a smooth surface andsecrete a lubricating fluid.

    Contain small sacs of connective tissuecalled bursae and tubelike tendon sheathsboth cushion organs moving against each

    other during muscle activity.

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    II. The Integumentary System

    The Skin

    Includes cutaneous membrane, sweat and oil

    glands, hairs, and nails

    External body covering

    Keeps water and other molecules in the body.

    Keeps and other things out Pliable yet tough

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    II. The Integumentary System Study chart on page 95.

    The structure of the skin.


    Stratified epitheliumbecomes keratinizing

    (hard and tough)


    Dense connective tissue

    Both connected tightly until a burn or

    friction causes a blister.

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    II. The Integumentary System

    Deep down in the skin is the subcutaneous

    tissue or hypodermis

    Basically adipose tissue

    Not considered part of this skin, but does

    anchor the skin to the underlying organs.

    Shock absorber and protected from temperaturechanges.

    Makes you curvy

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    II. The Integumentary System KNOW THE DIAGRAM ON PAGE 96.

    The Epidermis in Detail

    5 zones (layers) called strata

    In order, basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum,

    corneum. They are avascular

    Most cells are keratinocytes (produce fibrousprotein that makes the epidermis tough.

    Deepest layer is stratum basale lies closes to thedermis and contains the only cells that receiveadequate nourishment via diffusion from thedermis.

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    II. The Integumentary System

    Cells from the stratum basale are constantlydividing and pushed up to become part of

    the epidermis. Stratum lucidum only occurs where the skin

    is hairless and extra thick (palms, feet)

    Stratum corneum makes up of our body. Constant replacedNew epidermis every

    25-45 days.

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    II. The Integumentary System

    Melaninyellow to brown pigment isproduced by cells called melanocytes foundin the stratum basale.

    Sunlight stimulates melanin productioncauses tanning.

    Melanin forms a protective shield from

    sunlight so it doesnt affect genetic material. Freckles and moles are where melanin is

    concentrated in one spot.

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    II. Integumentary System

    Excessive exposure can lead to skin cancer.

    It can cause the elastic fibers to clump and

    lead to leathery skin.

    Black people seldom have skin cancer

    because melanin is an effective shield

    against it.

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    II. The Integumentary System

    The Dermis

    Your hide strong, stretchy envelope

    that helps to hold the body together.Leather goods are just treated dermis ofanimals.

    Two regionsPapillary layer

    reticular layer

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    II. The Integumentary System

    The Papillary Layer is the upper dermalregion

    Uneven with finger like projections calleddermal papillae

    Contain capillary loops which nourish theepidermis

    Pain receptors touch Meissners corpuscles. On hands and feet papillae are arranged in

    patterns to enhance gripping ability.

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    II. The Integumentary System

    Reticular layer

    Deepest layer

    Contains seat, blood vessels, sweat and oilglands, deep pressure sensors called Paciniancorpuscles

    Collagen and elastic fibers make it tough

    Restrictions of blood in the dermis results incell death and causes Decubitus ulcers(bedsores)

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    II. The Integumentary System

    Skin Color

    The amount and kind of melanin in the dermis

    The amount of carotene deposited in thestratum corneum (carotene is an orange yellow


    The amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin(pigment in red blood cells)

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    II. The Integumentary System

    People with lots of melanin have brown-toned skin.

    Light skinned people (caucasian) peoplehave less melanin and have a crimson colordue to oxygen-rich blood.

    Then hemoglobin is poorly oxygenated theskin can become blue (cyanosis)commonduring heart failure and breathing disorders

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    II. The Integumentary System

    Skin color Redness or erythemamay indicate

    embarrassment (blushing), fever, hypertension,

    inflammation, or allergy.

    Pallor or blanchingbecoming palefear,

    anger, stress, anemia, low blood pressure,

    impaired blood flow

    Jaundice or yellow castliver problems Bruises or black-and-blue markssites where

    blood has escaped from circulation and has

    clotted in the tissue spacescalled hematomas

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    III. The Appendages of the

    Skin Cutaneous glandsall exocrine glands that

    release their secretions to the skin surface

    via ducts. Two groups

    Sebaceous glands

    Sweat glands

    Form in Stratum basale but push lower intothe dermis

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    Sebaceous (oil) glandsfound all over thebody except palms of hands and feet.

    Most open onto a hair follicle, but someopen directly onto the skin.

    Sebum is the name of the oilmixture ofoil and fragmented cells that keep the hairand skin moist. Kills bacteria

    Increase in male hormones increase sebumduring adolescence.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    If a sebaceous glands duct becomes

    blocked by sebum a whitehead forms. If the

    whitehead dries it becomes a blackhead. Acne is an active infection of the sebaceous


    Severe acne results in scarring of the skin.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    Sweat GlandsSudoriferous glands

    Can be as many as 2.5 million per person

    Two types



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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    Eccrine glands

    More numerous

    Produce seat

    Water, salt, vitamin C, ammonia, urea, uric acid, and

    lactic acid (which attracts mosquitoes)

    Sweat is acidic (ph 4-6) which kills bacteria

    Reaches the skin by a funnel-shaped pore.

    They secrete sweat when the external or body

    temperature is high.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    When the sweat evaporates, it carries heatwith it, cooling the body.

    On a hot day the body can lose 7 liters ofwater per day.

    A few degrees change in body temperaturecan radically alter body chemistry.Maintaining body temp. is very important tohomeostasis.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    Apocrine sweat glands are confined to the

    axillary and genital areas

    Larger than eccrine glands

    Ducts empty into hair follicles

    Secretions contain fatty acids, proteins, as

    well as all the other stuff secreted by the

    eccrine glands.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin The secretions can have a milky or

    yellowish color.

    Odorless until bacterial that live on the skin

    use the proteins and fats as nutrients. Thenit produces a musky unpleasant odor.

    Begin to function during puberty.

    A lot is unknown about these. They havealmost no thermoregulatory function.

    Become more active during stress or sexualforeplay.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    There are millions of hairs scatterd all over

    the body.

    Only a few serve an important function

    Hair on head to protect brain from bumps.

    Eyelashes shielding the eyes

    Nose hairs keep particles from the

    respiratory tract.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    Hairs original purpose was to keep the body


    Hair is produced by a hair follicle

    Root hair is enclosed in the follicle.

    The hair shaft extends out of the follicle.

    Hair is formed by a division of the stratum

    basale called hair bulb matrix.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin


    PAGE 100

    Arrector pili muscles are part of the hairfollicle that make the hair stand up and

    makes goose bumps

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    Nails are scalelike modifications of theepidermis that corresponds to the hoof or

    claw of other animals. Each nail has a free edge, a body (visible

    portion), and a root (embedded in the skin)

    Each nail has overlapping edges called nailfolds.

    Proximal nail fold is called the cuticle.

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    III. Appendages of the Skin

    Stratum basale of the epidermis extends beneath

    the nail as the nail bed.

    Nail matrix is responsible for nail growth. The white cresent is called the lunula.

    Nail is normally clear. Pink color is due to blood

    supply to the stratum basale.

    When blood supply is low, nail becomes cyanotic.


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    IV. Homeostasis The skin has more than 1000 different


    Athletes foot itchy, red, peeling condition

    of the skin between the toes resulting from afungal infection; tinea pedis

    Boils and carbunclesinflamation of the

    hair follicles and sebaceous glands,common on the dorsal neck. Carbuncles arecaused by bacterial infection (usuallyStaphlococcus aureus)

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    IV. Homeostatis

    Cold Soresfever blisterssmall fluid-filled

    blisters that itch and sting, caused by a herpes

    simplex infection. Localized in a cutaneous nerve,where it remains inactive until emotional upset

    usually around the lips and oral mucosa

    Contact dermatitisitching, redness, and swelling

    of the skin, progressing to blistering. Exposure ofthe skin to chemicals the provokes an allergic


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    IV. Homeostatis Impetigopink, water-filled, raised lesions

    of the mouth and nose that develops a

    yellow crust and eventually rupture. Very

    contagiouscommon in elementary schoolchildren.

    Psoriasischronic condition, characterized

    by reddened epidermal lesions, coveredwith dry, silvery scales. Can be disfiguring.

    Cause is unknown .